#probably does not know that *I'm* self-diagnosed with a few things until further notice
shrimpmandan · 11 months
ngl I routinely forget that self-diagnosis discourse is A Thing and every single time it’s like getting slapped in the face by a wet fish of just how fucking insane people are about it. Can self-diagnosis be harmful? Absolutely it can, for numerous reasons. You might overlook something major and end up being treated for the wrong thing, as an example. But on the flip-side, self-diagnosis can also be incredibly helpful for managing symptoms and receiving support when professional help isn’t readily available, especially since professionals themselves are absolutely not immune to biases and bigotry in regards to mental health. It’s a complex topic and I despise seeing people go “ohh all self-dx bad” and “ohh all self-dx good” when the reality of it is that it’s just extremely contextual.
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