#she might turn out not looking like an Adelaide and I'll have to pick something else
canisalbus · 22 days
Does Ludovica's girlfriend has a name so far? Its hard imagining scenarios of them with one of them being unnamed, so I thought of using either Beatrice or Artemisa as a placeholder (which I think it would be a nice contrast to Machete's catholicism vibe, a name deviated from a "pagan" goddess, also LudoMisa is a cute shipname :)
I think I better get a good grasp on what she looks like first, and then see what name would suit her.
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etlunainmorte · 4 years
"Oh, my!"
V's eyes widened and his protective instincts kicked in as he saw Lady just bump into you. On the other hand, you didn't even notice it when the woman who looked like Audrey Hepburn suddenly, and out of the blue, appeared just like that, and you totally blamed it on your lack of focus.
"Oh, how silly of me!" Lady apologized with a smile as she helped you on your feet.
"It's alright. I wasn't paying attention. I - "
"Jive." Lady whispered to you the moment she leaned in closer to your ear.
"That's the next dance." Lady went on, surveying the whole room at the same time with her sharp eyes. Probably on the lookout for her sly partner, as well. But, this only proved she's even more sly than Lancaster, himself. "And Fleminger is absolutely fond of Jive. So, make it count."
"Why are you doing this? Aren't we supposed to be enemies?"
"Are we?" Lady answered, and with a wink, she waved goodbye and made her way towards Lancaster, who was currently being pampered by Fleminger's older guests.
So, Jive,... is Fleminger's favorite dance,...
Just like,... !
Wait, was that the reason she - ?
"My dear, are you alright?" You heard V ask you, bringing you back from your own reverie to reality.
Looking up at him with renewed determination and keeping the little facts you've just stitched together for your own ruminations later, you answered, "Yes, I'm,... super!" Drumming your chin with your fingers, you smiled as a wild and very sudden idea just came into your mind. You were one hundred percent sure that your grandmother would faint if she finds out about this plan of yours but, you might as well make this once in a lifetime gamble worth it, right? Looking up once more at your partner, you laid your hand on his arm and said, "I'm just gonna,... fix something."
And to this, you saw how V's eyebrows furrow in utter confusion. "P - pardon? Is everything alright?"
"I'll be right back, I promise." You told him with a reassuring smile.
Slightly running towards the powder room, your eyes quickly surveyed what the other Queen competitors were wearing. And if Lady was, indeed, correct, you assumed that all of them would have a really hard time moving with those voluminous skirts of theirs.
"Ugh. Fleminger, you are such a huge sadist." You thought out loud as you opened the door to the powder room, which was luckily unoccupied, and looked at yourself in the mirror. Giving your precious vintage gown one last look of pity like it was a criminal on the verge of execution, you grabbed the skirt and started tearing it, the sound of ripping fabric piercing your sensitive ears and making you feel sorry for your great grandmother, who previously owned it. With a huge sigh and a spark of inspiration, you, then, reached up to your hair and pulled the pins that kept it secure, letting the (H/C) tresses tumble in waves at your back.
After making sure that the ripped fabric was disposed in the proper place, you gave yourself one last look in the mirror. "Not bad, actually." You told yourself as you made your way back to your partner. Ignoring the wide variety of comments by the guests who saw you, you took a deep breath and exclaimed, "Told you I'll be right back."
V turned around, and his initial expression of relief upon knowing that you're well turned quickly into that of complete shock when his wide green eyes roamed on your loose hair down to your bare legs. You couldn't help but feel sorry for the poet. Almost.
"(Y/N), dear, I don't think that's - !" V stuttered in distress, wanting to blurt out the word inappropriate as gently as he could.
"Trust me, V." You reassured him as you smiled confidently at him. Yes, you don't quite trust Lady. But, her words earlier,...
There was no way in hell that she would lie to you! No fricking way!
You looked up at the upper boxes and noticed Fleminger excitedly leaning in closer to his seat the moment the musicians picked up their instruments. What's more, you also noticed that his eyes landed on yours.
Taking a deep breath and carelessly brushing a wayward lock off your face, you spread your arms wide with much confidence and waited for V to take the lead.
His heart pounding wildly, a small bead of sweat trickling down his forehead, and his eyes wide with anticipation, V finally realized what you were planning to do. Your important, non - verbal message seemingly received and well - noted by the wise poet, you let V take your hands. With one last nod to your partner as soon as the music began, you left everything to your actual skills, your stamina, and your trust towards him.
Together, you'll see this one dance through.
And one step in, you knew. You both knew. There's still a chance to turn this whole situation around to your favor.
🌸 Three Wishes 🌸
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So, you're still thinking of me,
Just like I know you should.
I cannot give you everything, you know I wish I could.
I'm so high at the moment.
I'm so caught up in this.
Yeah, we're just young, dumb and broke.
But we still got love to give.
Christopher grimaced at the way the audience was seemingly entranced, not by him and his partner, but by something else. Their excitement felt different from before during the first three dances where he simply dominated the rest of the dancers with ease and without so much as a single effort. And when he made one wrong decision to turn away from his beautiful partner and see for himself just what these ignorant people were cheering for now, he realized. He finally realized, and because of that, he lost his balance for the first time that evening.
It was you. And your lover.
Such vibrant moves! Such,... perfectly coordinated steps! Such,... powerful connection! And chemistry!
"What,... in the actual fuck?!" Christopher blurted out when he saw you and V wowing the crowd with your quick Jive kicks and flicks. And what's more,...
Since when was V able to move like that?!
That smile on his face,...
He seemed to enjoy the Jive too much! The way he's giving it his all and showing off his flashy moves at the same time,...
First verse in and you're already giving it your all?! Thought the evil doctor as he turned his attention back to Lady to try and outshine your routine. Are you really that desperate to win against me?!
"We'll see about that!" Christopher screamed as he forced Lady to do the American Spin, making the woman almost stumble to her feet.
I'll win this game! Christopher thought as he sadistically led Lady. The flashier the moves, the better! I'll become King and make you pay for humiliating me!
While we're young, dumb,
Young, young dumb and broke.
Young, dumb.
Young, young, dumb, and broke.
Young, dumb.
Young, young, dumb, and broke.
Young, dumb, broke high school kids.
Young, dumb, broke high school kids.
Adelaide threw an infuriated look at the host of this wretched party, who was watching the show from that lofty upper box. And the man seemed to be massively enjoying the show! And at what expense? The women tripping on their skirts as they try to keep up with the brutal pace of the Jive? The men covering up their partners' mistakes by making unnecessary moves?
Her grandchild ripping her skirt and letting her hair loose wildly like that?!
"Ugh!" Adelaide exclaimed in utter disgust as she observed the man. "You never change your ways, Flanagan!"
We have so much in common.
We argue all the time.
You always say I'm wrong, but,
I'm pretty sure I'm right.
What's fun about commitment?
When we have our life to live?
Yeah, we're just young, dumb, and broke.
But we still got love to give.
While we're young, dumb,
Young, young dumb and broke.
Young, dumb.
Young, young, dumb, and broke.
Young, dumb.
Young, young, dumb, and broke.
Young, dumb, broke high school kids.
You felt yourself so energized with that yadada that the women were singing. Their overwhelming energy and eagerness to support their lead singer gave you even more motivation to support your own leader, who was surprisingly very good at this dance!
As he led you to the mooch right after that little hip bump, V couldn't help but be amazed at what you have shown so far. Nico did say that you can dance the Jive but, he never really expected you to be this good, that he almost wondered where you pitched in those extra dance lessons in between your music studies. What's even more, you sure knew how to follow his lead and still look graceful doing it. And that was a vast understatement. 
Seeing you enjoy this wonderful dance with him made him enjoy the entire dance, as well. And as long as you're happy, he's happy.
And that was the only thing he wished for.
For you to be happy.
With him.
As the song came to a close, you made one last effort to make a graceful bow, hoping to still look decent after being sorely beaten by Christopher Lancaster and his stunning partner. Taking hold of V's hand, you looked up at him and gave him that smile of yours that never failed to make him feel warm.
"Thank you, V." You simply told him.
The man smiled back at you but, a bit of confusion was still present in his facial expression. The poor poet honestly thought that he did nothing so special and that he didn’t deserve your gratitude. "It's always a pleasure." He answered regardless.
You two were about to step out of the massive ballroom when you noticed some people cheering wildly despite the dance being over. And this made the others cheer, as well.
But, why?
"Bravo!" A man dressed as a general cheered at the top of his lungs.
"Encore!" A woman, who was dressed as Marie Antoinette, added.
"Elvis!" Some group of young women dressed like the Spice Girls cheered in unison. "ELVIS! KING ELVIS!"
"Elvis?" You muttered in question as your eyes met with V's. "They're cheering for you!”
"I don't understand." V answered, his eyebrows knitted, too many questions going on in his mind. "We barely did anything,... "
"MY QUEEN!" Another man, who was dressed as an Italian painter, called. "MY QUEEN!" And his attention was totally directed at you. Not at Lady, not at Trish. You.
"QUEEN!" Some of the men started cheering, as well.
"They were calling for you!" Trish, who was standing next to you, happily told you, shaking you a bit to keep you focused.
Dante, who was only ever so proud of V, patted the poet on the shoulder ( a bit too much ), and beamed at him. "The floor is yours, Mr. Poetry!"
"IMPOSSIBLE!" Christopher, who was watching the incredible scene unfold right before his very own eyes, murmured, unable to believe that you and V just stole his thunder right under his nose with just a simple dance.
"It looks like we have a winner." Fleminger declared as he gestured for his musicians to do the much requested encore. The leader nodded and gestured for the singers to have another go at it. And when that Jive music started playing once more, the other couples left the ball room to make room for you and V, all of them acknowledging your clear and clean victory.
Well, except Christopher, of course.
"Hey," The evil doctor called after Lady when he saw her going towards Dante and Trish. "HEY! WE'RE NOT DONE YET!"
"Are we?" Lady responded with much sass as she finally left her partner to cling onto Dante instead.
"Hey, babe!" The tall Devil Hunter, who was only too grateful to have two beautiful women by his side, greeted with much gusto. "Looking sharp as always!"
"Leaving your partner so soon?" Trish teased, an evil smirk fully and intentionally directed at Lady.
And to this, Lady just giggled and waved her hand. "That man needs a babysitter, not a partner. He's just too old to be grumbling like that. Besides, I’m done collecting his handsome payment for being his partner for the evening.”
"Whatever you say,..."
"May I have the honor of this dance, my lady?" V asked you with a proud smile as he held out his hand to you.
"It would be such an honor." You answered happily and graciously as you took his hand.
My name is Olly, nice to meet you can I tell you, baby?
Look around there's a whole lot of pretty ladies.
But not like you, you shine so bright, yeah.
I was wondering if you and me could spend a minute?
On the floor up and close getting lost in it?
I won't give up without a fight.
I just wanna, oh baby!
I just want you to dance with me tonight!
So come on, oh baby!
I just want you to dance with me tonight!
We're getting sweaty, hot and heavy in the crowd now.
Loosen up and let you hands go down, down.
Go with it girl, yeah just close your eyes, yeah!
I feel the music moving through your body.
Looking at you I can tell you want me.
Don't stop keep moving till the morning light, yeah!
When I saw you there,
Sitting all alone in the dark,
Acting like you didn't have a care.
I knew right then, you'd be mine.
We'd be dancing the whole damn night, like,
Oh baby, I just want you to dance with me tonight!
So come on, oh baby!
I just want you to dance with me tonight!
How can two people have so much fun dancing so energetically together like this? How can these two not mind the fatigue and stress of this crowded and heated place? How can these two lovers have all the fun in the world as if no one else existed but them?
You would never know the answer.
All you knew was that you were here with the person who made you smile. The only person who healed your broken heart.
The one and only man who made you so happy like this that you forgot all of your troubles.
And you wanted to be happy with him, not only during these mooches, these flicks and kicks, these American spins, or these simple chasses.
You wanted to be happy with him, and only him, even after this Jive.
You wanted to be happy with V. Always.
And not only you. Nico and Nero, who apparently just returned during your encore performance, were both cheering for you. As well as your stubborn but loving grandmother, who was honestly sticking out like sore thumb among the well - dressed crowd with her non - vintage attire comprised of a bright purple coat, a bright pink beret, and a pair of little blue pumps. Oh, yes, she looked so proud, and she should be! After all, she spent a huge amount of time zealously and passionately teaching you the Jive in between your piano lessons when you were just a little girl. And you kind of just figured out why after all those years of harsh, grueling footwork training!
You were on your way to your loved ones after the music changed to disco for everyone to join in when Christopher, who just appeared out of nowhere, grabbed your arm and forced you to face him.
"What did you do?" The evil doctor questioned, positively fuming with anger after being humiliated. "You,... FUCKING BITCH! WHAT DID YOU JUST DO?!"
Finally having enough of Christopher's bullying and abuse, V raised his hand in an almost blind rage, ready to snap his fingers and bring chaos down unto his sorry ass when Nico interrupted by grabbing his arm.
"Ah, ah, ah! Ya haven't met our friend, yet!" Nico warned as she gave V a threatening look and forced his arm down. Gesturing for Nero to come forward, all of you watched, in utter shock and horror, as the young Devil Hunter dragged a shady looking man forward, making Christopher's veins pop up from his already red forehead.
"Who is this man?" You questioned as you uncomfortably watched Nero manhandle the poor, Kevin Bacon -  wannabe guy.
"His name is Salvador!" Nero answered with a vicious smile as he crushed the man with his muscular hug, seemingly hurting him more than introducing him. "I believe he is a friend of Dr. Lancaster here."
"Is,... that so?" V asked, his eyes dangerously narrowed and his patience already snapping like a twig.
"Yeah." Nico replied. "And check this out!" She exclaimed excitedly, taking out Sparda's ripped set of vintage clothing from her backpack. "He has this all along!"
"What's the meaning of all this?" You questioned, alarmed after seeing V's infuriated face as he glanced at the fabric in Nico's hands.
"BOSS, TELL THEM THE TRUTH!" Salvador pleaded, visibly suffering from Nero's painful hold. "TELL THEM!"
"I - I,... DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT - !" Christopher yelled, feeling hopelessly cornered, as he tried to get away from you once and for all. Unfortunately for him, Dante, who sensed all this unease and left the dancefloor for a while to come to your rescue, was already standing behind him, and the moment he turned away, he bumped against the Legendary Devil Hunter's rock hard chest, making him stumble on the ground ungracefully.
"Hey, is there something wrong here?" Dante asked good - naturedly, trying not to escalate the situation to prevent it from getting worse.
"He stole father's things." V answered monotonously, his enraged eyes still on Christopher. "And made an enemy of Sparda by tormenting (Y/N)."
"Ah, is that so?!" Dante, whose eyebrows began twitching the moment he heard the word torment, said as he began cracking his knuckles, the sound of his popping joints frightening poor Lancaster and Salvador beyond their own wits.
"Oh, please, you're being too harsh on the poor man!" You interrupted with a smile, startling everyone, most especially V.
"But, dear, this man hurt you - !" V argued but he was cut off when you helped Christopher on his feet 
"Thank you!" The doctor cried as he graciously took your hands. "Thank you so much, (Y/N)! I' am very much - !"
"FUCK YOU!" The crisp and horrible curse escaped your mouth as you let out a powerful right hook that connected straight to Lancaster's cheek, feeling his head jerk deliciously sideways beneath your hardened fist. The man stumbled on the ground once more, and when he tried to get up, he saw blood on the floor where his face was. He looked at you in fright and scrambled to his feet, making his way outside and finally leaving all of you, hopefully for good.
"BOSS! DON'T LEAVE ME!" Salvador called as he wriggled free from Nero's iron grasp and chased after the defeated doctor.
“That hand,... PRACTICED THE PIANO 40 FREAKING HOURS A DAY!” You screamed at your pathetic, narcissistic ex, and, man, it felt so, so good! "Wow." You breathed a sigh of relief, a proud look on your face. "That was so intense!”
"You betcha!" Nico laughed as she watched the two men scurry their way outside in fright.
"They should think twice before crossing any Sparda next time." Nero added, shrugging his shoulders.
"There won't be a next time! Mark my words.” Dante corrected as he stretched his long arms and made his way back to the dancefloor.
"I shouldn't say this but," V added as he closed the gap between the two of you and linked his fingers with yours. " … I'm so proud of what you've done, (Y/N). And I won't ever regret saying it."
"Haha, thanks."
"And what is going on here, if I may inquire?" You heard Fleminger's voice. Apparently, he has been watching the whole scene unfold right before him in silence. And he didn't look overjoyed.
"Well, I,... " You stuttered, feeling nervous under the host's scrutinizing gaze. "Took care of,... something?"
"Here, man." Nico whispered to V as she handed him something from her backpack.
Fleminger shook his head with an apologetic look on his face. "You must know that,... violence,… is strictly discouraged in these halls of entertainment. And for that, I must disqualify the both of you from winning the title of King and Queen for this evening." Fleminger declared, bringing down the hammer of justice right before you and V. Shaking his head with a distinct frown in his face, he turned around and muttered, "Such a shame."
"Go for it! I'm countin' on ya!" Nico told V as she pushed him closer towards you.
"Is there something wrong, V?" You asked, the sweet victory of winning against Christopher and the bitter sting of being disqualified as Queen still very much fresh in your system.
The man smiled as he shook his head. Then, making one swift decision to trust his gut and finally get this one final plan for the evening over and done with, he took your hand and led you outside, getting past the people who congratulated you, both for dominating the dance floor and for giving that evil doctor a piece of your mind.
🌸 I was actually wondering why it's taking me so long to edit this chapter but, then I realized, there's over 4k words in this.😅😅😅 🌸
🌸 @la-vita , @dreaming-gamer , @birdgirl69 , @v-vic , and @hanniskywalker . 🌸
That,... bitch! That fucking bitch and her skinny boyfriend who thinks he owns the world!
"You thought you have the last laugh, eh?" Christopher said, and as he was about to reach for that thing in his breast pocket, he felt a strange presence behind him. Looking back, he saw a tall, and ridiculously attractive dark - skinned man who was leaning against a pillar just outside Fleminger's mansion. Unlike the other guests, he was not dressed in his best vintage and he looked like he was only there to crash the party. His dark, gleaming eyes seemed to observe him very, very closely, and it felt like those eyes were piercing through his skull right to the depths of his soul.
"Can I help you?" Christopher asked, suddenly feeling the atmosphere getting heavy right before this stranger's presence.
The man raised his eyebrows. His hands still in the pocket of his grey pants, he nodded and spoke in a very deep, and yet, sweet - like - honey, voice. "Maelstrom."
"Excuse me? What the hell are you talking about - ?!"
"Exactly." The man answered. "I thought I sensed something special here. Alas, I was mistaken." The man left the pillar and turned the other way to leave. But before that, Christopher heard the man mutter something under his breath. "Ah, such a shame. No wonder Bedlam has been so down for decades now, I see. Aha, time to search for someone else,..."
"Who are you talking to, scum?"
Just then, Christopher heard another voice behind him. But unlike the honeyed voice of the attractive hobo who just left, this one sounded like it was filled with such poison. He turned around and found a tall, white - haired man standing before him. He was staring him down with those cold eyes of his, and his right hand was lurking dangerously close to the hilt of the katana on his left hand.
"What now?!" Christopher howled in agony, feeling as if he was losing his mind completely.
"I believe," The white - haired man drawled, his voice sounding so much like a feral hiss, as he finally unsheathed the Yamato and pointed it at Christopher. " ... you have something that is mine in your possession?"
Wait a second here,...
Tall, ridiculously virile - looking, and white - haired,...
"Another,... SPARDA?!" Christopher helplessly gasped in fright as he felt his bladder fail on him.
Vergil gave him one last sadistic smile as he went closer to the man who almost ruined his brother's evening with you.
"And that's the last time you'll ever say that name." The eldest son of Sparda said as he raised the Yamato,...
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