#plus imagining roudise's reaction to Logan admitting to liking Mandy makes me cackle
theangrypomeranian · 3 months
Do you have any logandy headcanons? 👀
i am so delighted to get this ask ahhhh thank you nonny i owe you my life!!
Logan gave Mandy so much shit all through school because he was one of those boys who picked on the girls he liked - even if he didn't consciously acknowledge it for a long time
they bickered in every single class they had together because neither of them are the type to back out of a fight, even if they're wrong
Logan is super pissy when he stops growing in high school and only tops out at 5'7, while Mandy shoots up to 5'11. he's very salty about it
Logan secretly loves a woman who could beat him up - something Mandy has actually done lmaoooo
despite always fighting and picking on each other, they can actually get along quite well, especially if they're paired together for school projects. one of his buddies ends up dating one of her friends and they end up hanging out on the weekends in a group setting
they're hella competitive though - like so much. if it's something physical, like the Wharf vendors and games, Mandy wins. if it's video games, Logan wins. both of them SUCK at board games like Monopoly though.
Mandy will NEVER admit to being friends with him because she doesn't want Rudy and/or Louise to feel betrayed by her. Logan won't admit because prideful teenage boy
his friends give him SO MUCH shit for his crush, which he VEHEMENTLY denies because there's no way he's crushing on Manitary Napkin!
but during their senior prom when their friends all end up going as a group and he sees her all made up in her prom dress, he finally admits to himself that he might have a crush on her. just maybe. but it's not a big deal!
except that it totally is. god damn it.
Logan ends up very reluctantly going to Rudy and Louise for advice on how to win Mandy over. Rudy is horrified, Louise thinks it's hilarious and the best gift the universe has ever given her.
it takes YEARS for him to convince her to give him a chance and go on a date with him and he makes an absolute fool of himself during said date, but Mandy actually ends up having a good time and agrees to another.
when they end up together Louise demands payment for her help which he gives but cusses at her the whole time.
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