#remus lupin x benjy fenwick
no-names-work · 1 month
Figure You Out by VIOLÀ but it’s Barty, singer, singing at a show where he sees Reg after writing the song about Reg and James.
Like Reg and Barty locking gazes and you can see that Reg knows it’s about him and Barty winks before turning to the crowd to continue.
And James not understanding because not a single soul knows about the short relationship Barty and Reg had.
And Evan (who’s in the duo with Barty) is trying to explain to James what happened with just a look. But James doesn’t understand because he can’t read minds.
Then a few shows later Edgar shows up (still on that) and Evan is playing directly towards HIM
And it’s a mess of Evan trying to seduce Edgar and Barty trying to seduce Reg.
Bonus if Edgar is dating Benjy Fenwick (but boom they break up and Benjy goes with Peter)
And James dating Reg but they break up so James goes with Lily
And Xeno and Benjy are Edgar’s best friends so therefore Pandora’s so (including Evan) it’s a big group (but Amelia Bones and Emma Vanity and Alice Fortescue are the og friends instead of Evan and Pandora)
•So the group is Amelia, Emma, Alice, Xeno, Benjy, Edgar
•with invitation to Evan, Pandora, and Peter
And Barty and Sirius are friends because I said so
And Remus and Regulus are friends because I said so
And Dorlene is happening. Dorcas is Barty and Evan’s manager and Marlene is security
And Barty is openly gay in every way possible while Evan isn’t closeted but he’s a 50/50 and no one knows for sure
And Evan had an affair with Emmeline so Rita Skeeter writes about that and there’s a rumor and that rumor made Edgar not date Evan because “Evan was dating Emmeline” and he “didn’t want to be the reason they broke up”
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engie-ivy · 1 year
For @goodboylupin's Candy Hearts Challenge. My candy heart prompt was "UM HI"
Benjy has fallen head over heels. Again. But he swears this time it's different! Again. However, it turns out his new love interest is already dating this Remus guy, and he's just using Benjy to cheat on him. Somehow, Remus himself seems to be more interested in Sirius Black's reaction to the whole situation than in his actual cheating boyfriend.
There's Always Something
Benjy has never felt like this before.
Sure, he’s been in love before. Benjy is quite a sucker for love, actually. He falls fast and always immediately jumps in head-first, which has never had any good results in the past.
But then again, it has never felt like this in the past. The eruption of butterflies at just the meeting of their eyes, the light-headedness that has nothing to do with the wine he’s been drinking, the excitement that for once doesn’t resemble anxiety. It makes him think that all those times before weren’t even crushes, if this is what it’s supposed to feel like.
Benjy has always considered himself a hopeless romantic, but in retrospect, he might have been just hopeless. Like when he claimed the charming man from the coffeeshop who once made his latte art resemble a heart was the love of his life, or when he swore he was going to marry his handsome neighbour who had helped him carry in some heavy boxes when he was moving in, even after he met guy’s girlfriend, or when he was so sure that his friendly trainer in the gym was the one for him, or even way back in high school, when he didn’t stop talking about how smitten he was with the very fit, very broad-shouldered, and very straight jock who was one class above him.
Over a week ago, Benjy ran into said jock again, who was still very fit, still very broad-shouldered, but, as it turned out, not quite so straight anymore.
Benjy had blushed when he entered the deli and suddenly stood face-to-face with the man he still vividly remembered from his school days, Caradoc Dearborn. While Benjy immediately recognized him, he truly didn’t expect Caradoc Dearborn to even know who Benjy was, so he had stammered a quick hello and walked away, expecting that to be the end of it. However, when Benjy was about to leave, Caradoc Dearborn suddenly approached him. He gave Benjy his number, saying it was nice to see him again, and that it would be nice to catch up some time. They texted for about a week before deciding to meet up for coffee. Coffee turned into dinner, and dinner turned into drinks.
And that’s were they are now, sitting together in a cosy bar, so close that there legs are pressed together, just talking and talking and talking. Talking to Caradoc is easy, listening to Caradoc is captivating, and hearing Caradoc laugh is mesmerizing.
From the moment they started talking, Benjy doesn’t ever want it to stop.
Somewhere during their conversation, Caradoc’s hand has ended up on Benjy’s thigh, and Benjy is trailing his hand up over Caradoc’s very impressive biceps. Caradoc reaches out to brush a strand of hair from Benjy’s face, Benjy leans into the touch, Caradoc leans in too, their faces suddenly very close, and almost simultaneously, both of them move in further, slowly closing that last bit of distance between them, and...
Caradoc is abruptly jerked backwards, pulled from his barstool and shoved up against the wall.
Benjy nearly face-plants into the empty bar stool in front of him, and can barely catch himself. “What the-?”
Benjy looks up at the man who has grabbed Caradoc by his collar and is currently glaring at him furiously. He knows that man. Well, he doesn’t know him, but he knows who he is. Everyone does. He’s the kind of guy who walks into the room and you immediately say ‘who is that?’
Sirius Black unfairly handsome, like he’s designed for the sole purpose of making the rest of mankind feel inadequate. Too intimidating for Benjy to ever even dare to talk to, but that’s not to say he hasn’t enjoyed the view from time to time.
One more reason why everyone has had Sirius Black’s name on their lips lately is because of his notorious, high profile family, whom he recently dramatically cut ties with. Everyone loves to speculate about what happened, and Benjy has heard the wildest stories flying around about the fallout between Black and his family.
Benjy most certainly isn’t enjoying the view now, now that Black is pushing the latest Love of His Life up against the wall.
“Um, hi,” Caradoc says, blinking at Black.
“Don’t ‘hi’ me,” Black snaps. “What the hell, Dearborn? How could you?”
“It... It’s not what it looks like!”
“What ‘it looks like’,” Black snarls. “Is that you were about to stick your tongue down that guy’s throat!”
Oh, Benjy really hopes that it is what it looks like!
“Yeah, okay,” Caradoc says. “I suppose that is what it looks like, but I’m not cheating!”
“Oh, right, no, of course,” Black says, rolling his eyes. “Because surely your boyfriend would be absolutely fine with you snogging some other guy!”
Boyfriend? Benjy’s heart drops. Of course, there’s always something, isn’t there? It’s only the first date and it shouldn’t hurt this much, but god, it bloody does!
Caradoc shakes his head. “Sirius, please, it’s something between Remus and I.”
“Oh no,” Black says. “I’m not going to keep this from Remus! You can forget about that! You know what? I knew from the very start you weren’t good enough for him! I should’ve just spoken up back then.”
“Yes, that would’ve saved us both a lot of trouble,” Caradoc mutters.
“I just hope Remus will realise-”
“Remus will realise what?” A guy with floppy, honey-coloured hair and matching honey-coloured eyes comes walking up to them. He looks curiously from Caradoc to Black, his expression strangely... hopeful?
“Remus!” Black says, sounding way too pleased for the current situation, as he turns to the guy, apparently Remus, apparently Caradoc’s boyfriend. “Excellent timing. I think your boyfriend has something to say?” He looks at Caradoc with a slightly smug smile on his face.
Caradoc sighs. “Sirius seems to be under the impression-”
“Sirius isn’t under any impression!” Black interrupts sharply, glaring at Caradoc. “Sirius saw with his own eyes!” He turns back to Remus. “Dearborn was about to snog this random guy here!”
Benjy opens his mouth to protest, because Black may have a good reason to be angry, it’s not Benjy’s fault and Black doesn’t need to talk about him like that, but Caradoc beats him to it.
“Don’t talk about him like that!”
Benjy feels a tingle in his stomach at hearing Caradoc defend him, he’s just so... No, Benjy, no! He’s a liar and a cheater and you deserve better!
Remus presses a hand against his chest and gasps dramatically. “Caradoc! How could you!” He says, rather theatrically, Benjy thinks.
“That’s exactly what I said,” Black says triumphantly.
The way Remus is studying his face makes Benjy think he’s more interested in Black’s reaction to the situation than in his actual cheating boyfriend.
“And I said that it wasn’t like that!” Caradoc exclaims, looking more fed up than guilty or ashamed.
“Caradoc!” Remus hisses, giving him a pointed look.
“I mean, yes, I suppose it is, but...”
“Caradoc!” Benjy says, aiming to sound angry, but it comes out more like heartbroken.
“I mean, no, it’s not...” Caradoc rubs his temples. “Oh, fuck this.” He looks at Remus. “Sorry, Remus. I’m done with this.” He turns to Black. “Remus and I aren’t dating.”
Remus lets out another one of those overly dramatic gasps.
Black’s eyes narrow. “You dare deny it?” He asks in a dangerous tone. “You would just dismiss your relationship with Remus like that, while there are so many people who would die to be with Remus, who would want nothing more than to have him to themselves?”
“I know at least one,” Caradoc mutters under his breath, at the same time as Remus asks “You really think so?” while beaming at Sirius.
“Of course!” Sirius says wholeheartedly. “You deserve someone who knows how lucky they are.” The last part is said with sideways glance in Caradoc’s direction.
Caradoc rolls his eyes. “Remus and I were only pretending to date to make you jealous,” he plainly states.
Sirius blinks at him. “Why... Why would you want to make me jealous?”
Benjy crosses his arms over his chest. “Were you just using me to make him jealous too?” He demands. For some reason, he feels especially hurt that he isn’t even the only one Caradoc was using to make Black jealous. Maybe his friends did have a point when saying he needs to work on his self-esteem...
“Not me!” Caradoc exclaims. “Remus wants to make you jealous.”
Remus lifts his chin. “Why, I do not know of what you speak,” he says airily.
“Oh, Remus, let it off!” Caradoc snaps.
“Fine!” Remus throws his hands up in the air. “Fine! It’s true! It was me!” He turns to Black looking almost defiantly. “I asked Caradoc to pretend to be my boyfriend to help me make you jealous.”
Benjy’s previously sunken heart perks up a little. Caradoc isn’t a cheater! He’s just a loyal friend!
Black stares. “You... What? Why?”
“Because!” Remus exclaims, poking his finger against Black’s chest. “Because I like you, and I know you like me too, but you never bloody say it!”
“And you thought pretending you were happy with someone else would make me more inclined to say it?” Black asks incredulously.
“Every time something seemed to happen between us, you drew back! I thought that maybe the possibility of losing me to someone else would finally give you the push you needed to speak up.”
“Really?” Black crosses his arms over his chest. “The person who thought it a better plan to fake an entire relationship rather than just have a conversation with me is lecturing me about speaking up?”
Benjy must admit he makes a fair point.
Remus places his hands on his hips. “You’re damn right I am! If you like me, you would fight for me!” He averts his gaze. “But you didn’t. So maybe I was wrong. Maybe you don’t like me.”
“I don’t like you,” Black says. “I bloody love you, Remus!”
Remus spreads his arms. “Then why didn’t you fight for me?”
“Because loving you means wanting you to be happy,” Black says. “And believe me, Remus, wanting you to be happy and wanting you to be with me are two very different things.”
There’s a beat of silence.
“What... what’s that supposed to mean?” Remus asks, but his tone is much softer now.
Black runs a hand through his hair. “Look, Remus. You’ve got your shite figured out. You’ve got your own place, you work as a teaching assistant, from where you can get your accreditation and grow into becoming an actual teacher, and you love your job and are damned good at it. You’ve had a rough time, and now you’ve got your life on track. But me? I just got kicked out of my parents’ house, am crashing on my best friend’s couch, and just dropped out of my Business and Accounting studies my parents forced me to do. I never applied for any scholarships, because, you know, rich parents, and now I’m disinherited, so I’ve got no idea how I’m ever going to afford any type of education ever again. In short, I’ve got no place to live, no money, and no idea what I’m going to do with the rest of my life. Why would I let you be a part of that? Why would you want to be a part of that?”
“That makes sense,” Remus says.
Black drops his gaze, but then Remus continues. “Or rather, that would’ve made sense, had it been anywhere near the full story.”
Black looks up again.
Remus takes a step forward. “You forgot to mention how strong and brave you are for defying your family, no matter how much it’ll cost you, or how a fiercely loyal you are to your friends and how you’ve always been there for me, but find it so difficult to ask for help yourself, or just how clever and talented you are, and how you can now finally use that drive and passion to follow your own path, and I can’t wait to see where it’ll take you, but Sirius, there’s no rush. You’re allowed to take your time to figure things out, and while you do, I want to be there with you. So please, let me be there with you.” Remus takes another step towards Black and places a hand on his cheek. “Please, let me be with you.”
Black responds by moving in and kissing Remus, his arms coming around Remus’ waist to pull him even closer, and Remus’ hands sliding into Black’s hair.
Benjy starts to clap.
Remus and Black pull apart and give Benjy a puzzled look.
Benjy awkwardly scrapes his throat. “Um, sorry. It... It seemed like a clapping-moment?” He scratches his head. “I’m sorry. Please, um, don’t mind me. Sorry.”
Remus shakes his head and seems to want to continue the kiss, but at that point, a young man with hazel eyes, messy, dark hair sticking up in all directions, and a calm, easy-going manner about him has wandered up to the group, casually sipping his beer.
“Everything settled here?” He asks, looking from Remus and Black to Benjy and Caradoc. “Everyone got the respective man of their choice?”
Remus holds on to Black’s arm. “I’ve got mine!” He beams.
Black smiles at him completely besotted. “And I mine.”
They’re actually cute together. Benjy can’t help it. Besides the fact that Black ruined his moment with Caradoc and insulted Benjy, and Remus nearly ruined things between him and Caradoc all together by not fessing up about his scheming, Benjy finds himself rooting for them.
His thoughts are interrupted by Caradoc gently tapping him on the shoulder. “What about me?” He asks softly. “Have I got the respective man of my choice?”
Benjy can’t help the smile spreading over his face. “Who knows, if you play your cards right.”
Two years later
“And I pronounce you now husband and husband! You may kiss the groom.”
“And now you may clap,” Caradoc whispers in Benjy’s ear.
Benjy glares at him as the room bursts out in applause as Remus throws himself at Sirius, who is all too happy to catch him and pull him into a passionate kiss.
Caradoc chuckles and kisses Benjy’s cheek. “I’m sorry, love. I’m just teasing.”
Benjy doesn’t reply, but he lets Caradoc wrap his strong arms around him and pull him close, and he rests his head on Caradoc’s shoulder with a content sigh as Caradoc starts gently treading his fingers through his hair.
They watch as Remus and Sirius, Mr and Mr Lupin, make their way back down the aisle, towards the exit, Remus holding on to Sirius’ arm and Sirius smiling at him completely besotted, both of them beaming more brightly than Benjy has ever seen anyone beam.
“They really are cute together,” Benjy says.
“Hmmm,” Caradoc hums.
“And it was such a beautiful ceremony,” Benjy sighs.
Caradoc moves a bit closer to whisper in his ear. “Do you think that’ll be us someday?”
Benjy’s stomach erupts in flutters, like it still does every time he’s reminded that Caradoc is actually his. He can’t help the smile spreading over his face. “Who knows, if you play your cards right.”
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Benjy Fenwick wore clothes that were too big for him and hung off his frame unflatteringly, repeatedly forgot to brush his hair and unconsciously skipped meals so he was just at the brink of sickly at any given moment.
Caradoc Dearborn redyed his hair so often that younger years couldn't tell you his natural colour should you ask, he scored high on every test but could never be seen revising and read more fiction books that the rest of the year combined.
Somehow, perhaps do to forced proximity, or even fate as some believe, they fit better than with anyone else.
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hi! omg for the small details for fictional kisses the 4 and 41 are so cute every time! it would be so sweet if you write them please
Thanks so much for requesting!
I’ll write both (I’ll tag you in the second one), but I’m not sure which one this is going to be (I’ll find out when I get there lmao)
4 - breaking the kiss but instantly pressing your lips back together
Remus was fine. Completely fine. He definitely wasn’t gripping his bottle so hard it was on the brink of shattering. There was absolutely no way that he was watching Benjy Fenwick chatting up Sirius at the Gryffindor party.
“Moony, I’m just going to take this.” James carefully pried the bottle, which had a crack working it’s way through, from his hands. “You know, if you want Benjy to leave Sirius alone, maybe you should go over and talk to him?”
Remus glanced at him for a moment, struggling to keep his eyes away from Sirius, who was now laughing at something Benjy had said. Sure, Benjy was funny, but he wasn’t that funny! What was making Sirius laugh so hard? He contemplated between thanking Benjy for letting him see that Sirius Black grin, or slapping him, because he wanted to be the one to make him smile like that.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He said simply, through gritted teeth. James couldn’t help but chuckle then.
“Remus, I hate to break it to you, but you’re shit at keeping secrets. You look like you want to set Benjy on fire.”
Honestly, Remus had thought of that (fleetingly), but had decided he wouldn’t be able to do that, anyway.
“Just talk to him! You never know!”
He did know.
At least, he thought he did.
Remus and Sirius had gone out a few times over the Hogsmeade weekends. Remus was absolutely, 100% gone for him, but he wasn’t sure about Sirius.
Sirius flirted with everyone around him, and Remus couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling that hit him every time this happened. The same, unsure, insecure nagging in the pit of his stomach, asking why the hell Sirius would ever feel the same way, that he was probably just passing the time, waiting until he got bored to move on to the next fling.
He wasn’t sure Sirius would want to make things between them exclusive, so he had avoided asking. It wasn’t until he saw James’ confident, reassuring expression, and turned back to find Benjy reaching out to squeeze Sirius’ arm, that he decided there was no time like the present.
If he was going to get his heart broken, he may as well just get it over with.
“Hey, Padfoot, everything okay?” He asked, standing just a little too close to Sirius, in the hopes of sending Benjy a more subtle message. He didn’t seem to catch on.
“Oh, Siri and I were just talking about the upcoming Hogsmeade weekend.” God, Remus hated that nickname. It sounded so insanely stupid. Especially coming out of Benjy’s bloody mouth.
“Were you now?” He hardly even noticed Sirius watching him with an amused smile.
“Yeah, we were.” Benjy shot Remus a glare, and Remus practically wanted to hex that look off his face. “So, Sirius, if you’re free-“
“I’m not.” Sirius cut him off without hesitating, eyes fixed on Remus. Benjy frowned, caught off guard by the sudden rejection.
“Oh, okay, maybe another time then?”
“I’m good. Thanks.”
“R-right, okay.” He walked away, slightly stunned, the two of them watching him walk away, before Sirius dropped his voice to a whisper.
“Jealous?” Remus couldn’t waste another minute.
“I want to be your boyfriend.” He said quickly, as Sirius arched an eyebrow, surprised. Still, Remus kept going, undeterred. “I know we said we’d just go on a few dates casually, no commitment or anything, but I- I want to be able to hold your hand in the Great Hall, without worrying that it wasn’t part of… whatever this is. I want to be able to call you my boyfriend, and I don’t- I don’t want to have to worry about pricks like Benjy dragging you off to the astronomy tower.”
“Benjy wishes.” Sirius muttered with a sly smile. “So… are you asking me out? Officially?”
“I guess so. If you want to, anyway.”
“If? I’m yours, Moony.”
Theirs eyes met half a second before their lips did, suddenly oblivious to the packed common room. Remus’ hand cupped Sirius’ cheek, as what had started as a small, chaste kiss deepened pretty quickly, becoming the kind of kiss that made Remus go weak at the knees, overwhelmed by the taste of peppermint on his tongue that was just so undeniably Sirius.
Remus went to pull away after a moment, lips barely separating before until a hand gripped the front of his jumper, pulling an all too willing Remus back in for half a second.
“Sorry, just didn’t want it to end.” Sirius whispered, breath ghosting across Remus’ face.
“Don’t apologise.” Remus’ brain was malfunctioning, really, hardly even getting those two words out.
All he could think about was that Sirius was stood in front of him, and Sirius was his.
No more anxiety, no more awkwardness, no more uncertainty.
It was definitely too soon to say anything to Sirius, but he knew, deep down, that Sirius was it for him. Sirius was his heart, his soul, his everything.
(I got really carried away with the novelty of the flirting so ignore how little of the oneshot is the actual kiss I swear the other one will be more dedicated to the kiss.)
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heartofspells · 2 years
I would love to see something with Frank if you could, I loved his scenes in the fic and how caring he was with Sirius💟
Yes, Frank! Thank you for this!
Another outtake from At the Healing Edge of Broken, occurring during chapter 13.
"He looks good, doesn't he?"
Frank's eyes dart to look at Alice, having not heard her sidle up beside him. He hums noncommittally, shifting his gaze back to his friend at the table. She's right, of course. Sirius does look better than Frank had expected. Brighter, less weight pressing in around him.
He's been worried, checking on him often whenever he's been able, but there's only so much that can be garnered from texts and brief phone calls. Lies are easily told and made believable without face-to-face interaction.
Frank can see it in Benjy's face as well, the deep, lingering concern. It exists for them all, everyone that cares for Sirius just as they do. So, they'd been more than thrilled when Lily had phoned and invited them to this small party, this gathering of close people. It gave them the excuse to see Sirius firsthand, to take in his appearance, gauge his mannerisms, his emotional state.
But the last thing either of them had expected was to find some random man they'd never met draped all over their friend. And that's not strictly fair. They know who he is, this person that seems to have pulled Sirius' focus, has made his eyes light up and gleam with a new sort of spark. They've been aware of Sirius' interest in him since before Sirius himself had been. Yet, none of that squashes the doubt Frank can feel surging through him like murky, infecting water.
"Frank," say Alice softly. Frank grunts, not shifting his eyes away from where Sirius has been pulled into Remus' lap. He looks happy, at least on the surface, a smile gracing his features, something that had surprised Frank more than anything else, having not expected it. Alice's hand rests gently in the crook of his elbow, finally pulling his attention. "I think he's fine, love. You can stop staring for two minutes."
Frank looks down at her, frowning a little. "Alice," he says, on the breath of a sigh, but his wife only shakes her head, stopping him.
"What's going to happen here?" she questions, eyebrows lifting on her head imploringly.
"That's not the point and you know it," grouses Frank under his breath.
Alice rolls her eyes. "Do you honestly believe that if Lily or James either one thought there was anything wrong with Remus Lupin, they'd be allowing that to happen in their kitchen?" she asks pointedly, and Frank glances back over to the table where Sirius has his head ducked low, lips grazing the other man's, Remus hand gliding up and down Sirius' side with light, easy motions. He shakes his head in answer, and Alice smiles at him, touching his cheek, urging him to look down at her again. "I think he's in love," she says serenely.
Frank jolts out a surprised laugh. "Sirius Black doesn't fall in love," he denies, but Alice only hums in disagreement.
"How many times do I have to tell you that you're wrong before you begin believing me without question?" she murmurs, and Frank smiles down at her, fingers lifting to tweak at her chin affectionately.
"Maybe just once more," he responds, planting a kiss on top of her dark head.
Alice laughs a little and then trails over to Lily's side, striking up further conversation, but Frank stays where he is. His eyes settle back on the table, flickering to Benjy briefly. His friend glances up when he feels the gaze, his own eyes travelling to the pair all alone in the chair on the opposite side of the room. And Frank can still see it, that worry they can't stop from encroaching. As Benjy's gaze darts back to mee his, Frank knows they're thinking the same thing.
They won't let Sirius get hurt again, not the way he has been already. They'll do anything to prevent that, whatever it takes. Because they care about him, he's been through enough, and if anyone deserves to be happy now and stay that way, it's Sirius Black.
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dreamingofmarauders · 2 months
𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙊𝙣𝙚
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James Potter x Fem!Slytherin!Reader
Next Part Series Masterlist
Summary: In which James Potter is beyond shocked to see you introduced as the newest Order member. After all, to him, you’re nothing but a cruel, cold, pureblooded Slytherin
Word Count: 1.2K
Warnings: House stereotyping/prejudice (I think that's it, if not, let me know please!)
A/N: The inspiration for this came while I was reading @ellecdc's Sirius Black x Reader series called Come Back, Be Here and it was such an amazing read! Go read it if you haven't already! <33
───※ ·❆· ※───
The Order of the Phoenix, a secret society founded by the Headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore, was gathered once again in another secret location. All the members were seated in their respective seats, looking at the Headmaster to begin speaking.
“Thank you all for coming on such short notice.” Dumbledore said, his voice bouncing off the walls, “I received a tip that revealed a death eater meeting is to take place tonight, not too far from Diagon Alley.” He said. “I will have to arrange a few members to be sent to scout out the meeting, but before that, I have an important announcement.”
Everyone in the room exchanged glances, a nervousness settling for what could be bad news to be revealed.
“I have recruited a new member, who has already proven what a great asset she will be to our team.”
“Who?” Sirius asked.
Albus Dumbledore gestured towards the door, “Come in.”
You strutted in, dressed in dark clothes with your wand twirling between your fingers as a smile sat upon your lips.
And two sets of chairs screeched as two individual wands were directed at you.
“What are you doing here?!” James shouted, Sirius nodding as he backed his best mate.
“Charming. Quite a nice welcome you’ve all prepared for me, Headmaster?”
Dumbledore’s blue eyes twinkled as he directed his gaze from you to the pair of Black and Potter.
“Wands down, boys. Y/n L/n will henceforth be joining us from today.” He said, declaring it to the whole room.
“But, Professor!” James exclaimed, “Y/n’s a Slytherin!”
“Gee, thanks for noticing.”
James glared at you before he turned his eyes onto Dumbledore, his expression having turned into one of desperation. “You can’t possibly let her join!” He practically begged. “They’re all the same, the treacherous snakes can’t be trusted!”
Dumbledore opened his mouth to reply but you beat him to it.
“Well not everyone can be so dimwitted that they would end up in Gryffindor.” You said, making both James and Sirius scowl.
"We are very intelligent, thank you very much!" Sirius interjected, making you shoot a look in return that said are you really though?
“Plus," You continued "Not everyone is the same because even a lion could be a snake in disguise.”
James’ eyebrows furrowed together, “What do you mean to imply by that?”
You merely shrugged, earning a scoff from James.
“That’s enough now.” Professor McGonagall called out sternly, making both you and James fall quiet and take your seats.
“Now that we have exchanged small pleasantries,” James and you loudly scoffed, “Onto the mission. I will be sending out Remus Lupin, James Potter, Benjy Fenwick, Dorcas Meadowes and Y/n L/n.” Dumbledore gently smiled, “This tip was given by Y/n herself and this proves how much of a help Y/n’s addition to the Order will be.
A cry of protest sounded from the young Potter, “Headmaster! How can you believe her? For all we know, she could be sending us into a death trap!” James exclaimed, glaring at you, who stood up with a scoff.
“And that is the exact reason I am coming along! If something happens, I will be there too!”
“Nope! Not happening! Headmaster, I refuse to go if she goes!” James said.
“Mr. Potter,” McGonagall said, “Stop behaving so childish. Miss. L/n will be going and that is final.”
James grumbled and muttered, “Fine.” Knowing by now that Professor McGonagall could get real scary when she needed to be.
“Good, now get going.”
James glared your way to which you only smirked at him, irking the young Potter even more.
*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*
The mission was partially successful as like the tip you had given, there was a death eater meeting. However, they sensed the presence of Order members too early and before you all could even cast a spell their way, they had gone.
Most of the Order had been kind and accepted you in, after all, if Dumbledore trusted you, what reason did they have not to? Well, everyone except for Sirius Black and James Potter. 
Especially James Potter.
He loathed you. Simple as that. Your mere existence irked him, like it has been since your shared days at Hogwarts. You always had a way that managed to annoy him, and he had been always determined to get under your skin every time he caught sight of you within the castle.
James wasn’t sure when it started but the interactions between the two of you had become frequent since fifth year. He despised you for being a Slytherin, after all you were just like the rest, acting as if you were superior. But it was also the way you winked at him or that teasing smile that crawled onto your lips. Or how you would speak in a playful tone, flicking your hair over your shoulder every time you walked away or how you twirled your wand teasingly between your nimble fingers.
It infuriated him.
Everything about you annoyed James Potter to no end.
Henceforth, why he was so against your arrival into the Order and how he was determined to get at you every chance he could get.
"Wow, L/n, I'm surprised you haven't melted yet." James said later one evening at an Order meeting.
You cocked an eyebrow at him, "Meaning?"
"Meaning my burning hatred towards you, I was expecting you to have skedaddled out of here."
You gave him a weird look, "Well, that genuinely made no sense, Potter. Now excuse me." You said, returning to your conversation with Remus.
James grumbled, turning towards his best mate, "Moony! Stop hanging out with her!"
Remus let out an exasperated sigh, "Listen, Prongs, I love having you as a friend, truly I do, but if you're going to keep this up, I won't hesitate to hex your arse off the planet."
James stared at his best friend, dumbfounded, while you doubled over laughing.
"Moony," James muttered out hollowly, "How could you? You're my best friend!" He accused Remus in an over dramatic manner.
"And Y/n is also a friend of mine."
This threw James off completely, "She's WHAT!?"
"A friend. She was nothing but polite to me throughout school and I have no reason to be rude to her."
You shot Remus a smile of gratitude before moving your gaze to James, eyes turning cold as you stood up.
"I love to annoy you, truly, but I find it unfair how you're always taking out what most of my house has done against me. Not everyone is the same. I'm not like them." You breathed out, your voice wavering near the end.
James suddenly felt a weird sensation wash over him and he watched you turn around and go.
"Mate," James looked at his friend, his attention snapping from you to Remus, "You don't need to be so mean to her. She has gone through a lot."
James scoffed loudly, "I doubt that."
Remus gave his friend an expression of what looked like pity and exasperation. He patted James on the shoulder before walking away. James stood there, lost within his own thoughts. He shook his head vigorously after a few seconds.
No, to him you were merely one of them. You were from a family of death eaters. You were from the house that turned out all the dark wizards. You were just one of them and nothing more. And he hated them all.
"I hate you." He whispered.
Although, James' perception about you would be challenged as the next Order mission would bring an unexpected twist.
════ ⋆★⋆ ════
A/N: Ok, so I had this idea of this one scene and I was planning on just a oneshot but instead I decided to go ahead and make a mini series, just so I can write more about James and Reader in this enemies to lovers sort of trope. I've never really written for James before, so I hope you all liked it and stay tuned for the next one because it's going to be good! Love you all and take care! <33
Love, Serina ❤
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umbraetmortis-rpg · 1 year
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Las "X" y las "¿?" son para que el usuario determine la edad y la fecha de su personaje.
Edad personajes Canon en enero de 1978:
Sirius Black: 18 años (Fecha de nacimiento: 3 de noviembre de 1959)
Lily Evans: 17 años (Fecha de nacimiento: 30 de enero de 1960)
James Potter: 17 años (Fecha de nacimiento: 27 de marzo de 1960)
Remus Lupin: 17 años (Fecha de nacimiento: 10 de marzo de 1960)
Marlene Mckinnon: 17 años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes: (Posterior a enero) de 1960)
Andromeda Black: 24 años (Día ¿? Mes: (Posterior a enero) de 1953)
Mary Macdonald: 17 años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes: (Posterior a enero) de 1960)
Minerva Mcgonagall: 43 años (4 de octubre de 1935)
Petter Pettegrew: 17 años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? (mes entre enero y agosto) de 1960)
Severus Snape: 17 años (Fecha de nacimiento: 9 de enero de 1960)
Narcisa Malfoy: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? 1950)
Lucius Malfoy: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? 1951)
Rodolphus Lestrange: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? 1957)
Regulus Black: 16 años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes (Posterior a enero) ¿? 1961)
Amycus Carrow: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? 1951)
Alecto Carrow: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Bellatrix Lestrange: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? 1951)
Personajes Secundarios:
Arthur Weasley: 27 años (Fecha de nacimiento: 6 de febrero de 1950)
Molly Weasley: 29 años (Fecha de nacimiento: 30 de octubre de 1949)
Davey Gudgeon X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año 1960)
Evan Rosier: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año 1960)
Bertha Jorkins: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año (Entre 1953-1958))
Dolores Jane Umbridge: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: 26 de agosto,  Año (antes de 1965))
Alastor Moody: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Bartemius Crouch Jr: 15 años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año 1962)
Alice Longbottom: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Frank Longbottom: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año (Década de los 50))
Rabastan Lestrange: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Benjy Fenwick: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Walburga Black: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año 1925)
Orión Black: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año 1929)
Xenophilius Lovegood: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Pandora Lovegood: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Travers: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Sybill Trelawney: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: 9 de Marzo, antes de 1963)
Aberforth Dumbledore: X años (Fecha de nacimiento:  entre el 1 de septiembre de 1883 y 31 de agosto de 1884)
Caradoc Dearborn: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Dedalus Diggle: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Edgar Bones: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Elphias Doge: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año 1881)
Emmeline Vance: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Gideon Prewett: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Rubeus Hagrid: 48 años (Fecha de nacimiento: 6 de diciembre de 1928)
Mulciber: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Finales de la década de 1950 o principios de la década de 1960)
Walden Macnair: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Antonin Dolohov: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Fenrir Greyback: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año 1945)
Augustus Rookwood: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Igor Karkarov: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año 1950)
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caz66 · 2 years
10 seconds Snoop
Someone had bumped into him, his coffee spilled all down his white shirt. 
‘Shit, oh man I am so sor..’ the man trailed off as he stared deeply into Sirius’s eyes. It was like the world had stopped. They were the only people on the street at the moment. 
‘Hi’ breathed out Sirius, drinking in the god of a human in front of him. 
‘Hi’ The man repeated back with a similar breathlessness.
10 Seconds 
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krethes · 2 years
Are You There?: Railing of Remus (DYMM? Side Story)
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It's what's on the tin: Remus getting railed. :) This takes place between chapters 27 & 28, where Remus meets up with an old fuckbuddy, Benjy Fenwick, for some spicy pics for Padfoot and for some much-needed stress relief. ;)
This is part of our Are You There? series that contains Did You Miss Me? and other side stories, such as @fantismal's Seduction of Sirens.
Read Railing of Remus on AO3
Excerpt below the cut!
“You look…wow, great, Remus,” Benjy said, stepping forward to hug him. His lips grazed the slope of Remus’s jaw as his arms wrapped around Remus’s waist, all warm familiarity even after a year of distance. Remus hugged him back, grinning at the laugh that brushed his neck. “Right to it, are we?” Benjy teased, feeling the firm line of Remus’ dick against his hip.
“Always,” Remus answered. He tucked his hands into Benjy’s back pockets and squeezed. He’d always had a great arse, Benjy, one Remus was intimately familiar with. “I want to ask you for a favour though, yeah?”
“Anything,” Benjy breathed, pulling back to smile up at him. Christ, he was a bit precious. Eager.
“Now, you can absolutely say no, and I’ll still sleep with you, alright? Your answer won’t change a fucking thing, okay?”
Benjy laughed, his brows coming together in an amused, vaguely-confused furrow. “Discovered a new kink, have you?”
“Something like that,” Remus admitted. His cheeks burned a little and he looked away until Benjy grabbed his face with both hands, turning him gently to face him again.
“I’m not exactly a blushing virgin, Remus. Lay it on me. C’mon,” Benjy coaxed.
Remus took a bracing breath. He could do this. Worst case, Benjy said no and they…well, they would probably still fuck. Once, Remus had called him up for a hook-up only to find Benjy sick as a dog when he arrived on his doorstep. Remus had apologised and said he’d make him some tea and get out of his hair, but Benjy was adamant that he still at least finger Remus open. Very little could deter Benjy. "There's this guy…"
"Oh, you finally want to have that threesome? Yeah, I mean, we can-"
"No, not that," Remus interrupted. "I, uh… want to take pictures for him. Of us. Together. Fucking."
Benjy frowned in confusion, searching Remus' face with his lovely blue eyes. "Like, as revenge? Or to make him jealous or something? I mean, I don't mind either way, I'd just like to know. He’s not going to come after me, is he?"
Remus resisted the urge to pick at a loose thread on his jumper sleeve and shook his head. "No, nothing like that. I just want to, um… rile him up a bit. He's…it's long-distance and he said I need to get properly fucked."
"So you came to me?" Benjy's frown lifted into a sprawling, confident smile, the one that had taken Remus in at the beginning. "How long's it been, then? Knowing you, what…a week?"
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tapedispensr · 3 years
hello lgbt community, a marauders texting fic, pt 1
enjoy homos (complimentary)
relationships: remus lupin/sirius black, lily evans/james potter, marlene mckinnon/dorcas meadowes, minor remus lupin/benjy fenwick
rating: teen+ (language, alcohol consumption)
summary: the start of my multi-part texting fic. au modern setting, no magic, they’re all college students. they’re also all gay. hoping to release new parts as often as possible, will be tagged #hellolgbtmarauders
check me out on ao3 <3
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someusername · 3 years
Meant to be (but not for him)
"So, Black, huh?" Benjy asked, lowering his coffee mug and resting his hands on the table.
Remus smiled over the rim of his teacup, his eyes expressing how happy he was with the entire situation. "Yeah," he said simply.
Benjy fixed his gaze on his hands. He was tapping his fingers beside his mug. After a deep breath, he murmured, "did you… did you never think about us?" He lifted his blue eyes to meet Remus' honey ones.
Remus seemed a bit taken aback by this, but his smile turned soft. He was so bloody kind that even when he was breaking someone's heart, he had to make them feel special. Not that he was breaking Benjy's heart on purpose, but still. "Benjy, I'm so sorry, but it was always him. I never intended to lead you on."
"No, no, it wasn't that. You don't need to apologize for anything. You did nothing wrong, Remus." He took a sip from his coffee to distract himself from the lump forming on his throat.
He knew how this conversation was going to go. But that knowledge did nothing to alleviate his hurt hearing Remus say that he never thought about them. It was nothing new. He had seen the way Black and Remus were always looking at each other. He noticed every interaction between them. Everyone had noticed how into each other they were.
But he had let himself believe that maybe it was just friendship. Remus' little group was always so touchy-feely with each other.
He had befriended Remus about two years ago. They had immediately fallen into an easy rapport. Their conversation flowed easily, and they had so much in common.
It wasn't until the almost daily coffee dates of the last months that Benjy realized that he was starting to feel something more than friendship for Remus. He thought that maybe Remus could see him in the same way. But now, he was sure he would never receive more from him. And that would have to suffice. They were great friends anyway, and he wouldn't want to lose that.
"I'm glad for you," he said, lowering his mug again. "I can see that he makes you happy, and you deserve all the happiness in the world," he said, smiling a bit sadly.
"Benjy, I-” Remus started, but thought better of it when he saw Benjy’s look. He was going to apologize again. He decided to go with “thank you," while a pretty blush was creeping on his cheeks.
"No problem," Benjy winked and added, "I'll still be jealous for a little while longer, though." Remus chuckled a bit at that, and the sound sent some warmth to Benjy's broken heart.
Remus looked at him with a bit of worry hidden in the deep pools of honey that were his eyes. He tried not to show it, but it was clear.
"I'm going to be okay, don't worry.” He assured Remus. “Just please don't start treating me differently. I'm still your friend, and I intend to continue being so." He punctuated his statement by patting Remus' hand on the table. 
Remus turned his hand and gave Benjy's hand a squeeze. His smile returned to the bright one that he always wore when he was genuinely happy. "I intend to be your friend for a long while still. You can't get rid of me so easily."
Benjy let go of Remus' hand and smiled at him before taking his mug for the last sip of coffee. It wasn't going to be an easy task to get over his feelings for Remus, even more so if he continued to be so Remus, but he could do it. He could live with that.
The topic of the conversation changed and, soon, they were back to their usual dynamics. Well, almost. It wasn't as if this hadn't been happening for a while, but the certainty hurt deeply. Benjy tried to hide it. Remus would feel guilty because that was how he was, and that wasn't fair. That wasn't what he wanted.
When they parted, Benjy felt strangely at peace. He thought that his broken heart would be heavier and that it would be difficult to be in the same space as Remus. It wasn't easy, but how they fell again into their friendship so normally was comforting.
Only time helped him with the sting on his heart and the flutter on his stomach every time he saw Remus and Black together. He had to distance himself a bit from Remus, despite what he told him that first day, and so their almost daily coffee dates turned into twice a week coffee dates.
He was genuinely happy for Remus. Black spoiled him rotten and loved him deeply. He thought, sometime later, that nobody could love Remus with so much intensity as Black. And Remus. Remus couldn't have loved anyone as he loved Black. Them, together, was how it was always meant to be.
A couple of years later, a similar scene was taking place in the same caffè. Remus had just sat down with their order when Benjy said, "so, Black, huh?"
Remus' smile was even brighter than any of the ones he had seen in the last years. His eyes crinkled at the corners and were so bright that it was as if he was looking at Black himself and not only thinking about him. "Yeah," he said, lowering his gaze to where the fingers of his right hand were caressing the silver band on his left ring finger. "Soon to be Lupin-Black, actually."
Yes, that was how it was meant to be.
Just a little something I wrote when thinking about feelings.
I’m sorry Benjy for putting you through this, but I needed someone and you were just there minding your businesses 🙄🤷‍♀️
This hadn’t been beta’d so please forgive any errors. And if you want, let me know what you think
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Sirius Black X Reader, Platonic!Remus Lupin X Reader
Summary: When a new piercing and some good-natured curiosity forces Sirius to confront his feelings. 
A/N: This isn’t exactly where I saw this piece going, but I rather like how it turned out anyway so I hope you do too. 
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It was just after Christmas break, sixth year, that you found yourself sitting at breakfast in the Great Hall with your best mates - The Marauders. Lily, Marlene, and Mary were there as well. Remus sat across from you with the girls beside him, and you sat with James, Sirius, and Peter beside you. 
Remus and you were very close. Always had been. You trusted each other implicitly. Most of Hogwarts was convinced that you were dating given that you were always together - whispering and giggling and cuddling into each other. 
In actuality, Remus had a long standing crush on a very sweet, very cute Hufflepuff by the name of Benji Fenwick. And you, well you were in love with none other than Sirius Black. A fact you’d only ever told Remus. Which is how you found yourself in your current predicament: being teased mercilessly about your infatuation, over breakfast, in front of everyone.
Not that anyone knew that that was what was happening. You and Remus had inadvertently developed a type of shorthand coded way of speaking over the years that no one had ever been able to decipher. Most people just ignored it at this point.
Today, however, you grew weary of the conversation when Lily suddenly turned curious eyes on you and Remus. She may not know exactly what was being said, but you figured she was smart enough to get the gist of it if she watched and listened close enough. And that just would not do, so as soon as Remus paused his teasing to sip at his coffee you stuck your tongue out at him. 
Remus promptly choked on his drink. 
“Y’all right there, mate?” James inquired as Lily worriedly thumped Remus on the back. 
“Yea, yea.” He wheezed out in reply. You couldn’t help but smirk at the fact that his gaze had not left your mouth. “Do it again.” Remus demanded firmly and everyone frowned, not understanding.
“Nah. Gotta get to class.” You shrugged and stood. Still smirking as you twisted your tongue in your mouth - still not entirely used to the metal rod stuck through it. 
“What the hell is happening?” Peter questioned aloud. A quiet chorus of I don’t know’s answered him as Remus scrambled to collect his belonging and race after you. 
Classes dragged that day, but you had a new way to entertain yourself. Remus was almost constantly watching you, hoping to catch a glimpse of that dark grey steel spike in your mouth. Which you provided, so long as no one else was watching. Remus wasn’t entirely sure why he was so drawn in by your new piercing - he didn’t think they were really his thing - but he couldn’t make himself focus on anything else. 
Your friends were losing it trying to understand what had happened to the two of you. You were known to be touchy and cute, and sometimes you hit on each other jokingly, but this - the smirking, the blushing, the staring - this was outright flirting. Like I’m gonna grip you by the tie, drag you into the nearest broom closet, and snog your face off flirting. 
Sirius hated it.
Why were you smirking at Remus like that? What was Remus staring at you so much? Yesterday everything was fine and now today everything is - is - very much not fine. 
Of course, if you asked, Sirius could not tell you why it wasn’t fine. No, sir, he could not.
The tension eased up after classes ended when you parted from the group because you’d promised the Prewett twins that you’d sneak into Hogsmeade with them. After handing off your bag and robes to Marlene, you sprinted down the stairs - hoping to reach the One-Eyed Witch passageway on the third floor before the twins so that you could scare them or set a trap.
It was during the long hours of your absence that Remus and Sirius finally understood. 
James had dragged Sirius over to watch as he tried - and failed - to beat Peter at Wizard’s Chess, but Sirius was barely paying them any mind. He sat back with his feet on the edge of the table and watched the portrait hole instead. He hoped that you would walk through, alone, so he could finally talk to you like the pair of you usually did before dinner. 
It was Sirius’ favorite part of the day.
Maybe he’d lead you to the fireplace and you could play a game of Exploding Snaps together. Sirius knew that was your favorite. Maybe he’d drag you over the the table James had claimed for them, pull you down into his lap and ask you quietly about what you’d done in Hogsmeade. He’d hold you firmly to his chest, one hand on your waist and the other on your thigh, and maybe you’d even blush at his affection - though that was a rare sight. Maybe, just maybe, he’d figure out why Remus had been so fascinated with your mouth at breakfast. Maybe he’d learn the answer by pressing his lips to yours, by sliding his tongue -
Wait, what?!
Sirius’ feet slipped and his chair banged forward so all legs were back on the floor. The force of it nearly sent him face-first into the table. As it was, his hands hit the edge so hard that half of the chess pieces in James’ and Peter’s game topped over - making boys both turn to glare at him. Sirius didn’t notice though because he was too busy hyperventilating. 
Godric, he was such an idiot! He cursed himself aggressively. It made too much sense now. 
Now only one question remained: what was he supposed to do about this?
Meanwhile in the library, Remus was also thinking about you. Or rather, your tongue piercing. He couldn’t quite grasp why it was holding his attention so thoroughly; didn’t understand why his mouth tingled or why blood rushed to his cheeks whenever he saw it. 
It was driving him mad, to say the least. He’d lost 10 point in Transfiguration for not paying attention, despite being in the library with Lily - he’d not even started on his homework, and to top it all off he’d accidentally brushed Benji off during lunch when he came over to ask about an assignment for Charms. 
His crush, for Godric’s sake! He’d ignored his crush! Sweet Benji with the curly brown hair and vibrant blue eyes. Who always spoke so softly but with a voice full of excitement and passion. Benji, who Remus suddenly found himself wishing hand a tongue ring just so he’d have an excuse to snog his face off. 
‘M just curious, he’d say. With a little luck, they’d both enjoy it enough to continue -
That’s it! How could he be so thick as to not see! It made sense, Remus supposed. He’d always been terribly curious about these things - and most other things. 
Now, he just had to ask.
Unfortunately, both boys decided that the perfect time to talk to you would be right before dinner. Waiting for you just outside the entrance to the Great Hall seemed like a good plan. 
Well, it did. Until they arrived and discovered that the other was also there for you.
It was a tense few minutes of silence, as Remus couldn’t help but be smug about Sirius’ obvious annoyance with him. Perhaps the git was finally owning up to his own emotions, Remus thought. Of course, the smug smile Remus wore only served to irritate Sirius further. 
Eventually you came bounding down the steps towards them. Your tie hung loose and crooked around your neck and you had a sugar quill caught between your teeth at you smiled at them. Sirius’ heart sped up and he realized that this wasn’t the first time. His feelings for you had been changing for a while now and he hadn’t even properly noticed until today. 
What a git. 
“Hey boys! What’s up?”
“Can we talk?” They spoke in unison. You grinned.
Assuming that whatever this was about involved all three of you, you grabbed one of each of their hands and dragged them down the corridor. Remus didn’t mind - thought that this might even push Sirius over the edge and straight into a confession - Sirius though, he was a bit disappointed. A little ways down from the Great Hall was a smaller, less used staircase. You stopped there and leant against the railing. 
“So what’s up?” You only took the sugar quill out of your mouth long enough to speak before quickly replacing it. 
You and Remus both turned his way instinctively, but Sirius was finding it difficult to gather his thought now that you were in front of him. Remus being there as well only made it worse. 
“I have a favor to ask.” Remus prompted after it became clear that Sirius wasn’t going to speak. 
“M’ay.” You mumbled around your sweet.
“Can I kiss you?”
You grinned, a bit of a smirk tugging at the corners, and Sirius’ brain stuttered. He sucked in a breath, hard, and choked. He bent forward, a hand on his knee for support and another pressed into his chest. His brain was so clouded with panic he didn’t even register Remus laughing or the sound of your voice. 
A soft set of hands gripped his forearms and brought him up. Your face floated in front his for only a moment before his brain cut out again. This time, the cause was you pressing your lips to his. Sirius’ body reacted immediately - he leant into the kiss and wrapped his arms around your waist - but his mind was still just a riot of static and color. 
Sirius gasped a little as you slid your hand into his hair and used it the pull him closer. When the tip of his tongue met cool metal, he was gone. He moaned into your mouth and crushed you to his chest. 
“Oi! None of that! This is a hallway!” Remus yelled, still laughing. You and Sirius pulled apart slightly. Sirius stared, wide eyed, as you smiled up at him. 
“I’ve wanted to do that for so long now.” Your voice was soft, but the words clanged through Sirius as if you’d yelled them. A smile spread across his face as he his brain finally caught up. You had kissed him. 
You had kissed him! You liked him!
Sirius wanted to jump and shout, he was so happy. Leaning down, he showered your face with kisses while you giggled and pushed weakly at his chest. 
“Me too.” Sirius whispered. 
“All right, all right. You cute little fucks. It’s my turn.” You laughed, full and loud, as Remus pulled you out of Sirius’ grasp and into his chest. 
“Turn?” You mocked in fake outrage. One hand slid between your shoulder blades as Remus leaned down to kiss you. His other arm was stretched out almost comically as he held your sticky sugar quill aloft to prevent it from getting stuck to either of you. 
Sirius was stunned for a moment by his friends’ bold actions. Then he thought that if Remus kept on kissing you like that, he’d have to hit him. But the anger that usually accompanied thoughts such as those just wasn’t there. You and Remus were friends, nothing more. Sirius’ smile widened a bit as he thought about how - if he were in Remus’ shoes - it would have taken Sirius much less time to ask for a kiss after seeing that tongue ring. 
You laughed some more as Remus released you, his brows pulled down in confusion and thought. 
“Well?” You prompted. 
“Weird.” Remus replied flatly, making you laugh harder - that’s about what you’d expected him to say. 
“You’re insane.” The words were out before he could think to stop them. A flush spread up his neck and ears as you and Remus turned toward him. Remus was smirking and you were smiling, your face a bit flushed as well. 
Your eyes lit up in just the way Sirius always loved as you turned to Remus, your smile morphing into a smirk. 
“Guess it’s a good thing ‘sweet Benji’ doesn’t have his tongue pierced then, huh?” Remus’ groan let Sirius know just how much you’d teased him about his - now - obvious crush on the Hufflepuff boy and he smirked right along with you. 
“Piss off.” Remus muttered before sliding a hand through his hair. “Nah, have you met Benji? Given the opportunity, I’d snog the life out of him either way.”
You and Sirius chuckled at Remus’ attempt at covering up his embarrassment but were soon cut off by a loud crash. You all turned towards the sound. At the top of the staircase stood Emmaline Vance and Benji Fenwick. Emmaline was holding in a laugh, her hand over her mouth, while Benji’s jaw hung slack as he stared at Remus. His face was flushed bright red and the books he’d been carrying were scattered around his feet. 
You and Sirius glanced at each other before looking up at Emmaline, the three of you coming to a silent agreement. Emmaline quickly collected Benji’s books and then began hauling him down the steps by his elbow. Remus looked ready to bolt from the anxiety and embarrassment, so you stepped around him and gave him a little shove. The two flustered boys collided slightly at the bottom of the stairs. 
Sirius gripped your hand and pulled you down the corridor - away from the Great Hall. As Emmaline passed you going the other way, you fist-bumped her and offered a quick wink. She giggled in response as the three of you hurried away. 
You ran with Sirius until he finally stopped and pulled you into an empty classroom near the kitchens. As the door closed, he spun and walked you back until you were pressed between his body and the door. His hands moved from your waist to your face as he tilted his forehead down to rest against yours. You smiled at the sweet gesture. Sliding your hands up his neck, you pulled him down into a gentle kiss. He murmured against your lips, but you couldn’t make out the words. 
You sighed happily against his mouth just before he pulled away. With a few soft swishes of his wand, the tables and chairs stacked themselves against the walls and a small bonfire appeared in the center of the room - a large dish full of food and drinks beside it. He led you over before sitting and pulling you down into his lap. 
“Wanna talk, love?” He leaned his forehead into the hollow of your neck. “I missed you earlier.” 
Your chest swelled with warmth. Godric, how you adored this boy. You set your chin down on the crown of his head and tightened your grip around his shoulders. 
“I’d love that.”
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ashes-and-ashes · 5 years
So there’s been a bit of talk regarding Canjy on the WDS, so I thought I might give it a go...
“So,” Benjy said. He was dressed up in an extremely colourful combination of a white denim jacket and orange shorts. “I made Sirius a bet the other day.”
Caradoc sighed. They were in the common room; Benjy sprawled out on the sofa, Caradoc on the floor. The sunlight kept hitting them in streaks, slanting across Benjy’s face. Outside, Caradoc could see the Quidditch field, all the broomsticks whizzing around on the court. “Aren’t you a decent Quidditch player?”
Benjy shrugged. “Not bad.”
“Why didn’t you try out?”
Benjy shrugged again. “Not interested.”
“But - “
Benjy sat up, swinging his legs over so that they rested over the side of the sofa. “Do you want to hear about my bet or not?”
He didn’t know what to make of Benjy when he first came, halfway through 5th year with his bleached hair and piercing eyes. There had been whispers, of course, tales of America and Ilvermorny and running away, but Caradoc didn’t pay any attention. He was far more interested in watching, the mounds of neon clothing, the various hairstyles and the way Benjy never stopped smiling.
If anything though, he knew that smiles meant nothing. He’s spent enough time with the Group, all of the trauma and pain and baggage, hidden behind a grin pasted onto faces. 
Benjy had fit right into their little gang, slid right in and stayed there and Caradoc would often find himself just watching him, the smooth, confident way he navigated life, the utter confidence which he carried himself with. 
He wished he could be more like Benjy. He didn’t know how.
“Hello?” Benjy said. Caradoc realized he had fallen silent, staring off into space in front of him. “My bet?”
“Thought you said you couldn’t look Sirius in the eye after you walked in on him and Remus?” Caradoc said drily.
“Yeah, well his ass is just too fine for me to ignore. Pity Remus has him. Though, I wouldn’t mind going for Remus myself. Quiet, studious, bookish types are the absolute best.”
Caradoc frowned. He suddenly found that he didn’t like hearing about Sirius and his ass. “Dude. What the hell is this bet now? How many of them do you have?”
Benjy winked. “A lot. A lot of bets. One of my problems, I guess.” His smile faded. “Can’t turn down a challenge.”
“Are you - “ Caradoc began, then broke off. Benjy got like this sometimes, his moods wild and unpredictable. “You good?”
Benjy took a deep breath. “Yeah. Anyways…yeah, it’s kinda stupid in hindsight. Making a bet with Sirius and all.”
“What was the bet?”
“Who could get more earrings.”
Caradoc stared at him. “Like…piercings?”
“No, like clip ons.” Benjy snorted at the expression on Caradoc’s face. “Yeah, like piercings.”
“Who’s winning so far?”
“Me. I have 5 in total right now, so I’m waiting to see if Sirius will go for it. Don’t want to get into the cartilage yet.”
Caradoc blinked. “5?”
“Yeah.” Benjy laughed. “Here.” He swept the hair away from his side, baring his ear and a good chunk of his neck. “See?”
Caradoc stared at him, at the 3 studs glittering in the ear lobe. He thought his heart was pounding in his chest, triple time. He was too close to Benjy now, close enough to see the streaks of brown in his hair, the tiny freckle behind his ear. He wanted to touch it. 
Benjy pulled away, facing him. “I have 2 others in my left ear. Sirius only has 3 total so far - one on his right, 2 on his left, so I’m waiting to see if he’ll chicken out yet.”
“Probably won’t,” Caradoc said. His mind was a thousand miles away. “It’s Sirius we’re talking about.”
Benjy studied him curiously. “Yeah. Maybe not.”
He took a deep breath. No, he thinks, I can’t be.
He was raised in a muggle care home, his parents either dead or long gone. He can still hear the preacher, sometimes, if he closes his eyes. Abominations. Devils. Demon-folk. Corrupting children and forcing themselves on others.
He doesn’t believe it anymore, not after seeing Remus and Sirius, Marlene and Dorcas, Fabian and Kingsley, Mary and Emmeline. It’s hard to banish the little voices inside his head though, the little parts of himself that he’s kept buried for so long. 
And Benjy. Benjy, with his dyed hair and 5 piercings and orange shorts. Benjy, with all his flirting and drinking, the way he commanded everyone’s attention the second he walked into the room. 
“Caddy,” Benjy said softly. “You’re doing it again.”
He blinked. “I - “
Benjy sighed, pulled Caradoc closer and kissed him. 
He’s never been kissed before, all lips and teeth and hands tangled in hair. He’s had a few ones, yes, from pretty muggle girls, with flowers in their hair and knee-high white socks. He’s never liked it, not like the other boys in the Home, who whispered about their various deeds in the dead of the night. It had gotten to the point where he wondered if something was wrong with him, some part of him that was broken and shredded and ripped.
But it was different when Benjy kissed him. It felt different, like something unlocking in his chest, like a key had been turned inside of him. He’s never felt this way before, not with anyone, and it’s strange and exhilarating and terrifying and he lets it swallow him whole.
Benjy finally pulled away, eyes sparking with mischief. “I’m your first, right?” he asked softly.
Caradoc groaned. “What. Am I that bad?”
Benjy shook his head. “No,” he whispers. “You’re brilliant.”
He’s never been told that either, that he’s brilliant. He never thought he’d ever amount to much in life yet Benjy made him feel like he was drowning in gold. “Benj...”
Benjy shrugged. “Alright,” he said, eyes flicking towards the door. It was almost dark, Caradoc noted, the sun setting over the horizon. “Guess it’s time to get back at Remus and Sirius.”
“Oh really?” Caradoc asked, as Benjy pulled him down on top of him. 
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cheekytorah · 5 years
“I- I don’t believe you James!” Remus was now equally as hysterical as James.
He’s lying he’s lying he’s lying but that blood looks real but James would never do this oh my God what if he has to go to prison? What will Harry think of his father?
“Remus,” James choked out. “I didn’t know what to do so I cleaned up the blood and put her in the trunk.”
I don’t want to look I don’t want to look but I have to see to make sure this isn’t a prank I don’t want to see I don’t want to see and the blood looks real.
—How Remus Got His Groove Back <- clicky
By @theprongsletthatlived / RealityShowJunky on Ao3
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Defiance “The hardest thing to do in this world is to live in it.” Proud Slytherin Ava Burke hopes to do more than just survive. She wants to make a difference, even when times are dark. But, with school, exams, friendships and a certain Marauder Sirius Black causing her trouble, she’ll be tested beyond her wildest dreams. With war approaching, it’ll only get darker…
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heartofspells · 2 years
I would really be interested in seeing a POV other than Sirius’ of someone from the scene where they are talking about Sirius at the party and he overhears
Soooo, you have me a free choice, and I chose Benjy because I love him. Thanks for this!
Another outtake from At the Healing Edge of Broken, taking place directly after the end of chapter 13.
"They're worried Prewett will be pissed enough to go running his mouth, spinning the story in his favor, but it would still bring hell down upon their heads, along with everyone else's," finishes Benjy. His anger is returning after fading out in favor of an immense weight of desolation trying to crush him, but it's still only a dull roar in the back of his head. Everything is fucked, especially for Sirius, and if Benjy had any other options, he'd turn in his kit, pack his things, and never look back at the bastards within the Association, providing Gideon Prewett with a solid foot up his arse as he went.
"I still don't understand how any of this happened," say Lily miserably, leaning into James as his arm wraps around her. "How someone like Sirius could have been – " Her words choke themselves out, her head dropping and hanging low, arms crossing tightly over her chest.
"We let it happen," accuses Benjy, angling it at himself as much as the others, rage and guilt pulling and rolling into one terrible ball of itself. "We listened to Sirius when he said he had it handled. We ignored what was happening under our noses. We saw all of it, or at least pieces of it. We knew, and we did nothing to stop it. This is our fault."
The other stare at him with something horrible in their eyes, but no one argues what he says. It's true, they all know it. Frank opens his mouth to speak, but they all turn when they hear the smallest of sounds from the door on the opposite wall, and Benjy feels something inside him freeze over and then shatter when he sees clutching tightly at Remus, the other man's arms holding him safely, his expression dark and condemning as he glares in at them.  
Alice releases a tiny, strangled noise at the sight, stepping forward a little, but Remus' eyes glint with warning, stopping her before she gets far. Sirius is breaking before their very eyes, and it's entirely their fault. Again.
No one says anything for a long time, not until Sirius calms enough for Remus to shuffle him into the kitchen, seating them at the table, keeping him away from the others in the sitting room, guarded and protected. Benjy watches silently, heart aching, as the man's hands smooth gently through Sirius' hair, over his face, murmuring words soft enough they can't hear them very well.
Benjy glances at Frank, seeing the same look mirrored back at him. They hadn't intended for Sirius to hear any of that about Gideon, not like this. It's an ugly truth of the matter, and a burden Sirius shouldn't be trapped with on top of everything else, but now he is because of their stupidity.
When Sirius is still, no longer shaking like a leaf on a tree about to blow away in a harsh wind, leaning heavily against Remus, Benjy hesitates for only a moment before he steps closer. "Sirius – "
Remus angles sharp eyes his way, cutting off his words, everything drying up in his throat. "We're going home," he announces, and Benjy can see James shift from the corner of his eye, knowing what the other man is thinking. This is Sirius' home. He's already here. Benjy's shoulders slump in defeat. "Thank you for inviting me, Lily. The party was wonderful."
His tone is polite, level, but his words are clipped, allowing no room for any of them to say a word against him. Remus urges Sirius up and then he's leading them from the room. No one moves or even breathes until they hear the faint jingle of keys followed by the sound of the front door closing. Benjy turns back to the others.
"That was horrible," he mutters sourly, shoulders still low, head feeling far too heavy for his neck to support properly.
James releases a heavy sigh. "I think the party's over, mates," he mumbles, his eyes fixed on the kitchen door, like he's waiting for Sirius to return. They all know he won't, and the roiling guilt stinks inside them like spoiled milk.
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