#silencio bruno
valerieblogsalot · 2 years
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Alburrito Corkscano
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lukebeartoe · 2 years
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(edit: correctly spelled image in the reblogs) SO, yesterday this post started some pinball in my head about how how “silencio bruno” basically means “no fear” and then all my repressed memories of the “No Fear” brand that was everywhere in high school for me, and then this got spit out.
Usage of this shirt/concept/idea is HIGHLY ENCOURAGED and SHOW ME IT.
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naoko-world · 2 years
Today: Luca in Spanish
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Today the wheel decided I may watch Luca in Spanish for my Disney Pixar Marathon in Spanish!
I saw it once...It's a very good movie! I was waiting for the right moment to watch it again and here it came!
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omni-scient-pan-da · 1 year
I feel like someone has said this before but pro tip, you can just give that little spiteful voice in the back of your head talking shit about you a name, and it suddenly becomes a lot easier to shut it off when you realize it's just talking shit about you
Like Silencio Bruno the negative thoughts from your head
My personal name for the little voice in the back of my head that gives me depressive thoughts and tells me I'm being useless and a burden on everyone is Melody, and I've been dealing with her for at least the past... Five years now?
Melody tries to say something like "Oh you're a useless burden on everyone that cares about you" and I wouldn't let anyone else talk to me like that, I'd tell them to shut the fuck up and mind their own business because I'm fucking amazing if someone came up to me in real life and said that
So by giving Melody a name and making her a separate entity from myself, it makes it a lot easier whenever she starts trying to convince me I'm a horrible person that she's the one that doesn't know what she's talking about
I also think this is a good way to break free of that "I hate myself" speech pattern, because then you can just replace the "myself" with your own version of Bruno/Melody or whatever and then you get to have a fun little trash talking session about your inner depressive voices which then serve to boost your own self esteem
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axolotls28 · 2 years
Miku y mis primos junto con lucas y su amigo jaja
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mylittlesky · 2 years
Te pierdes tantas cosas cuando siempre piensas en otros antes que en ti...
Pero recuerda que también mereces tus momentos...
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sodaspons · 1 year
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she’s cheering them up
new chapter of atlas
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kostucha00 · 1 year
Zjedzone: 920 kcal
Spalone: 440 kcal
Bilans: 480 kcal
Przespane: 5 h
Trochę się przestraszyłam tych ostatnich bilansów. Myślałam, że może jest już lepiej, ale znowu odezwał się wewnętrzny krytyk, który zaczął mi wytykać wszystko, co mu (mi?) się nie podoba. Co nie jest IDEALNE. Kazałam mu się "K**WA ZAMKNĄĆ" (silencio, Bruno! (aaa kocham ten film 😍)), ale niestety nie wziął sobie tego do serca. Dzisiaj szczególnie uwziął się na mój brzuch i nie dał się przekonać, że mój brzuch nie urósł w ciągu godziny dlatego, że przytyłam, tylko po prostu chce mi się sikać.
Powtórka nagrania wyszła lepiej. Ostatnim razem instrumenty się rozstrajały, bo – jak się dzisiaj dowiedziałam – w sali koncertowej było wtedy 16°C. Oprócz tego nie odhaczyłam zbyt dużo punktów z mojej listy rzeczy do zrobienia. No cóż, żyćko. Będę musiała zrobić nową listę na jutro. Szkoda mi tylko, że nie poszłam sobie kupić okularów przeciwsłonecznych ze szkłami korekcyjnymi. Od dwóch miesięcy biorę krople atropinowe po których słońce nieźle daje po oczach, szczególnie ostatnio. W czwartek wyjeżdżam, więc nie ma szans, że okulary będą do odbioru tego samego dnia. Pozostaje mi tylko mieć nadzieję, że będzie bardziej deszczowo niż słonecznie.
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When I have intrusive thoughts I just think either ‘not today’ over and over or ‘not in my reality’ and it works SO well. I definitely recommend
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kriimhild · 1 month
Sorry i have to comment this
DL Moon with an tail reminds me of Disney movie Luca, and without the tail he gave me the vibes of the Shape of Water movie
My mind is blowing up right now 0_0
dammit i already wrote my answer for this AND sent but then it crashed maybe idunno
So! Yeah, a bit Luca-like just Moon doesn't need water to switch :D I saw that movie once, it won't be my favorite one... It was cute but I don't really remember anything else beside 'Silencio Bruno' XD
tbh im kinda sad that anim studios went to a family friendly direction recently...
Shape of Water. I'm still unsure if I want to watch that. I was thinking about it, but every time I was like is this a Creature of the Black Lagoon remake?:D
I don't know. Is it good...? Opinions folks?
I hope i wasn't demoralizing i'm so sorry :'DD
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phosphorus-noodles · 1 month
u there. get questioned. 4, 5, 10, 14, 16, 17, 18, 40, 41, 46, 53, 56 (that's a lot so feel free to leave some out but tell me all about ur boys !!!)
*cracks knuckles* okok so-
4. What’s a hobby they used to have that they miss?
Hmm… Joel likes to do art, and I bet he used to make his own paint too from berries and whatnot. He probably stopped when he found out those plants were coming from his kingdom’s Worst Enemy Ever (this was before he knew Oli) and now he doesn’t remember how to do it right, otherwise he’d absolutely get back into it.
Oli's goofy with hobbies bc he's ADHD-coded /lh, so if he finds a new one he'll just disappear for days and forget society exists for a little while. He likes to play music and used to perform for his parents all the time when he was little, but as he got older and they got more busy he played less because he *needs* that audience to really enjoy it... he'd love to play more for Joel, but he's a little shy about it 👉👈
5. Can they cry on command? If so, what do they think about to make it happen?
Well Joel is always on the verge of tears anyway (/hj), so like... maybe not on command, but he can be set over the edge fairly easily (he's just good at hiding it around most people)
Oli absolutely can cry on command, he's a theatre kid smh. He'll tell people he thinks about dropping a cake facedown on the ground or dead puppies or something, but he's really thinking about losing his best friend, especially after his parents are gone :(
10. What fact do they excitedly tell everyone about at every opportunity?
Oh Joel will 100% tell you everything he knows about sniffers in a heartbeat 😭 he got that animal kid autism y'know /aff
Oli isn't as "fact-oriented," but if he's with Joel and also someone else then he'll put Joel on blast, who just blasts him back like--
"Hey! Did you know Joel sneezes if you poke him in the ribs?" -> ">:0 well, did you know Oli makes a funny sound if you scratch behind his ears?!" -> "Hah! Did you know Joel is afraid of heights?!" -> "Did you know you can put Oli to sleep by rubbing his nose like a baby?! >:("
14. How do they put out a candle?
Oli's the kinda guy to do the pinching thing tbh. He's gotta do it with flare~ ✨
Joel just blows it out, but Oli always teases him like "why don't you just flap your wings to put it out lol??" Joel says it's because it's inconvenient to turn around to do it, and his wings are too big for that, but he's also scared of burning them- his wings are delicate :(
16. What kinds of people do they have arguments with in their head?
Joel fights with his parents,, they were very good at reminding him that the only reason he existed was to be an heir for the kingdom and they didn't care about him enough to spend any time with him and he was nothing but disobedient after making his 'little friend' an- a lot of things. And even though Oli reminds him that he does have worth and their opinions shouldn't matter and Joel trusts that, it doesn't stop the echoes in his head </3
Oli probably fights with himself the most. He acts all confident and bold, etc. but he's an anxious mess on the inside. He also fights with the "voice of reason" too -- very "silencio bruno"-esque /lh
17. What do they notice first in the mirror versus what most people first notice looking at them?
The first thing Joel notices is uhh probably his green bangs? They're pretty vibrant and in front, draws your attention /lh, but other people usually notice his colorful freckles. Oli says they're like a rainbow leading to Joel's wonderful eyes <3
Oli probably notices his hair too? Y'know the like, hand comb thing cc!oli does where he combs his fingers through where his hair is parted? He does that a lot. But he's also got the softest brown eyes full of so much joy and,, ough they're pretty
18. Who do they love truly, 100% unconditionally (if anyone)?
Each other :(
They didn't always, they hadda get through a lot of "I'm supposed to hate you yk" before they really got close, and now they love each other a lot. Doesn't matter if the love is platonic or romantic what matters is that it was there and it overcame everything else, etc. etc.
Oli also loved his parents, and Ren + Martyn who are essentially his parents too, they get along very well <3
40. How do they respond to a loose handshake? What goes through their head?
Joel: “Oh moss, did I do that wrong?? Why didn't they shake back? Did I offend them?! Oh Devs, I’m so sorry, they probably hate me, or think I'm weird for shaking so tight, or--"
Oli: *shakes out hand with a grimace* “Wow, that was weird. Do they know how to shake hands?? LOL”
41. What phrases, pronunciations, or mannerisms did they pick up from someone / somewhere else?
Hmm... Joel's got a northern Mezalean accent, and will say things like "I fink / I havva / fank you / ohh blumin'-" etc. when he's tired or stressed or upset or otherwise high/low energy. (Y'know how cc!Joel shouts "EEFO!" and also cc!Stress' tweets? Yeah.) Oli won't necessarily talk like that all the time, but he will mimic and tease him about it hehe ^^
Joel picked up giggling from Oli, he used to rarely laugh at all but Oli's laugh (you know the one) is just so contagious <3
(And also from personal experience (/hj), they both say ourple/ouppy/kibby cat/etc. to be funny, but I dunno who started it)
46. Are they a listener or a talker? If they’re a listener, what makes them talk? If they’re a talker, what makes them listen?
Joel's a listener (because he'd rather just sit and do what he's told and not cause a stir, but if he really cares about it then he'll also Really listen), and he'll talk when he's invited to and/or trusts the person. Like if someone "wanted his opinion" on something but he thought they didn't really care he wouldn't really say anything, but if Oli wanted his opinion? Absolutely, here is it. (It's also dangerous for him, because if he starts talking sometimes he just doesn't stop-)
Oli's definitely a talker ahsjfs, extrovert boy- he usually can't stand silence and will just keep talking to fill the emptiness because if he doesn't he'll explode, but you better believe he'll start listening like a loyal dog the second Joel opens his mouth.
53. Who would / do they believe without question?
I… feel like Joel would believe anything Oli said no questions asked, but Oli’s too much of a prankster and Joel's too gullible for that to end well 😭 maybe I'll say each other but only if there's like the Code Enacted that means What I'm Saying Is 100% Slash Serious, you know?
56. If they’re scared, who do they want comfort from? Does this answer change depending on the type of fear?
They'll usually go to each other for most things because y'know they're very close and trust each other and it's just easy to, but it does depend on what it is too.
Like if Oli's worried about Joel, he's not gonna go to Joel, he's gonna go to Ren or Martyn because he trusts them a lot too, but also they're "ew old parents smh" so if it's a "kid problem" it's bestie time.
Same with Joel, he'll go to Oli for most things (more so than the reverse, because Joel has less support people to begin with), but there are some things he just... can't. And it's times like those where he'll go to his mom for it -- not the queen, his real mom, the Mother Tree. She doesn't talk back in words, but even just curling up in her branches or under her roots is enough to comfort him :')
WOUGH that's a lot,, I had to put off answering this bc I was studying and knew it would take an hour to answer (and it did lol) but <33 auhgjfg,,, I love answering all these kinds of things :D
edit: BRUH THAT'S 1.4K WORDS 😭
(Ask game! Send me asks pspsp)
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Comfort time with Liu
if you easily cringe from: BL caregiver love and a tiny bit of flirts then you could skip this post last disclaimer: if you think it's a liu x ben thing it's not it's just how mine and Toby CG Acts when we are Littles
liu: here you go You tw-
toby: sh! this is the best part
TV playing the movie Luca
Toby: silencio Bruno!
*Liu looks over to me seemingly fascinated by the colors of the TV *
liu: hey little one are you paying attention to the movie?
Liu has a moment of realization liu:did I catch the other one deep in little space? Oh Baby here you go my precious prince
me: happy noises
part 4 ?
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capturecharlesau · 1 year
Silencio Bruno!!
Jay Benson belongs to @jaytoons7
Danny Felizima, Mr. Allwork, and Annesa Felizima belongs to me :)
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invissiblesblog · 5 months
Música que me hizo sentir que no estoy sola:
1. Te tienes a ti - Rafa Espino
2. De mí para mí - Rafa Espino ft David Parejo
3. Cree en ti - Porta
4. Espíritu - Porta
5. Heridas abiertas - MC CAN
6. Versos de un suicida - MC CAN
7. Depresión - MC CAN
8. Soledad - MC CAN
9. Worthless - Eli
10. Perfect - Simple plan
11. Vacío - Porta
12. Así son las cosas - Porta
13. Welcome to my life - Simple plan
14. Warrior (spanish version) - Kevin y Karla
15. If you knew - Joel Faviere
16. Silencio - Rafa Espino
17. Sufrir es crecer - Shé
18. Carta a mi ansiedad - Subze
19. Paralyzed - NF
20. Fade away - Xam
21. Broken again - Eli
22. Oh Lord - NF
23. Ojalá - Beret
24. Nadie me comprende - Shé
25. Arrullo de estrellas - Zoé
26. Códice - Beret
27. Diez mil porqués - Beret
28. Durmiendo con la luna - Elefante
29. El camino más largo - Rafa Espino
30. El día menos pensado - Beret
31. En guerra - Sebastián Yatra ft Camilo
32. En mi propia piel - Mila
33. Haz de luz - Rayden
34. Imperfecto - Porta
35. Llegará - Beret
36. Me ahogo - Alan Navarro
37. A mi yo de ayer - Rayden
38. Nota de suicidio - Porta
39. Ojos en la espalda - Cumbia Ninja
40. Óyeme - Mónica Naranjo
41. Ser - Porta
42. Si tú no vuelves - Amaral, Chetes
43. Love hurts - Nazareth
44. What do I do - JISUN
45. Stay - Miley Cyrus
46. Talking to the Moon - Bruno Mars
47. All of the stars - Ed Sheeran
48. Suben al cielo - Porta
49. Subiré al infierno - Ricardo Abarca, Brenda Asnicar
50. Te echo de menos - Beret
51. Tela de araña - Porta, Shinoflow
52. Tras el cristal - Porta
53. Víctima y verdugo - Porta, Isusko, Belen Alarcon
54. The Climb - Miley Cyrus
55. Impossible - James Arthur
56. Nothing to Lose - Billy Talent
57. Fantasmas - Humbe
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shesalewa · 11 days
The biggest flex I'll ever tell is that my mom made the best comeback yesterday.
We were having a funny trivial fight and I pulled out a
And my mom legit said
"Stop listening in, Dolores!!!"
I love my momma
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universodebonnie · 2 months
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Los guardianes de la isla Stormlight.
Erase una vez en la misteriosa isla de Stormlight, tres guardianes protegían a la humanidad desde las alturas. Bruno, la Muerte, guiaba a las almas hacia su destino, mientras Stinkrat, el travieso fantasma, concedía deseos y jugaba bromas. Lion, el niño del tiempo, tejía hilos mágicos en el aire.
Pero algo cambió en Stormlight. La luz se desvaneció, las sombras se alargaron y una oscuridad se apoderó de la isla. Los habitantes murmuraban sobre extraños sucesos y una sensación de temor se apoderaba de ellos.
Bruno, Stinkrat y Lion comenzaron a comportarse de manera extraña. Bruno se volvió más sombrío, sus ojos centelleaban con una luz siniestra. Stinkrat parecía alimentarse del miedo de los habitantes, mientras Lion se alejaba en silencio, perdido en sus pensamientos.
Los guardianes, una vez amigos cercanos, ahora estaban envueltos en sombras. Los habitantes de Stormlight, temerosos y confundidos, buscaban respuestas en la oscuridad.
A medida que la oscuridad se intensificaba, los guardianes se enfrentaban entre sí, consumidos por la sombra que los rodeaba. Los habitantes de Stormlight, desesperados por un rayo de esperanza, miraban hacia el cielo en busca de una señal.
Pero incluso en la oscuridad más profunda, la luz nunca se apaga por completo. Un pequeño destello de esperanza brillaba en el corazón de Lion, recordándole quién era realmente. Con valentía, se enfrentó a la oscuridad y despertó el poder de la luz dentro de sí mismo.
Con la ayuda de los habitantes de Stormlight, Lion enfrentó a Bruno y Stinkrat. Aunque lograron liberar a Bruno de la sombra que lo había consumido, Stinkrat se había sumergido demasiado en la oscuridad como para ser salvado.
Con el corazón destrozados, Bruno y Lion se enfrentaron a su amigo. Pero la sombra era poderosa, y Stinkrat se resistía a la luz. En un último acto de sacrificio, Bruno y Lion unieron sus fuerzas para enfrentarse a la oscuridad, luchando por restaurar la paz y la armonía en la isla.
Aunque la batalla fue ardua y llena de peligros, los guardianes prevalecieron. La luz volvió a brillar en la isla Stormlight, aunque aquella luz que alguna vez llena de magia y alegría, quedó marcada por la sombra de la traición y la oscuridad. Se dice que la sombra de Stinkrat permanece como una advertencia sobre los peligros de la oscuridad que en algún punto volverá a reinar... O ya se encuentra corrompiendo a los habitantes de la isla.... Stormlight...
•Este es uno de los tantos cuentos que en la serie de Sam y Obsti se estarán contando
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