#sanguine!! hooray!!
linda-likes-to-draw · 6 months
Angy daedras :] (all belongs to @ego-osbourne!)
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This was very fun hehehe. Also this has been sitting in my drafts for 2 MONTHS so hooray it's here!! I honestly really like how this turned out! It was so fun making them glow hehe
Characters are @/ego-osbourne's Sanguine, Velehk Sain and Rakell! Go check their blog out they're so cool
Hope you have a great time :]
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demonfox38 · 4 years
Director's commentary for the CVWeek - Heroes & Villains fic?
When I had written the “Heroes & Villains” entry for CV Week, the Netflix adaptation was little more than a bunch of draft documents. So, my interpretations of Trevor and Sypha are off the mark in terms of what that canon presents. Basically, what I was working off was:
What activities in “Castlevania III” could infer about these characters
The least cringy material I could salvage from “Castlevania Judgment”
A teeny bit from “Castlevania: Curse of Darkness”
A bunch of Pachislot games
In particular, my interpretation of Trevor is much more sanguine that other adaptations would make him. While his circumstances are nothing to smile about, he’s one of the most socially amicable “Castlevania” characters. It’s fascinating that two of the three characters he can recruit are won over literally after punching them in the face. Some of the weirder bleed-through he has in personality quirks probably comes from archetypes I like in 2000s-era Tales RPGs, as well as one projection from myself (that is, having a fascination with the anatomy of supernatural creatures.)
I’m still surprised that nobody seems to make a fuss about Alucard being Dracula’s son. In other media, this would typically be a huge plot spoiler or reasons to distrust him. It’s very strange that everyone who seems to know about this is generally cool with it? Which, hooray for people being mature and letting him stand on his own two feet. I just find it really weird that nobody would question his allegiance, knowing that fact.
The greatest challenge I have writing Sypha is deciding what pronouns to use. Like, before the Netflix adaptation, her being a lady was a plot spoiler. Granted, about as surprising as Samus being a woman, but it was still a revelation. So, I always wonder if I confuse people by referring to her as him when it is not from her perspective (prior to the revelation of her gender, anyway.) I have entertained writing short stories where she is classified as a woman, and everyone gets after the person using the wrong pronoun on her (even if they already know that she is a woman. Because—and I think this is where this old trope could be well modernized—it’s important to respect one’s desired pronouns, no matter what another person thinks. But, I hope that’s an Aesop I wouldn’t have to bash someone over the head with.
Poor Grant. You’d think a pirate-acrobat-thief would get more attention, but no. I have thought about why he disappears from stories so often (outside of purposefully ditching Trevor if he picks up another friend in game.) I think it would be neat if he ended up in some kind of Flying Dutchman curse, only to have another Castlevania set free him centuries later. Well, not neat for him. But, it would give some kind of continuation to his tale, anyway. Outside of unofficial translations for that one post-Sorrow novel that came out in Japan only, anyway. (No, I have no read it. Mostly, because I am anti-crossbow.)
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dailymtgflavortext · 5 years
Ravnica Allegiance Overview
Hello everyone!
I had a good time at the prerelease yesterday. It was a weird split of guilds, something I didn’t expect. There were 4 people playing Gruul (I thought there would be many more, it seemed like the best guild to me), two people playing Azorius, a handful playing Simic, and about a dozen (myself included) playing Orzhov. Nobody chose Rakdos. I ended up going 2-2 in the end, but we split the prize in the final round. Actually, the final round was pretty bad to be honest. I had no mana in the first game, he had only mana in the second game, and once again I had no mana in the third. Quickest three games I’ve ever been part of.
Anyway, I’ve done this once before, so I thought it would be kinda fun to do again. After the break, I’m gonna go through the cards in the set that I’m most looking forward to using. Keep in mind, I play commander almost exclusively, so that’s the lens through which I view them all.
First and foremost, there are a few angels in this set that I’ll have to acquire foil versions of.
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Fine additions to my collection.
Now, on to the cards I need for my decks. There are a lot of Gruul goodies in this set, so Thromok gets some cool things to play with:
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Riot is such a good mechanic. Haste is important for Thromok, so being able to give it to any creature I cast is super. Domri will probably find a home in the deck, and I’ll give Rhythm of the Wild a shot as well.
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Nikya will be an interesting experiment. I really like the design of this card, and Thromok only has like 6 non-creature spells in the deck, so the huge mana-boost it gives might just be worth it.
Although I didn’t see a lot of Rakdos in the prerelease, there are still a number of cards I want to try out. Tymaret and Mathas both get some potential upgrades here:
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Tymaret can deal direct damage pretty easily, so I don’t think it’ll be much of an issue to play the cards Theater of Horrors exiles. It’s almost like another Phyrexian Arena, so I hope it works out. The only possible issue is that something important could be exiled before I’m actually able to cast it.
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One of the gimmicks of my Tymaret deck is to create a lot of tokens and sacrifice them for various effects. Sacrificing two at once may not always be feasible (or a good idea), but I think Priest of Forgotten Gods has potential.
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Bedevil is an extremely powerful kill spell, so I don’t see any reason why I wouldn’t use it. The instant-speed makes it worth running over Dreadbore, but I think I’ll still run them both in Tymaret if I can. Mathas has plenty of good kill spells already, so it will be a strict upgrade there.
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I don’t actually think Captive Audience will be that great, but it seems like the kind of thing I’d use in the Mathas deck. It’s worth a shot, anyway.
Daghatar gets a bit of love in this set too:
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I feel like this is a weird effect for an “Azorius” card. They don’t usually give their things +1/+1 counters, do they? Well, it’s still something good for Daghatar, so I’m not complaining. It can be used both defensively and offensively, so the versatility is great.
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This seems like a neat counterpart to Gyre Sage. Throwing a counter on it shouldn’t be a problem, so it should make for some pretty good mana-ramp.
Unfortunately, this set didn’t give me the kind of Orzhov cards I wanted. Not to say they were bad, they just didn’t have a lot of synergy with my Karlov deck.
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I want the deck to mess around with everyone’s life totals a lot, so Revenge seems like a good addition. Probably a game-ender with Sanguine bond as well, so that’s something. Even Revival is a decent choice, since there are a lot of small creatures in the deck.
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This was my foil from the prerelease, and I think I might give it a try. I know, the irony of using it in a Karlov deck is pretty heavy. Oh well, RIP Obzedat and my dream of you getting a third card...
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Smothering Tithe is just a cool card, so I hope it’s worth using here. Honestly, it would probably be better with Mathas, since I have Revel in Riches in that deck as well. Hmmmm...
Now, just for a few miscellaneous one-offs for various decks:
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As I play Shu Yun more and more, I’ve found how necessary it is to always have some sort of evasion spell. This one gives a decent boost in power as well, so I think it’s worth using. It’s kinda funny how many of these little common combat-trick spells I’ve managed to fit into that deck.
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It’s been a long time since I’ve looked at my Scarab God deck, but Thought Collapse continues my tradition of using bad “mill slightly” counterspells in it. Hooray!
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Awwwwwww yeeeeahhhh more Gate-tech for Karona. It doesn’t even enter tapped, so it’s not a bad multi-coloured land for the mid-game.
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Excellent. Another excuse for Iwamori of the Open Fist to PUNCH!
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And finally, a card that I’m sure many people are excited for. I don’t like using a lot of X-cost spells in Melek, but I feel like casting this one and copying it a few times is just tooooo good to pass up. And at Instant speed, no less. Just crazy.
Well, if you‘ve made it this far, I congratulate you. I hope you enjoyed my opinions on these cards! Now, I must ask, what cards are you most looking forward to using? Not even just in commander, but any format?
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Rules: Tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better.
tagged by @joaneuglassiawatson (hooray, you can tag me now!)
Nickname: Sang.
Zodiac sign: Aries. I check the first line of every Zodiac post to make sure it’s sufficiently fighty, and go no farther.
Height: 5′7″
Last Thing You Googled: ...I think it was the various Latin quotes in @sanspatronymic‘s These Words Toward You. (ACD H/W, explicit, 3.5K, and as excellent as anything of theirs. Google was not terribly helpful with the quotes, but the author put translations in comments, if you want them.)
Favourite music artist: ...ugh, it’s been so long since I’ve listened to music regularly, that I’m not going to try.
Song stuck in my head: Et Rekod ~ עת ריקוד ~ Time to dance | Yaakov Shwekey
Last Movie you watched: Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights.
What are you wearing right now: pajama pants (black with mc polka-dots) and a very, very, very worn henley.
What do you post: Whatever has caught my magpie mind and overcome my incredibly arbitrary “is this worth reblogging?” not-quite-guidelines. Common subjects include: moreholmes, Elementary, various wlw stuff (from life or fiction), political/social stuff that I have standing for and knowledge about and hasn’t already been hammered into the ground, random cool biology shit...
Why did you choose your URL: The juxtaposition of bloodthirstiness and vigorous good cheer speaks to me and amuses me. There are more personal reasons, too, but that’ll do for here.
Do you have any other blogs: Dreamwidth and Livejournal (sanguinity both places, one is a mirror of the other).
What Did Your Past Relationship Teach You: To forgive myself: I did the best I could with what I knew then.
Religious Or Spiritual: I’m an atheist who wasn’t raised in a religion; I have no freaking idea what ‘spiritual’ means in this context or any other.
Favorite Color: Burnt sienna.
Average Hours Of Sleep: Who the fuck knows, I’m a chronic insomniac.
Lucky Number: 12 is an aesthetically pleasing number, but I don’t have a ‘lucky’ one.
Favorite character: Kat Loving.
How Many Blankets Do you Sleep With: It depends on what room I’m sleeping in, what season, and who I’m sharing the blankets with.
Dream Job: I wish I fucking knew.
Not tagging anyone by name, but if it pleases you...
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Episode 3x04: Sphere of Influence
There is trouble on Pandora once again. When Chairman Papanoida's daughters are kidnapped, Ahsoka and Riyo Chuchi team up to help the chairman rescue his family and prevent the Trade Federation from influencing the future of Pandora.
Spoilers after the cut.       
The episode begins with Riyo Chuchi trying to convince the Senate not to listen to the Trade Federation, who are trying to interfere with Pandoran politics by blockading Pandora. Afterward, Padme comes up to her and assures her that the Senate will support Pandora (I’m not so sure of that myself). 
We also get our first look at the chairman and his family. The daughters go off to their room, while the chairman and his son stay behind to chat with the Senator of Pandora. In a chilling moment, the two daughters are kidnapped. One daughter manages to injure the abductor, by hitting him with a small statue. This becomes important later in the episode. 
Next, we come to an Anakin/Padme moment. :’) Padme shows concern about what’s happening on Pandora, because it reminds her of her own planet’s past trouble.  
Anakin responds: “Well, that blockage wasn’t that bad.” 
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That blockade wasn’t that bad? Anakin, you probably shouldn’t make light of something like that, especially since it’s clearly something that Padme takes seriously. Also, look at Padme’s face in that screenshot. Just look at it.
(On another note, Anakin looks so damn adorable. He is so child-like at times, and right now with Padme standing next to him you can truly see the child in his heart.)   
Anakin continues: “It’s where I met you, after all.”
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Just look at this adorable face! :’)
Aw, what he says is kinda sweet. Padme seems to think so too, though at the same time she still seems a bit unhappy. It does look like she at least understands that he’s trying to be supportive (or at least cheer her up), even if it’s not working that well.
When moments like this come up, I get why some fans think that their relationship is unhealthy and should never have happened. But, Padme does see something in Anakin and chooses to remain with him when she could just ditch him and make life easier for them both. And I don’t think she’s the type to stay inside a relationship if she doesn’t really want to. 
Padme: “You certainly have a unique way of looking at things, Ani.”
Yes, he certainly does! ;)
Now, Ahsoka arrives with the news that the chairman’s daughters have been abducted. It’s hero time! 
Padme: I was afraid something like this would happen.
Okay, then why didn’t you warn them and put protective measures in place?? 
Anakin: The Jedi can’t get involved. This is a job for the local police.
Since when does Anakin care about the Jedi getting involved in anything? He’s the one who loves breaking the rules.
So Anakin gives Ahsoka permission to go behind the council’s back and help Senator Chuchi investigate the abduction. Anakin will stay at the Temple and make sure the Council doesn’t find out about it.
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Anakin’s habit (and love) of rule-breaking has to be part of why Padme loves him. Just look at her face in this image! :’)  
Padme: “Should you really proceed without the Council’s approval?”
Anakin: “We do it all the time. Don’t we, Snips?”
And then...
Padme: “I still can’t believe they let you teach.”
Dear god.
Well, at least it’s made clear she’s teasing him.
And look at Anakin’s face:
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The scene changes to Riyo Chuchi, the chairman and his son. They receive a message from Count Dooku who offers to help them find the chairman’s daughters. Senator Chuchi insists that the Separatists were involved in the abduction. At the same time, Ahsoka arrives to give her aid. 
What I really like is that the chairman and his son aren’t fooled by Count Dooku/the Separatists and realise that the Separatists are probably holding the daughters hostage to force Pandora into joining them.
Thinking that the daughters might be being kept on one of the ships blockading Pandora, Chuchi and Ahsoka go there on a ‘diplomatic visit’ while the chairman and his son stay on Coruscant and follow the police investigation. The chairman and his son discover blood on one of the mini-statues in the daughters’ room and identify it as that of a Rodian called Greedo, who resides on Tatooine. Hell yes! :) I love it when victims are actually smart and help themselves. I’ve seen too many shows in which this is not the case. 
I’m going to ignore the fact that they’re technically ruining the crime scene by moving the statue back onto the shelf, because the police look useless anyway.
Chuchi and Ahsoka arrive on the Trade Federation ship. Ahsoka is hidden underneath a cloak, presumably to hide the fact that she’s a Jedi. Um, if I were the Separatists/Trade Federation, I’d be immediately suspicious if I saw someone cloaked like that, especially if there’s another person with them who isn’t cloaked. Chuchi better have a good explanation for this.
 But apparently they don’t suspect anything? :/ Hmm, maybe it’s typical for servants to be cloaked on Pandora.
Meanwhile, the chairman and his son go to Tatooine to investigate Greedo. I love that they’re helping themselves like this. :) 
Chairman: “Be careful. The Hutts are the only law that matter on Tatooine.”
Son: “I don’t scare that easily.”
This might spell disaster... :( 
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Hooray, we get to see Stinky again! :’)
Also, I can’t believe how sweet it is to see the tyrannical Jabba behaving like a doting father. 
That chairman is a total badass. :’) I love him! 
On the Trade Federation ship, Ahsoka and Chuchi do some of their own badass investigating. They overhear two Trade Federation leaders talking about the kidnapping, proving that the Separatists (and the Trade Federation) are behind it. Unfortunately, Chuchi lets out an ill-timed gasp after hearing where the daughters are being kept, and that almost alerts the Trade Federation of their presence. I say almost, because the two of them escape just in time, with help from Ahsoka’s Jedi-powers. Having the info they need now, they go looking for the daughters.
Back on Tatooine, we finally get a look at Greedo. The female (not sure of her species, sorry!) that the chairman talked to tells Greedo about the Pandorans. He leaves to ‘settle things permanently’. Hopefully that’s part of the chairman’s plan...
On the ship, Chuchi and Ahsoka have to get past a guard, via jedi-mind-trick.
Chuchi: “Have you done this before?”
Ahsoka: “No, but I’ve been practicing.”
Well, I guess it isn’t the right time to admit that you tried once before and failed at it.
I lol at Ahsoka forgetting to mind-trick the guard into letting Chuchi pass too. She ends up having to mind-trick him again for it to work.
On Tatooine, Greedo seizes the chairman and his son. The chairman is awesomely calm about it, and demands to know where Greedo is keeping his daughters. The son is less sanguine.
Son: “I don’t want to die on this dust-ball!”
Shut up, son!
I’m starting to wonder whether the chairman’s plan was a terrible idea after all...
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I take it back. This is one of the most badass things I’ve seen so far. The chairman flies into action, takes out a knife and holds it at Greedo’s throat, taking down a few of Greedo’s henchmen in the process. He then insists on talking to Jabba the Hutt about this.
Back on the ship, Chuchi and Ahsoka have had no luck in finding the daughters. Even worse, it looks like the Separatists have realised that they are snooping around. 
 On Tatooine, the chairman and his son and now standing before Jabba. The chairman appeals to Jabba, saying that he is only trying to get his daughters back, and that Jabba, being a father himself, should know that he would do anything for his children. 
Jabba is clearly swayed:
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Aw, I really like how this series gives another dimension to Jabba. It makes me feel a little bad for him, knowing that Leia kills him in ROTJ. But only a little! 
The chairman wants to take a blood sample from Greedo, to see if it matches the blood seen on the statue. Jabba agrees to it, but Greedo resists, which only makes his guilt more clear. Greedo is so afraid of having his blood taken that he admits to abducting the daughters, the very crime he’s being accused of. I guess he just hates needles? 
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Chairman: “Where are my daughters, you slime?” 
 The Chairman is definitely a Papa Wolf. :D
Turns out one of the daughters is in Mos Eisley. The other one is on the ship Ahsoka and Chuchi are searching, and they find her just after the chairman and co go off the Mos Eisley to get the other daughter. There’s a fight, and Greedo escapes, but the chairman has his daughter back. :’) 
One of the defeated enemies tries to shoot at the daughter when no one is looking, but this happens:
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This girl can look after herself. :D
 Back on the ship, Ahsoka and co have gotten the other daughter, but are found by the Separatists as they are escaping. Ahsoka does a great job in trying to take them down (she destroys a whole group of attacking droids), but she is forced to back down when reinforcements arrive. Another Trade Federation politician is with them, and he is not pleased by what he sees. Senator Chuchi uses her diplomatic skills to force him into letting them go and ending the blockage surrounding Pandora.
The episode ends with said Trade Federation politician officially renouncing Nute Gunray and the Separatists and announcing the end of the blockade surrounding Pandora and resuming of trade between the Pandorans and the Trade Federation.
Previous: ARC Troopers Next: Evil Plans!  
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