#pspsps meg I think you'll appreciate this
debbiechanclub · 8 months
So, this little scene was in my head and I had to get it out before I could work on anything else. David and Dan having a little bro-chat about Nellie and Torrance. Setting: that night the War Dogs all went out in Tokyo last week that rewired my brain chemistry. Posting it now because it goes into Nellie and David's history from his perspective, and I don't know when or if it will get posted as part of a complete fic. Enjoy!
“I guess Torrance actually hasn’t told you.”
Dan’s brow furrowed. “Hasn’t told me what?”
David paused as he lit his cigarette. And then he said, “She’s helping me pick out a ring.”
Dan’s eyes widened in excitement. “You’re popping the question?” He clasped his shoulder. “Congrats, bruv! Seriously.”
“Thanks, man.”
“Look at you and Nellie getting all domesticated,” he grinned. “Bought a new place together, gettin’ married. You’ll be poppin’ out kids before you know it.”
“Oh trust me, we’ve talked about it,” David returned. “We want kids. But the timing has to be right. She’s on the run of her career right now and I don’t want interrupt that.”
“Oh, for sure, you have time,” he nodded. “How long have you two been together now?”
David blew a stream of smoke from his mouth before he answered. “Officially, about six months. But unofficially, it’s closer to a year.”
“Mm,” Dan nodded as he took a draw off his cigarette. “Yeah, Torr explained that whole situation to me.”
“It fucking sucked,” David wryly laughed. “It’s why I’m not wasting any more time. I’ve been thinking about proposing since the G1.” He laughed again, bringing his drink to his lips. “I’ve had it bad for her since twenty-seventeen, to be honest.”
“That long?” Dan asked in surprise.
He nodded. “That was when we first met, when she came here for her first tour with Stardom. The first time I saw her I was just like… fuck.”
Dan let out one of his signature cackles. “Schwing!”
“Fucking basically!” David smirked. “So I asked her out, and I swear she only said yes because she felt bad saying no… and I fucking blew it on that date. I was trying way too hard because I was so nervous. And after that I figured, yeah, she’s never gonna even look at me again. But we kept hanging out in group settings, and there was still chemistry there, you know?”
“Yeah, for sure,” Dan nodded.
“But then she left, and when I saw her again a year later, she was dating ZSJ.” He rolled his eyes. “I was like, fucking really?”
Dan laughed again as he tapped some ash off the end of his cigarette. “So, if you’ve wanted Nell for that long, did you ever get serious with anyone else?”
“Oh, yeah,” David confirmed with a nod. “This isn’t the first time I’ve considered proposing to someone.”
“Really?” Dan curiously asked.
“Mhm. I got real close to it a couple years ago with a girl I’d been with for a while. But she got used to my schedule during the pandemic and having me around and not gone for weeks or months at a time, and when I came back from the twenty twenty-one New Japan Cup, she told me she couldn’t be with me if I was gonna start regularly working in Japan again.”
Dan’s eyebrows arched. “She gave you an ultimatum?”
“Yeah,” he nodded. “So, we broke up. I was thinking about Nellie again within a week.”
“I hear that, bruv,” Dan breathed. “Did you get in touch with her?”
David laughed shortly to himself. “No, because she was with Jay. But honestly, I had a feeling even then he was gonna fuck it up.”
Dan cackled again. “And now you’ve taken a hell of a lot more from him than just Nellie.”
“Fuck yeah, I have,” David returned, and they clinked their glasses together in cheers and drank.
“In all seriousness, though, I’m buzzin’ for you, Dave,” Dan said. “I’m surprised Torr didn’t let something slip.”
David sent him a curious look as he took another pull from his cigarette. “What about you and her? It seems like you two are getting more serious.”
Dan nodded. “Yeah. It’s got me a bit scared, if I’m being honest.”
David smirked. “Well, I don’t know if this is gonna help or hurt, but I’ve known Torr a long time and seen her fuck up more than one relationship because she can’t get out of her own way. But she’s putting in more effort not to do that with you than I think I’ve seen her put in with anyone.”
Dan’s eyes turned distant and pensive as he took a long draw off his cigarette. He held in the smoke for a second, and then he expelled it from his chest and said, “Yeah, I don’t know if that helps or hurts, either.”
David slapped a hand on his back. “Don’t think about it too much,” he said just as the others rejoined them in the booth, Gabe loudly yelling about something.
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