#rock space wifi extender user manual
How To Connect Rockspace Wifi Extender Setup?
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Rockspace wifi extenders are the most convenient and quick solution to increase the range of your existing Wifi.
To connect your rockspace wifi range exetnder to your phone or laptop, follow these steps:
Before connecting, switch off your mobile network.
Then, connect the WIFI extender to an electrical outlet.
Wait until the indication remains solid on.
Open WIFI on your Android, iPhone, or PC now.
After a successful connection, open the web page and enter re.rockspace.local to configure the WIFI extender's password.
Locate the existing WIFI network that you want to expand, and then type on the existing WIFI network.
Finally, it has been linked.
You can now relocate it to a location where the networks are poor (dead zone area) or where you want to expand your network.
Default Login for Rockspace Wifi Range Extender
Before proceeding with the extender device configuration, you must have the login credentials for your ROCKSPACE booster device in order to conveniently access settings and control it swiftly. In addition, the default Login IP address, username, and password are printed on the ROCKSPACE Sticker, and a simple user manual is supplied with the box.
The default login URL is re.rockspace.local, and the IP address is**.**
Default username: NA
ROCKSPACE password- For the first time you log in, you must create a new password.
When you have everything ready to set up a range extender device, it is time to move on to the next stages.
Open your WEB BROWSER and navigate to re.rockspace.local or 192.16810.1, then wait for the login screen to load. During the initial configuration of the range extender, you must now generate a new login password. So enter a strong login password and then click the next button.
Final Words
These were the steps to assist you set up and log in to the Rockspace wifi Extender dashboard. If you are having trouble logging in, you may contact our customer service, we will assist you with your problem.
Visit: https://re-rockpacelocal.com/rock-space-wifi-extender-setup/
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