dolijohnson · 8 months
Polvis RGB Fullmatrix - Highway 1
Polvis RGB Full Matrix - Highway 1
The Polvis RGB Full Matrix is a revolutionary lighting system that brings the Highway 1 to life like never before. This cutting-edge technology not only illuminates the road with vibrant colors and patterns, but it also enhances safety and visibility, making driving an unforgettable experience. With its full matrix of LEDs, this lighting system can display custom messages, animations, and even weather updates on the highway.
By integrating the Pelvis RGB Full Matrix into Highway 1, we are entering a new era of transportation innovation. The possibilities are endless – from displaying real-time traffic alerts to creating captivating light shows that entertain drivers during long journeys. Moreover, this lighting system has the potential to improve road safety by providing clear visual cues in low-visibility conditions or alerting drivers to upcoming hazards.
Imagine cruising down Highway 1 at dusk as the mesmerizing Polvis RGB Fullmatrix lights up your surroundings. It's not just about reaching your destination anymore; it's about enjoying the journey itself. As cities become increasingly connected and forward-thinking, such innovations bring us closer to a future where our roads are more than just avenues for transport but places where technology blends seamlessly with everyday life.The Polvis RGB Fullmatrix - Highway 1 is the ultimate companion for avid drivers and road trip enthusiasts. This innovative dashboard display features a full matrix of vibrant RGB LED lights, allowing you to customize and personalize your driving experience like never before. Whether you're cruising down long stretches of highway or navigating through winding mountain roads, the Polvis RGB Fullmatrix adds a touch of excitement and personality to every journey.
The possibilities with the Polvis RGB Fullmatrix are endless. You can choose from a wide range of color options, creating stunning visual effects that reflect your mood or match the ambiance of your surroundings. With its intuitive control panel, you can easily adjust brightness, speed, and patterns on the fly, giving you complete control over your visual experience while keeping your eyes on the road.
Moreover, this dynamic display serves more than just aesthetic purposes. It also enhances safety by improving visibility in low-light conditions or inclement weather. The high-quality LEDs ensure that information displayed on the dashboard is crisp and clear at all times, making it easier for drivers to stay informed without distractions. The Polvis RGB Full Matrix truly revolutionized how we interact with our vehicles by combining style, functionality, and safety into one sleek package.
restricted access sign
Have you ever come across a restricted access sign and felt an instant pang of curiosity? It's almost like those simple words on the sign ignite something within us, triggering our innate desire to explore the forbidden. Perhaps it's the mystery behind closed doors or the allure of hidden treasures that makes restriction so captivating. Whatever the reason, there is a certain thrill in knowing that not everyone has access to what lies beyond that sign.
But have you ever stopped to think about why certain areas are restricted? It's easy to dismiss these signs as mere symbols of authority or attempts at secrecy. However, they often serve a crucial purpose in maintaining safety and security. Restricted access is put in place for various reasons - preserving delicate ecosystems, protecting valuable assets, or safeguarding against potential dangers. These signs remind us that not everything is meant for public consumption and highlight the importance of boundaries for order and protection.
In a world where we are constantly seeking connection and new experiences, encountering a restricted access sign can serve as a powerful reminder of our limitations. They prompt us to reflect on notions of ownership, permissions, and personal boundaries. Are there areas within ourselves or in our lives that we need to consider placing restrictions on? Perhaps these signs can inspire us to set healthy limits or prioritize self-care. While they may initially appear restrictive by definition, perhaps these signs can unlock a newfound appreciation for boundaries – both physical and metaphorical – as essential elements in navigating life's complex terrain.
Address : 59 Druces Rd, Manukau, Auckland  Opening Hours: 8:00am – 5:00pm, Monday – Friday  |  Tel: 09-260 4810
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ruttotohtori · 1 year
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guanomole · 2 months
Jalka kipee, polvi kipee, maha kipee, selkä kipee, pää kipee, masennus päällä, univaikeuksia. Mitäs vielä?
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so0ppa · 2 months
vittu ny mu polvi on iha mustelmissa
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okaima · 2 years
Karelian words - Reindeer anatomy
Emäšarvet - the main antlers of reindeer. They are further divided into Čolat - reindeer main antler branch pointing backwards, and Silimičolat - reindeer main antler branch pointing forwards
Kilo - reindeer antler bone once the velvet has been shed
Kopara - reindeer hoof
Luapat - the wide forks of reindeer antler
Luikkašarvi - the straight part of reindeer antler, straight reindeer antlers
Munumaiset, syvänhiiret - reindeer kidneys
Muštaine - nail of reindeer hoof
Noama - velvet that covers growing reindeer antlers
Ńokko - reindeer nose, reindeer muzzle
Papuni - spot on reindeer fur
Piki - reindeer fat
Pitka - the longest toe bone, used as piece in traditional games
Polvi - knee of reindeers front leg
Rahka - the spot on reindeer head from where the horns grow
Roppi - carcass of slaughtered reindeer
Ryččy - short ankle bone of reindeer. It is used as pawn in some traditional games
Šarvet - antlers
Seämijäini - reindeer heart
Šeämykšet - entrails
Sisäpiki - the fat surrounding reindeer entrails
Sutti - gland between reindeers back toes from which it rubs secretion to its growing antlers
Voalma - lower part of reindeers neck
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Pitäs ottaa itseä niskasta kii ja nousta sängystä mut siis,
1. Kylmä
2. En tiiä kestääkö polvi
Mennee taas hyvin
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badhockeymom · 2 years
hello! i was wondering if you wouldn't mind answering a translation q (if not, no worries!). i'm wondering what 'polkkeet kireelle' means in finnish, since when i try to look up the translation the meaning doesn't make much sense to me. thanks for taking the time! :)
It means tightening up goalie pads. Polkkeet = pads, kireelle = on tight.
I didn't know the word polkkeet either, the more usual word for pads is patjat (literally mattresses).
(Also polkkeet comes from the word polvi, knee, so idk if it means any kind of knee pads (polvisuoja, pl. polvisuojat))
Who did you hear say it, anon? It's supposed to be Tampere hockey slang but I'm curious if it's more widespread.
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pipoldontlikeme · 6 months
Quisiera ya dejar de existir para siempre, solo volverme polvi y volver a subir a las estrellas
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sattumia · 9 months
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Oli hyvä kanootti reissu ukon kanssa. Vähän kuumottelee oikea polvi. Vasemmassa hieno pilkin kelan haamu.
Sen siitä saa ku on 4 tuntia järvellä ja tyhmä ei käytä aurinkovoidetta.
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kosamiini · 11 months
- Päivä 7, 18.5.2023 -
Mä en tiiä miten kello on jo neljä. Heräsin ihan helvetin ryysteessä joskus kaheltatoista, olin ihan soijassa ja jostain syystä mun vasen polvi on kipee???
Näin ihan saatanan kryptistä unta, missä muunmuassa hajotin mun kännykän näytön silleen että siitä lähti jotain piirilevyn palasia mukana.
Ja nyt oon selittäny kemian esitehtäviin ihan saatanan innoissani spektrofotometrisistä tutkimusmenetelmistä :D
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poiverine · 1 year
Hey polvi! Just dropping by to tell you that your art is an inspiration and you are a pillar of this fandom, and I am humbled by how humble you are ♥ You're amazing and it's hard to imagine that you might have any kind of self doubt, but we all get those don't we. Know that I always strive to be as awesome as you!
Oh, thank you, zero 😭 i will go very soft now hhh ily dunno what to say even ksksks
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cavenewstimes · 1 year
Oregon Approves Nation’s First Psilocybin Facilitator Licenses To Administer Psychedelic Kyle Jaeger
Oregon regulators announced on Tuesday that they have approved the nation’s first state-licensed psilocybin facilitators to administer the psychedelic to adults at regulated facilities. The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) approved three facilitators—David Naftalin, Alexander Polvi and Jeanette Small—to provide psilocybin health services under the law that voters approved in 2020. “We want to…
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dolijohnson · 1 year
Polvis RGB Fullmatrix - Highway 1
Polvis RGB Full Matrix - Highway 1
Polvis RGB Full Matrix is the latest innovation in the world of LED lighting. This cutting-edge technology offers a wide range of colors and patterns that can be customized to suit any setting or mood. With its full-color RGB matrix, this high-quality LED strip light is perfect for creating stunning visual effects and dynamic displays.
Whether you're looking to add a touch of drama to your home theater or create an eye-catching display for your next event, Polvis RGB Fullmatrix has got you covered. This versatile product can be used in a variety of settings, including stage shows, nightclubs, bars, restaurants, and more. And with its easy-to-use controls and intuitive user interface, it's never been easier to create the perfect lighting design.
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So if you're looking for a lighting solution that will truly make an impact on your space, look no further than Polvis RGB Full Matrix.Pelvis RGB Full Matrix is the ultimate solution for high-quality road lighting. With its innovative technology, this lighting system provides a bright and uniform light that enhances visibility on the highway, making it safer to drive at night or in low-light conditions. The Full Matrix technology allows for dynamic control of each LED module, enabling you to adjust the brightness level of individual modules as needed.
Highway 1 is a long and winding road that stretches along the west coast of North America from Canada to Mexico. The beauty of Highway 1 cannot be overstated, but driving on this scenic route can be challenging at times due to its many twists and turns. Polvis RGB Full Matrix is designed specifically for highways like Highway 1 with its advanced optics and anti-glare design which minimizes distracting glare from headlights or other sources.
Personal Protection Signs | Safety Signs
When it comes to personal safety, there is no room for compromise. Every precaution must be taken to ensure that individuals are protected from danger at all times. This is where personal protection signs come in handy. These signs are designed to provide a visual indication of potential hazards and remind people to take the necessary precautions.
Personal protection signs, on the other hand, are used to alert individuals about hazardous situations or conditions that may pose a risk to their health and wellbeing. They serve as an important reminder of the importance of safety in any environment, whether it be a construction site or an office building.
Together, personal protection signs and safety signs play a crucial role in keeping people safe in various settings. By reinforcing the importance of taking preventative measures and being mindful of one's surroundings, these signs can help reduce accidents and injuries while promoting a culture of safety awareness.
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Personal protection signs and safety signs are essential to keeping people safe on highways, construction sites, and other potentially hazardous areas. These signs can be used to warn drivers of upcoming road work, alert pedestrians to the presence of heavy machinery, and remind workers of mandatory safety measures. Personal protection signs are crucial in ensuring that individuals working in dangerous environments take the necessary precautions to protect themselves from harm.
These safety signs come in a variety of shapes and sizes, each designed for a specific purpose. For instance, warning signs are used to indicate potential hazards such as sharp curves or steep inclines ahead. Informational signs provide instructions regarding speed limits or directions. Construction site signage is an important part of any job site as it enables workers to navigate through complex projects while minimizing risks associated with their work.
In conclusion, personal protection signs and safety signs serve an important role in ensuring public safety on our highways and worksites.
Address : 59 Druces Rd, Manukau, Auckland  Opening Hours: 8:00am – 5:00pm, Monday – Friday  |  Tel: 09-260 4810
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rennesairanenlove · 2 years
Robert Samuels ja Toluse Olorunnipa George Floydin elämä ja kuolema: "Vaikeasta pandemiasta huolimatta seuraavan viikonloppuna järjestettiin Yhdysvaltain historian suurimmat ja monimuotoisimmat mielenosoitukset , joissa marssittiin sekä Floydin että Breonna Taylorin puolesta. Mielenosoituksia oli kaikissa viidessäkymmenessä osavaltiossa. Kalifornian Santa Monicassa kaksisataa surffaajaa piti meressä melontakilpailun jossa he huusivat: "Sano hänen nimensä!" yhdeksän kertaa, yhden jokaista minuuttia kohden, jonka Chauvin polvi oli Floydin kaulalla. He lauloivat myös onnittelulaulun Breonna Taylorille ja päästivät ilmapalloja ilmaan syntymäpäivän kunniaksi." Sorretut ryhmät ympäri maailman yhdistivät Floydin kuoleman omiin kamppailuihinsa oikeudesta. Floydin kasvot maalattiin seinään Syyriassa, Pakistanissa ja Länsirannalla. Eurooppalaiset aktivistit kehottivat hallituksiaan käsittelemään kolonialismin perintöä, minkä seurauksena Saksa suostui palauttamaan Nigeriasta ryöstetyt aarteet takaisin. Iso-Britanniassa väkijoukot repivät Bristolissa alas Edward Colston -nimisen orjakauppiaan pronssiveistoksen ja kritisoivat sitä, kuinka usein poliisit pysäyttivät mustia asukkaita. Floydin nimi mainittiin Christopher Alderin, Sarah Reedin ja Sheku Bayohin nnimen rinnalla, mustien kansalaisten, jotka ovat menettäneet henkensä Britannian poliisin huostassa. Keniassa mielenosoittajat nostivat Floydin tapauksen esille kritisoidessaan väkivaltaista tapaa, jolla poliisit valvoivat pandemian aikana ulkonaliikkumiskieltoa - poliisin toiminnan seurauksena ainakin puolisen tusinaa ihmistä oli menettänyt henkensä. Sydneyssä Australiassa yli kymmenentuhatta ihmistä saapui  kaupungintalolle vastustamaan aboriginaalien sortoa. Vuodesta 1991 lähtien poliisin huostassa oli kuollut yli neljätuhatta aboriginaalia. Yksikään kuolema ei ole nostanut syytteeseen poliisia vastaan. Uudessa-Seelannissa poliisi käytti väkivaltaa kahdeksan kertaa todennäköisämmin maoreja kuin muuta väestöä vastaan."
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berliinissa · 2 years
Tämä viikko alkoi sillä, että ensimmäisellä aamutunnilla meni polvi hetkeksi sijoiltaan joten oon ottanut tämän viikon aika rauhallisesti. On tullut käytyä lähinnä balettitunneilla (mahdollisimman vähän polviin kohdistuvaa vääntöä tai riuhtovaa liikettä) ja koulun kuntosalilla. Kävin eilen fysioterapeutilla ja nyt pitäisi voida jatkaa treenaamista normaaliin tahtiin. Tuntuu kyllä että on tarvinnutkin lepoa, mutta mukavaa päästä vielä tanssimaan ennen lähtöä. Viisi päivää koulua jäljellä. Luvassa on vielä varmasti uutta opittavaa, en ole saanut ensi viikon lukujärjestystä vielä joten tuntien sisällöstä en osaa vielä tarkemmin sanoa.
Unohdin muuten mainita edellisessä postauksessa, että opetus tapahtuu koulussa pääosin saksaksi. Koulussa on muutama muukin oppilas, joka ei puhu saksaa äidinkielenään. Osa opettajista ottaa sen huomioon ja pitää tunteja englanniksi mutta luonnollisesti englanninkielisilläkin tunneilla puhutaan saksaa välissä. Koulussa käy myös vierailevia opettajia, jotka eivät kaikki puhu saksaa ja tällöin opetus tapahtuu englanniksi.
Sanomattakin selvää, että loukkaantumisen asettamien rajoitteiden takia tämä viikko ei ole ollut opinnollisesti kovin antoisa. Ensi viikosta kaikki irti siis!
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thegoldengodknows · 3 years
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Bubbles and Octi from The Powerpuff Girls! 💙🐙
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