#second theory is that there's changeling nonsense going on and fig made a deal with the fey
hootgrowlbears · 3 months
I love junior year so far, but that is only because I'm choosing to believe that there are supernatural forces that have changed Gilear's personality in the span of 4 months.
In sophomore year, even though he was literally killed by gorilla demons 10 minutes earlier, it was STILL a DC 25 persuasion check for Fig to convince him not to come on the nightmare king quest. Which she *failed*. Gilear literally could not be persuaded to leave her, even under threat of death. Brennan always talks like the Bad Kids dragged Gilear kicking and screaming on the quest with them, but in reality he really wanted to go even though he had experienced firsthand how dangerous it would be.
He accompanied Fig to the actual depths of Hell, just because she asked. He didn't have anything important to do there besides be her dad and look after her. He realized for the first time that every time he expounded on the pathetic state of his life, Fig felt personally responsible. She felt like the worst thing that had ever happened to him. Gilear promised her that he was going to do better for himself, FOR her.
A few hours later, he was killed twice in the span of 60 seconds on a pirate ship. Fig was so distraught about letting him go, but she wanted him to stay safe. Gilear said everything he could to make it easy for her to leave him without making her feel like she was abandoning him.
But all he wanted was to be helpful to her. So much so that when she came out of the Nightmare Forest, rattled at having lost her mother and her girlfriend, Gilear stole the armor of pride, hid inside of Riz's briefcase, and donned it for long enough to save her from an army of demons. He just knew he had to be there for Fig no matter what, because she told him that she needed him.
So HOW is this the same man that is apparently leaving her for a year without telling her about it? And, ironically, to go on a honeymoon with a woman who neglected her own son for his entire life.
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