#seriously i hide and avoid my triggers so well that y'all will have no clue what group im even referring to.
wylde-space · 1 year
Okay I just really want to get something off my chest
(besides the useless lumps of flesh)
It's okay if a group of people makes you uncomfortable. Legitimately. Full stop. You cannot immediately control discomfort. It's an automatic response your brain has and you can't always just tell your brain to shut the fuck up. You're human and that's okay...
Because what matters is how you act on discomfort.
If someone is genuinely harassing you? like literally threatening you? if someone is actively working to harm or upset you? that shit ain't right and you should be allowed to do something about it.
BUT! Someone existing in the same room as you isn't doing any of that. Someone sitting near you on the bus looking at their phone isn't hurting you. Someone Reblogging from you on Tumblr isn't hurting you. Someone using the free public restroom at the same time as you isn't hurting you. Someone tagging something isn't hurting you. Someone laughing loudly or eating food or walking down the street or wearing certain clothes or having a certain gender or skin color or religious affiliation or sexuality isn't fucking hurting you. People existing at the same time as you isn't an overt threat.
You can feel uncomfortable. But you cannot fucking attack people just because you personally don't like them.
Case in point: I have very very rough trauma. I'm a survivor of a handful of things that I personally am not a fan of talking about. There are certain groups that make me incredibly uncomfortable and downright sick to my stomach to deal with. People of a certain sexuality make my skin crawl due to those past awful experiences. Another group that brings me vast discomfort is just. Literally mothers. There's no nuance there, people who are mothers make me incredibly uncomfortable because of things I dealt with growing up that I am still unpacking as a 28 year old.
But never once on here have I attacked anyone or even alluded to some of the groups giving me discomfort. I don't make posts talking about how those people should die. I don't call those people evil. I don't do callouts for people who I suddenly find out are parents or have a certain attraction. I have friends and acquaintances in those groups and I refuse to treat them any differently just because of that trait, because that trait has nothing to do with who they are as people.
Anyway my point is that some of y'all need to grow up, because someone correctly tagging a fandom post isn't fucking hurting you. A person shipping with characters you dislike isn't fucking hurting you. Grow up and block people, because you guys acting legitimately triggered while adamantly refusing to avoid said triggers is embarrassing as hell and really fucking irritating for those of us with PTSD.
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