#prepare my coffin slash therapy bill now I'm gonna be decimated on the spot
kurisus · 1 year
Chapter 105-2 thoughts
What a roller coaster. Let's get into it.
So as I figured, Father's monsters zombie-fy people they touch. But rather than zombies per se, they become ayakashi that can't be cured with a bit of water, so the gods are faced with the dilemma of having to cut the blight out to save the rest--a nice parallel to the early times of the series, except in this case they're talking about having to kill people. Kill some to save the bigger picture, or try to find a cure/a way out in time?
The way Arahabaki reverted to his former violent nature, and how Take, Ebisu, Kofuku, and Tenjin decided to go along with it at the cost of blighting their shinki seems to me a way to highlight heaven's corruption. We know their ways suck, and here we're seeing that even the characters we love are not immune to their corrupt ways. Remember, heaven's modus operandi is strike first, ask questions later, so they're just solving things the way they know how, even if we don't think of them as necessarily being "part of" heaven.
Hopefully Hiyori or someone else will come up with a cure before the gods start doing...you know, exactly what Father wants them to do, but before I move on, I do have a concern about this chapter.
What was so dangerous about that island, after all???
Think about it--Ebisu said it's so dangerous that he died there in the past. But all that was waiting for them there was a decrepit old man and a bunch of non-aggressive ghosts. I kept speculating a booby trap, but now they've left and are safely back with the other gods? This kind of threw me for a loop, I'll admit. That place had bad vibes written all over it so it's a bit weird that nothing really happened. They simply got what they came for and left.
Anyway now let's talk about what I really wanted to talk about--Nora's character arc concluding. I loved her calling out Father's half-baked dimension as being...well, fundamentally worthless. Followed by her instinctive response of loving him, and the little Hiyori in her head that asks, "Do you really?"
Finally, finally, Nora admits she's scared of him, the same way Yato is scared of him, and turns on him. I'm so happy. I've been waiting for this day for years.
I also really liked her revelation that she had been playing her part in their made-up family. She didn't want to let her beliefs go partly because it was something she never got to have in life--a family.
Yato wants to go home and see the sun, not to die. I'm gripping the edge of my seat so hard. The eventual Yatori/trio reunion is going to break me open. When it happens, don't text. I will be in shambles. That might happen at the end of 106, since I'd assume the last chapter, 107, would be an epilogue of sorts. We'll see.
The finish line is truly in sight now, and all that's left is to defeat Father once and for all, reveal his true name, save the infected people, and get the main trio back together again. No one else except trash dad had better die :^)
I'm also really curious whether the series will be open-ended or not. As in, if it will end with Hiyori's ties being cut or her willingly parting ways with the gods--a definitive ending of their story. Or if it will end with the knowledge she'll have to leave them someday, but she wants to stick around for now. I'm personally rooting for the second just because the alternative makes me too sad, but we'll see. Hiyori getting and being tied up in the affairs of the gods has been, you know, the backbone of the series, so it would definitely make sense to put a clear ending on it. Even if it makes girls cry. It's me. I'm girls.
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