#ps: i can't wait to give georgie weapons in this lmao
crow-the-unknown · 1 year
Killing Strangers - an Avalanche mob/gang AU from multiple POVs (first three are Nate, Cale, and then Gabe's)
The rain was heavy and loud in Nate’s ears, the noise of the road dimmed by the alley. He hissed in a breath and touched lightly at his side, it came away deep red for a moment before the rain washed it away. He was so screwed. Gabe was gonna kill him. Nate staggered underneath a doorway and let his legs give in. He felt lightheaded and the water was blurring his vision. Distantly, he thought he heard the shrill whine of a dog— but that might have been his imagination. He needed to stitch himself up, he couldn’t die here. Not like this. 
At least if they found him, he’d get a nice funeral. Maybe one day Cale could find a way to forgive him for leaving too soon. Maybe he’d find someone new. Nate hoped so, the kid deserved that much. The neon world began to fade away. Nate fell into unconsciousness, alone and dreaming of him.
“Nate. Nate.”
Cale? Nate’s ears were ringing and he slowly blinked awake. He tried to sit up,but someone pushed him back. Nate’s vision cleared and Cale’s rosy face came into focus. Pain was a distant thing. Confusion struck. He was supposed to be dead. Why wasn’t he dead? What the hell? Once again Nate tried to sit up despite clearly being injured. He struggled against Cale’s hold.
“Nate,” Cale scolded harshly and he rolled his eyes. “Nate, you stubborn bastard, just sit still,” he huffed.
Nate stopped, settling for resting back on his elbows even though it was incredibly uncomfortable. He had no clue where he was. The room was dimly lit, and steel was cold beneath him. He glared at the wall, and Cale smiled a bit. A few quiet moments passed, the only sound was the faint shouting of voices down the hall and the buzz of the ceiling light. Absently, Nate registered one of the voices as Gabe’s. Nate turned to Cale, wincing as his side stung again. “Where are we?” he asked softly.
Cale looked around, making sure they were alone purely out of instinct and not worry. He took a seat beside the metal table Nate was laying on and ran his hand shakily through his messy brown hair. He adjusted his suit jacket and touched at his peach fuzz nervously. “Downtown. A few blocks away from where I found you,” responded Cale.
God, Cale sounded so tired and worried. Nate felt a stab of guilt over giving him a scare like that. He shouldn’t have gone out on his own. He was lucky to be alive. Well, he wouldn’t be if Cale hadn’t followed him. Nate owed him. Nate didn’t suspect just an apology would do either.
“Gabe tracked down the guys we were after. He’s… dealing with them now,” insinuated Cale with a notable look at the door, his voice becoming laced with something dark.
“Did they have the…?” asked Nate, knowing Cale would have an answer.
Cale looked down at the floor, brows furrowed. He didn’t seem disappointed, just pissed. “No,” he replied with a small shake of his head. “They’re getting what’s coming to them, though.”
Nate flung his legs over the table, sitting up tentatively. He held up a hand to signal he was okay when Cale immediately looked up, expression wary. Nate searched Cale’s frustrated features. “Gabe tell you to back off?”
Cale just barely managed a laugh and he shrugged. He moved a bit too mechanically, swaying side to side a bit and he stood. Cale readjusted his watch absentmindedly. The face was fractured, but Nate knew why he still wore it. It was a symbol of why Cale was here in the first place. A reminder. Only Nate knew the full story. “Yeah. Yeah he did. Sent me to come look after you once Pavel finished stitching you up.”
“He’s giving them the right treatment, don’t worry.”
“Oh, I know.” Cale helped Nate to his feet. “But I would have given them hell on a platter. I would have given them even worse than they deserved for you.”
Nate grinned, and it was a cruel, bright thing. He laughed faintly, gripping his wounded side again as it ached. “I know you would have, Cale. I think that’s why he stopped you.”
They turned down the fluorescent-green lit hall, Nate leaning heavily on Cale for support. The shrieking got louder with each step. Halfway to the next set of doors Cale announced out of the blue, “You almost died, Nate. You know that? Pavel barely saved you in time… you—” Nate winced at the way Cale’s voice caught— “you were barely even breathing when I got you to Pavel. I felt you slip away in my arms…”
Cale drew in a sharp breath and Nate’s chest tightened in guilt. Nate looked up to him, brows raised with sympathy. Cale readjusted himself so that Nate didn’t slip from his hold. He sniffed and used his free hand to wipe at the corners of his eyes. Nate looked down again and pursed his lips. “I— I’m sorry.”
“I know you are,” agreed Cale quietly, but his voice was not forgiving.
The twenty-four year old pushed through the doors and immediately the screams of men pierced the air. Cale’s expression was firm set, his eyes cold and unloving as he brought Nate in. Gabe was standing in a single beam of light before a chair. Nate could see the blood dripping from his hands. Steel glinted in the light, and the doors slammed shut behind them. Nate gave Gabe a cheeky, short lived smile as his boss’ cruel profile turned to him. “Gabe,” greeted Nate blankly.
“Nate.” Gabe’s jaw ticked, and he dipped his head curtly Nate’s way. Then, he turned back to his work without so much as a word. Nate took a seat and watched the show with the others, satisfaction easing his pain like a tonic.
Cale should have known Nate would leave on his own. They’d all been at the meeting Gabe had called, sat in their wide circle to discuss. A group of guys had been infringing on their borders and smuggling supplies out of their warehouses, which Cale knew would only look worse on paper should things go… south. The same guys they’d suspected had also broken into one of their safehouses and stolen various important papers and valuables. They’d become a big problem, so Gabe had rallied all the guys to a discreet location and they’d made plans. Their big guys— men like Valeri, Nate, and Kurtis— would deal with the dirty stuff. Meanwhile someone like Cale would go under the radar, work in secret, just like any other job. Things like this tended to get messy, but Cale didn’t mind so long as they stuck to their assignments.
Nate had not stuck to his assignment. They weren’t even supposed to be going out that night, especially not alone. Nate was usually smart enough to at least bring back up, but lucky for him Cale could tell exactly what the twenty-seven year old was planning. The second Gabe had gone through what he wanted, with Erik offering obvious solutions to the boss’ problems as usual, Cale had seen how tense Nate got. He’d noticed the way his jaw ticked, the way he sat up, and the way his eyes glinted with ambition. Cale was trained to notice things like that.
Gabe had called their meeting to a close and the guys all paired off, laughing with each other and making plans to go out and have some fun. It was painfully obvious to see Nate break off on his own and Cale had gone straight to Gabe. He’d caught the Swede just as he was about to walk through the doors to his exit. “Landy,” he hissed, voice urgently quiet.
“Cale?” Gabe replied warily, voice instantly dropping that authority he led meetings with as his brows furrowed with genuine concern.
Cale pulled him off to the side behind a tall pillar. “It’s Nate.”
Gabe sighed and rolled his eyes, unsurprised yet still concerned. 
“I’m going to trail him. I think he’s headed west to his spot where he last… Well,” Cale looked around, best stay careful, “you know. Will you get some of the guys to come with? He might need them if things get scrappy.”
Gabe redid his maroon suit’s button and adjusted his deep red tie against the stark black dress shirt he wore. Only he wore things like that. It was a symbol of his status. Some stories said his suits had started off white and the blood he’d had to shed to get to the top was stained into what he wore. Gabe embraced the stories though— despite their untruthfulness—, because they worked. No one messed with their group, and Gabe was a huge reason for it. The nicknames they gave him didn’t even begin to scrape the surface of what Gabe was really capable of. Cale had seen what the man could do, the lengths he’d go to get a job done… it was cruelly fascinating. And in some sick, twisted way, Cale couldn’t help but respect him.
Gabe snapped Cale back to the matter at hand with his response, “Oh, Cale. You don’t need backup when you have me.”
The conversation ended there and Gabe was already headed to the weapons room. Cale shook himself out of it and rushed out the exit. He hurried down the steps and searched the street. Which route would you take, Nate? The answer was near instant. Nate’s recognizable figure was standing by the road, waving for a taxi. Cale stayed out of the sidewalk and watched from behind the building’s gate. He hesitated, watching closely as Nate got into the taxi that had pulled up. It started heading west. Cale smiled faintly despite the anxiety in his veins. He was right. Nate was so stupid.
Cale immediately turned down the next alley and took the fastest route he knew. He was going to kill that man. Cale pulled out his phone and typed quickly as he walked. He sent Gabe a single word, knowing that his boss would know exactly where to go. Luckily enough, Cale wasn’t too worried about walking there. The spot Nate was going wasn’t too far from the building they’d met at, and Cale trusted Nate just enough to know he could  handle himself just fine. This of course, excused nothing, but it at least managed to calm Cale’s worries a little bit. Well, that and also the fact that he’d placed a tracker on Nate because of the last time he’d run off on his own— per Gabe’s orders.
It’d been a couple months ago, and the stakes weren’t nearly as dire as this. Some guys from one of the other upcoming gangs, one a lot smaller than the one they were dealing with now, were causing trouble and Gabe had wanted a group to go out and deal with them. Simple stuff at first, just talk and a few threats. That usually worked with the reputation their gang held. Gabe still wanted multiple guys, however, just in case things got frisky. It was the smart move, one Cale had suggested. Yet, Nate had gone off on his own.
All Cale remembered was being worried sick for almost three hours as they searched and waited for Nate to come back. When he had, he’d been bloody and battered. Pavel had stitched up stab wounds and cuts, and his body had been wildly bruised. Apparently they’d underestimated the threat, but all Nate seemed willing to say was that they had still gotten it way worse. Cale shook his head to himself, trying to keep a steady pace as he weaved behind buildings and watched Nate’s location. It had slowed, a good sign that Nate was now on foot and no longer speeding ahead in a taxi.
Rain began to pour and Cale slid his phone into his pocket. He stopped, listening attentively. This area was less populated, more bars and underground clubs than busy streets and sidewalks packed with consumers. Cale straightened. He thought he heard… no. Cale’s heart sank in his chest as the echo of a gunshot floated through the air, a cruel melody. Cale was running before he could think anything of it, he pushed through anyone that was in his way as he frantically looked up and down alleys for Nate’s figure. Please don’t let it be him, don’t let it be him, Cale’s mind screamed.
Down the street he saw a group of about five guys, laughing and chatting amongst each other as they walked up the stairs to a bar. Cale saw from a distance that one of them had a tattoo on his neck and rage sparked. It’s them. Cale dialed Gabe and talked as he ran, now going with purpose to the alley he’d seen the men coming out of.  “Hey, I found the guys,” Cale began shakily, “they’re downtown at the Ambrosia—”
Cale skidded to a halt at the entrance to the alley and his phone clattered to the concrete. Cale didn’t care. Nate was yards down, slumped underneath a doorway and bleeding. Cale forced his legs to move and he scrambled to Nate’s side. He’d never seen him so hurt… a clear sign that Nate hadn’t known what he was getting into. God, there was so much blood. Cale shook Nate by his shoulders a bit. “Nate.”
Hope fled as fast as a flint struck spark. Cale’s chest felt heavy, his heart sinking like a stone. He searched desperately for Nate’s pulse. It was there, but fading. Cale drew in a sharp breath and collected himself. Act like this is just another job. Just get him to Pavel’s place. He’s the nearest medic we have… Cale heaved Nate as gently as possible to his feet. Nate’s eyes fluttered open for a moment and Cale breathed the barest sigh of relief. He was alive. “Okay, Nate, I need you to walk. Just move your legs a bit, I’m taking you to Frankie,” he instructed gently.
Nate didn’t seem to hear him, he groaned and Cale winced at the thought that he could be hurting Nate even more, but he followed what Cale asked. Cale breathed shakily, looking up into the rainy sky. “Thank you.”
The trip felt so much longer than it really was. Every so often Nate would slip, and Cale would have to rest him against a wall and tear more from his suit to press against Nate’s shot wound. Then he’d heave him back up and stagger forward, keeping in the dark alleys and streets where there was no one to bother them or ask questions. Cale did his best to ignore the way Nate got limper in his hold and started leaning more heavily on Cale. He couldn’t die here, Cale refused to let that happen. He’d drag Nate back from hell if he had to.
 Finally after what felt like hours, Cale was finally at Pavel Francouz’s doorstep. The response was immediate, Pavel had helped Cale take Nate in and then he’d gone to work. It’d been awful to watch. Nate had been completely still. It was terrifying. He’d lost so much blood, it was everywhere. After about half an hour Gabe had showed up and Cale had let him in. Behind him followed Val and Kurtis and Mikko, each shoving a beaten man through the hall. Gabe led, his knuckles bruised and his lip cut but other than that there was no sign he’d even been hit. The boss leaned on the doorway, looking into where Pavel had Nate. “Where can we take them?” he asked, catching the medic’s attention.
“Down the hall there’s a room that should do just fine. You calling together a show?” Pavel questioned simply, not looking away from working on Nate’s wounds.
Gabe smirked, drumming his fingers on the doorframe. His gaze landed on Nate and his jaw set into place, his eyes glinting with something dark and cold and brutally unforgiving. He looked away and nodded at his guys, signaling for them to go ahead where Pavel instructed. “Yeah, yeah I am. You good with the visitors?”
“Of course,” said Pavel pleasantly. “Always am.”
“Good man…” Gabe praised and went silent, staring at Nate’s still body. “Will he be alright?” he asked softly, the words barely a whisper.
Cale knew the feeling. Gabe had been the one to take Nate in when Nate had been lost, searching for a job, and angry. He’d taught him how to hold his own in a fight. He’d taken a lonely and vengeful kid and turned him into the monster he needed to be. In some ways, Nate was akin to a son for Gabe. Cale understood his pain. He didn’t want to see the person he loved most in this state either.
“He’ll be okay. He can’t die on us that easy,” Cale replied with a small laugh, though his chest only tightened more.
Pavel stepped away and looked at Gabe. “I did my best. He lost a lot of blood, though. He was gashed pretty deep in his side and the shot went through his shoulder… I—” he paused, wringing his hands together, and repeated, “I did my best.”
Gabe nodded. “I know. Thank you.”
Cale stopped Gabe before he could go. The Swede turned to him, giving him an almost warning look in response to Cale’s pleading eyes. “Cale, think about your priorities before you speak.”
Cale felt a wave of embarrassment and dull, tired-made anger wash over him. He wasn’t a child. In fact, he was a very calculated person. He always thought about what he said. He was frankly offended that Gabe would assume he wasn’t thinking straight. Maybe he wasn’t. “I want to deal with them, Gabe. Let me give them hell for what they did.”
Gabe was unfazed. “You need to watch him. I can deal with them just fine.”
“It’s my boyfriend that’s laying on that table on the verge of death, Gabe,” Cale snapped. “Let me hurt them like they hurt him. Do you honestly think I’d hesitate?” he challenged.
Gabe leaned in, voice steady but commanding, “Cale. Let it be. Nate needs you, and you know it. Now let me handle this, you’ll get your fun in time. Just be patient.”
Cale looked down at his feet, cheeks deep red. He turned away and took a seat next to Nate. “Fine. Now go have your fun. I’ll be here.”
Gabe gave him one last lingering look and Cale took Nate’s barley warm hand in his own. He didn’t even need to look up to know Gabe had gone. Pavel took off his gloves and slung his medical bag over his shoulder.
 “Cale, I— I know this must be hard for you. I’m pretty new here, but I just want to say that he should be alright. He just needs to take it slow. Whenever he wakes up, get him water and bring him into where I sent Gabe. There’s food there, and he’ll need the nutrients to regain his strength given how much blood he lost. I’ve dealt with things like this before, so come to me if you need anything, alright?”
Cale nodded and said, “Thanks, Frankie. You’re too good to us. I appreciate it, though. I don’t know what I’d have done if I’d lost him. You saved his life.”
Pavel smiled, dipping his head gratefully. “I know.”
Cale laughed and shook his head. The rain began to slow outside, and the night calmed. Cale rested his head in his free palm, other hand still in Nate’s. The twenty-seven year old’s chest was now rising and falling more regularly, labored but getting better. That was a good sign. Cale sighed as he rubbed his thumb over Nate’s bruised, bloody knuckles. It was going to be a long night.
It had been a long, long time since Gabe had felt rage quite like this. That white hot, everlasting flame that consumed everything and left nothing behind. The kind that only translated to the language Gabe loved more than words: violence. Untamed, wild, ceaseless violence. Violence that often made him feel more animal or machine than human. There could be no shame, just precision. Just intent.
He’d stormed into that bar alone, and immediately The Ambrosia had gone quiet. It wasn’t a rowdy bar like most of the clubs around here. It was rustic, a place for deals to be discreetly made or bets to be waged. This one one of the only spots downtown someone could go that was quiet. The interior design was based on Greek architecture— a nod to the name “Ambrosia”. All eyes turned to Gabe. At the end of the bar five large men who’d been talking and drinking went silent. Gabe’s gaze landed on the large tattoo on one of their necks and he adjusted his suit calmly. The bartender broke the tense silence, “Careful, Näken.”
Gabe nearly smiled at the name. At least this man had the decency to give him a name in the proper language. Gabe cracked his neck and strode towards the group of men. He looked slightly up at the man with the tattoo who was only an inch or so taller than he was. Gabe tapped his index finger on the bar and instantly the bartender slid a glass of whiskey to him. Without breaking eye contact with the men, Gabe downed the drink and cleared his throat. The room was eerily silent.
From behind Gabe, the bell on the door of The Ambrosia rang loud and clear. He didn’t need to look away to know it was his men. He’d called them just before getting to The Ambrosia, and all he’d needed to do was give himself some time that his reputation served just well. Finally, Gabe spoke, “One of my own is dying because of you.” 
Gabe threw his first blow into the gut of the tattooed man with as much composure as he could muster and the man bent double. The rest of his group surged forward, but Gabe held up a hand and surprisingly they stopped, confused. Gabe finished his statement, “One of my own is dying because of you… that doesn’t happen.”
And then it was on. Gabe let his muscles do the talking, let his natural instinct take over as he fought. When one man lunged, he ducked and immediately had the advantage again. Next thing he knew, he and Mikko were back to back. Val had already handled one of them and was working on heaving the man, barely conscious, to his feet and out the door. Kurtis was facing off against the tattooed man. Gabe drew his attention back to the matter at hand and together he and Mikko brought down the other two men.
After several thrown punches, Gabe loomed over the last man still conscious, watching curiously as he tried to crawl away. Suddenly, the man turned, picked up a fallen glass of drink, and threw it past Gabe’s head. He turned sharply away, dodging most of the impact. Blood began to seep from a cut in Gabe’s lip where the glass had actually caught, but the sting was nonexistent. He smiled faintly and licked away the blood, teeth bright white against the stark red bubbling on his lip. The man looked up at Gabe, terrified, as the Swede crouched before him. Then, before he could even get out a single syllable of an insult, Gabe drew back his fist and knocked the man out cold.
Gabe stood and shrugged off his suit jacket, throwing it over one of the barstools. He motioned for Mikko to take the men outside and pulled up a bottle of bourbon. He took two ice cubes from the bowl next to him, and calmly poured himself a glass. Gabe downed it, put two coins on the table haphazardly, and exited The Ambrosia. He neatly folded his suit jacket over his arm, embracing the rain and the cold. Then, he readjusted his tie and met the others back in the car. Gabe rode with Mikko and Val, meanwhile Kurtis drove separately with the rest of Nate’s unconscious attackers. 
The drive was silent and tense. Any spark of excitement that had come with the fight had long since died. The weight of Nate’s unknown condition was heavy in the air. Even Mikko, who usually brought some fun to dull scenarios, was quiet. Gabe stared out the window and tried to shove his thoughts away, but all he could see was Cale’s bright, cracked screen on the concrete and the blood on the door where Nate had been. They pulled up to Pavel’s and Gabe was quick to get out of the car.
Mikko pulled smelling salts out of his pocket and handed them to Val, who took them and broke them before waving them under the men’s noses. They both jolted awake and together Mikko and Val helped them out of the car. At least they were smart enough not to resist. Maybe they thought that if they cooperated they’d escape their fate. They were wrong.
Kurtis was already there, waiting patiently with the other men they’d fought. Gabe strode towards him, peering closely at the man with the tattoo on his neck. He grit down on his teeth a bit, brows furrowing with an untouchable anger. They’re Bolts, Gabe recognized, finally getting a close look at the ink on the man’s neck. Great. Just great. 
Everything else after that passed in a blur. Next thing Gabe knew he was standing in a circle of light, being watched intently by the others. Distantly, Gabe might have remembered a conversation with Cale and Frankie. But the only clear, jarring thing he could recall was Nate laying still on a metal table. Gabe’s grip on his blade tightened and he pressed it faintly into the skin of the tattooed man’s forearms. He let out a high pitched whine through gritted teeth and Gabe closed his eyes, pressing further. Then the man began to scream and beg.
“It was just a job!” he sobbed but Gabe paid him no heed.
Gabe made a deep slash across the man’s cheek. Then he stepped back, leaning on his heels as he laughed. “Just a job,” mocked Gabe, running his hand through his hair at the absurdity. “‘Just a job’ he says. Things like this are never just a job.Nate nearly died because of you. I don’t let things like that slide.”
Suddenly, the man received a rush of confidence— a very poor decision on his part— at Gabe’s threat and he sneered, “It was his fault anyway! You’d really think someone under the Näken’s wise teachings would know better. I’d be disappointed too. He might not even make the night in the state we left him—”
Gabe had the man pulled up by his collar within seconds, blade twisting deep in his side. Gabe relished the silent, open mouthed shriek the man let out and he met eyes with the Bolt, cold blue on deep brown. Gabe leaned in and hissed quietly into the dying man’s ear, “You know… you’re lucky he’s alive. If he wasn’t I assure you, your death would be much slower than this. Consider this a gift.”
The tattooed man’s features contorted with deep pain and Gabe let him go. He slumped against the chair and after several tense moments he went still. Blood began to drip on the floor, Gabe’s hands were wet. He drew in a sharp breath and calmly readjusted his suit. Gently, Gabe pulled the man off the chair and he crumpled in a heap to the floor. Without needing to be told, Kurtis moved forward and took the body away. Distantly, Gabe heard Mikko going to grab the next. 
“Wait,” spoke out Gabe and the Fin paused. Gabe undid his tie and threw it across the room and he removed his suit jacket, leaving only his button up and the deep red vest. “Call up the others. Why waste the chance at entertainment?”
Mikko nodded curtly and replied, “Yes, boss.”
Gabe turned to Val. “Go find Frankie and ask him if there’s chairs somewhere. I’m going to check on Nate.”
“Of course, Landy…” Val began and after a few moments asked softly, “Will he be alright? I didn’t see much, but—” the Russian struggled to find the right words— “he looked not good.”
Gabe fell silent. The weight of reality came crashing back. This wasn’t normal, there had never been a hunger for revenge quite like this. Not that revenge wasn’t justified before, it was just that the situation had never been so dire. Nate was dying. That never happened. But here Gabe was, ignoring his closest friend and resorting to the only thing he knew; violence. He shoved away the pang of guilt he felt at that. 
“I don’t know.”
“Oh. I— I’m sorry then. I know Nate means lots to you. He does to all of us.”
Gabe nodded, picking up what really mattered from what Val was saying through his thick accent. He hastily turned and strode down the hall. It couldn’t have been more than an hour since he’d last visited, but frankly Gabe didn’t care. Every dull moment was replaced with worry over Nate. He felt a hot wave of embarrassment come over him. He was so stupid. Nate would live, so why was he so anxious? He was supposed to be the collected one, the one that let his fists do the talking or the one that smoothly and deftly executed a complicated deal. He wasn’t supposed to lose it over something as simple as Nate being an idiot and getting himself into trouble again. 
“Gabe?” Cale’s voice snapped him from his thoughts abruptly.
Gabe drew in a sharp breath and rubbed at his eyes. He hadn’t even noticed the overwhelming dread and sadness that had made its way into his heart. Gabe’s cheeks flushed red slightly. At least it was Cale and not someone else that was witnessing his boss’ unraveling. Gabe could trust Cale the most out of everyone with something like his shame. That put Gabe at ease, if only a little bit, and he made his way as casually as possible to Nate’s side.
“I just wanted to check on him,” stated Gabe.
Cale could have responded with a sarcastic comment, pointing out how obvious it was that Nate was the reason Gabe ended up here. But he didn’t. Instead he replied the way Cale would. “I’m worried about him too,” reassured Cale.
“How’s he been?” Gabe asked, trying to ignore how much Cale’s kind response made him want to completely break down.
Cale absently gave Nate’s hand a squeeze and he shrugged a bit hopelessly. “He’s been okay… his breathing’s a lot better but it’s shallow. I think he should be alright, but I don’t know how Frankie feels about it. I’m not a medic, I’m just—” Cale laid his forehead onto his and Nate’s hands as if in prayer— “hanging on to any hope I have left.”
“I think we all are,” admitted Gabe. After a few moments Gabe shook his head with the barest laugh and he stated, “How could he be so stupid?”
Cale smiled faintly, but it looked forced.
“He knows better. If you hadn’t been able to follow him, he’d be dead right now… I mean, did you see the guys we brought in?”
Cale’s interest peaked, as if he’d completely forgotten the people responsible for Nate’s predicament in the first place, and he questioned, “No, who were they?”
The color drained from the twenty-four year old’s face for a moment. “Shit,” he cursed.
 “Yeah… I don’t know. Hopefully this should send the message, but it might escalate. We’ll see how it goes as their guys turn up missing but with Nate out of the field our manpower will be weakened. We’re going to have to call up some guys if they’re going to keep infringing on our borders. We might be going to war.”
Cale looked away. Uncomfortable silence fell and Gabe felt a pang of guilt. He shouldn’t be talking about this, not here, not now. He was only making it all worse.He should know better, Cale was sensitive to things like this. Talk like this. “I’m sorry,” apologized Gabe, “I know it’s not the time. I was just speaking out whatever came to mind, I didn’t mean to seem insensitive.”
“No, you’re alright,” Cale interjected. “I was just thinking.”
Gabe didn’t miss the way Cale stared at his broken watch as he said it. It was a curious thing, that watch. Gabe never understood why he wore something broken— he’d assumed it had some value of course— but he’d never bothered to ask Cale why. All he knew was that Cale never took it off, or at least that was how it seemed.  Just as Gabe was working up the nerve to ask, the doors to the building opened and the noise of the others floated down the hall. 
Gabe straightened. “That’s the others. I— I’m going to go…” Gabe began as he stood. “And Cale?”
The twenty-four year old came to attention, snapped out of gazing longingly at Nate. “Yeah?” responded Cale.
Gabe’s hand paused on the door handle. “Thank you.”
 Cale seemed to be caught off guard by the compliment, but he nodded and replied, “Of course.”
Gabe gave him the barest hint of a smile and closed the door behind him. He said his greetings to his men and led them down the hall, reset into the stern but relatable leader he had to be. Part of him felt bad for leaving Cale, but if he was being honest with himself he wanted to be the one to hurt those that had nearly killed Nate. Was it selfish? Yes. But Gabe couldn’t bring himself to care. Cale would get his time, if he wanted. Right now, Gabe was going to do what he did best: harm and maim and kill. Neither hell nor high water was going to stop him.
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