#sbs obs
nvvr · 1 year
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lalalaugenbrot · 1 year
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nihilara · 20 days
@darabeatha asked: Oberon will not survive the winter!! So he's clinging to kuro like a (freezing) bug to candy under the sheets
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" 𝐈 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐊 𝐘𝐎𝐔'𝐑𝐄 𝐄𝐗𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐇𝐀𝐇𝐀… " but he makes room regardless of what he thinks. it's not too cold in his studio, plenty of extra work to pick up during the colder months. which meant his bills were usually paid... on time. " but i'd hate to risk something like that so-- " he hums, sleepily, and tugs his blankets around them both a bit more snug. " better? "
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At long last, Eventide, my Evening Star FNAF: SB OC!  I wanted one outfit that was just “it looked pretty and she wanted it”, one “family” photo outfit (Moon, Sun, YN, Selene, and Aurora have similarly themed outfits), and just one to get her coloration down!  <3 she came out so good!!!  My precious bean!!!!
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An au in where artifical intelligence messes up fate?
The daycare has been open for a whole year but the daycare anamatronic project started 2 years prior to the opening.
You of course are 3 when you were enrolled into the Superstar daycare where you meet your forever best freind.
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dykekakashi · 1 year
choking kink is so fun in theory but in practice i am vaguely traumatized from the time dude told me i could choke him and i was like but i'm not strong enough/my hands are tiny :/ and he told me to try anyway. then i did it so terribly wrong he told me i almost crushed his windpipe
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contradictivs · 2 years
I send one (1) thing to quin and it got me thinking about ob/x ryder… fighty lil bitch
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soberscientistlife · 1 year
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npr Her name was Halo, and she was born in Texas last week, on March 29, two months early and weighing 3 pounds. She lived for four hours, dying in the arms of her father, Luis Villasana.⁠ ⁠ Her mother, Samantha Casiano, knew their baby wouldn't survive long because she had anencephaly — part of Halo's brain and skull never developed.⁠ ⁠ Now, they can't afford to give their newborn daughter the funeral they would like to give her.⁠ ⁠ Casiano got the diagnosis three days after Christmas, at a prenatal appointment when she was 20 weeks pregnant. "I was told that she's incompatible with life," she says. "I was crushed."⁠ ⁠ She asked her OB-GYN what her options were. Casiano says her doctor told her, "Well, because of the new law, you don't have any options. You have to go on with your pregnancy."⁠ ⁠ Texas has among the strictest abortion laws in the country, with three overlapping bans. One abortion ban predated Roe v. Wade, another was triggered when Roe was overturned and comes with a maximum penalty of life in prison for providing an abortion in Texas. There's also SB-8, which allows people to bring civil charges for "aiding or abetting" an abortion in the state.⁠ ⁠ Casiano knew that Texas banned abortions, but she didn't think those laws would apply in a situation where the fetus was certain to die. But the laws do apply. A narrow exception allows for abortions when the mother's life or "a major bodily function" is in imminent danger, but there are no exceptions in Texas law for the diagnosis of a fetal anomaly, no matter how severe. In fact, very few states with abortion bans have such exceptions.⁠ ⁠ Casiano wishes she could have ended the pregnancy in Texas as soon as she got the anencephaly diagnosis.⁠
She is a victim of the war on women 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
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nvvr · 1 year
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lalalaugenbrot · 5 months
@diersten @sinnsenke ok ok!
also erstmal: das ist alles schon eine Weile her, aber ich hab noch mal kurz versucht meinen Lösungsweg zu rekapitulieren! Und ich möchte dazu sagen, dass ich das damals auch in einer Zeit gemacht hab, in der ich mich ein bisschen mit der Architektur von Altbauwohnungen auseinandergesetzt habe, bzw. deren Umstrukturierung. Also halt wie so eine Wohnung überhaupt so geworden ist, wie sie heute ist - idR waren diese Albauwohnungen ja ursprünglich riesig und enthielten Flügel fürs Personal inkl. Dienstbotentreppenhaus etc. und wurden erst später in einzelne Wohnungen aufgeteilt. Ich hab mich da eher mit der Berliner Architektur beschäftigt (weil man da am meisten zu findet), also keine Ahnung wie das in SB war, aber das führt ja auch eh alles zu weit. Fakt ist auf jeden Fall, dass ich davon ausgegangen bin, dass Leos Wohnung ein Teilabschnitt einer umgebauten, ursprünglich größeren Albauwohnung ist.
Was haben wir? Nicht viel mehr als das hier:
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Wenn man aber genau hinguckt, kann man doch einiges erkennen. Insbesondere in der Spiegelung der Fenster und der enorm großen, verspiegelten Hängelampe (ist ne Entscheidung, Leo, aber ok)
Hier mal was ich alles meine erkennen zu können in diesem einen (1) Frame:
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also daraus schließe ich:
das Wohnzimmer hat eine offene Decke, also das heißt die Deckenbalken sind freigelegt
die Deckenbalken treffen irgendwann auf einen Querbalken, der entweder mittig durchs Wohnzimmer läuft oder aber den Übergang zu einem anderen Raum, genauer einer offenen Küche markiert – für die offene Küche habe ich mich insbesondere wegen des Rohrs entschieden, das hinten an der Wand/unter der Decke entlangzulaufen scheint – vielleicht ein Dunstabzug?) außerdem scheint es wahrscheinlich, dass der Balken und die beiden zu erahnenden Stützen links und rechts da sind, weil dort eine tragende Wand entfernt wurde
auf der rechten Seite der Spiegelung im Fenster sieht man, dass dort eine kleine Wand mit Oberlicht steht – vielleicht einfach nur eine Abtrennung von der Küche - man kann nicht genau sagen, ob das Oberlicht in die Küche schaut oder in einen anderen beleuchteten Raum – ich habe mich entschieden, dass es in den Flur schaut und darunter dementsprechend auch eine Tür zum Flur ist
in der Lampenspiegelung erkennt man außerdem auch noch zwei helle Stellen rechts unter dem Querbalken – das eine könnte der Durchgang zum erleuchteten Flur sein – das andere vielleicht eine weitere Tür bzw. ein Durchgang – ich habe mich entschieden, dass es da zum Schlafzimmer geht
das Schlafzimmer! ist mein Allerlieblingsraum in dieser Wohnung. ich dachte einfach, weil Leo so ein Beschützer ist, braucht er ein Schlafzimmer, dass so ein bisschen wie ein Nest, ein Versteck ist! insbesondere, wenn er vielleicht mal Besuch bekommt :-) deswegen liegt das Schlafzimmer so ein bisschen versteckt und man kommt nur vom Wohnzimmer aus da hin und von der Lage bzw. Ausrichtung her deckt es sich auch mit dem, was wir in HdW sehen:
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zwar sieht man hier nur ein Fenster, aber vor den anderen sind einfach die Vorhänge zugezogen ;)
Nun ja, lange Rede, kurzer Sinn, hier ist das Ding:
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(den Rest mit dem Büro und den Bädern und so ist natürlich pure Spekulation, folgt aber in etwa einer inneren Logik, wenn man sich die alte, ursprüngliche Wohnung mit viel größeren Zimmern denkt! Das Schaffierte ist der Teil der ursprünglichen Wohnung, der heute nicht zu Leos Wohnung gehört. Und das Gebäude spiegelt sich dann auf der linken Seite noch mal und gegenüber stehen auch noch Häuser, wodurch dann der Innenhof entsteht)
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As if the OB news weren’t weird enough the physician’s husband - Dr. Daniel Rychlik - runs a fertility clinic with a surrogate partner program in SB.
If she’s experiencing burnout, I feel for her, but you have to admit this is a bit strange.
Link to his website 👇🏼
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twinkle-art · 1 year
i know this isn't the website where you posted it but your wol andromeda seems really cool. you mind saying a bit more about her
i would be THRILLED to tell you all about my beloved daughter. pics and exhaustive description below the cut
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andromeda elo (or andromeda viator caecus) is, as you could probably sus out, my mixed garlean/roegadyn girlprince wol💗
she's very into the whole "embodying a super idealized image of The Hero" thing. some would say to her detriment. her decision to run away from her upbringing in garlemald and throw herself headlong into life as an adventurer was, initially, a pretty childish and impulsive one. then some stuff happened and now she's eorzea's champion so. that's pretty irreversible at this point
she's quite cagey about her past- despite hardly being the only garlean defector among them, she has it in her head that the truth of her identity would get in the way of being a perfect, uncomplicated symbol. and for reasons she's not yet willing to self-reflect on, the thought of losing that (totally definitely attainable) status is unbearable to her.
that said, if you spend enough time with her, you'll probably notice that her various stories don't quite add up or that the way she talks can be a bit strange at times. she was raised to be a proper lady, and even though she's rejected that box her whole life, it's not something she's truly free of, even as Thee warrior of light
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she (by which i mean me, but i'm doing it for immersion) spent arr/hw as a paladin (it has the aesthetic she likes and isn't magic heavy- she grew up taking for granted that this was out of reach for her. but it's not.) then switched to red mage early on in sb after getting her shit rocked by zenos and having a full-on crisis of identity
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the deeper Lore to her backstory is that her mother, lucretia eir caecus, was once an idealistic adventurer in her own right- in her time outside of the empire, she had a passionate affair with a man that she no longer speaks of. despite this, she ultimately found herself becoming the second wife of the head of a particularly stifling military family.
already bearing the mark of being an illegitimate child (and one othered by being visibly not-garlean among what i imagine was a pretty damn hostile environment, at that), lucretia raised her daughter strictly, believing that her keeping her head down and playing a more demure role was the only route she had to a comfortable life in their environment. naturally this didn't go over well with teen andromeda, who was just old enough to remember a time before her mother was so embittered and resigned to their fate, and resents her for it.
as for her father, i still haven't figured that part out andromeda knows next to nothing about him. she's not even sure if he's alive or not. her only keepsake from him was signed e. loetwilfsyn which, due to her not knowing a word of roegadyn, became bastardized into elo, the name she adopted in eorzea.
uhh this has gotten really long so here's some lightning round notes on relationships
she's a lesbian but i'm not sure she's properly sorted that one out yet despite a very long string of intense female friendships because her weird sense of identity keeps getting in the way
in ARR, she had a little crush on minfilia that had absolutely nothing to do with her as a person and everything to do with liking feeling like a dutiful little knight who answered to a woman who was authoritative.. but still gave her ample opportunity to feel like the big hero saving the princess. she thought this was normal
in HW, she was utterly taken by ysayle for slightly adjacent reasons. this went just as poorly as the first one. maybe worse.
has a DEEPLY personal vendetta against zenos for. you know. being both an embodiment of her homeland and being a real prince. except her animosity crumbles into primal, bone-deep fear in his actual presence
(i haven't actually finished sb yet so i'm jumping the gun with this last one but i'm too obsessed with it not to share)
emet-selch reminds her of her mom. it's going to be exactly as psychologically harrowing as that sentence suggests. please look forward to that it's gonna get really weird over here in about a month
i'm.. definitely forgetting stuff because she's been in the slow cooker of my mind for about. three months of playing this now and i feel like i'm starting to lose it. all of this is subject to be fleshed out further in the coming months. you're welcome, or i'm sorry
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darnestdungeon · 1 year
Tumblr started turning gifs into webp when you try to save them, so here’s the link for the walking DD heroes from my previous post, in case you want them!
Put them under your email signature, it will sure look professional :)
I’ve got the idea to make those gifs after seeing this post, it just looked so cute! Little guys walking across your screen! What if I did the same with the gifs I ripped from Darkest Dungeon? My mind was set, I just needed to make a gif slide to the right, how hard could that be?
(…A lengthy backstage process after the read more...)
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If you have an easy solution that could have ended my headache much sooner, please let me know, I'd love to learn. But yeah, it didn’t take long before I noticed I had no clue how to achieve my goal. The problem consisted in how to deal with two simultaneous but different types of movement in one gif (the walking animation + the sliding to the right animation), all while preserving the quality and transparency.
First thing that came into mind was manually moving each frame of the walking gifs a little to the right but it would take SO much time and it would be SO boring I refused to even consider it again. Even with automate actions it would take so fucking long, there have got to be a better way, I mean, it was literally just sliding a gif to the right.
I’ve tried searching for sites that could let me do it to no avail. I did find GIPHY’s gif editor though, it allowed me to edit the gifs in very pleasing ways, totally not vomit inducing (albeit not transparent, it lost some points on that front).
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I’ve considered some screen capture gimmicks with an open source software called ScreenToGif but I already knew from experience that the background removal function leaves behind ugly artifacts in the borders of the gifs, same thing with OBS.
I’ve tried looking up in DragonBones, the very own software I’ve used to export the game assets, but I could not figure out a way to make the whole thing move together all while having the regular animation play on loop, if that makes sense? But then again, I didn’t look much into it because I’ve finally had an idea that would work!
I could use a video editing software to make it all happen! I even had a very good open source software installed already, kdenlive! There was an initial problem where I could not figure out how to preserve the transparency, kdenlive would always render the gifs with black backgrounds. But after some googling I’ve found out you could render a video with alpha, so all I would have to do in the end was to convert the video back into a gif!!
First, I’ve rendered a video consisting of 10 sequences in a row of the walking hero gif, so the loop was long enough so they could walk all the way across the borders of the video (the original gif only lasted 1 second). I’ve done that 18 times, one for each hero– NOT counting all the times I had to try and try again for some, ignore the rest of the paragraph, it’s all technical problems. Some kept turning out with white borders around the heroes for some unknown reason (anti, sb, crusader and arb). The problem went away after I used the original untrimmed gif for each of them but THEN I had to redo crusader’s gif from the DragonBones project up because there was too much empty space around his gif in particular and then it would look small in the end if I hadn’t redone it. Reynauld, always the problem boy.
Then I had to find out how to change kdenlive’s project resolution to fit each final gif dimensions. I guess I didn’t quite figured out how to change it in the end, but I did notice whenever you bring an image that’s not quite the size of the default project, the software would ask if you wanted to switch to that resolution. So I took note of each of their heights and then saved white rectangles measuring 2000px width x their respective heights. All I had to do now was drop the right rectangle into the project before editing said hero and we’re set!
I’ve chosen 2000px as width resolution because then the gifs would look very tiny when sized down in Tumblr’s dashboard! But afterwards I realized that choice meant I could not optimally use my convertor of choice (EZGIF.com, a free and excellent gif editing site) to turn the videos back into gifs, because there was a limit on the resolutions, the gifs with height higher than 300 would turn out all deformed, and the other option would make the quality way too shitty. Luckily by the end I found out Photoshop had an option to import videos as animation frames, and all I had to do was save them as gif directly from PS, with no resolution constraints!
Anyways, let’s wrap this up because I’m getting incredible tired just from recalling and typing it up everything that I’ve done yesterday. I’ve literally spent the entire day on this silly project.
After I had the alpha movs of their looping walk cycles, all I had to do was to drop the respective rectangle into the project (to change the project's resolution to match it to the hero’s height) and then drag the mov to the timeline and apply a transformation effect with two key frames: one at the start of the clip moving the clip so it starts from out of the left border of the screen, and the other key frame by the end of the clip, with the clip ending outside the right border. Doing it so would make the whole clip slide across the screen, appearing on the left and disappearing on the right!
I also had to figure out how to make it start with them already on the screen instead of the gif starting on an empty screen, but cutting the video would interfere with the transformation effects, so I had to render it first and edit it again later (I cut a little bit of the beginning of the video and pasted it back on the end). Luckily rendering those tiny gifs only took like 3 seconds each, because I basically had to do it thrice for each gifs.
After turning them all back into gifs in PS it was done!! I saved two versions, one original sized and one 50% smaller, just because I know there are people out there with internet connections that could not handle loading a gifset of 10 gifs at around 4MB each.
And that was it, I’ve learned a lot, I’m never doing anything like this again :)) thanks for reading it all if you did, I'm so so tired
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kaya-toaster · 23 days
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What a way to end Easter and celebrate April Fools...with a trip to the ER and confinement. Kasama ni wife family side niya kahapon para mag celebrate ng Easter. After ko sana siya sunduin, makikipagkita sana kami sa classmates ko sa isang SB branch. Pag dating namin dun sa parking, hindi na kinaya ni wife yung sakit so tumawag nalang ako sa friends namin na sorry emergency kay wife. Nag drive ako mga 30 mins Pra makarating sa pinakamalapit na hospital then ayun diretso ER. Need siya ma admit kasi walang OB sa ER and need siya ma ultrasound kinabukasan (which is ngayon) so ayon. Fastforward kaninang hapon eh nameet na yung OB niya dito and after ultrasound pinagprepare agad siya papuntang Operating room para ma raspa. Makapal kasi yung endometrial lining niya di kaya ng mga gamot na tine-taka niya. Discharge na daw siya bukas so hopefully Okay na. Wag lang sana OA yung bill bukas.
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postsofbabel · 1 month
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