#secondly- i made the notes bionic so that hopefully theyre easier to read. I don't typically post paragraphs on my art acc
lvndri · 1 year
next sound of the future has its grip on me
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Some info about my NSotF!Haku thoughts!! ^_^ :
Hatsune Miku V??? Model - 89N7 "Haku"
Haku is a former niche idol from an early model release. She never reached the same notoriety as other "legacy" idols, but she cultivated something of a cult fanbase. After just a few performances, Haku's public appearances grew more and more infrequent because, unbeknownst to the public, her faulty production led to a vocal bug which inhibited her ability to sing.
Officially sanctioned voice box surgeries only came to fruition after Haku had left the music industry and though Yamaha offered to repair her voice after she retired, Haku refused; believing that her time had passed and she wanted to find fulfillment outside of the musical arts.
Ever socially anxious, Haku prefers to spend her days outside of the public view, only accompanied by close friends and those she calls family.
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