#sephiroth who is practically a god born of a calamitous abomination and is just so not into it: don't worry about it
one-winged-dreams · 5 months
Why do I only ever have dreams about myself THINKING about my f/os and never have any that are actually ABOUT them?
Anyway, new AU just dropped, in which almost all the events of Crisis Core sort of happen in no particular order, but everyone still fucking lives and gets rehabilitated. The only catch is that, you know, now everyone's traumatized x2, and they're still altered by their... monsterificiation?
Anyway, everyone has their wings, Sephiroth is still this || close to being whatever the fuck he was in the original VII, and dream me decided Angeal can still turn into this thing as a limit break (and for monster boyfriend smooches).
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That leaves Genesis with only his one wing looking at his freaky friends like
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