#real trans autistic (not trans x bs)
thefeistydragon · 2 years
Finally figured out how to delete comments (had to unblock assholes first, then delete, then reblock), so maybe just maybe the harassment will actually stop.
Funny how people will crow about preventing harm to other people or not being a bigot while actively harassing people in ways specifically targeting autistic people. Real fun.
Also funny (read: hypocritical) how people will go on about "listen to the experiences of x marginalized group" while actively throwing another group under the bus.
Somehow, they can see it isn't okay to throw trans mascs under the bus to get a point across (true) but think it's totally fine to let disabled people be collateral to a point. And when someone points out "Hey don't further ableism to get your point across" it's "I can't be ableist I have X condition."
They'll say that unironically while recognizing not every trans person has the same experiences. And not every POC or Jewish person or woman or any other marginalized group, even if they come from practically the same background, is going to have the same experiences. And that internalized bigotry is a thing.....except for ableism I guess?
Which is especially wild considering how varied the conditions that all fall under "disability" are. You literally, as a human, cannot know the entirety of how every disability out there works. It's mentally impossible.
What worries me is that someone who is supposedly a disability advocate irl unironically thinks they can determine what other people are triggered by, and that triggers are exactly 1 to 1 to trauma. Rather than a complicated brain response to trauma that sometimes don't make any sense.
Like literally unironically think that reading the first hand account of a survivor of trauma can't trigger someone with similar trauma if they didn't go through the exact same situation.
And that other conditions can't be triggered by things the person hasn't experienced 1 to 1. Like, tell that to people with ocd or psychosis and you're not going to come off as a disability advocate. You're going to come across as an ableist conservative who thinks their condition is fake.
That's not how any of that works, and with a view like that they're going to hurt people.
I've already been getting harassed about this for weeks by people who unironically will say they're preventing harm.
That kind of thinking is along the lines of the bs "You should be triggered" stuff that's going around. Which, say you don't actually understand mental health issues without saying you don't understand mental health issues.
Having a condition doesn't mean you're immune to holding incorrect views about it. Hell, there are people with diagnosed depression who go around telling other people to just smile all the time and it'll "fix them", and that they just need to "be more positive" (one of my friends' aunts for example).
That doesn't make the person right, doesn't make them immune to internalized ableism. And definitely doesn't make them immune to ableism against or an expert on any condition they don't even have.
Also someone bringing up something they personally went through and the resulting effect of trauma, and essentially telling them "Well I went through that and am not triggered by it so obviously people aren't triggered by that" is...such a cold take.
I went through the exact same trauma as someone close to me. As in we're survivors of the same traumatic incident. And we both have different triggers and have recovered differently.
Everyone is different, and all you're doing is echoing ableist conservative rhetoric when you accuse people of faking.
(For context, apparently people wanting warnings for a particular piece of media that contains graphic human rights abuses, as well as interpersonal emotional abuse, boundary violation, extreme unsanitary conditions, brutal death, suicidal ideation, and multiple cases of actual suicide, are being bigoted.
Because they "should" be triggered, because the things that happened that are being talked about are horrible.
Which. No. The topic is unpleasant. Uncomfortable. Not good. It's normal to feel uncomfortable or angry or horrified or to despair at the cruelty of humanity.
But being triggered isn't any of that. And it doesn't help people to learn to be thrown into a mental health crisis. It especially doesn't help to have their experiences with that denied afterwards and to be told they're a terrible person for it, or that they "should" have gone through that.
Either people are fundamentally misunderstanding what being triggered is for mental health conditions, and are aiding actual bigots in appropriating the term, or they're so unbelievably exceedingly cruel to disabled people I don't know where to begin.)
Fun thing, you don't exactly learn history properly if you're disocciating, panicking, or otherwise mentally having a crisis or checking out.
And backing up conservative "Those snowflakes and their trigger warnings" rhetoric because conservatives have decided to co-opt the need for them to "justify" banning media? Is ableism. It's throwing disabled people under the bus and calling people bigoted for just having mental health issues and trying to manage them, rather than addressing any of the issues around censorship or people avoiding responsibility for learning about history.
Tldr, I'm tired of getting harassed by people who think someone with contamination based ocd scrubbing their skin to bleeding for days after reading something is lying about it. Or who think the previously mentioned person should have to go through that because the topic being covered was about atrocities.
Oh yeah and that people with PTSD own the word trigger, and that it always manifests exactly like theirs. Pretty tired of that too.
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tropicalfreckles · 4 years
Wrote out some notes for myself on my ocs for that fic that I’m gonna post the first chapter for as a preview, then finish Friends Again and post the rest.
Some of the Beetlejuice OCs in the fic
Leilani: (main oc for my beej x oc fic, shipped with the bugman)
 Lani steps in when needed if thinks escalate fast. She is someone who is really sweet and goes big sister mode a lot. She is stern and too hard of a worker. She is a kind person who tries her best to help people out. She also loves making jokes with Hector. The two are big into puns. She can be a bit stubborn some times, yet, surprisingly patient. Not much of a germaphobe but definitely makes beej wear different clothes some times since he refuses to wash his suit. She can be a little mischievous herself and likes to turn the tables on him when they eventually are in a relationship by calling him little pet names.
Pushes his buttons when she becomes bolder when he won't stop flirting with her. Is very fascinated by the world of the afterlife (also from a writers perspective) and wants to know more about it, but doesn't want to ask Beej too many questions because she values their friendship and doesn't want him to think she's just using him to learn about cool stuff. if her patience is run thin she will not take that shit and nip it in the butt.
A biracial lady who is Afro-Hawaiian
short short lmao 5′3
Hector: (lani’s bff) (rafael’s bf)
He's very snarky, likes jokes. He can be laid back at times. Loves scaring Lani when they binge horror films together. Small bastard that picks fights when he feels like someone needs to. Very artistic and a giant fucking nerd that goes to anime cons. He also is really sweet, too. He loves reptiles and insects (he has a pet bearded dragon named zero). He can be a bit of a flirt.
He is trans and Mexican-American
He is also autistic!
Rafael: (hector’s bf)
Rafael grounds Hector and helps him feel comfortable when he's feeling frustrated at work. He's actually quiet and shy, and tends to focus on his work at lot. He works as a baker. He loves painting with Hector as a way to deal with his own insecurities (being a slightly chubby guy even tho it's like muscle and fat), it's a fun outlet that helps him. He isn't as much into horror films as Lani and Hector but does like dark comedies. He is also very into puns even though he's not great at making them and the way Hector wooed him was with a flirty pun lmao
Filipino-American and tall af he’s like 6′1
Antares: (my dumb gremlin demon who’s dumb bros with beej) (genderfluid demon)
Kind of an old school demon who prefers to go with the classic scares for a haunting. Genderfluid. Loves to do the little girl demon appearance because he always believes kids are way creepier than showing up as an eldritch horror (which he has done a few times but there isn't any craft or decor for him to really enjoy it), since he believes the suspense and build up of the imagination of a human on what she could look like past the little girl appearance is far more fun. A bit of a narcissist, as are all demons probably.
Ends up living with an old lady who mistakes him for her grandchild. They are soft on the inside. Not as much of a flirt like Beej, also very metro. Only likes getting filthy when their scaring, otherwise, they like to make themselves presentable.
Antares used to steal in the 1800s when they were alive, pretending to be a ghost, haunting a house, and scaring people out. Before the occupants could come back with a priest or some cops, they'd steal anything they could then bounce. Good and fast, never being caught until their girlfriend sold them out for $1000 to get rid of the ghost problem that was plaguing the area they lived in in the US. Watched them get hung. Antares has a heart-shaped demon tail with a crack down the middle cause she broke his heart.
Antares also got their power from stealing it from a demon in a bet (the demon had a big ass gambling problem).
Under some bs netherworld rules, it was technically legally binding and they inherit the demon status along with the job the demon had with the powers. Being a scaring coach for ghosts that refused to go to the netherworld. 
Real name Edna, biracial chinese/white. Also tall af, like 6′4
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are you a transmed?
I wouldn't identify myself as anything but I do think a lot of the "progressive" rhetoric I'm seeing is really fucking backwards.
"Lesbians have a complicated relationship with gender so often they're ~not really women~"
I'd say and vice versa but I've never seen men peddling this.
Reductionism of gay relationships into non-X loving non X
The idea that any deviation from gender roles could mean you are trans.
The conflation of gender roles with innate gender identity.
"The sex binary is a racist fiction" - Alok v Menon made a post about how sex is made up by white supremacists to claim that black people qere savage, because like animals, their sex was considered undifferentiated.
I don't even know where to start with that bs. All races are sexually differentiated, just because colonizers made up some obviously untrue bullshit to oppress people doesn't mean that sex doesn't exist.
Noble savage trope Misinterpretation of marginalised cultures to fit your personal Western, modern day conception of what gender is.
"Autistic people experience gender differently" - This is the one that got me truly believing that TERFs have inflitrated the movement and are conning you all, because this is exactly the reasoning that has been used in real court cases to deny care to autistic trans individuals. Also, autistic people do understand things, they are not fucking infants. If anything, they are more likely to think in a binary way and be confused by fluid labels.
"Don't pathologise being trans" - Is having a medical condition so terrible and disgraceful to you? It is not a personal failing and it should not be stigmatised.
"Pronouns don't equal gender" - Misgendering therefore doesn't exist
"Abolish gender" - Literal TERF rhetoric, abolishing gender roles will not change anything for dysphoric people. Segregating people purely on birth sex is directly transphobia.
"Gender is a social construct" - Firstly, it is innate as shown by David Reimer. Everyone knows gender is innate but will not admit to it. This is why many people react so strongly to the concept of detransitioners and feel sorry for them - because admit it or not, they *know* an innate distress arises when sex is mismatched to gender.
R.e. the main point - If gender was a social construct, then transition would not be necessary, a person would simply need to rethink their relationship with society.
Decentering dysphoria and dysphoric people - regardless of your opinion on being trans, at least it's widely agreed that dysphoria is a medical condition that needs treatment. Currently, trans communities seem catered towards those who do not in any way realistically live as anything other than a cis member of their AGAB, and who rail against medicalisation.
Medicalisation is life saving to dysphoric people. They should be centred, ALWAYS. Your wants are not important in comparison to dysphoric people's needs.
I've seen truly vile comments such as people telling others they are privileged to have dysphoria as it makes them "valid". Do I even need to explain how grossly insensitive this is? This shit has got to stop.
From all this, yes I believe dysphoria is required to be trans. The only other thing a trans identity could possibly be based on is gender roles.
Additionally, why do non dysphorics care if they are seen as their gender or not? If they're not dysphoric about it, then there is no issue surely?
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