#situation. But can’t have a god damn thing in 2022 apparently
sonjaeson · 2 years
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Week 1 of 2022
               Not much thing has been going on around lately, earlier this day I tried to drive our motorcycle yet again failed because of certain reasons from my mother. After that I’ve been disappointed and slept all day long, I mean I’m already 22 years old and I still haven’t had much experience on driving a motorcycle. I have this imagination to look for a perfect place to be alone either watch the night sky or have a solo picnic on that area. However, it seems that I will have to put my faith on my future self.
So apparently this week when I posted my dog GreatP with his necktie someone who I have a crush for a long time replied to my story. She said the phrase “Ako nanii” and I’ve been laughing on it for about 5 minutes like broooo holyshit atay baaiiiii si greatP ra diay ang rason para mo chat ka nako? HAHAHAH pwede nako makitang top 5 wedding reception dris Pinas? HAHAHHA and and and also, I tried to be not a simp and told her that “Sakto jd nangita nig inahan” and then she says, “Come to mama!” like OMGOODNESSSSS pilay may anak atong plano? Asa ta mag puyo puhon? Okay ra kaayo ikaw ang mo trabaho and akoy househusband HAHAHAHAHAH ataaayaaaa gyd!!! She made my day seriously HAHAHAH the whole damn day have been great because of your reaction like NIKKA!!! Why aren’t we dating rn? HAHAHAHAHAHHA that would be the best highlight of my fucking January I swear HAHAHAH.
After that, I’ve been planning on sending this google form I’ve made since last year it contains confessions that the person who will response are/is my crush and until now I’ve been dying to send it to her but, I’m afraid of what might be the outcome. It’s been 2 years since the last time that we’ve met and although we haven’t talk to each other personally you’re still the irreplaceable crush that I’ve had for so long. I think I’ve already told the story of how I found you on my past past posts, so I don’t want to talk about it here. However, as I’ve browsing TikTok earlier it seems that the universe sends me some kind of signal to send it because I’ve seen an account that they will send the message to our crush through google form I just need fill it and they will be the one who will approach her. Sadly, I lost the link but I swear to God I liked the video of it so that I can access it anytime but I can’t find it anymore.
So, for future plans I’ve scheduled an overnight on Sunday hopefully this time it will work and no more rainy days ahead. I wanna watch the night sky again badly despite if either I’m gonna be sober or nah. And next week maybe January 14 we will comeback to Manila and waste my time again sitting all day facing the computer screen as well as my cellphone because, unlike here I can walk my dog anytime and have conversation to new people I’ve never met here. 2nd semester gonna start a graduating Computer Engineer might be having a hard time ahead but at the same time I wanna enjoy my remaining days as a student. Aside from partying where mostly college students go, I really want to have an adventure inside Metro Manila but it seems that will be postponed also because Omicron variant is a bitch. RTU already established a survey for all the students if they are comfortable of having a face to face class despite the situation. And I really want to have it because I really prefer having a personal interaction people although I’m a computer geek.
So for further plans, soon after graduation this degree I had I really don’t know what path I will have to encounter. I’ve already compared both my strengths and weaknesses, and this will be my own preparation of my journey towards the corporate world. I just want to be a citidiazen where I don’t really money on my parent nor family I just want to earn and live the shit out of me lol! Hence, I will be ending this first week of January diary with a quotes saying “Please don’t be in-love with someone else”.
  P.S. I might send the google form confession later so good luck to me!
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