#plus Donnie never really fights alone in Rise
freakadr0id · 2 years
ROTTMNT Character Fighting Style Analysis - Part 4: Donatello
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Hey! I’m back with my fight-style analysis! Sorry it took so long but we’re back in business!
This is a continuation of my first post about analyzing each of the Turtles' (+April's) fighting style, their strengths and weaknesses in a fight, and how Rise uses that to highlight different aspects of their character. I highly encourage you read that first before hopping into this one for full context. There is a bit of a TL;DR at the end.
[Part 1: Leo] [Part 2: Raph] [Part 3: Mikey] [...] [Part 5: April]
[Addendum] (Small addition to this analysis)
Next up on the stand is our dear Othello von Ryan aka Bootyyyshaker9000, aka...
Donatello: Striker/Support
Fighting Styles:
Categorizing Donnie's fighting style in Rise was surprisingly difficult as Donnie doesn't appear to have an easily identifiable pattern the way his brothers do. However, after I watched all the fights he's in several times over I've come to quite an interesting conclusion:
Unlike his brothers, Donnie doesn't have a specific fighting style - he has two.
Parry and Counterattack
Donnie's primary fight style in the show utilizes a more traditional combat approach (or as traditional as Donnie can get), utilizing his bo in combination with his tech to battle the enemy at close range. This fighting style is an interesting fusion of offensive and defensive techniques to create a style that caters to Donnie's strengths. It involves Donnie goading the enemy into attacking him with a series of swipes and jabs, then using a number of blocks and parry techniques to defend himself until he can find or create an opportune moment to create an opening and hit his foe with a devastating counterattack. While Donnie might not be the strongest turtle physically, his tech and proficiency with his bo make him a force to be reckoned with in his own right.
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Glass Cannon
Donnie's secondary method of fighting is one I would best describe as a "glass cannon" fight style. For those of you unfamiliar with it, the term 'glass cannon' comes from video games and TTRPGs and is used to describe a character that can deal a lot of damage, but has very little health and defense in return (think of wizard or ranged classes). "But wait, ‘Glass Cannon’ describes the attributes of a character, not their fighting style,” and yes, it does. However, in Donnie’s case, his fighting style changes in such a way that he becomes a glass cannon With this fighting style, Donnie tends to forgo the close-range, technical combat, instead more ranged attacks that rely solely on his tech. This is Donnie when he is fighting at his most offensive as these attacks can be VERY powerful and can deal a significant amount of damage, but they also leave him rather vulnerable. Donnie puts all his focus on dealing strong singular attacks, but if those fail, he ends up being more exposed to the enemy as his tech has very few defensive capabilities.
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Strengths and Roles in a Fight:
Donnie is the team's striker. His role in a fight is to deal powerful, precise hits against the enemy that are intended to quickly and efficiently defeat a foe. Both of his fight styles play into this role and both his Parry-and-Counterattack and Glass Cannon method are built to deliver strong, finalizing attacks. He is often seen entering a battle after his allies instead of charging right in (although he does sometimes do that - especially early on), choosing to be a bit more precise in who he fights, or joining an ally in order to provide that finishing blow if need be. His battleshell gives Donnie an aerial advantage, allowing him to swoop in unexpectedly and strike an enemy, or boost his speed and increase the strength of his attacks. While he is seen, on occasion, fighting outside of this role, he is at his strongest when filling the Striker position.
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Donnie also fills the role of the team's Support and assists his brothers, April, and other members in a fight with the use of his tech (ha, get it - he's tech support). This is different than how Mikey supports the team as Mikey directly affects the enemy by disabling them, while Donnie supports the team by directly affecting those he's fighting alongside. Donnie provides numerous helpful gadgets with his tech that has a seemingly infinite number of configurations and uses in battle. His tech-bo had almost every tool under the sun and his goggles can give tactical information in a fight by pointing out weaknesses or additional information about an opponent. He also helps in moving allies around the battlefield using his hammer/tech-bo and battleshell, giving them a stronger advantage in the air and providing aerial assistance if needed. There are times when Donnie supports his allies by inhibiting the enemy, but more often than not his support is provided directly to his team.
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Donnie's Parry and Counterattack style is, arguably, his best fighting style as he can utilize his tech while fighting without being overly reliant on it. When used properly he can go up against many types of enemies and it allows him to be a bit more adaptable in a fight than he is when he is using just his tech or just traditional fighting techniques.
His Glass Cannon fighting style should not be discredited, however, as it is incredibly strong, but it is more situational than the Parry-and-Counterattack method. There are times when it is useful to have that one powerful attack that can be used to finish off an enemy to deliver an immense amount of damage, but it needs to be done in tandem with his team. When Donnie fights as a Glass Cannon by himself, he becomes incredibly vulnerable and, without anyone to back him up, puts himself at huge risk when his attack fails. Having the others nearby help weaken the enemy, making his attack more effective, or can help defend Donnie should he need it.
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Donnie's fighting styles are best suited for short battles against a small number of enemies while he tends to have a hard time in long, drawn-out fights or against a large number of opponents. Donnie's strengths lie in his ability to deliver strong individual attacks, which work best when he is fighting against just a couple of enemies where he can properly focus his energy. However, the longer the fight goes on, the more Donnie begins to struggle - the longer the battle drags on, the more likely Donnie is to get hit. Despite the fact that he does very well on the defensive when using his Parry and Counterattack style, once Donnie gets hit it becomes very hard for him to recover.
Donnie's role as the Striker can conflict with his role as the Support, resulting in him often having to prioritize one over the other. If Donnie plays a more aggressive role in the fight, both his fighting styles don't give much opportunity for him to use his tech for anything but his own attacks. When Donnie needs to fall into his Support role, this means he has to significantly "back off," so to speak, so he can fully deploy and utilize his tech to help his team.
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How it plays into his character:
Donnie’s fight style and roles reveal a surprising amount of information about his character, including the complexities of his personality and how his strengths and flaws are demonstrated in the way he fights.
Donnie's Glass Cannon style is the direct result of his arrogance and overconfidence in his tech. Donnie takes pride in his tech and inventions, which isn't inherently a bad thing, however, this tends to feed into Donnie's arrogance, causing him to assume that his inventions could never fail. When he does this in battle, he puts so much emphasis on his tech and his confidence in its success that he doesn't consider the possibility that the attack may not work. However, there are times when the Glass Cannon fighting style is needed, which is when Donnie has to find a balance between relying on his tech for a powerful attack and having the humility to recognize when it may not be the best option.
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Donnie's Parry-and-Counterattack fighting style exemplifies how skilled Donnie can be when the best parts of his character come together. This fighting method requires Donnie to be skilled, patient, and tactical; while also demonstrating how Donnie can use his intelligence and engineering in battle without being overly reliant on it. Donnie can be rash and overeager in a fight, especially when it comes to using his tech, but when he uses his Parry-and-Counterattack style he is forced to address that in order to succeed. When Donnie uses his greatest strength, his intelligence, all of these pieces fall into place, making him a very strong fighter.
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Donnie's role as a Support may not be very obvious since he tends to fight more offensively, but the way he supports his team in a fight aligns very well with how Donnie expresses his care and affection for his family. Throughout the show, Donnie repeatedly tells us that emotion and affectionate gestures are difficult for him, which could make it seem that he has little care for his family. However, this is far from the case, Rise demonstrates time and time again that Donnie deeply cares about his family, but instead of expressing it outwardly, Donnie's affection comes through in his inventions. We see several instances in the show where Donnie makes upgrades to his tech to cater to his family's needs and interests - and he does the same thing in battle. He has several gadgets specifically designed to keep his family safe, and we see how he modifies his tech to accommodate the needs of others in a fight. The love Donnie has for his family translates into every part of their lives, including battle, even when it isn't immediately obvious to anyone else.
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In a Team Fight:
In a combined team effort, Donnie is the best option to go last in a team attack. Given Donnie's role as the Striker and his fighting style that is heavily geared towards singular heavy strikes, it makes sense for him to be the one to deliver that finishing blow. This is where his Glass Cannon style works best as his allies have already worn the enemy down enough to make his final, tech-heavy particularly devastating.
With the mobility and the assistance he can provide with his tech, Donnie can help set up a follow-up attack, but this means he has to take a more passive role in the fight and he doesn't get much of a chance to attack. This can be beneficial when going against weaker opponents, but less so when fighting stronger enemies.
Donnie doesn't work as well as an attacker in the early positions in a team attack as his skills as a fighter are not suited to properly set up a coordinated effort. Even though his Parry-and-Counterattack style can create an opening in the opponent's defense, it also needs a very quick attack to follow up on that, which is difficult to execute without another person nearby. Attacking first or second may also require Donnie to fight his foe for a longer period of time, which increases the chance that Donnie will get hit and won't give him the time needed to recover from it.
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Donnie's analysis was definitely the most difficult one of the bunch. Whereas Leo, Raph, and Mikey all have instantly recognizable roles and fighting styles, Donnie's was much more complex. You know he's the tech guy in and out of a fight, but trying to find where he fits into battle beyond that was challenging. Interestingly enough, it mirrors how his own character is presented, where you know Donnie's general shtick early on, but it can be difficult to understand his character beyond the surface level if you don't pay attention.
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[TL;DR: Donnie has two distinct fighting styles in the show - one that prioritizes close-range Parrying and Counterattack techniques and one where he prioritizes his tech and becomes a Glass Cannon. These both feed into his role as the team's Striker, where he functions best as the final attack in a team battle - while also acting as the team's Support by assisting his allies with less combative tech. His roles and fighting style are all very indicative of Donnie's overall personality and the complexities of his character.]
Oh it’s good to be back doing these again. Sorry again for taking so long, but college be college and college be a bi- well, you know. Next up is our girl April O’Neil. I really will try to get it out tomorrow but I won’t make any guarantees.
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nostalgiaruinedme · 2 years
Hello!! Since you know a lot about tmnt lore I was wondering who your pick for the time traveller would have been? I only watched 2012 I remember the lady who Mikey was fond for and the rabbit usagi
Hi!!! Before I start I wanna thank u for this ask. It was so much fun to answer!
My first pick would’ve definitely been Renet, since she’s already established as a time travelling character in multiple iterations of tmnt - it would’ve been a great call back to IDW, 2003, AND 2012!!! Plus, Rise needs more female characters! They have a lot of great minor female characters but they never developed them too much (probably due to being cut short :( ) Not to mention, Renet is just such a sweet character and I would’ve LOVED seeing her interactions with Rise Mikey!!! Rise Mikey needs some friends and they could’ve been besties. Hes never really had a friend his age who meets his energy and optimism in Rise.
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Renet I think would’ve been the best choice. BUT I do think some other characters could’ve made for an interesting movie too~
1. Mira
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2012 did their mutant apocalypse arc so dirty. I can’t even BEGIN to list the number of things they did wrong…. But Mira is one thing they did right. She was a new, original character who became pretty much the adopted child of a turtle (Raph) and lived as an orphan beforehand alone in a wasteland. SHE WOULD’VE MADE SUCH A GREAT MENTEE CHARACTER!!! The Rise movie is already showing to have a lot of call-backs to the 2012 Mutant Apocalypse arc by the looks of the trailer. Using Mira would’ve been a great addition.
2. Fugitoid
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He’s time travelled before!!! Fugitoid is such a great character and he had the opportunity to give Donnie a mentor figure, which he never really had in Rise. Not to mention, Rise Donnie’s technology has never really been beat before? I think it’d be cool for him to meet a scientist from the future who is actually smarter/more advanced than him.
That’d have to be a very very minor thing or not mentioned at all tbh, since the movie already seems stuffed with plot... but I still think it’d be neat!
Aside from that, Fugitoid would’ve just been a great addition because he’s already been established before as a character fleeing the future to save the turtles from the end of Earth. They could give him a cool backstory with the Kraang as well, since the Kraang haven’t been fully established yet in Rise so there’s TONS of opportunities for worldbuilding. They couldve caused him to lose his physical body or mutated his home planet - he couldnt save his people, but he'd be damned if he'd see it happen again.
3. Bishop
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Bishop has been both an antagonist and a friend of the turtles. There are so many possibilities to be done with him!!! He's someone who has reasons to hate the Kraang already and would've gladly gone back in time to stop them if needed. While Bishop isnt my favorite character and there are better choices out there, he'd definitely be an interesting one.
4. Mona Lisa
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She couldve been a normal human in the future who got mutated in the apocalypse. We'd have to scratch the whole mentor arc thing since thatd be weird since shes kinda , historically, Raphs love interest... but it can be done without that.
Itd be interesting if she lost Raphael in the future and now she travels back to stop the Kraang from ever invading and sees he's still alive here.
Angst potential~
5. Danny Pennington
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If Nick is desperate to bring in a cool new teenage guy character, bring in a NEW one at least! I honestly dont have any real profitable reason to argue that Nick shouldve used Danny because I think most forgot about his existence but. I liked his character. I vote we give him another shot.
Then we can give the fandom a scruffy, messy, teenage boy who wants to fight a lot without replacing another established character!! Come on guys Danny is RIGHT THERE he can be the scruffy wildly impulsive teen boy :(
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halothenthehorns · 2 years
This coming from someone who never watched the series but just the new Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie on Netflix:
Should watch, 6/10, strange but very, very sweet!
I weirdly liked the change of them having magic powers. Why not, let’s mix X-Men into this zany world, and it compliments them. Raph having some sort of protective holograph fits him perfect as the biggest, protective one.
I don’t get Donnie’s, is it like Green Lantern? He can just produce whatever tech he wants? It works with him being inventive I guess.
Mikey got? Giant orange chain that?
Leo’s teleportation is perfect, because as the defacto leader who feels he should be everywhere at once I couldn't have picked better; Leonardo though was the weirdest thing to watch.
I get it’s an AU where they have magic powers and somehow Raph was deemed the oldest and in charge, so Leo somehow developed a bit of roll reversal with Raph where he’s the independent one, but there in lie by biggest detractor from ever watching the rest of the series. Why are you ruining their core characters?
I love how the movie ended, with Leo realizing why Raph is angry and the way he is, because that’s the way Leo is in more ‘common’ Ninja Turtle lore, but if they’d just stuck to the original theme of the boys it would have been a lot more impactful to me with Raph realizing why Leo is that way. Leo learning a lesson he’s always inherently developed from being leader was interesting in itself, but will always feel off to me.
 The point of an AU isn’t to change the core of characters so they learn their own lesson. In alternate universes Leo still should have been a dedicated ninja warrior whether he was leader or not, the change up just doesn't feel natural to me because it’s a core part of himself. The little changes were amusing, he would be more relaxed and fun without being leader, but just making him switch rolls with Raph, not listening to anyone else and thinking he knows best doesn't mesh with that? Like they blended Raph and Mikey into Leo in this world, and I don’t see how they can even still call him Leo, the only resemblance he has anymore is his katana, otherwise this all felt very fanfictiony...
I’m not one of those ‘the original is the only and best interpretation.’ I watched the 2k3 series first and only later the 80s and really liked the 2012 series with no major issues. I know their personalities weren’t even really developed until much later so there is no ‘original’ to base on and nearly ever TMNT lore has said there are multiple universes, so why not play around with their personalities? I’m just always one who believes that the point of an AU is to put an established character in a new situation to see the results, not to keep their name and change everything about them, because then you might as well just rename them and make your own character.
I loved how strong and weird the krang and their tech were, Raph getting abducted and their fight to get him back, Raph and Leo’s back and forth self-sacrifice, but it would have worked better with Leo and Raph not being switched. I don’t know if I’m making any sense, and I didn’t dislike the movie. Splinter broke the fourth wall, April was fun and very relevant, (LOVED HER BIKE) plus the brothers being brothers, goofing off, saving the world, and watching each others backs was precious and I might even rewatch it for that alone. Donnie especially with having a soft shell for some reason, like they’re all different breeds of turtles, I loved.
I just think someone should have not re-written Leo to have to not be himself in anyway for this to work.
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technofantasia · 4 years
A little thing I really appreciate about Rise of the TMNT is just how subtle the writing can be at worldbuilding and characterization!
Like... a very common problem in all kinds of fiction, let alone kids' shows which tend to think their audience is too stupid to put 1 and 1 together, is telling over showing. How do you let your audience know how your world works, what characters' names are, how they know each other, all that kind of stuff? Usually, the answer is to find some way to shove in exposition. Have the characters introduce themselves to someone new so the audience can be introduced to them, or have the information come up in (hopefully) natural conversation, or find some other way to tell the audience exactly what they need to know. While writers can get creative in how they deliver that exposition so it isn't outright immersion breaking, depending on how much they need the audience to know, a little bit of immersion breakage can seem like kind of a necessary evil. Exposition is still exposition, no matter how you dress it up; it's always going to be the writer telling the audience what they need to know through the characters' mouths instead of showing it gradually through their actions.
...If you notice, despite being ostensibly a kids' show, Rise doesn't really have any exposition!
The first episode drops you right into the turtles’ life, without any foreknowledge or expectations or anything really, and proceeds to not really try to explain anything. You can clearly see they are not human, and can assume that they are turtles by the title of the show and the shells on their backs; at no point is it actually explicitly said they are turtles (at least, at no point is the audience told they are turtles. it comes up sometimes, but more as flavor than exposition). The same way, at no point in the first episode do they really say the characters’ names; it comes up in conversation sometimes, as names often do, but there’s no “these are the character’s names!” part of the conversation where they all consecutively say each others’ names or anything like usually happens in first episodes. You just have to pay, like, minimal attention to figure it out, which the entire audience can easily do.
Actually, a thing I REALLY like is that, throughout the series, they almost never say their full names? Which makes sense, because why would they ever say their full names, they’re long and unwieldy. It makes them seem a lot more realistic. But that’s particularly noteworthy because the audience is never explicitly clued into the fact that they even have full names at all! If you legitimately knew nothing about TMNT going into the show, you’d need to figure out through context clues that “Mikey, Donnie, Raph, and Leo” are nicknames at all, let alone what they’re nicknames for. Then again, it’s not exactly impossible to find out through context because they have multiple nicknames for each other (which is a thing you’d only do if someone has a particularly long, nicknamable name)! Just in the first episode, Leo is called both Leo and Leon, which clues you in that Leo is probably short for something. Combined with later episodes where Donnie calls him “Nardo”, it then would become pretty clear that his full name is Leonardo even without having to hear it spoken out loud! The same thing holds true with the other characters; sometimes their full names come up, but when they do, it always feels completely natural and like it only so happens to be revealing information to the viewer. It trusts the viewer to understand and put together the subtle context clues it lays down so it can just tell a story without stopping to explain everything, which feels just fantastic!
And that’s only one example of the writers doing this. They do it for everything. Like, just going back to the first episode again, first scene. What happens? The turtles zipline over some shady crime stuff to canonball into a pool which April got them access to, They come across Mayhem, they fight some jogger guys who turn into magic horsemen or whatever, they lose and the bad guys get away with Mayhem and April. Cool. Now, what does this scene let the viewer know about without ever explicitly saying anything?
They’re ninjas (they’re in the shadows, doing cool flips and stuff)
They’re not very good at being ninjas, presumably because they’re teenagers and not fully fledged heroes (They ignored the shady deal going on on the roof, they completely failed the fight and showed very little skill, they act like teenagers who care about things like jumping in pools)
They’ve known April for a long time (dialogue shows them being very close, close enough that she doesn’t really need to ask anything or say anything in order to be understood)
The basic personalities of all the characters, just through dialogue
Donnie has some kind of high tech stick that has lots of cool features, but they aren’t very well implemented, presumably because he was hasty in adding them (nice little nugget of characterization there, showing he’s more of a scatterbrained scientist type than an exhaustively-pedantic one)
Donnie also has some kind of a backpack thing that can let him fly!
Mikey can pop into his shell, but none of the others do that, leading to the conclusion that he might be the only one who can (which is kind of up in the air anyway, but at least for the most part hes the only one who DOES)
...plus a bunch more. But all that is expressed more through stuff just happening and you getting to see it than any kind of easy to digest exposition. If you really aren’t paying attention, you could miss all of that! It’s surprisingly subtle.
Then there’s stuff like how none of the turtles’ weapons are ever really explicitly named in series (again, as anything more than an aside), Donnie’s battleshell is never officially named OR introduced, the fact that Donnie has multiple battleshells with different functions is never really explicitly brought up, what exactly it is that any of his inventions do AND how they work AND that they’re controlled by his wrist doohickey are all left up to the audience to notice, a good number of important side characters (Hueso, Hugninn and Muninn, the foot guys, FOOT RECRUIT,,,,) are never really explicitly introduced, like, with names and everything, the fact that Raph is the oldest and Mikey is the youngest and Leo + Donnie are the middle children only comes up in passing... so much of the show’s details and lore is never brought up in exposition form, and as a result needs to be just. Noticed, and put together.
It even does this with major plot stuff! Like, you learn that the Battle Nexus is 1) controlled by Big Mama, 2) in the Hidden City, 3) incredibly popular and basically a cornerstone of the city, and 4) Big Mama as a result basically controls the city, all through context clues without ever needing to be told. Or, most of Splinter’s backstory, the biggest continuing mystery of the show, is NEVER actually talked about at any point! It’s only shown to you, never told except in the most sideways fashion (like in Goyles, where, despite being ostensibly an origin episode, Splinter and the turtles aren’t even the focus!)
Heck, thinking about it, most of the show’s mysteries are only mysteries because the writers decided to put some context clues in that hint to there being more to the situation, even if not everyone would realize that! The viewers are TRAINED to take every bit of information given by the text and try to work it into their internal sense of the world and characters, because that’s just how the show works. The writing is consistently INCREDIBLY subtle like that.
And in a way, it makes sense that it would be written like that, even if TMNT isn’t usually known for its subtlety, This is a show all about teens being teens and doing stuff that teens would do, if they were ninjas and also had magic and enemies and stuff. Despite being a very wacky premise, the show relies on a certain amount of realism and groundedness in the characters in order to ground all of the crazy circumstances they get into. Even if they’re being forced into eternal 80s makeover montages by a magician hippo, the characters still act like people, and more importantly, like relatable, semi-realistic people, with realistic reactions and realistic interests and realistic insecurities. The characters are supposed to feel, in a sense, like real people.
How much do you know about any real people other than yourself?
The writers just dropping you into these characters’ lives and not explaining them to you is a way to make them feel more real, I think. It forces you to try to understand them and what they’re all about like you’re meeting them for the first time, getting to know them through their actions more than anything else. It makes the show and especially the characters feel a LOT more personal and, in a sense, real, which is a feeling the show absolutely benefits from and uses to its full extent.
But anyway, this has gotten really long, soooo... Rise is a show that always treats its audience with respect, and it’s just so nice to realize that respect even extends to trusting us to figure out lore as basic as the characters’ names. That kind of subtle writing really makes the show stand out!
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gainaxvel3o · 3 years
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is awesome and here is why
The finale to Rise of the TMNT is so bombastic, exciting and heartfelt, it could pretty easily fit into a Studio Trigger anime! I had my doubts watching the series, but the finale put a lot of things into perspective, now I think it stands alongside it’s brothers as a worthy incarnation in the franchise.
My favorite thing about Rise of the TMNT is how interested it is in shaking up the mythology, often adding or twisting things to it’s own liking. Most of it’s new additions turned pretty great, I love the Yokai underworld and the larger focus on mysticism elements; Baron Draxum and Big Mama, plus the new mutant villains like Hypno-Potamus, Warren Stone or Repo Man, turn out to be pretty good villains, while characters like Senor Hueso or Todd being fun new allies that I hope they make it into more TMNT stuff in the future. 
The twists to the Turtles dynamic leads to pretty interesting versions of Raphael and Donnie; since Raph is the leader for much of the show his anger issues are pushed to the side to focus on him more as a big brother figure who worries about his siblings and having to make the plans, which is pretty cool. Because Raph is nicer, this means that Donnie ends up having to act as the more abrasive one in the team, I found his ego to be fun and having a more rounded personality from the start as others took time to be more fleshed out. Mikey’s the same as ever, maybe played more naively since the Turtles are jokier than normal, but I’m mixed on Leo. I like the idea of Leo starting out as lazier than the others to later step up his game and become the leader, but aside from a few stand out moments he never quite gets to that point where you go “oh yeah, he deserves to be the leader” not to mention that Donnie already has the ego going for him.
One of the big changes to the series, one which would define it’s identity and themes, is to Splinter. At the start he seems like a lazy bum who watches cheesy movies to pass the time. This characterization put people off at first... then we see the extent of his backstory and he becomes a much deeper character. Hamato Yoshi, unlike his other incarnations, wanted nothing to do with his legacy. He ran away to America and became an action star to carve out his own path as Lou Jitsu. Things got worse for him when Big Mama kidnapped him for the Battle Nexus, forcing him to fight for years without end, then kidnapped AGAIN for Baron Draxum’s experiments, before ultimately winding up in his current rat form. As this is revealed, you get a clearer picture of Splinter as a sad wreck who truly did his best to raise the Turtles... then when push comes to shove, he steps up to better train his sons for the threats ahead while also learning to let them be more independent against the expectations thrust upon him in his youth. Splinter becomes a cool character on his own and you can see how the Turtles end up reflecting aspects of his personality.
These new elements end up working so well that you kind of wish they hadn’t included more familiar stuff like the Shredder or the Purple Dragons into the mix. Don’t get me wrong, most of them work okay and they do their best to make them different but for me at least I wish they kept the focus more on the Yokai stuff. I’d say that the series isn’t one someone should binge all at once; there is continuity, but the episodes are designed to be stand alone compared to more serialized storytelling you might be used to seeing (example, the 2012 TMNT series). Not all the jokes land, nor will all the reinventions necessarily work for everyone, but when it does, it really REALLY does.
Rise can be a bit off putting at first, but by the end, it really grows on you and leaves you wanting more. And we are getting more with the movie on the way. Maybe this will lead to more seasons? I hope so.
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zombiekillerky · 3 years
{TMNT 2012 Fanfic} - Confession
( WARNING : This is not Turtle x Turtle related at all, this is purely just some family scenarios with no relationships at all what’s so ever. Just regular day in the life turtle stuff)
All the turtles have noticed their brother working out extra hard on his own as of late. Ever since the night he came back on a failed search mission as he said with Casey he hasn’t been himself. It started out with the rage outburst when he came back to the lair which was expected of him. If something went wrong it was always the first reaction his brother’s would get out of him. But once they found him lifting weights and adding more and more on to the bar. Punching his bag with pure rage in his eyes as each hit got stronger and meaner. There was something defiantly wrong at the moment with him and they weren’t really sure why. Raphael wasn’t an open person about his feelings ever. It was hard to even get him to open up a little to Master Splinter let alone his brothers. He never told them how he was feeling, what was getting him down or what pissed him off. It was always just an outburst of rage, annoyance or disgust. Depending on how he was feeling would be the outcome of the afternoon and how long he would stay in his room. But they for sure new it would be a battle trying to get him to confess what was wrong at least to one of them.
“Donnie you talk to him”
“What, why me?!”
“Because I’m pretty sure he will get defensive and start a fight with me and you know what will happen if Mikey goes up to him and asks what’s up. Besides you guys share a bond don’t you, being the two middle children?” Leo asked with an unsure smile on his face as he glanced over to Donnie beside him. They were trying to be as quiet as possible, being as though their brother was just in the other room. Beating the hell out of his punching bag at the moment.
“Leo we did, but Raph and I are opposites. Do you really think I’m going to have the best chance in talking to him. Especially with the mood he’s in, he could beat me to a pulp!” Donnie replied with a nervous tone to his voice as he crossed his arms. Trying not to show he was terrified of his brother and what he could do to him at the moment. To be fair he did have the best shot at trying to get through to him. They have always sort of leaned on each other for support ever since they were small. Leo and Mikey have gotten the most attention over the years so they only had each other. But as they grew up that bond slowly grew apart from how it was. He wasn’t even sure he would be able to get through to him at this point. Let alone make sure he knows he’s not the enemy at the moment with his fit of rage. 
“You know Raph would stop himself from hurting you that bad, give him a break guys he’s not a maniac” Mikey butted in, taking their hot headed brothers side over their’s. The way they were speaking was almost like they were comparing him to an animal. He felt as though they didn’t give Raph the benefit of the doubt. As much as he hated to think of it Raph could potentially hurt them with how angry he is. But he also knew Raph would never go that far as to hurt them extremely. His brother has gotten a hold of his emotions better then he has before. What ever happened was just really upsetting to him. Mikey glanced at his two older brother’s standing there. His confidence was rising in himself as he watched their gazes. One was filled with annoyance and the other was with fear. 
“We know he’s not a maniac Mikey, it’s just Raph is really sensitive and with him being really angry right now there is no telling to what he could possibly do” Leo replied, making Mikey even more annoyed with their Leader’s words. He hated when he put them down, he hated when anyone put his family down. He knew that they were brother’s and brother’s were supposed to act that way with each other. But it was almost as if Leo saw Raph as an uncontrollable maniac that could break any second if they did anything and potentially hurt them horribly.
“He wouldn’t hurt us like you think Leo.....I think you’re scared of him I really do. That’s our brother in there, he is the same as always.”
“I didn’t say that Mikey I just think if any of us should be messing with him it should be Donnie since they have a more close bond then us two. Plus I’m sure he could find a way out of there quicker them both you and I could” Leo replied with a triumphant look to his face as he glanced over to Donnie. Not catching Mikey rolling his eyes to his older brother’s words. 
A sigh escaped his lips as he stepped past them and out toward the makeshift weight room. Ignoring his brothers calling his name as he walked away, almost like they didn’t believe in him to confront his brother about his issues. He had to admit the more steps he took the more fearful he got, hearing the plastic and leather of the bag being hit. Two quickly then a follow up of three, already remembering the pattern his brother was hitting at currently with every flinch he had as he walked. Mikey sighed as he walked in to the room and found his brother there. Sweat dripped down his forehead and neck along with his arms as he stood there tensely. He noticed the blood and open wounds on his brother’s knuckles from how hard he was hitting the bag currently. But the look of concentration and seriousness never faded from his face. Not even one look of pain formed as he kept hitting at a constant rate. Almost like his injuries weren’t there in the first place. Mikey watched from the door way as he fought, his fierce and determined yet bothered look was all he could see at the moment. The punches were changed up now with a kick in between as he switched from his left to his right. Showing some skills even Mikey didn’t know about that he had. If this was any other day he would ask in joy how he did that and if he could teach him his moves. But he needed to stay as calm and pleasant as possible for him. Knowing his overly enthusiastic and loud attitude would get on his nerves even more then a usual day of the week. 
At this point Mikey wasn’t really sure what to even do or say now. How was he supposed to do this, ask him what’s up? Do you need a hand? Can I join you in a little extra training? He took a few steps closer to his brother training there. His anxiety was through the roof as he carefully walked forward in to the room like he was trying to get a snack from the kitchen at 4 in the morning. At this point there could be blood on his lip from how hard he was biting down upon the sensitive skin. He prayed his brother wouldn’t react horribly toward him for the interruption. The sudden sound of silence was heard though out the room. His body stopped like it malfunctioned from the sudden sound other then the noise he made on his own.
“What is it Mikey?” Raph’s harsh voice was heard clear as day through out the now quiet area. Mikey smiled softly to himself, noting that his brother’s rage was toned down some since he entered the room. Probably from beating out all of his anger previously. But over all it was less of a chance of getting his shell beaten in by him which was good. Raph’s emerald green eyes shined in the light as his gaze went to Mikey. The stare said a lot about his character and how he was feeling at the moment. But the stare over all just made Mikey’s nerves even more tense then they were before. He couldn’t show that he was afraid now other wise Raph could tell that there was something wrong. Raph was always good about knowing how his brother’s felt by their actions. But Mikey needed to be strong, for his sake and his brothers if he was going to help him with his issue at the moment.
“Well....I ah came by to see how you were doing since you’ve been in here a couple of hours.....Seeing as though your knuckles are ah....bloody I figured you needed a break ya know?”
“I’m fine Mikey, don’t worry about me-” Raph replied quickly, his gaze went down to his knuckles as if he was now realizing what Mikey had just said to him. Mikey glanced over to the wall and jogged over to the medical kit they had in there. He quickly grabbed some fresh bandages from within the box and walked back over to his brother before he could say no. Mikey’s hand calmly went to his shoulder, noticing how tense his brother was at the moment, He could almost feel the resistance and pain in his muscles from how hard he was working. Raph glanced back to him about ready to yell by his sudden touch. But once his eyes landed on what Mikey was holding was when his anger died down in realization.
“Mikey I told you I’m fine-”
“No you’re not bro, not with your knuckles bleeding like that....come on, it’s not wise to have them uncovered anyway and you know that. I will never forget how much you complained about the infected cuts on your hand from the accident with the glass when we were little.” Mikey replied with a soft smile, showing his concern greatly with his brother which he hoped he noticed. Raph’s eyes darted around, a sigh escaped his lips as he bent down. Taking a spot on the floor slowly with a pained expression as he leaned back. Mikey’s eyes wondered over him, trying to tell what other parts of his body were injured over all. His conclusion was that he was just to sore from working out so much over the past 2 days. But knowing Raph he would hide injuries from them too which was why he checked him over. Mikey smiled softly as he took Raph’s hand from his lap and stared at his bruised and wounded knuckles of his hand. He couldn’t understand how his brother could ignore something like this. Sometimes Raph was a mystery to him on over all everything.
“How could you go so long with out covering them up, I think you made em worse” Mikey said as he slowly wrapped the bandages around his brother’s hand as best he could. Being extra careful since he watched him wince a couple of times when he first wrapped the open wounds. But as a reply Raphael only shrugged his shoulders slightly. He wasn’t speaking at all almost like he was holding back from doing so. His eyes screamed out for help but his body stayed as stiff as a pole. Mikey continued to wrap his hand at a slow pace. The silence killing him every second it lasted, it didn’t help that it was awkward between them as well.
“Hey Raph....can I ask you a question?” Mikey said as he started to wrap his brother’s other hand which was less damaged then his right one. He only made it around one full time before his brother tensed up again for some reason.
“If it’s about when I came back from that thing with Casey the other night because Leo put you up to it then no-!”
“No bro chill....I was going to ask if you could teach me that kick move you just did when I walked in here. I thought it looked so cool and I eh....don’t remember going over it with Master Splinter so  figured you could teach me yourself?” Mikey replied to try and divert his real question which Raph already pointed out like it was nothing. The hot headed turtle’s guard was down slightly, not even expecting that to be his brother’s question to begin with. His eyes darted around as he thought of an answer to his younger brother’s question. The look of guilt for getting overly annoyed and angry with him was seen in his eyes as he stared to the side.
“I guess so?” Raphael replied as his gaze returned back to Mikey in front of him. Watching his brother that was somewhat unfamiliar with medical work wrap his hands in an average fashion. Actually proud of him for remembering what Donnie told him to do when Mikey assisted their brainiac brother in patching him up from a run in with bad guys on the surface. Raph’s eyes wandered the bandages, already seeing pink where the deepest gashes were located on his skin. The burning sensation never went away from the material touching his open wounds. It was nothing he wasn’t used to, but it was very annoying to deal with. The hot head sighed as he watched his brother finish up on wrapping his hand, going back over to the medical kit to put away any spare bandages he had. He wondered why Mikey showed up in the first place, usually when he was this angry they would try to avoid him completely. He would avoid himself if he was them too, even after the last time when he over reacted Mikey was the first to ask him if he was alright afterward. It was like his brother was fearless against him at times, or just straight up stupid for even going near him. Raphael was afraid he would hurt him, mentally or physically being at the rate of anger he was at. But his brother was trying to do good at that’s what mattered, he would make sure he would overreact over him as best he could. 
Raphael stood up from the floor with some stiffness, realizing he worked out to much over the past couple of days. What would Master splinter say when they go for training tomorrow about his condition. His mind was wondering all over the place, he didn’t even realize his little brother returned to his side. The turtle in red was brought out of his thoughts and returned his gaze to his brother waiting there patiently for him. A small smirk on his face formed as he moved to the punching bag. A quick glance was at his hands as he held them up. Not knowing if he should continue to train with his condition. The stubborn turtle only shook his head and got ready in his stance.
“You want to stand like this okay.....you’re going to punch left twice *Punches the bag* Switch over to a kick with your right foot. *Kicks with right foot* then three punches with your right, *proceeds to punch with right hand* Then a kick with your left foot and repeat. Got it?” Raphael asked as he took a step back from the punching bag. His eyes glanced down at his wrapped hands, seeing more pink and even a little bit of red from how much he was hitting. He decided to not think about his hands and gazed up at his brother smiling widely like usual. 
“So 2 left punches, a right kick, three right punches and a left kick?” Mikey asked to make sure he was going to do it right. Wanting to show off like his older brother did.
“Yeah....yeah exactly like that” Raphael replied, watching as his brother stood in a firm stance. Copying his moves almost all the way correctly, his kicks were a little off from perfect but that’s what practice was for. As soon as he was done and landed from his left kick. He turned to Raph for a look of approval, earning a small chuckle from him and a thumbs up.
“Your kicks were a little weak and off centered but it was pretty good for your first try I gotta admit”
“Yes!” Mikey replied as he threw his fist up in to the air in victory, getting confident in his skills now after his brother’s comment. He turned back to the punching bag and got ready in his stance. Out of the corner of his eye he watched as Raphael walked to the side of him to watch. Mikey smiled widely, his attention back on to the punching bag as he redid the moves his brother taught him. Trying to at least fix his kicks so the moves could be perfect. He wanted to learn his brothers moves, but he also felt if he did this it would help Raph trust him more. He wasn’t going to make his brother confess, but if he trusted him at the moment there was a better chance of him confessing over all then before. As Mikey was in thought he finished the move and landed better then the last time. Watching Raph nod as he stood with his arms crossed tightly around his plastron.
“It was better.....but could you do it during a fight?” Raphael asked with a smirk on his face as he tilted his head. Proposing a challenge for his younger brother he knew he wouldn’t turn down. Mikey smiled as he nodded his head and got ready as Raph walked closer. They both bowed as they stood a couple feet away from each other. Raphael ran forward and tried to get a hit on him, using half of his strength at the moment so he could calm himself down. This was only a training exercise not a battle. Mikey laughed as he dodged out of the way of his hits. Trying the new moves his brother had taught him. The first two hits were okay but his right kick was a little shaky. He was expecting Raph to grab a hold of his leg and fling him to the side, making him redo the whole move entirely. But to his surprise he only moved out of the way and let him continue. Mikey smiled as he tried to punch him with his right how ever many times he was told. Dodging out of the way of Raph’s attempted punches to his shell and the sweep of his legs. Ending with a good left kick in to his stubborn brother’s plastron that knocked him back some but not enough to land on to the ground. Mikey stared in horror as Raph recovered as he clutched his shell where Mikey kicked. Fearing the worst since he stood there with out a word. 
“Nice finish” Raphael replied like he was swallowing a yell and all the rage he wanted to let out at his brother for hitting him like that. Mikey smiled insecurely as he stepped forward to check on his older brother. Noticing the bruising on the back of his arm and the new small cracks in his shell he never noticed before. Raph’s gaze connected with his, realizing his brother saw his injuries he tried to cover up from the other night. A sigh escaped his lips as he stood up as straight as he could. The little height difference in them didn’t help with the stern look the turtle in red was giving him. Trying to stay strong and to his word he set for himself not to tell his brothers. But alas with his younger brother’s worrying eyes he couldn’t bare to hide his secret any longer. He knew there was a big chance of him telling the others, but he felt like he could trust him at the moment over all.
“I’m not gonna ask what happened, but you shouldn’t be training if-”
“I know I know......look I shouldn’t have been acting this way the past couple of days alright.....if I tell you this you swear not to tell the others or master splinter got it!” Raph asked as he took a step forward toward his younger brother standing there. His face was serious instead of having that grin he always has. A slow nod of his head followed shortly after the words left Raphael’s mouth. The turtle in red slowly sat down back on to the floor with a sigh, his younger brother slowly followed him down and took a spot next to him. The stubborn turtle didn’t even know if he wanted to tell his brother what happened or not now. Most likely Leo put him up to confronting him about it to figure out what was wrong. His own brother was to scared to confront him so he sends the youngest out of the four to. Raph’s hand traveled to the back of his head, moving the tails of his mask away from his shoulder where the were resting.
“As you know me and Casey went out on our usual search of the city to go and beat some heads in. Well on our search when we were heading back we happened to find some Krang bots in the back of an ally way along with this guy and a women they were holding captive. Once we got closer we seen they had their hands on a mutagen canister we must have forgotten to grab when we searched the city of them. Me and Casey sprung in to action after I explained what the stuff was......”
“Casey still didn’t know what mutagen really was?”
“Do you expect the bone head to? His head is as empty as yours”
“Hey! I remember some things, don’t forget I saved you guys from those mutant scary wasps by remembering Donnie’s antidote correctly. Never underestimate the Big M bro”
“Yeah I guess you’re right, fine. He has an even smaller brain then your somewhat small brain”
“Thank you...hey!”
“Anyway......we took out all the bots in the area, up on the roof tops and all since Casey can’t be stealthy sometimes....we over heard their argument and the guy evidently didn’t hold up a deal on spare metal for them. Once we fought our way to the front and managed to get in close range to grab the canister. It was already to late and it was poured on to them instantly.......the bots grabbed them and shoved the forcefully back in to the back  of their van as they rest of the bots attacked us until we made a close get away.....It was all our fault that those people were turned because we weren’t fast enough to save them......I felt like if I could have smashed those bots faster then we would have had a chance but-” As Raph continued on the sadness was rising in his voice. Mikey knew Raph thought he could do it all no matter what and if he couldn’t he was always hard on himself to do better. Mikey leaned forward and placed a hand gently on his shoulder blade. Grabbing Raph’s attention and broke him out of his trance of over thinking.
“You tried your best Raph that’s all that matters, you know those krang bots are super quick and have faster reflexes. If they were planning on mutating them then they would have done it faster if they seen you show up faster too. You can’t do it all bro, it’s not your fault” Mikey replied with a sincere tone to his voice as he locked eyes with his brother. Trying to read his thoughts at the moment since his eyes were filled with mixed emotions. The air headed turtle would have blamed himself for what had happened too if he was out there with them during the fight. He hated seeing his brother like this, he already had Leo blaming himself for almost every wrong thing to happen to them. But seeing Raph this upset over something was something new and he didn’t like it either.
“It’s no excuse Mikey, those people are now monsters because of us. It’s all my fault that there are two more mutants in the world. We could have saved them but we were to slow...I was to slow” Raph replied, making Mikey realize that was one of the reasons why he was training so much lately. It was all starting to make a little more sense. 
As Raph sat there he started to clench his fists in rage. Getting more and more angry as he thought about what had happened the other day. He hasn’t even thought about going over to Casey’s to see how he was holding up at the moment. He knew he took more of a beat down then him since he blocked some hits from reaching Casey. But he would still have some bruising and cuts most likely. As he sat he was shocked to feel his brother hugging him tightly. He never really shared any affectionate times with his brothers. Let alone Mikey since he could turn a very serious situation in to an annoying one in a matter of seconds. The hot head didn’t really know what to do at this point. He wasn’t sure why his brother was hugging him over a stupid situation he felt he should be getting yelled at about over comfort. His shaky hands lifted up from his sides and slowly wrapped around his brother trying to comfort him. A small sigh escaped his lips as he held him, a feeling he would never get used to ever.
“You weren’t slow, you were trying your best out there Raph. You’re one of the most toughest people I know, you could have defiantly taken them down it was just bad timing is all. Don’t be so hard on yourself bro” 
“I just felt like I could....that I should have been faster to save them-”
“What’s done is done okay, who knows maybe Donnie will make an antimutagen and be able to turn them back to normal. But you can’t keep getting down on yourself for something that can’t be unchanged Raph. I know if sucks, but what happened happened and there is no point in dwelling upon something in the past” Mikey replied as he shifted slightly. Hearing his brother sigh, he hoped his words got through to him. He wasn’t sure if Raphael had calmed down or not. As Mikey pulled back he noticed the small smile on Raphael’s face. Mikey’s smile widen bigger as he seen his face since it was a rare sight to really see.
“You feel any better bro?”
“I guess so......thanks Mikey”
“Anytime dude, I’m always here if ya need me” Mikey replied with a cheerful tone. Knowing his brother truly thanked him instead of being sarcastic like normal. But as he stared off Mikey was brought back in to the real world as he heard his brother get up from sitting on the ground with him. Stretching until you could hear the pop of his shoulder blades.
“Up for round two?” Raphael asked suddenly, watching his brother’s eyes widen in surprise. The turtle in orange smiled from ear to ear as he stood up quickly. Nodding his head as he grabbed his nunchucks from his belt and spun them around.
“Heck yeah!”
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aurora-the-kunoichi · 4 years
For The Love of Shell - Chapter 34
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Here is chapter 34 of my OC story. This is my baby, please read! This one has some fluff and some self indulgent smut! DON’T JUDGE ME!
Here it is if you want to start from the beginning
Chapter 34 - Dreams for All
A soft rocking accompanied by the low rumbling of a motor brought Aurora out of the heavy void that was slumber. She could feel heavy arms around her pressing her to a warm plastron with a beating heart behind it. That thought made her warm and beyond elated, they were alive, by some fucked up luck she had managed to bring them back. Even now she couldn’t wrap her head around the process behind it. But all that mattered was the four of them were alive and it was over.
Opening her eyes, she saw beautiful green pebbled skin, a pair of sun glasses and a gold chain. She had found herself in Mikey’s arms and his steady rhythmic breathing indicated he was fast asleep alongside her. Lifting up her head she winced in pain as her sore body protested the movement. Looking around with her limited mobility due to how tight Mikey was holding her Aurora saw they were in the back of the RV on the master bed and the RV was in motion. The forest rushed past them through the windows as the big rig rattled down the uneven roads.
Her hand reached up touching his cheek caressing his green skin, her finger tips running along the bottom of his orange mask. Mikey didn’t wake but moved enough to give her room to lean up and press a kiss to his sleeping lips. This was the first time she had been this close to Mikey without the action of a hug. Taking a deep breath, she took in his scent. Past the smoke aroma he surprisingly smelt a bit sweet like candy and a hint of spice, kind of like a spice cabinet would smell like.
“Hey.” She heard Leo’s familiar voice come from the door.
Turning as much as she could in Mikey’s tight grasp she saw the blue banded terrapin leaning up against the door frame his large arms crossed over his expansive chest. A sweet smile sat upon his lips as he stared at her in his younger brother’s embrace. God he was good looking.
“We didn’t know how long you’d be out and didn’t want you to wake up alone. Not sure how much you would remember, didn’t want you to think we were still up there…..dead and freak out. Don said your body went through a lot up there, your heart was beating too fast, thought you were going to have a heart attack. We’ve been taking turns lying in here with you. Mikey practically had to kick Raph off the bed when it was his turn. How are you feeling?”
Emotions began to bubble up in her chest and tears threatened to spill but she did her best to keep them under control, the danger was gone, they were safe, all of them. “Like I was hit by a truck, then ran over by a steam roller and then submerged in hardening cement before being beaten out of it with a sledge hammer. Plus, like I haven’t slept in 3 weeks. Other than that, I’m peachy. How long have I been out?”
Leo adjusted on his feet, “Eight hours. After your body gave out we went back to the Monastery and gathered our things. Soon after that the fire and rescue helicopters flew overhead no doubt to put out the fire on the mountain. They were in for a surprise, they’ll be scratching their heads for weeks trying to figure out what made that large crater. We decided it would be smart to vacate the area to avoid possible detection and headed to the RV.”
“Sensei?” she suddenly became a little anxious.
“He’s here in the RV. Wanted to be here when you woke up, said he’d hitch a ride back up to the village when we left.”
Relaxing a bit she sunk back into Mikey’s comforting arms, he shifted in his sleep pressing his mouth to the top of her head, his hot breath cascading over her hair, they were alive. “Where are we heading? And I’m guessing Donnie is driving?”
“Back to the airport, our flight leaves in six hours. And yes, Donnie is behind the wheel. Now go back to sleep I don’t think Mikey is letting you go anywhere anytime soon.” He chuckledslipping out into the front of the RV leaving her confined to the youngest turtle’s chest.
Relinquishing her halfhearted fight, she cuddled back up to Mikey closing her eyes.
Just before she slipped back under she heard heavy footsteps and the bed dipping just behind her. She recognized that scent, the spicy musk and oiled leather smell of Raphael filled her nose feeling him move up behind her wiggling his arm under Mikey’s closing protectively around her,his large palm spreading out on her still bare midriff. His warm breath fluttered her hair as it blew against the back of her neck sending a quick chill down her spine. They were alive.
“I’m glad you’re ok.” His deep voice whispered in her ear as he pressed up against her backside spooning her giving a few quick kisses to her shoulder.
Her voice caught in her throat as she tried to talk, sobs of uneven breaths followed “I wat-tched you die… I thought……. I thought I wasn’t ever….”
“Shhhhh, it’s over.” Raph tried to sooth her. “We’re here with you. We ain’t goin’ nowhere.” He cut off her shaky voice trying to sooth her.
Aurora nodded taking a deep breath calming her nerves. She was encased in between Mikey and Raph’s large bodies, Leo and Donnie were out into the front taking them back to the airport, back home. They were alive.
As she drifted in and out of sleep she hoped everything would start to be normal and now life could really start. A soft snore rattled behind her, Raphael was now asleep too. Closing her eyes once again she took a deep breath letting their smells and heart beats lull her back to sleep. They were alive.
Leo watched Raph sneak back into the bed with Aurora and Mikey, snuggling up to the back of her. Any other man who did that would have their neck severed from their body but it was a different story with his brothers. He couldn’t be jealous with them because she wasn’t just his. She was just as much theirs as she was his and each one of them belonged to her. It was a bit weird to think about, but it made sense, to them at least, an unspoken bond.
His mind shot back to several hours ago when she was dying in the demon’s arms, her life essence nearly gone lying limp in its spindly hands. Even then he could feel the pull from her, and he was happy to give himself over to her, they all were. If it meant Aurora’s survival and earths they would die a thousand deaths.
He had already come to terms with letting her go as he took his last breath, knowing it was for the best. But when he woke up and she was there in front of him literally pouring the life back into him. What happened, how was she able to bring them back? Donnie said it was surreal watching her giving them back their lives. Like something out of a sci-fi movie, which their lives had become lately. Master Yoshi wasn’t in the talking mood yet; he just kept staring back into the room that Aurora occupied. He was in some sort of shock about all of this. The only thing Leo was sure of was, it was over, the demon was gone and Aurora could have a normal life. Asuna’s words drifted through his subconscious.
“How long do you think it will be before she realizes she can never have a normal relationship with you? She’s a human Leo, you’re a nearly 7 ft tall talking turtle. You said in your dimension you must hide because the humans wouldn’t accept you. She can run about the world freely and you can’t. How do you intend to have a life with her? Marriage? Children?  Those are things you can never give her. I don’t mean to be disrespectful to you Leo, but it’s true and you know it. If you truly love her, you’ll let her go and let her have a normal life with a normal human man.”
Breaking from his fog his gaze returned to the back of the RV, she looked so happy lying between his two brothers, she seemed so happy with them. But she really didn’t know much else. They were the first friends she connected with, so she really didn’t know the companionship of normal humans with normal daily lives. One of her hands rested on Raph’s thigh and the other on Mikey’s plastron her fingers hooked on his harness. Was she really better off without them? Did they need to let her go? She no longer needed to run or hide. She was free to live her life the way she wanted and hanging out with four mutant turtles would prove to be an added hindrance to that plan. He loved her more than anything, they all did but he wanted her to be happy and live a full life. It would be selfish to keep her hidden, wouldn’t it?
The thought of losing her tore at his soul taking the very breath from his lungs. But maybe knowing she was alive moving on with her life would make the loss easier? Shaking his head, he dispelled the thoughts for now. They had just saved the world from annihilation and everyone was alright, and they were heading home. That was what he should be focusing on right now. Moving to the front of the RV he sat down in the passenger seat next to Donatello.
“She wake up yet?” Donnie asked his eyes still fixed on the road ahead of him, his one hand gripping the steering wheel keeping them from careening off the steep hill.
“Yeah she did, Mikey is still passed out and won’t let her get up and Raph just snuck back there again, that poor mattress. She said she felt like she had been hit by a truck and was still tired. So I told her go back to bed. I just hope she can with those two lug heads hogging the bed.”
Donnie was quiet for a bit biting his lower lip anxiously and the awkward silence didn’t go unnoticed by the blue leader.  
“What is it Don?”
“When Aurora was thrown into our weapons by the demon she accidently activated the go pro on my pack. I noticed it when I picked it up and saw the red light flashing on the camera. Somehow even at the angle it was sitting it recorded everything.”
Leo stared blankly for a few minutes at the headlights illuminating the road. “Did you watch it?” he nearly whispered his heart beat starting to rise.
“Just a few seconds of it, I figured we should watch it together. I don’t think I’ll want to watch it more than once. I mean we have our deaths on camera, gods Leo, we died. I just…..We should watch it together and then delete the footage.”
“Agreed.” Leo looked back at Master Yoshi and his eyes were finally turned away from the back room and to the windows watching the sun beginning to rise in the distance.
“Has he said anything about it yet?” Donnie asked.
Leo knew he was talking about Master Yoshi, he shook his head. “No, hasn’t talked too much. He’s just waiting for Aurora to come out of that room. I think us lying with her is freaking him out a bit.” Leo let a chuckle slip past his lips. Donnie joined him giving him a sly grin.
“He has no idea how strong our bond really is?” Donnie snorted taking a swig of the coffee they had gotten at the first gas station they saw for the genius. “Not gonna lie though, I wish I had a chance to lay back there with her. After everything I have a strong urge to be next to her, like I’m sure the rest of you do. Feeling a bit left out, you guys need to learn how to dri…..” a yawn interrupted the genius’ sentence. Rubbing his eyes he looked over to Leo, “Drive.” He finished abruptly the white of his eyes a bit red from exhaustion.  
“Hey, let’s pull over for a bit, you’ve been driving for hours with no sleep and we’re almost there anyways. Let’s get a couple hours of sleep before we catch the flight.” Leo rested his hand on Donnie’s shoulder and gave it a quick pat.
Donnie squinted at the road and agreed, he was having trouble keeping his eyes open and it would be foolish to survive what they just did to die in a car crash. After a few miles they pulled into a grocery store parking lot and parked in the back. Leo and Donnie pulled a few cushions from the couch and laid them on the ground next to each other. They motioned for Master Yoshi to take the bed where the kitchen table was and they laid down for a few hours.
Aurora woke to the sound of silence and the RV unmoving. They must have stopped for a few hours for some shut eye, poor Donnie. Finding herself free enough from Mikey’s arms she inched clear sitting on the edge of the bed. Looking down at her stomach she saw the darkening bruises that covered from her hips to the hem of her bra. Pressing her fingers into the purplish flesh she hissed at the discomfort.
Carefully getting up so she didn’t disrupt the two large turtles sprawled on the bed she headed out into the main cabin. Sensei was asleep on the bed that was once the table and she found Leo and Donnie sprawled out on a few cushions on the floor they had stolen from the couches. To her delight they were both surprisingly close to each other. Tip toeing over, she crawled in between them cuddling up next to Donnie who she hadn’t been able to see yet.
Donatello’s eyes fluttered open feeling someone press into his body and looked down at Aurora nestled in his arms. A smile pulled at his lips and drew her mouth to his stealing a kiss. Even such a simple innocent thing made Donnie’s cheeks redden and his pulse quicken. Her fingers ran just under his purple mask enticing goose bumps across his green skin. Breaking the kiss her violet eyes sparkled with something he hadn’t seen before in her eyes. He couldn’t quiet place it. But having her there between him and Leo felt right and brushed it off.
Lowering her head back down she rested the palm of her hand to his plastron just above his heart finding the strong heart beat. Taking in air she took the time to smell Donatello getting to know his scent. He smelt of motor oil and pine, like a cool spring morning in a pine forest. It was very calming.
Rustling came behind her and the warm body of Leonardo pressed up against her back, his arm moving to her side tracing lazy trails with his finger tips instantly erecting a fine layer of goose bump down her back. His warm lips pressed to her shoulders and the tip of his tongue made a wet line up the back of her neck. Taking her other hand she reached around running it over Leo’s arm pulling it around her waist. Her head still resting in the crook of Donnie’s arm and his other draped over her back all three fell back to sleep.
As her mind began to rouse Aurora could feel the warmth of skin, hands running along her arms down to her breasts dipping down to her to torso, fuck it felt good. Her mind was a muddy warm mess feeling those hands caress her flesh with tender care, more than one pair of hands! Jesus!
Opening her eyes Leonardo and Michelangelo were both above her, their three fingers hands caressing her naked skin eliciting goosebumps across her bare flesh. Warm lips descended to her neck making her involuntarily moan as they left a warm wet trail along her jugular. Purple tails of Donatello’s mask brushed past her face as his mouth continued down to her collar bone his tongue dragging across the hollow of her throat. Then hands at her inner thighs pushing them apart and Raphael’s red banded head emerged between her legs his signature smirk just inches from her exposed core. How did she become naked? His honey colored eyes sparkled with sinful thoughts as he blew his sweltering breath against her entrance making her back arch at the delicious sensation. Wide eyed Aurora gasped as Leonardo’s lips latched around one of her pebbled nipples and Mikey’s connecting with the other a few seconds later, their wicked tongue swirling around the base before enclosing around the areola.
“Guys?” she cried out her breath catching in her throat as Raph’s tongue dove into her wet folds dragging his long tongue up her core and to the sensitive jewel at the hood of her sex. “Jesu-s-s Raph! Fuck! W..what’s going on? Why…?” She unintentionally mewled just before Donnie’s mouth crushed over hers silencing her voice. His lips parted to urge hers open allowing his tongue slip between her lips giving him access to the warm cavern of her mouth. When she obliged the genius he growled deepening the kiss taking what little oxygen she had in her lungs. Holy shit he was a good kisser!
“We love you Aurora and we know you love us. Whatever happened up there on that mountain cemented the notion that we are yours and you are ours. We know you want this, let us take you and make you ours.” Leo whispered against the cooling moister from his mouth on her aching breast. He blew hot breath over the tip making her arch her back at the electric feeling.
Donatello’s mouth left hers trailing down her jaw line back to the side of her throat sucking in the tender flesh of her neck between his teeth clamping down softly marking her.  “I……Donnie.” She cooed lifting her chin giving him better access. Then the sudden loss of warmth at her mound made her aware Raphael’s mouth had left her over sensitive core. Looking down between her legs Raphael’s large form snaked up her body his freed erection bobbing with his powerful movements. It was huge, a bit bigger then Leo’s. What was happening? Was she going to allow this? Was Leo? Her hands bunched the blankets below her feeling Raph’s hot phallus brush up the inside of her thigh. They all wanted to….. all four of them wanted her? The thought of it sent blood and heat straight to her core; her lips were absolutely throbbing with need.
“I wanna mark you inside and out, I’ve wanted to since the beginning.” Mikey groaned into the soft mound that was stuffed in his wide beak.
“I wanna be inside you and make you cum on my cock, Aurora. I wanna feel your walls around me as I fuck you. We all wanna fill you with our cum, marking you as ours.” Raphael growled grabbing his thick member lining it up at her wet entrance and pushed forward gently. As the tip spread her swollen lips sinking into the tight heat Raphael closed his eyes growling low in his chest.
Despite his massive size his entry was smooth and delicious, his warm balls touching just below her sex as he filled her to the hilt. He grunted softly pressing forward kissing the entrance of her cervix with his spongy helm.
Just as she cried out Donatello’s mouth slanted over hears again silencing her rambling moans. Pouring her excitement down Donnie’s throat, she arched up as she took every inch of Raphael’s engorged length, stretching her, drawing her almost to climax with the single movement. He stilled letting her get use to his girth, his breathing raged and labored trying to regain control.
“Fuck, yerso tight.” He panted gripping her hips pulling back and thrusting forward in a slow languid motion getting a broken cry deep within her throat. Engrossed by the overwhelming sensation of Raphael embedded within her Aurora almost didn’t feel Leonardo’s hand work its way down her belly his fingers finding the bud at the apex of her thighs. With light circles his fingers began a delicate pressure helping her climb to her rushing climax.
Raphael started a steady rhythm within her his hips snapping forward with lustful urgency. “God, I love you.” Raph muttered breathlessly as the snapping of his powerful hips became more unhinged and animalistic.  
Small grunts escaping between his clenched teeth and the throb of his engorged member inside her indicated Raphael was close to his end. His callous hands adjusted her hips angling her canal just right feeling the bulbous tip of his cock brush against the bundled knot of nerves at the roof of her sex igniting the fire in her belly sending her over the edge her hands gripping Leo and Mikey’s shoulders.
Breaking the kiss with Donatello she cried out as she went ridged her back arching pressing her breasts further into Leo and Mikey’s hot impatient mouths. With her spasming walls she heard Raphael curse under his breath faltering his pace bringing Raphael to his thunderous completion slamming the tip of his pulsating shaft to her cervix filling her with hot jets of his boiling essence, his guttural rumble filling the small space sending the vibrations of it directly into her chest.
Lost inside her head riding out the mind numbing orgasm she was overwhelmed by all four of them pressed against her in some way, stealing away every bit of rational thought she had left. She could feel the heat of Raphael as he flooded her insides, Leo and Mikey’s mouth still attacking her breasts and Donnie drinking down her screams as she came crashing back to earth, back to her body.
That just happened and surprisingly she was fine with it, more than fine actually. What was wrong with her? What was this change in dynamic between them? She wanted more.
“Aurora.” She heard Leo call over Raphael and her erratic heavy breathing.“Aurora, wake up.” Again, he called a bit more concerned. Looking over to Leo his eyes shown down on her his smile wide and full of love. “Are you ok?” his hands went to her stomach shaking her.
With jolt she woke up still nestled in between Leo and Donnie both looking down at her with amused confusion.
“Someone having a good dream?” Leo mocked her running a stray finger across her bare abdomen. She jumped slightly still sensitive from her apparent overstimulating dream. That was a very vivid dream, she could still feel Raphael between her legs and their wet mouths on her. She pressed her knees together quelling the unspent desire.
“Yeah, you really didn’t want to wake up.” Donnie laughed lying back on the cushions running his hand over his face trying to wake himself up. Truth was he was trying desperately to control the growing erection between his legs. The sounds of her soft moans and breathless sighs got him going. Breathing though his nose he thought about complex equations bringing his mind away from the ever rising images in his head from his dream of her naked below him, stuffed to the brim with his cock, crying out as he brought her to orgasm after orgasm. He could still hear her gasping his name her nails digging into his green scaled skin. Damn it, that didn’t help, calm down Don! Ever since she had brought them back from death his mind had been filled with inappropriate thoughts about Aurora. She was Leo’s, his older brother who he loved very much and would never betray. But by the gods he wanted to kiss her pink flushed lips so bad right now. What he wouldn’t give to know what she had just dreamt about.
Raphael woke with a raging hard on, his mind filled with the delicious images of his stimulating dream with Aurora. It was so real, he could still see her above riding him, her velvety walls gripping him like a glove as he watched his ridge member sliding in and out of her willing body. Her hands interlocked with his helping her move up and down on his shaft bringing her to the brink of oblivion. Her lips parted whimpering his name as she came undone around him soaking his lower plastron.
“Fuck.” He whispered pressing down on the tent he was pitching in his pants. Looking down in between him and Mikey Raph found her sleeping form gone. Just Mikey beside him mumbling in his sleep his obvious erection pressing against the fabric of his shorts as well.
“Hey numb nuts! Wake up, yer pitchin a tent!” Raph yelled smacking his younger brother in the plastron jolting him awake.
Mikey’s hands raised up in the air in surprise being so rudely awoken from his marvelous dream, “Dude! I was in the middle of something and you ruined it!”
“From the looks of it, it was a good dream.” Raph nodded towards the bulge in his brother’s pants.
Mikey suddenly felt self-conscious cupping his morning wood and looked down sighing in relief seeing Aurora gone. The awkwardness of his raging boner was averted.
Raph watched his younger brother’s reaction and put two and two together. He wasn’t the only one having an elicit dream about their kunoichi. His mouth opened in a thunderous roar of laughter, “You little sexual deviant! You were having a wet dream about Aurora!”
Mikey’s eye went wide and immediately jumped to his large brother covering his mouth with his hand muting his loud cackling. “Shhhh brah! I don’t want Leo to know! It was the first one I’ve had with her in it. Ever since yesterday being brought back from the brink it’s all I can think about.”
Raphael finally calmed himself down pushing Mikey from him and patted his younger brother on the shoulder. “Don’t worry little bro, you’re ain’t alone in this.” Raph lifted his hand showing he wasn’t the only one with a stiff problem.
“You too?!”
“Yeah, was a good one too, of course I woke up before I could finish. But the sweet memory of her cuming from my cock will be stored in my spank bank for quite a while.”
“Yeah tell me about it, some big lug ruined it for me.” Mikey glared daggers at Raph tapping the tip of his restrained erection with his green digit. His eyes cast down at the floor suddenly his mood shifting, “We shouldn’t be thinking about her that way bro, she’s Leo’s girl.”
“Fuck that Mikey, I know we all love Aurora but yes only Leo gets to be intimate with her but fuck if I’m not going to enjoy my dreams with her. It’s all I have. Besides I can’t control what I dream about and neither can you.
Soon Leo’s voice filtered from the other room calling out for Aurora. Raph and Mikey looked at each other and darted out into the living space of the RV. Finding Aurora between Donnie and Leo, they had just woken her up from a dream.
“Someone having a good dream?” Leo smiled down at her.
“Yeah you really didn’t want to wake up.” Donnie laughed lying back down on the cushions him and Leo had pulled from the couches.
Raph couldn’t help but notice the small bulge between the genius’s legs he was failing to control, looks like him and Mikey weren’t the only ones. Then his eyes laid upon Aurora as she looked at each brother and her cheeks noticeably flushed. Scenting the air, he could smell her arousal, she had a dream as well, interesting. He wondered if Leo had one too? “Everything ok in here?” he asked nonchalantly stepping up to the fridge pulling out an orange crush.Thankful his erection had gone down enough to go unnoticed.
“Yeah, we’re ok. Aurora was having a dream, that’s all.” Leo smiled assisting her to a sitting position. His smile soon fell finally noticing the darkened pattern of bruising covering her exposed stomach. His hand reached for the purplish skin, but her palm quickly swatted it away.
Aurora got to her feet and moved to her bag pulling out a long sleeve shirt pulling it over her head covering the dark bruises, hiding them from their worrying gaze. She could still feel the heat at her cheeks and pressed the back of her hands to her face trying to calm her anxiety. She had just had a sex dream with all the turtles, her lower belly coiled at the memory.
That’s when she noticed Sensei was gone, the bed returned to the kitchen table again. She looked around quick maybe she had just missed him, but the door opening sent every one of the turtles scampering to the back of the RV slamming the bedroom door shut leaving Aurora alone in the main room.
“Real stealthy guys! And you call yourselves ninjas?” she laughed watching Master Yoshi climb into the RV his arms filled with food. Alleviating some of the wonderful smelling food from his arms Aurora set several boxes on the counter. The bedroom door slowly opened, and the turtles filed out into the kitchen their noses guiding them.
“Sorry I left so early, but I know a friend in this town who has a restaurant and you have another hour before you have to be at the airport.So, I called him and asked for a feast worthy of earths mightiest heroes.”
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Sooouu, I started this by wanting to explain why Rise!Leo wouldn't be a good leader right now and I kinda ended up explaining where I would take the story if I wrote it. Anyway I'm a bad writer and English is not my main language so if anybody gets inspired by any of this and decides to write a fan-fiction from it, be my guest (and please link it).
First of let's start with my initial why Leo wouldn't be a good leader. Even though he has a great gut feeling (I think he was wrong only one time in the first season), is relatively good at planing, is able to motivate his brothers with his speeches and his brothers do listen to him sometimes he lacks responsibility and confidence.
Different to Donnie, who is awesome at one specific thing and seeks recognition for it, Leo does not have a specific thing he is good at. Instead he seeks recognition in medals and competitions, he is boasting about his wins because they are the only thing he has going for him and nobody else is praising him for anything, even when he is right or saves somebody. This lead to Leo thinking he is not good enough on his own, even tough he proved otherwise in Bug Busters where he was alone in Big Mama's Hotel and was still able to save his brothers. The first thing he did in Portal Jacked when his brother were lost was to go to Señior Hueso for help(sorry for misspelling his name), in Flushed but Never Forgotten he went to his father for help. Unless he can't help it, he makes sure that he is never alone in a situation that might go south because he lacks the confidence to use the skills he has.
The second point is the fact that he isn't responsible enough to be a leader. He tries to avoid responsibility for his actions every chance he gets. That's why this Leo doesn't want to be leader because he knows that he would be responsible not only for himself but also for his brothers. And that ties in with his lack of confidence. However, in Flushed but Never Forgotten, when his family was in danger he threw away his reason, went after them without a plan and took on full responsibility for the plan while being ready to be the only one to take punishment, sacrificing himself. Meaning he is only ready to take responsibility in dire situations.
On the other hand Raph, being the oldest, is used to care and be responsible for his brothers, but he cares too much. He didn't want to let Mikey go on a mission alone, his plan for better teamwork only worked because his brothers pitied him and when Donnie put their family in danger with his gifts Raph didn't want to hurt Donnie's feelings. This are things a big brother would do, not a leader. As it is right now both Raph and Leo are bad leaders, the former for caring too much and the latter for not wanting to be one.
And this where I explain where I would take the story so Leo can become a leader.
First off, Leo needs to get confidence and more leadership skills. But where would he get that? Of course by being away from his family and meeting new people. But, where?
Currently, we know three places where he can go do that:
human world(with the thing that turns yokai's into human)
The Mystic City
Battle Nexus
The human world is more for Donnie. He already has a group he fights against (Purple Dragons), and is more interested in normal school than his brothers. Aside from that, Donnie has the brains to recreate the thing that could turn them human plus he would greatly benefit from being a human. Donnie's main issues are his constant need for praise and his lack of understanding other people's feelings. For him meeting teachers who praise him and people who have the same intellect as him would do wonders on his mood. Of course he would also need to handle bullies and realize that in the real world team work and communication is really important. Plus you won't be able to choose who you work with, you need to be able to compromise and understand the other persons strengths and weaknesses, that also means putting other people before himself. Donnie also needs to understand that, as much as hates being sociable, everybody can be useful so he needs to make a lot of connection, even with people dumber than him and he is not allowed to insult them. Leo would be there to tell him that, but Donnie wouldn't listen to him until he is in a great pinch. In the end he realizes that Leo was right, but never tells him that and his live improves greatly.
Leo is a sociable person. He would be quick to make new friends and maybe be relatively popular. He wouldn't benefit at all from going to a human school.
The Mystic City is not a challenge for Leo. Aside from Draxum, there aren't really dangers he would need to face there. The last time he was there, he survived without his sword in the bad part of the city. He did have Hueso with him but why would Leo go there alone in the first place? Leo also doesn't have good mystic powers, but do you know who does? Mikey. From what we have seen of Mikey, he is friendly and creative. Mikey would thrive in the Mystic City, find friends, be creative and maybe even learn a thing or two to impress his older brothers. For why he would go there, he would want to prove himself to Raph. He is not just a baby anymore, he can survive without him breathing down Mikey's neck. Leo would be supportive, give Mikey some advice on pirates and bad places, maybe ask Hueso to help Mikey discreetly. It would work out in the end. Leo would be right once again. Raph wouldn't like all of this one bit.
Now to the Battle Nexus. I really thought that this would be the perfect place for Leo. Being a champion is an easy bait for him, but Leo isn't dumb. He wouldn't trust Big Mama and would not easily fall into her trap. Besides the Battle Nexus is one against one, not for teams and why would Big Mama want Leo there in the first place. No. She would want somebody strong, feral, somebody like Raph. Give Raph some cutesy stuff and the trap is laid. So we have a Raph that is totally alone in the Battle Nexus for days while fighting big scary mutants and yokai. He would go crazy, and wouldn't find a way out. Cue, the other three trying to save him with Leo's plan. It fails, miserably. For the first time in Leo's life he was actually wrong at something and it could have cost his brothers lives, it was all his fault. And this time it wasn't a lesson by his father. He needed to plead Raph to calm down while protecting his other two brothers. Raph listens to Leo's pleading and calms down after a while, but in Leo's eyes Raph didn't calm down because of him but out of his own strength, since, after this, Raph learnt how to control his feral side and was able to save all four of them all on his own.
All of Leo's brothers overcame their weaknesses. They became better ninjas. Leaving Leo the only one who hasn't changed. He was still bad with his mystic powers, and the medals he earned were worth nothing.
So how would Leo grow? Simple, just like all the Leos before him. He gets to fight the same enemy as them but in a different way. There was a shot in the episode Shadow of Evil(around the 18 minute mark, can't screen shot it now) where Draxum creates a rift. On one side of it are three turtles and Splinter and on the other side, The Foot and Leo. All of them look surprised at where Draxum is. Now, this could be as to create a balance in the scene or for foreshadowing. I will choose the latter for my story.
As we know Draxum and the Foot soldiers are not on the best terms. There will be betrayal and fights in their future. However Draxum became too powerful for two soldiers to defeat, so they steal the finished armor but they don't wear it. Fast Forward to turtles plus April plus Splinter vs Draxum. Turtle family loses and the only one to escape is Leo. Leo has show to go to drastic measures for his family and is ready to accept help because he is too scared to fight alone. Enter The Foot Brute and Lieutenant with the finished armor. They tell him about how the armor grands wishes and could give Leo the power to save his family. His gut tells him that this is a bad idea but his gut was wrong before, and this was the only way to save his family. He accepts wearing the armor to save his family, together with the Foot clan.
Of course they succeed, but Draxum manages to escape. Now that Leo's wish was granted the armor or, better, Shredder takes over Leo's body. Like I said, Leo is skillful but he doesn't know how to use his skills and has no confidence but imagine Leo's skill and weapon in Shredder's hands. The turtles are lucky that the new villain isn't yet used to his new body, so he decides to escape, together with the Brute and Lieutenant.
And that's it for what we see of Leo for a while. The other episodes would be about a life style without Leo. His family will realize how much Leo has actually done for them and even start missing his jokes. They will live their lives, fail and succeed at stuff, while searching for Leo. Each turtle will get their individual episodes that seems fine, but kinda off in way. This way ROTTMNT can fulfill their promise to not be a Leo centric show because every turtle gets their own arc. They will have their own enemies and issues to fight and overcome, while Leo is just a supporting character and he importance only becomes clear once he is gone.
Now, while the other turtles had a few episodes of their story arc with some interludes for comic relief and episodes of the family members, I want Leo’s story to have one half hour episode episode, like Shadow of evil. So, what is happening with Leo?
While his his body is controlled by Shredder, his mind is trapped in the armor, together with the person who sealed Shredder all those years ago, Karai. You can imagine her anger when she realized a turtle let Shredder lose. They talk. He explains who he is, how he got here etc... Karai explains to him what ’here’ is and who Shredder is. Leo realizes he released armageddon upon the world, and, more importantly, his family. However not all hope is lost. Since Leo has Lou JItsu’s DNA, he, in a way, is related to Karai, meaning he has the power to fight against Shredder and take his body back. Leo tries calling Karai grandma, that did not end well. Anyway, Leo doesn’t know how to fight against Shredder so Karai offers to teach him and since they are in the armor Karai decides to use Leo’s memories to create a copy of Lou Jitsu to boost Leo’s moral.
Leo needed a pep talk, a bunch of stuff happens but Leo still wasn’t able to understand how she could fight against Shredder and Karai got more irritated by the minute. Meanwhile, Shredder realized what Karai was doing, knowing what and who Leo is and how dangerous the situation could get for him, he separates Karai and Leo by trapping Leo in a simulation of what happened in the war when he was sealed according to his and Kara’s memories. Bad move.
Leo was stuck in a never ending loop, where a bunch of good people died and Karai sacrificed herself to stop Shredder. Turns out Karai was quite similar to Lou JItsu since she didn’t care for her families destiny as well and that was the catalyst for her families death by the hands of Shredder. After a while Leo had enough and managed to use Karai’s training to stop the loop, turn back time and fall right into the story. He meets Karai and Usagi the young, soon to be leaders of their repective armies. Right then they were arguing about what they should do. In fact, one of the main reasons why Shredder couldn’t be defeated in the past was because Usagi and Karai would argue too much so they created two armies instead of one. Leo knew if they had put their differences aside or at least compromise lives could have been saved, so he decides to change this simulation
He acted as the middle man for the two and compromised a co-leadership. They didn’t trust him at first but with time they became close friends with Karai teaching Leo about swords and Usagi helping with the mystic powers They created an army and when the time came to choose a leader Leo was chosen with Karai and Usagi being his advisors. They managed to defeat Shredder. Leo got back to the Karai in the armor and they continued their training until Leo’s family came to save him.
The turtle plus April and Splinter used their training from their own arcs to save Leo. They were apologizing to Leo and all the typical stuff. Leo didn’t finish his training with Karai so he still wasn’t able to defeat Shredder for good but he couldn’t let Shredder use his body to kill his family, Karai understood and let him go with a last words being something along the lines of ‘Go my teenage mutant ninja turtles’, giving them their name while he just said ‘bye, grandma’.
He managed to get his body back but the armor and Shredder were still alive. Giving Leo an end goal. After this incident Leo had some PTSD to handle(he fought in war). Things happened and everybody gradually realized that Leo would be good leader and he was offered the position he accepted. I mean it couldn’t be worse than what happened in the simulation,
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turtle-inserts · 6 years
Through Hell and Back (Donnie x Reader)
You've been through hell and back. Not only had you narrowly escaped the mutagen bomb, but you'd been taken prisoner in some sort of fucked up zoo that showcased all of the "unnatural" mutations plus one human, you. The other mutants ranged from globs of flesh to multiple limbed with protruding bones. Their cries were ghastly and would haunt you for the rest of your life. The screaming had almost never stopped, the poor things were in so much pain. The monsters that had caught you would parade you around from stronghold to stronghold, collecting water and gas as payment for the mutants to stare at you for a couple minutes, marveling at how you'd survived. Some began calling you "the finale" and the name stuck ever since. It The majority of the stronghold's residents had never seen a human, the typical lifespan tended to cut short when you live in a post-apocalyptic wasteland desert, and this made it so all original humans were either dead or getting close to it. You were a marvel to them, a trinket from an era long gone. You were the finale to that time period.
The only reason you had survived that night, was because of him. Donnie. He knew something big was coming, it had shown up on the scanners that night and being the most inexperienced of the group, he had made you stay in his lab with the doors locked. He made sure to kiss you goodbye and tell you he loved you before he left with his brothers in the shell-raiser. When the bomb had gone off, the entire lair shook, parts of the ceiling had come down and big chunks of debris could be heard hitting the door and at some point, one had come crashing onto your head. You weren't sure how long you were out but after you were conscious again you had yelled at him, hopeful he would show up, but instead you were met with silence. You had started to panic when green ooze dripped from what was at one point the ceiling. There was no way out and you knew that was mutagen. You weren't sure what had happened, but you knew it was bad. 
You carefully avoided the nasty green nonsense and made your way to Donnie's invention storage. Quickly looking through you had found a laser that could slice through anything, a gas mask and some snacks. You had used the laser to cut through the debris and up onto the streets. You were met with desert, desert, and (you guessed it) more desert. The air was so toxic you could barely breathe, so you slipped on the gas mask and after taking in the emptiness around you, went back to the lab to grab more supplies and to have a mild panic attack. Once you had your shit together you had managed to rig together one of the guys old motorcycles and took off in search of other people who might need your help. After years of searching, you woefully concluded your family was dead, along with your friends. If they had faced the bomb head on, there was no hope for them.
You were younger when they caught you, at least mid-twenties. They found you while you were asleep in a gas station that had managed to survive the bombings and constant sandstorms. You were out cold; after managing to find drinkable water and non-expired food you chowed down then passed out within a minute from sheer exhaustion. When you felt their hands grab you, you had put up a fight, but one human versus 30-something wolf mutants doesn't end well no matter how hard you fight. The only reason you had managed to escape was that the scouts for their group had discovered old alcohol and were too plastered to stop you. Before you fled you made sure to kick a few asses, as well as take some food, water, a gun, and your old bike. Now you could continue your search for the "oasis" some meerkat mutants had told you about. You thought it was only a legend, especially when they had started praying to some wacko called the "holy chalupa" but what was the harm in looking right? Not as if you had anything better to do alone in the desert.
After kicking ass, you headed North. If this was some kind of unholy desert, then north would be cooler right? Less heat more trees, the whole shebang! Unfortunately, after being trapped in a cage for well over 15 years, you were a little rusty on the whole "apocalypse survival" crap. You had eaten through your supplies within the first week and you were running low on gas.
"Son of a bitch," you muttered as the bike slowed to a stop. Letting out a loud groan you got off and let the thing tip over on its side with a loud bang. "It's been great having you again while I could," you rubbed the Hamato clan insignia painted onto the side of it before continuing to head north. Days passed, you were dehydrated, starving, and had no sleep since you'd escaped. If Donnie were here, he'd say these were the perfect conditions for hallucinations and heat exhaustion. In this deprived state, you passed out quickly, but after waking up, he stood there, as if waiting for you. He looked exactly the same, nothing had changed. Same chocolate brown eyes, same purple bandana, and the same gap tooth grin he always wore when he saw you.
"Y/n? Y/N! Boy am I glad to see you!" He ran forwards and enveloped you in a tight hug.
"W-wait. What? Donnie how-how are you here?"  You could barely believe it was true, but there he was right in front of you!
"Come on, haven't you missed me?" Oh great, now he looked hurt. You managed to hug him back, but he felt different. You weren't sure how you just knew.
"Donnie, I don't- I don't understand?"
"What's wrong sweetheart?" He released you and sat on the ground, patting the area next to him. You obliged, not as if there was anywhere else for you to sit in this godforsaken desert.
Leaning on him you let out a tired whisper as he wrapped his arm around you, "How are you alive?"
"Same as you, I survived the bomb. I've been living out here ever since. You should come with me, we could try to fix this mess together. Donnie and (Y/n), just like old times." He began to ramble on about all the great things the two you would accomplish together. He spoke about how much he had missed holding you and loving you. You wanted to believe it, you really did but one thing was holding you back.
"Donnie, I found your carapace." He froze, "I went back to where the city was and it was there, in plain sight. Hollowed out."
"But I'm here now? So how could that have been mine?" You allowed yourself one more moment in his arms before letting out a sigh and standing. You didn't want to live in a fantasy.
"You aren't real." The boy sighed before following your lead.
"No, but you want me to be. You wish I was here, so in your dehydrated and dying state your brain created-"
"a hallucination." You finished the sentence and what followed was silence. Looking behind you, there was nothing, he was gone. Choking back a sob, you marched onwards. You had longed for his touch for what felt like an eternity, you'd give anything to see him one last time, but you wanted the real thing, not a hallucination. But that wasn't the last time you saw him.
The second time was a few days later. You had found part of an old house and while scavenging it, you had stumbled upon some bad food. It was definitely expired and it gave you stomach cramps something fierce. Your face was contorted in pain as you lay on the ground of the partially shaded home, you let out a strangled cry but stopped when you heard him speak.
"Do you remember what I told you when you ate that old pizza after Mikey dared you to?" Letting out a groan you turned on your side. You couldn't deal with this right now. "Really (Y/n)? I'm trying to help. What did I tell you to do?"
You thought back to that day, Mikey had found a pizza in the sewer and dared you to eat it, he bet you couldn't eat a whole slice and boy oh boy did you prove him wrong real quick, but you paid a steep price. Donatello had come to help you. He said, "To take calming deep breaths, and to lie on my back."
He smiled and nodded, "What else?"
"I don't fucking remember Donnie! That was over thirty years ago!" You almost felt bad for snapping at him, but you were in too much pain to care.
"True, but science proved pain causes one to remember what caused it and how to relieve it." The glare you gave him must've finally gotten the message across because he let finally told you what you wanted, "You need to go throw up. It'll dehydrate you, but so will this." Struggling to stand, you walked out and behind the house and upchucked whatever gross concoction you had just downed not even an hour ago.
looking up at your hallucination you asked, "Why are you even helping me? You're not real."
He smiled softly at you, just how you remembered Donnie used to, "Because you need to survive. You need to keep going and you know If I was really here, that's what I'd want you to do. I'd want you to live." You blinked and he was gone.
Every time you thought you were in trouble, the dumb thing would reappear offering advice. You resented it- him- the hallucination. It was helpful, but it brought back painful memories of before the bomb. When life was easier and the earth was still beautiful. When the real Donnie was still alive. That last thought made you stop dwelling on the past. You had been walking since before the sun had risen, and now it was setting over the trees. You were zoned out all day! Wait a second, trees?  You felt your hopes rise, was this the legendary oasis!? How had you not noticed this earlier, all around you is green! These trees are alive! A smile spread on your face until you heard his voice.
"You made it. I knew you could."
"Oh," you felt your heart drop, "this is another hallucination. Like the ones I'd see on T.V. when the cartoon character wanders the desert and thinks they see an oasis." With a sigh, you sat on the ground. You were so tired, so god damn tired of trying.
He thought for a second before speaking, "Well, does it feel like a hallucination"
"No, but isn't that how they work? They feel real?"
"Do I feel real?"
"Not really, no."
"Do the grass and trees feel real?"
Hastily reaching for the lowest branch and ran my hand through the overgrown grass. It felt real. It didn't have that weird sensation like when I touched the ghostly hallucination in front of me.
He grinned as he looked at the realization dawning on your face, "well there's your answer." And with that, he was gone. Tears ran hot down your face, you had actually made it! Against all odds, you were here. There are real-life trees and plants and even insects! Normal, non-mutant insects! You let out a chuckle and le your head lean against the tree behind you.  The chuckle turned into an all-out laugh, and then into sobs racking your entire body. You didn't stop, not even when you heard the tree by you rattle, but when you saw something shiny gleaming in the sunlight you looked up. Was it a robot? How did it get here? You took in the sight of it, it had some kind of rabbit-like antennae with a purple band surrounding its eyes. Neither of you said a thing, just stared at each other for awhile until it finally spoke.
You pushed some of your hair behind your ear, how did it know your name? You replied anyway. "Yea?" The robot didn't move.
A thundering voice boomed from behind it, "Yo Donnie, what's the holdup- holy shit." A giant turtle mutant stared down at you. It wore a red bandana and was much bigger than the skinny robot. Behind him stood a scrawny old turtle with an orange bandana, and what looked to be a turtle on steroids with the bluest eyes you'd ever seen. They all just stared at you. No one moving or saying a thing.
Realization slowly dawned on you. "G-guys?"
Mikey was the first to run up and hug you. He was laughing as he embraced you, picking you up and swinging you around. You were crying again, but now you were happy about it. Raph was the next to hug you, something you never thought would happen. When Leo approached you looked him up and down, "Jeez, I thought Donnie was supposed to be the tallest." He seemed relieved and let out a chuckle as you tried but failed to wrap your arms around him. There was only one person left, the robot.
He rubbed the back of his neck, almost as if he was shy. "Uh, hey (Y/n). Long time no see?" Looks like he's still an awkward dork.
"This explains the empty turtle shell I found. But," you punched his arm, "it doesn't explain why you didn't come find me." His antennae flopped down and he looked distressed, for a robot he sure was full of expressions. He went to say something but you cut him off. "I forgive you, Donnie. Life is too short to be caught up on crap like that." You wrapped your arms around his neck and held him tight. His body may be different but it was the same old Donatello in there. He paused before returning the gesture. The two of you stood there, embracing each other, neither one daring to move for what felt like an eternity. When you finally pulled away from each other you peppered little kisses all over his metallic face as tears started to roll down yours. You could hear his gears speed up and his face started to feel hot under your lips. 'I've missed you, so so much. I thought I'd never see you again."
"I missed you too." He stood and after brushing himself off, he picked you up and placed you on his shoulders. "Lets get you back to camp sweetheart. You look dehydrated and we can talk more in the morning after you've rested." Simply nodding in response you drifted off to sleep on the walk back. You felt him lower you down onto something soft but before he could leave you grabbed his arm.
"Please don't go." You could imagine the smile on his face as he lay down next to you. Surprisingly he wasn't as cold as you thought he'd be.
You were almost asleep again when you heard him whisper, "Sorry"
"For what?"
"I just- I know this wasn't what you were expecting, the whole robot thing I mean."
"Donnie, I thought you were dead. I wasn't even expecting to see you again EVER. The only thing I'm disappointed about is I can't see the adorable expression you make when I embarrass you. The ears are cute tho, they convey a lot of emotion for what your face lacks."
"You like it?"
'Hell yea Don, it's super cool. I'm dating a cool turtle robot ninja genius. I don't think anyone can ever top that."
He let out a low chuckle, "God I love you."
That simple string of words, that's what you'd missed the most. Your heart swelled and filled with adoration for the man you'd missed all these years. With a shaky voice, you replied, "I-I love you too." He nuzzled his face to your forehead and wished you goodnight. It was the best sleep you'd had in awhile and many more nights of it would follow.
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