#pray for me im not stopping until I'm on 19/20 at LEAST
shadowsandshapes · 1 year
Hello, hello! I started this blog one month ago today!
Thank you so much to everyone who reblogged, replied and liked one of my drabbles or one-shots. Seeing my work appreciated by so many of you is genuinely so nice. I won't lie, I was very nervous to start posting again after my retirement. I hadn't written any creative pieces in over 3 years so you can imagine I was a bit rusty, but you've all been incredibly kind and patient.
Now, unfortunately, I didn't get to finish the first draft of the Dabi fic like I wanted to. Who knew I sucked at pacing myself with longer stories (I did) and that writing this would be difficult for me (I did)? I feel bad for not being able to make it, but I'm working hard to get it done. Which is also why I typed this message up in advance and scheduled it lmao. As much as I like reading and interacting with other people on here, I'm gonna take a few days away to binge-write.
WE 👏 WANT 👏 A 👏DABI 👏 SEMI-SLOWBURN 👏 and I aim to deliver.
So excuse my silence, friends. I will return from the depths of my Google docs victorious, with a draft in hand and plans to emotionally decimate you all.
Love, Shade ♡
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almightyellie · 4 years
I'm curious: what's it like to be mormon? I heard it's very strict and kinda prudish? But then again I thought polygamy is normal for mormons too? Please enlighten me 😬
a masterclass in modern-day mormonism--by me! i’m abt to go off so ⬇️
OKAY...so, first things first, mormonism is considered a very high demand religion, so while i don’t understand much of what different religions are like, i imagine that, yeah, mormonism is a lot stricter/more consuming because our whole lives revolve around the church. we pray often--a crazy amount--i once had a seminary teacher (which is like, at least where i live, an optional, dedicated class period in high school for mormons to leave campus and go to a church, usually across the street, instead of going to a normal class) who said that he prayed at least ten times before he walked out of the door every morning. 
so yeah, we pray a lot, we go to church every sunday, teenagers usually go to seminary which can happen anywhere from 3-5 days of the week depending on your school schedule (im not explaining this well but i hope u get it), youth go to activities once a week, and that’s not even to mention temple trips, which i used to do at least once a week, missions, which are 18 months for girls and 2 years for boys (those happen at age 18 which is a HIGHLY vulnerable time in your life, so it’s kind of a way to keep them in the church?), and callings, which are basically your jobs within the church. also, at a certain age, you can do this thing where you go through the temple and they call it taking out your endowments, and that’s where the rumors about special mormon underwear come from. they aren’t rumors! they’re totally real, almost everyone over 20 wears them every day, they’re called garments, and they’re considered extremely sacred.
so yeah, it’s pretty strict (we don’t even drink coffee)(well i do but we know im a heathen) and definitely prudeish. they’re very secretive about sex so no one really knows what it is until you get married (which is a WHOLE different thing, bc we have 19 and 20 year olds getting married bc they're horny bc masturbation and sex is a Big No) at which point you’re like left to figure it out by yourself lol? also, once, at general conference (which is a conference we have twice a year so that the authorities can give talks and talk about new revelation--this was last weekend!) someone said sex should be between a husband, a wife, and the lord. so do with that what you will.
my experience is a little different bc my family didn’t go, i went with family friends my whole life, so i grew up in a very secular household but went to church every sunday, and when i started going to seminary when i was fifteen i got REALLY INTO IT. this is unrelated but we have this thing every summer called girls camp and it’s literally just church camp for the girls aged 12-18 and call me crazy but it’s actually my favorite thing, like church camp kinda slaps ngl. ANYWAY so yeah its pretty strict but luckily my family was pretty lenient so im not like....mormon weird lol, but i still grew up mormon? it was weird like i was super afraid of satan for literal years and i used to have panic attacks about him when i was like 7 so thats hot, but i was totally fine with watching r rated movies at age ten (which no one in the church is supposed to do, not even Grown Ups). i stopped believing like right before i turned seventeen but i still go bc all my roommates are mormon lol
there’s literally so much i could say but this is already a lot. mormons don’t practice polygamy, but they used to. people think we do bc a sect of our church, basically just fundamentalist mormons, practice polygamy and look like amish people so everyone kind of just assumes that’s what all mormons are like and i PROMISE you they aren’t. most are pretty normal, we’re just unusually cheery and we don’t know how sex works :-)
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