#remember when i made the orc word for to see owo
ilianchant · 3 years
“ when will you see that you cannot carry this burden alone? “ for lucille owo
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Lucille shuffled almost uncomfortably as she felt the orc’s blue gaze on her, and she wished she had possessed more decorum, that she was more steadfast, that she could meet his eyes without faltering. The strength of Drustvar, all in that young woman, resting on narrow shoulders. They were not beaten dogs yet, begging their old enemies for help. If Mother could’ve seen her like that, finding herself in one room with an orc and no weapons lifted, she would’ve died a second time. Daelin’s murderers, as the called them, and now Lucille couldn’t even remember the Lord Admiral’s face whose monuments and memorials littered the entire capital of Boralus. A fateful reminder not to throw in their lot with the Alliance, not with Jaina Proudmoore, not the Horde.
And yet here he stood. Tall and massive, and maybe not as fearsome as the tales might’ve told. Not the berserking brute, ready to cut her in half with one single blow. On the Lord Admiral’s command, an uncomfortable meeting where the wounds hadn’t scarred over yet, and she could still hear the angry protests coming from her own guards, her people. She wanted to let anger wash over herself, but Lucille was tired. She was tired of protesting. She was tired of fighting. And so was Drustvar. She had made a promise to Lady Jaina not too long ago, to stand behind her and her decisions, and if she decided that this was for the best-
“I won’t. I can’t.” Her voice was hoarse, as if after too much shouting, too much crying. She shook her head, lowering her gaze now, her fingertips drumming on the wooden table; almost imitating the rain outside. 
“I couldn’t put this on anyone. This is my legacy, my family’s crimes. To make anyone share this burden would be egoistic and- no. It’s not an option. I know what death can do to people, and I must see it done that never again my people will suffer. Or Azeroth.” It was hard not to appreciate the kindness, the well-meaning in his words, after so much rancour and mistrust that truly brought out the worst in both of their sides. To now point fingers, especially at those who weren’t at fault in this... that would be almost as wrong as to atone for crimes one hadn’t committed. Like allying themselves to Death itself-
“Time will heal us all. And rest assured, despite my own personal issues, you can be certain that Drustvar will aid when we’re needed. This, I promise.”
source: MEME | @earthbinder
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