#reread Please take a seat and it isn't even a sbad as it was in my memory
Unfortunately, my short term memory is Bad and I don't remember if I already asked the first one, if I did, just ignore it.
A Thousand Words - "Don't matter if you're bi it will get you anyway"
For Want of a Nail - "Take a Seat" if the "no pants allowed in the studio rule" didn't exist
For Want of a Nail - "Should I sink or swim or simply disappear?" if Tommi hadn't overheard Aleksi + Niko talking?
The Million Dollar Question - "The four times Aleksi comes out". off-screen events? okay, did Aleksi go and find Miko later on at the party to take him home or did he leave another guy hanging and then complain to Joonas about it the next day like "can you BELIEVE Joel's done it AGAIN? to ME this time??"
1. A photoset for Don’t matter if you’re bi it will get you anyway:
Tumblr media
It's part of the scrapbook Joonas has gifted Aleksi when they became friends and Aleksi is slowly filling it in<3
2. Change of minor detail for Please take a seat:
as it was summer I would say Aleksi would still have worn shorts, I’m not sure if it would have made a big difference because you can still see his thighs and legs like that
and you know, Aleksi sitting there with his legs widely parted...nice picture😳
maybe he would be a little more teasing after realizing what Joel was so hung up on
like accidentally spilling his drink on his pants and going “oh well, it’s hot anyways, you don’t mind if I go without?”
just generally being a little shit as always to Joel’s equal delight and suffering
and the rest would be the same
3. Change of minor detail for Should I sink or swim or simply disappear?:
now you’re making it hard on me because it already took me ages to decide how I could incorporate Tommi
because I didn’t see Aleksi just telling him and them having a heart to heart
and since I don’t know Tommi at all I can’t judge if you would have deep conversations with him although he does emit the calmness for it
maybe Aleksi doesn’t even come around to do it at all before his breakdown
and it’s only when Joonas gathers the guys to form a plan to get Aleksi help that they fill Tommi in
and I don’t think he would be mad to be the last one to know or to have been left out in some way
for me anyways he’s the silent pillar without big words but a steady presence for when you need it
4. Random question for The four times Aleksi comes out:
I would say yes, he did find Mirko again later and brought him home and had  a great night but not wihtout Mirko teasing him with protective Joel😄
and then the day after he chats with Joonas and tells him amused how Joel has done it again and sheepishly admits that Joonas and he had the same guy
maybe they gossip a bit more about Joel
and Mirko of course, and other guys and experiences and the likes
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