#shading isn't real i just put colors wherever i want
howlingday · 2 years
Jaune: (Looking between two colors) Um... Blue?
Port: (Looks to Oobleck, Scribbles down furiously)
Jaune: Uh, I mean, red!
Oobleck: (Looks to Port, Scribbles down excitedly)
Jaune: (Tosses colored sheets away) Due me, I'm colorful! It doesn't mean I should be locked up like a criminal! What makes you so qualified to judge other people?!
Oobleck: The diplomas. Judging is approximately 40% of our job.
Port: That and the license plates with H on them! You can park wherever you want!
Jaune: And when you think about it, isn't that the entire point?! (Oobleck and Port glance between each other) Parking? (Oobleck and Port nod in their agreement) And driving. And shopping. And eating. And working. Somewhere, some way, somehow, they got torn up, blended, and mixed up. They don't feel real anymore. Do you understand what it's like out in this crazy, coffee grinder of a world? Every day is just an endless, agonizing trial, like balancing boiling water on your head while everyone else whips your bare legs and butt with hot irons! (Sigh) I'll never forget my Vytal Dance... You think I'm nuts? Well, the only thing that's actually nuts is modern life; an endless gauntlet of incompetence and suffering made up of repeated let-downs, put-downs, trickle-downs, freeze-outs, sell-outs, numbnuts, nincompoops, and nimrods! All about as fun as cleaning a flaming Deathstalker underside with your tongue! And even if I do luck in some fleeting pleasure, like a Mistralian massage-therapist agrees to a one-on-one session of strip guess-what-number-I'm-thinking-of, it'll be over before it starts because some foul-mouthed, alcoholic who smells like a dead vulture drags along for a drinking game, where the bartender is some sand-muncher from Shade Academy who sneaks into your wallet, putting you in so deep of debt to the royal family, your great-great-grandkids will still be serving them on their deathbeds. And with all this- WITH ALL OF THIS- I still wake up every morning ready to face my untimely demise at some merciful thing like the Grimm for one more day, knowing that even when I get to Paradise, I still won't get in, because some bandit piece of trash stole my body and sold my valuables and my organs to that same Shade Royal Family! (Stands upon his chair) So does anybody wonder why anybody is hanging onto their sanity by the quarks of their fingernails, AND IS IT ANY WONDER THAT I SEEM DERANGED?! (Panting)
Port: (Looks worriedly to Oobleck)
Oobleck: (Looks worriedly to Port)
Jaune: (Clears his throat, Sits back down) But, uh, I'm sure you've already heard that a million times today, right?
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littleturtlefish · 3 years
Stuff I drew/thought of while playing Omori (Part 1) [SPOILERS FOR THE ENTIRE GAME!!!!]
*sees that Omori, a game I've heard of 3 years ago, came out* "oh cool. ill just watch a walkthrough video since-" *immediately gets interested 20 mins in and dusts off my old-ass laptop to play it*
When I started the game, first thought was "Is that kid wearing a skirt? Wait, is Omori even a boy??? Did I get everything wrong????" The only Omori-related stuff I saw was a 2017 trailer + a video showing the original comics with "Pure Imagination" playing in the background (this one) but even that was years ago. Also am blind and keep thinking his shorts = skirts til this day
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Thought Kel and Aubrey were siblings cuz they sure acted like it lmao [idk if it's original source but this person inspired me. also holy cow i never thought about how much time these things took. 1 hour of my life spent making a shitpost]
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bASIL CALLED OMORI CUTE AND I WILL KEEP REMEMBERING THAT AWWWW [before you go "wtf is that shading," lemme just say that I really like that style of shading ok give me a breaK-]
Happy Omori is cute, never saw him smile before :,D (I've seen so many ppl say it's obviously a forced smile ((and you guys are likely right lol)) but I just...can't see it???? he just looks cute to me :<)
Furious Omori is...uh...
Me, seeing that scary scene in Basil's house and Omori stabbing himself: oh right this is a horror game haha
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Me, during the entire dark house section: man was this steak drugged— STOP FUCKING KNOCKING ITS SCARING ME, CALM DOWN— WAIT MARI IS THAT SCREAM GUY?!?!??!? [i put so much effort into the robe's line art yet i still chose to color it black]
Seriously, I despised the constant knocking because knocks in real life makes me flinch and want to run away. Also, after that impressingly silent and non-moving Mari jumpscare, I got chills and decided to go straight to my bed (in game). Absolutely hated the cutscene of Sunny just staring at random places in his room because I totally thought I was gonna see Hellmari again
In my sleep-deprived mind, the sounds you hear when you get a key reminded me so much of the Markiplier E meme and I couldn't wait to get an E, L, and an F just to make jokes
Me, seeing a sunflower has wilted: basil's dead isn't he. my favs always die smh
I get way too involved in RPGs and spent the entire time murdering bunnies and sprout moles (was probably worth it since I rarely died in boss fights or maybe the main bosses were just easy. i dont talk about the earth fight.)
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I hate the spelling bee.
Fun fact: At this point, I lost all my save files (probably due to stupid windows computer updating) and had to restart the entire game. I was a lot less grindy this time around :,)
"Do you think you're going to be okay, OMORI?" No.
facing your fear of heights is really that easy, huh
haha, what's this big guy doing behind this tree? What does it mean by "disturb"— AAAAAAAAAAA IM NOT PREPARED HOLD O— (I ran away from this fight immediately lol)
why is the life jam guy's theme actually really good tho (question: is it possible to kill that guy? Can someone, like, give themselves the highest speed + attack possible and just absolutely destroy that being?)
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[since the life jam guy has violins in his theme, sunny wouldve had no problem fighting omori if life jam guy was there. just saying. man will i look so stupid if life jam guy doesnt actually have violins in his theme]
I heard an air horn during the "torturing that scarecrow" part of the game and that gave me the personal quest of finding wherever that was used (pretty sure it's from one of Kel's skills but never tried it :p)
Space Boy's theme is 👌👌👌👌
Ah...right...back to horror...
It was at this moment that every time I sensed some of that psychological horror coming back, I would immediately turn on my lights (was playing this game at 2 AM with lights off because it's for the 🌺✨experience✨🌺 but gave up on that pretty soon lmao)
For the jump scare in this part, I legit had to look it up beforehand because I HATE jump scares that actually move + use audio and I had to know if the game had stuff like that. Honestly, I do not regret looking that up. Still was creepy but it was worth it to finally say "Press F to pay respects"
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ruffsraven-writes · 3 years
Through the Odds | F.W. (The Hunger Games AU)
Based upon: The Harry Potter and The Hunger Games series
Pairing: Fred Weasley x OC (Autumn Rivers)
Era: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
POV: 1st person
WC: 1.6k
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“Hey, hey!” I snapped my fingers between his eyes. That's the only thing that I could do to keep him from plunging into a thought of nothingness.
“Right. Yeah. I'm sorry. Where were we?” he says, a trace of his previous screaming wounded his normal voice.
“About skinning the rabbit,” I say. “You could starve in hunger in no time. This place could be desolate to the untrained.”
It took seconds before his hand enclosed the knife and grasped the rabbit between his hands. I saw the wince in his eyes. Wherever he came from, the people there are not starving enough to kill creatures as much as rabbits.
I set up the snares, half-doubting if I could leave that boy alone in the camp without being killed. I decided he could.
I didn't even know his name. Maybe I was too cruel a while ago that I didn't handle his shock properly. His agonized scream and the way he was still holding that stick of his like it could save his life. 
Wisps of smoke met me as I journeyed back to our camp. Perfectly-skinned rabbits are laid above the fire, their juices making the coals hiss.
I sprinted back to the camp and stomped my boots on the coal, digging it on my heels as it died down the soil. I placed the cooked—almost burned—food aside and turned to him.
“Best way to get killed. If you want to, don't count me in.”
He realized what I'm talking about and began to apologize. He might be ruminating now how it would be different if I'm not the one who found him. Not surly, harsh, or indifferent.
“This arena is lethal, I'm just reminding you.”
“I know.”
This icy conversation is turning way more awkward on a silent night. I should remember that he came out of nowhere. No knowledge of Panem or the Games. He's not to be blamed for unconsciously putting a snare against him—or us, if he could endure me as an ally.
Why am I keeping him alive anyway? He's now playing as a fellow tribute. An enemy. Something to weed out of my path.
“I'll get you water.”
I left and made a mental note to ask his name when I came back. 
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“Fred, I'll keep watch first. Here, take the sleeping bag and climb.” I tell him.
The sky was a deep black that signifies an evening of uncertainties. What all I had in mind is getting through with this until morning.
Fred settled on the branch lower where I'll keep watch, considering that his stature won't allow him on those fragile branches.
I positioned myself on a tree branch, watchful as my vision struggled to the dim.
Silence engulfed me like everything around me was lifeless, not even the rustle of leaves. So I strike up a conversation.
“I'm still clueless how possibly you end up here.”
He gave a hollow chuckle. “Neither do I. It's like falling in a dangerous portal of some sort. I would've asked you to shake me awake but everything's real enough to make me doubt.”
He paused for a moment, “Will I survive this?”
Words escaped me. I couldn't just tell him that he won't and I might be planning to get rid of him.
I pretend to be sleepy and yawn. “Just stay alive.”
“Want me to keep watch?” he asks. “I mean, I don't particularly know who to watch for but I'll inform you if something's off.”
“No,” I say. “I want you to keep talking. Just be quieter.”
He did. And I discovered that Panem was nothing like where he came from. At first, I thought we're nothing alike, not until he mentioned his brother. We exchanged conversations in hushed tones.
“I already miss home. It's not much of a thrill pranking people around but I'd like to tell them I've been here and seen worse.”
He tried to laugh or add humor in his voice. If a good laugh can help him cope up, who am I to ruin it?
“Speaking of worse,” I say, forcing a facetious tone. A silver parachute descended from where I sat and I grabbed it, knowing it came from the sponsors. Inside is a small can filled with ointment for burns and a letter from Haymitch. “Worse time to deliver this don't you think?”
Fred smiles and says, “You can use this to apply that.” He tapped that useless eyeglasses perched on his nose.
Taking my silence as confusion, he adds, “It lets you see in darkness. I've seen this in joke shops before. 'M glad this isn't a sham.”
“Why didn't you tell me earlier?” I laughed before snatching it from him. He's right. I can see perfectly like it's daylight.
“Dunno. I guess I'm scared because you could've eaten me alive earlier.”
“Sorry,” I say. “For how I acted. It's awful.”
“Don't mind it. I'm used to being scolded.”
We took turns using the night glasses and he continued talking while I dab generous amount of ointment across my burns. I let the coolness of night help the ointment seep through my skin. The ointment worked effectively that I couldn't help but think what convincing Haymitch did to give me this.
“I could've helped you heal those in a minute if I knew the right spell.”
Yes, magic spells. To levitate, yes. To conjure stuff, yes. To attack, very befitting. But to get us out of the arena? No. He told me he tried to apparate but the arena seems to condemn his magic.
He's still fiddling the wand between his fingers when I say, “Do you know how to perform a killing spell?”
“W-What?” His voice apprise horror like I've said something that could harm him.
The wand faltered from his hand and I found myself grasping for it in thin air with him. Too desperate. That wand could mean more than anything. 
“I'll get it,” he says.
“No, let me do it. ”
He's still lacking stealth and strategy. The moment his feet touch the ground, every creature would stir.
I secure my foothold on the branch where he's sitting on, prepared for a jump until his huge hands locked around my ankles.
“Autumn, stop!” he hisses and put a finger over his lips. My instinct told me to twist away from him but the loud scream resonating below us thwarts my impulsive actions.
More screams. Fred pulled me to his level. Arms circled around me as if he knew I'd jump at any moment.
I first saw the dying ember near the bushes before the screaming figure right beside it. A tribute.
One of the Careers, Glimmer, shot her in the throat. Her screaming ceased and the canon fired.
As if from a trance, I jolt involuntarily. Fred's body tensed, his hands around me felt rigid and mechanic. With his eyes wide, tiny blinks interrupting, shock and fear overlapped. The dying tribute's bloody corpse mirrored in his eyes and having the night glasses allow me to see deeper in the silent agony he must be experiencing right now. Stable reasoning stalled my emotions before I could throw my hands around his neck and hold him there and never let go. He has my brother's eyes.
A beautiful shade of brown, the color of warm earth, and the pigment of woods. It reminds me of home. And I might've been underestimated how clear this stupid glasses can be.
“Pathetic. Her stupid voice's still ringing on my ears,” Glimmer says as the hovercraft lifted the corpse. The others start restoring the fire she left and make a camp below us. Fred's fingers gave a slight tremble against my shoulder.
“Fred, come on, we have to go,” I say, squeezing his cold hands to life. “Fred!”
He didn't protest and listen to the plan I fabricated when the tribute got killed in front of our eyes.
Wait till they're asleep. Retreat noiselessly. The other has to distract, the other to kill.
From the beginning, I know it's ridiculous. Fred doesn't know well enough to distract them nor he could kill them without being reluctant.
Forget the plan. Fred escapes, and I'll kill. If I'd be dead by morning, I want him to stay alive until some shred of hope materialized and he could go back to his brother.
He has to go. He doesn't belong here. Not in this murderous place.
“Your spear was right there.” He points down the slender thing leaning by the tree and adds, “Do you want me to get their weapons?”
“No,” I say. “Wouldn't let you risk it. Just descend quietly. Don't let them notice you. Go to the woods and conceal yourself. Whatever happens, don't let them see you. Whatever happens. Alright?”
“Yes.” He wraps the jacket around himself and says, “You'll follow suit, won't you? I'll wait for you, Autumn.”
“Of course.”
Faint sunlight edges around the arena and sleep is almost impossible. The Careers hadn't seen us and now's the chance to perform the plan. Fred braces himself in each tree trunk, gripping hard and avoiding any sort of noise. In no time, he's on the ground, finally found his wand, and scurrying away with a last glimpse of me as if to say goodbye.
I ascend higher till a whistling perked my ears. My gazed roam around, did I rouse the Careers? No, they're still dead asleep. 
Then I saw her between the branches, body resting there with stealth as if the trees are her home and will always catch her whenever she hops. 
She points above my head, and the buzzing starts, one of the tracker jackers flies around the nest, crawls on the entrance and disappears. I signal Rue through a sawing motion. She nods and hops from tree to tree, fleeing.
Fred and Rue are safe.
I grabbed the knife Clove used in an attempt to attack me and began sawing. 
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