#prolly mostly lena POV but kara's reaction could be fun as well
kuekyuuq · 2 years
Do we have a fic out there that fully leans into Lena believing Kara is dating Supergirl? 
(Because why not, Lena thinks. Kara is adorable and sweet and the Super “so solid, so powerful”. And of course these two beautiful women in her life would rather find happiness with each other than even consider her... But she also understands, why they keep it a secret, going so far to never show up in the same place at the same time, yet apparently always knowing where the other is. Lena won’t push Kara to tell her, but if she helps Kara by sending the Super home on late evenings (with a fresh order of pot stickers to boot) or keeps making sure the Super will make it home in one piece, so Kara never has to worry, or hints at the Super what Kara’s favorites and likes are, or if she sneakily gives Kara tips on how to spice up her f/f relationship, or recreates a Kryptonian flower for Kara to gift to her girlfriend... she’s not trying to project her own feelings into their relationship, no. She’s just being really supportive!)
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Point me the way if there’s something like that? If not, feel free to take this as your prompt~
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