#plus i want more thor fanfic and i don't feel like doing homework right now even if it's due tomorrow πŸ˜’πŸ™„
writeshite Β· 1 year
"What about you, Thor? Got anyone special back on Asgard?" Jane turns from the night sky to glance at him.
Thor purses his lips and feels uneasy, "Of sorts....we, well, we haven't spoken proper in some years, largely because of my own cowardice." Sif had told him on multiple occasions that your anger had faded and he should attempt some semblance of a conversation. But he'd always put it off - either out of fear, cowardice, or some other emotion.
Now, after proving his worth and the return to Asgard, he stood uncertain, gaze darting from the door ahead to his hands. Jane had been rather adamant that he make things right, particularly since she and Sif had become fond of each other and teamed up to encourage Thor to do so - rather violently, might he add. He's still knee-deep in his thoughts when the door opens, "Thor?"
"Uh...hi," he greets, wincing at the timidity in his tone.
"Hi, Sif said you'd be visiting, though I was worried she'd have dragged you here by the hair," you say.
Thor huffs, "It would have been warranted," he responds, "I...I've been too spineless to..." he looks down again, "...I put it off, I wouldn't put it past you to never want to speak to me again...but I guess that's not happening since you haven't shut the door on meβ€”" He's cut off when you reach out and place a hand on his hands, the other coming up to his face.
"I'm not as angry as I was; in fact, I'm more so sad that you'd elected to stay away for so long," you tell him, and Thor deflates, leaning into the hand on his face, "let's not wait until you get banished or worse before actually speaking again, hmm?"
He nods, kissing your palm, "I'm sorry."
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