#so many people who talk about the show gush about how good rayllum was and i'm like.... really?
@spiderdreamer-blog said:
I liked the main trio at first when I thought the story was going somewhere, then it jumped into weird baby's-first-romance stuff that felt designed to get people to make gifsets, and Ezran was the perfect unchallenged moral center.
yeah, i mean early callum/rayla/ezran were fine. early on in like season 1, there’s a huge question mark of potential above their heads. you’re still kind of sketching the type of person they maybe are. why is callum so calm in the face of danger, thinking about cycles of violence even when an elf assassin has a knife to his neck? who is rayla, really? how has being raised an assassin affected her? and ezran is a cute kid, what challenges will he face as king?
anyways as the story went on the answers were “lmao.” they stayed in that potential stage and kind of got worse. meanwhile soren and claudia were faced with pretty serious dilemmas and really tangibly changed throughout the series in a way none of the main 3 have. when the side characters are faced with the big questions and the main characters aren’t allowed to have any feelings, you sort of end up with that.
but like. the baby’s-first-romance is a symptom that they don’t actually know what to do with the 3 mains. it was completely unplanned, and it really kind of shows. even though callum and rayla just.... didn’t really have that level of emotional connection, they sort of wrote it in because, uh, i guess girls and boys can’t be friends. and it wasn’t a small write-in, either. so much time is spent on this romance.
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