#so go and be feral about your weird obscure interests to your heart's desire
solvicrafts · 1 year
Last song: this "Kings of the Past/King of Pride Rock" cover on YouTube [clicky]
Currently watching: I'm not really watching anything at the moment, but I last watched John Oliver's Last Week Tonight episode on jury duty (partly because I wanted to prove a point to a particularly stubborn person in my life about how jury duty is a good concept but poor execution results in furthering of systemic racism by effectively shutting out a huge percentage of people who are already disadvantaged and-)
Currently reading: I have a very bad habit of opening one book, reading it, getting like 17% of the way through and then remembering something cool that happened in another book and wanting to pick THAT ONE up. Soooo... I'm currently reading:
Annihilation (WotSQ) by Philip Athans
Servant of the Shard (Sellswords/LoD) by R.A. Salvatore
Brothers Majere (Dragonlance) by Kevin Stein
...and I also keep going back and forth between an already large and ever-growing collection of books on Ancient Greece & Hellenic Polytheism.
Current obsession: Drow. Definitely drow. I *could* hyper-fixate a lot less, but I'm intentionally allowing my brain to go fucking hog wild here because I'm genuinely at my most productive when I let myself just get 587% immersed in something I love, and I let people beat me down for it way too much as I was growing up.
I... don't have a lot of followers and don't know who hasn't done this yet? So whoever feels like doing it, I guess. :P
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