alphiebees · 3 months
poster with PANPAAN!!!
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homochadensistm · 3 months
BEAUTIFUL ISRAELI LESBIAN WIFE, TELL ME ABOUT YOUR ARCHAEOLOGY? of the archaeological sites in Israel, which one is the coolest? do you have a favorite culture, time period? which cave is the best? most interesting pre-Bronze Age site(s)? of archaeology in Israel (sites and as a study/historiography), is there anything particularly weird, like just fucking bizarro? any vampire graves?
idk if theres one coolest site, a lot are pretty neat. theres a one of its kind (in the whole world) bronze age graveyard with over 2000 burials, theres the 'middle eastern Stonehenge', theres the first ever burial of human+dog, theres the witch of Hilazon cave, theres the underground towns of the Negev, theres the meeting point between European Neanderthals and H. sapiens, and the 2nd meeting point between later European immigrants and 'assimilated' European early humans, and much more. My fave periods are probably the Netolithic-Chalcolithic cause of the huge and intertwined evolutionary and cultural shifts, and the Middle Paleolithic, for the same reason, since Im a big fan of evo devo and a firm believer in the culture->biology->culture thesis.
Theres lots of caves in Israel and I simply cannot pick The Best. I like Amud cave a lot.
As for bizarre stuff....idk, I think the plastered PPNB skulls are pretty weird. There are intermediate bronze age tombs that were dug 8 fucking meters into the ground, which I also think is weird. Theres a cursed tomb too. In general the whole necropolis of Beit Shearim is really freaky to walk through, especially the areas that arent yet fully open to the public, with the narrow, moist and pitch black corridors stretching between each burial chamber and the collapsing ceiling lmao.
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angelanatel · 11 months
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Esta figura não queimada data até o final do Neolítico Pré-Cerâmica tardio (PPNB), cerca de 5900 AEC, no Nordeste da Síria. Se você deseja explicação, orientação, recomendações bibliográficas personalizadas ou aulas específicas, entre em contato pelo e-mail [email protected] e solicite um orçamento. Terei prazer em atender, esse é o meu trabalho. Não atendo através de minhas redes sociais. Valorize o trabalho de professores. Hora/aula - R$ 100,00 Pacote de 4 horas/aula - R$ 300,00 FORMAS DE PAGAMENTO: 1. Pix: [email protected] 2. PicPay: @angelanatel 3. Mercado Pago: link.mercadopago.com.br/angelanatel (nesse caso acrescentando 5 reais ao valor total) 4. PayPal - [email protected] (nesse caso acrescentando 7 reais ao valor total) 5. PagSeguro: 1 hora/aula - https://pag.ae/7YYLCQ99u Pacote de 4 horas/aula - https://pag.ae/7YYLEGWG8 Sobre mim e meu trabalho:  https://linktr.ee/angelanatel
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roxycwybuoyant · 4 years
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woman sanding on pathway wearing bikini during daytime
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alphiebees · 3 months
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what a sleepy lil bunny :)
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