#pls not the 'it's good to see you' parallel to their reunion in s2
cerealbishh · 10 months
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"What if someone could take away what makes her special?"
"Her powers are innate. You know that better than most."
"What if she could have a chance for a normal life?"
"I don't know what Ciri would consider normal. I just need her to survive this."
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skullrock · 4 years
What do you want to happen in season 4 stranger things?
thank u for giving me the opportunity to scream <3
I'd like to see Steve and Robin and Nancy and Jonathan team up. I want them all to build a friendship or at least a mutual understanding of each other. Would especially like if Steve and Jonathan went off separately and Nancy and Robin went off separately. 
I want to see the Party be back together!! I know that Will won’t be around but can the other four at least hang out :/ I miss them </3
If the writers want me, user nxncywheeler, to like Jancy, then they gotta go back to their roots. I’m... OVER THEM because of how s3 depicted their relationship. They rly need to have them both doing equal work... I’m so tired of Jonathan being the sidekick. Give them a better narrative that actually resonates w s1 and s2!
I’d rly like to see Steve and Nancy get some closure and actually talk about their relationship but I know this will never happen 
El and Hop emotional reunion. This will happen and I am ready for it
I want to see Will and Jonathan as central characters. I want to see both of them have an actual character arc !!! Jonathan needs his independence back and Will needs to get good friends and gain confidence. OR ELSE
once again I’d love to see a death fakeout specifically for Steve where everyone thinks he died saving someone’s life but then he comes up behind everyone and is like “did we do it??” .... last crusade.... please
More Lumax 
MORE LUCAS. I also want to see Steve and Lucas bond. Steve giving Lucas really awful jock tips and helping him with his charisma ... yes
Let Max go thru her shit <3 give her a story arc <3 pls
Mike needs/deserves to be a little bitch again
Dustin should be in a musical 
Steve should bring him flowers
I miss the demogorgons I’d like their return pls </3
I want the action to parallel s1 and s2. s3 had pretty good action but I miss the really scary shit that made me go :0 like s2e8
I am in the VAST minority but more Murray. I love that fucking freak
and, ofc, Steve should be a slut in s4 <3
this is all I can think of rn but I’m sure I will think of more <3 thanks for asking!!! 
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