#she still pities them immensely but they're scary af
chaosintheavenue · 2 years
Scorched Mole Miner: Very clearly yells ‘DIE!’
Subtitles: *muffled grunting*
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i-fucking-hate-ppl · 5 years
Can I request headcanons for the hazbin hotel crew (separately) dealing with a human on hell? They were sent by some kind of ritual of their 'church' ,against their will, and now they're a tiny human surrounded by big scary demons. It takes a while to get used to them and eventually fall in love. I love your headcanons!! Especially the ones with Alastor! Your writing is amazing!💗💗💗
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoy what I'm going! Anyway here you are! Some of the characters warm up quickly so I hope you dont mind. I just couldn't see them being cold to the reader! So enjoy!
• When you first showed up, she honestly freaked out and called for Vaggie.
• Feels really bad for you, but she makes sure not to pity you.
• You were just so sweet! How could they do something so horrifying to you?
• Honestly warms up to in an instant!
• You're just such a good person! It's really sad because if it wasn't for your church you'd probably would have gone to heaven.
• She was going to have you stay at the hotel as a guest for free, but you insisted on doing something, so you work with Nifty to make sure the place is clean.
• Before she knows it, she's fallin in love with you, your honest, and happy-go-lucky personality.
• She couldn't help it, especially when you made the best of this horrible situation your church put you in.
• She really wants to go up there and hit her church upside the head. Like wtf was wrong with them for sending such a beautiful angel down to hell?
• But if they hadn't she would have never met you soooooooo...
• She'll definitely stare at you from afar and the second you look her way she'll panic and pretend she wasn't staring at you and was reading a book. (You know, the one shes holding upside down)
• Definitely the coldest towards you.
• Tbh she thought you were a demon pretending to be a human at first, but it becomes clear that you're not.
• After gaining her trust, she'll be a lot kinder towards you.
• You'll get an actual smile every once in a while.
• She'll definitely fall in love with you when you yell at Alastor for making her uncomfortable.
• Not only do you have guts but you also stood up for her.
• She loves that.
• She doesn't understand why your church sent you here, but she's glad that from every human they chose to sent, they sent you.
• Once she realizes she likes you, she'll be even more kind and she'll actually have a decent conversation with you!
• His first reaction when he met you was to corrupt you. Get you to become a sinner.
• He was still be himself. Being creepy af, completely untrustworthy, and all smiles- except he would not touch you.
• He'd wont shake your hand or anything. If you try to touch him, he'll give you this creepy as stare/smile and scary ass static will play in the backround.
• Although all plans to corrupt you and fuck with you immensely throw themselves off a roof the second he sees you with Nifty.
• You're being friendly with her, smiling with her, laughing and joking around.
• You look beautiful doing so. And it warms his heart.
• He'll act exactly the way he did before towards you, in fear you'll catch on, but instead he'll actually give you a handshake! Progress, yay!
Angel Dust:
• He found it extremely interesting. He's never fucked a human in hell before (that's quite obvious), so he'd make it his mission once he's gotten over the initial shock to bang you.
• So toooooooons of flirting.
• Lots of sex jokes added in as well.
• Will not take no for an answer. I mean he wont push anything but he definitely wont stop until you say yes. (Which isn't happening anytime soon)
• Nifty will screech at him when he flirts with you around her, it's the only time he's not flirting with you.
• What actually got him to fall in love with you was when some creep starting flirting with you and you told him off with sass and insults. And you looked hot doing it.
• Also hinted at the fact you didn't mind him flirting with you since you only ever replied with sass so bonus!
• He wont ever tell you, he's a bit ashamed by it, but he's glad that church of yours sent you down to hell.
• He'll act the exact same except his words will actually having meaning behind it, and he'll stop flirting with everyone else.
• He completely didn't give two shits about you when you showed up.
• Oh a human? Who gives a flying fuck.
• If you try talking to him he'll give you a nasty look and continue drinking
• He'll only start talking to you once everyone else gets comfy with you being there (or if you pester him enough)
• He'll find he actually quite enjoys speaking with you. You're not a complete idiot or annoying (*cough* Angel Dust *cough, cough* Alastor *cough*).
• You even bring him some cheap booze! How could he hate you after that??
• He'll fall in love with you over time. It's all the little things you do. Bring booze, letting him get a break and taking over his spot, telling Angel Dust to stfu and go away. Everything.
• Once he's like "oh shit I can love" he'll be sweeter towards you. Not by much but in small ways. (Like offering you his booze, even though you never take up the offer)
• Nifty was ecstatic to meet you! She loves making new friends!
• She was a bit wary but when Charlie warmed up to you, she warmed up to you quickly!
• She likes when you bring her snacks and treats after she's finished cleaning. It really makes her day!
• She also loves that you try to keep things neat so she doesn't have to clean it!
• She really fell in love with you when you brought a new board game for you two to play together!
• Now that she likes you, shes glued to your hip! She wont leave, so you're stuck with her! You have to force her to stay outside the bathroom door when you have to go, but she'll be waiting for you.
• Whenever she's not cleaning, she's with you! And she adores when you help her clean or watch her!
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