#she's a surprisingly honest character if the glitch theory is true
i've seen a lot of people talk about the whole "glitches in the audio means someone's lying" theory, and one thing i find really interesting about that is that apparently there's been only one glitch when lena's talking? which means that there's only one thing she's been lying about, and that's about colin being able to resign.
now, to me, this makes sense. it seems like someone other than lena is in charge of colin's employment, or at least making sure he can't leave. we had both of these lines way back in episode 1:
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so, if the glitch theory is true, the only intentional lie lena has told thus far is that colin can leave. which means
things lena kelley has NOT been lying about:
people (other than colin) are able to quit
she wasn't able to join the others at the bar
she's not particularly wealthy
she's been needing someone to step up to "the real job" for a while now
she does not watch television
the theatricality IS necessary
mr. bonzo is a valued asset
screaming helps (they usually like it)
basically everything she said about the oiar and its purpose in tmagp 13
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