#playing a role he loved and had thought he'd never get to reprise
flootzavut · 1 year
if Henry was that keen on book accuracy for Geralt then I have to wonder why he chose to make Geralt monosyllabic in s1 which absolutely was his choice as confirmed by Joey in a post S1 video interview and by Henry himself in a print interview; the most likely scenario is that he thought he was gonna earn a shit ton of money doing Superman (and honestly I don't even blame him for that, you can't do big pretty boy action roles forever, at some point Hollywood is gonna stop calling or you're gonna injure yourself), but making out that he sacrificed himself on the altar of book accuracy is just silly.
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yesabanne · 1 month
By Tim Masters
Entertainment and arts correspondent, BBC News
Geraldine James on the funny side of Chekhov - and how her Little Britain cameo helped get her cast in the US movie version of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.
With her chiselled cheekbones and Titian locks, Geraldine James has been one of the most recognisable actresses across stage, screen and TV during the past three decades.
In her latest stage role, she plays a fading actress in a new production of Chekhov's Seagull at London's Arcola Theatre.
"I read the script and I thought, 'She's a complete cow! I don't want to play this part!'" says James ahead of the opening night.
She was, however, persuaded to take on the role of Arkadina by her husband, Joseph Blatchley, who also directs and co-translated the new version.
This is Chekhov with the original censor's cuts restored. References to dishonesty and thieving are back, adding - says James - texture to some of the characters in the play.
The story, set in 19th Century rural Russia, sees an an anxious young writer, Konstantin (Al Weaver), put on a performance of his new play, with disastrous consequences.
"It's a funny play," James says. "Chekhov calls it a comedy, the original production was a complete catastrophe, and the audience laughed at it in completely the wrong way. Chekhov was very upset and said he'd never write another play."
The play's comic credentials are boosted by the presence of Roger Lloyd Pack, star of TV comedies such as Only Fools and Horses and The Vicar of Dibley.
"As with Shakespeare, we keep revisiting Chekhov," says James.
"For some reason in England, the word 'Chekhovian' is associated with drifting about with a parasol, a lot of weeping, and drinking tea from a samovar.
"But it's about real people - it's about family relationships and the way people want to be recognised for who they are."
James's last stage role was in 2009, when she starred as Gertrude opposite Jude Law in Hamlet on Broadway.
She had already worked with Law on Guy Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes movie, and will reprise her role as landlady Mrs Hudson in a sequel due out at the end of 2011.
"Something very dramatic happens to poor Mrs Hudson," James says.
Her other recent film appearances have included Made in Dagenham, Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland and the remake of Arthur with Russell Brand.
Swedish accent
But it is a role in David Fincher's Hollywood remake of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo that excites her the most.
James plays Cecelia Vanger in a cast that includes Daniel Craig as Mikael Blomkvist and Rooney Mara as computer hacker, Lisbeth Salander.
Shooting has taken place in Sweden - where most of the story as set - as well as Los Angeles, Oslo and London. "I had to work on my Swedish accent," James says.
She notes, with a hint of regret, that her character does not get to have a fling with Blomkvist, as in Stieg Larsson's novel.
"David Fincher is an actor's director. It's a bit frightening on the first day because you film a scene and he says, 'Do it again', and then you get to take 30 and you think you're no good, but you realise it's just how he works."
James suddenly grabs my microphone and speaks into it in deep, dramatic tones: "I would love to do more with David Fincher - broadcast that!"
The 60-year-old actress, who made her name in lavish ITV drama The Jewel in the Crown in 1984, gained a new generation of fans in the 21st Century through her cameos on BBC comedy sketch show Little Britain.
She played the upper-class mother who continues to breastfeed her grown-up son Harvey Pincher (David Walliams) whenever he cries "Bitty!"
"I think I may have got the part in Dragon Tattoo because of Little Britain," James says. "David Fincher came up to me and said, 'It is you, isn't it?' He absolutely adores it."
She admits it was a "wild card" job, but didn't think twice about doing it.
"I do get 12-year-olds on the tube coming up and saying, 'Bitty', which is a little disconcerting - and also men of a certain age.
"A lot of people are appalled. My acupuncturist's receptionist can barely look at me anymore because I did Little Britain. She just blushes and gets someone else to write my receipt.
"But it's great for the old CV - when I go into heaven I can say, 'Tick - I've done Shakespeare, done Chekhov, done a few movies and done Little Britain.'
"What more can an actress ask for?"
Seagull is at the Arcola Theatre, London E8, until Saturday 16 July.
Around the BBC
Par Tim Masters
Correspondant du divertissement et des arts, BBC News
Geraldine James sur le côté drôle de Tchekhov - et comment son apparition dans Little Britain l'a aidée à obtenir son casting dans la version cinématographique américaine de La Fille au tatouage de dragon.
Avec ses pommettes ciselées et ses mèches de Titien, Geraldine James est l'une des actrices les plus reconnaissables sur scène, au cinéma et à la télévision au cours des trois dernières décennies.
Dans son dernier rôle sur scène, elle incarne une actrice en voie de disparition dans une nouvelle production de La Mouette de Tchekhov au Arcola Theatre de Londres.
"J'ai lu le scénario et je me suis dit : 'C'est une vraie vache ! Je ne veux pas jouer ce rôle !'", a déclaré James avant la soirée d'ouverture.
Elle a cependant été persuadée d'assumer le rôle d'Arkadina par son mari, Joseph Blatchley, qui réalise et co-traduit également la nouvelle version.
C'est Tchekhov avec les coupes originales de la censure restaurées. Les références à la malhonnêteté et au vol sont de retour, ajoutant - dit James - de la texture à certains personnages de la pièce.
L'histoire, qui se déroule dans la Russie rurale du XIXe siècle, voit un jeune écrivain anxieux, Konstantin (Al Weaver), monter sa nouvelle pièce, avec des conséquences désastreuses.
"C'est une pièce amusante", dit James. "Tchekhov appelle cela une comédie, la production originale a été une catastrophe totale et le public en a ri d'une manière complètement erronée. Tchekhov était très bouleversé et a déclaré qu'il n'écrirait jamais une autre pièce."
Les références comiques de la pièce sont renforcées par la présence de Roger Lloyd Pack, star de comédies télévisées telles que Only Fools and Horses et The Vicar of Dibley.
"Comme pour Shakespeare, nous revisitons sans cesse Tchekhov", explique James.
"Pour une raison ou une autre, en Angleterre, le mot "Tchékhovien" est associé au fait de se promener avec un parasol, de pleurer beaucoup et de boire du thé dans un samovar.
"Mais il s'agit de vraies personnes, de relations familiales et de la façon dont les gens veulent être reconnus pour ce qu'ils sont."
Le dernier rôle de James sur scène remonte à 2009, lorsqu'elle jouait le rôle de Gertrude aux côtés de Jude Law dans Hamlet à Broadway.
Elle avait déjà travaillé avec Law sur le film Sherlock Holmes de Guy Ritchie et reprendra son rôle de propriétaire, Mme Hudson, dans une suite qui sortira fin 2011.
"Quelque chose de très dramatique arrive à la pauvre Mme Hudson", dit James.
Ses autres apparitions récentes au cinéma incluent Made in Dagenham, Alice au pays des merveilles de Tim Burton et le remake d'Arthur avec Russell Brand. Mais c'est un rôle dans le remake hollywoodien de David Fincher de La Fille au tatouage de dragon qui l'excite le plus.James incarne Cecelia Vanger dans un casting qui comprend Daniel Craig dans le rôle de Mikael Blomkvist et Rooney Mara dans le rôle de la pirate informatique, Lisbeth Salander.Le tournage a eu lieu en Suède – où se déroule l'essentiel de l'histoire – ainsi qu'à Los Angeles, Oslo et Londres. "J'ai dû travailler sur mon accent suédois", explique James.Elle constate, avec une pointe de regret, que son personnage n'a pas la possibilité d'avoir une aventure avec Blomkvist, comme dans le roman de Stieg Larsson."David Fincher est un réalisateur d'acteurs. C'est un peu effrayant le premier jour parce que vous filmez une scène et il vous dit : "Refais-la", puis tu en prends 30 et tu penses que tu n'es pas bon, mais tu réalises. c'est juste sa façon de travailler."James saisit soudainement mon micro et parle dans un ton profond et dramatique : "J'adorerais faire plus avec David Fincher - diffusez ça !"L'actrice de 60 ans, qui s'est fait un nom dans le somptueux drame d'ITV The Jewel in the Crown en 1984, a gagné une nouvelle génération de fans au 21e siècle grâce à ses apparitions dans l'émission de sketchs comiques de la BBC Little Britain.Elle a joué la mère de la classe supérieure qui continue d'allaiter son fils adulte Harvey Pincher (David Walliams) chaque fois qu'il crie « Bitty !"Je pense que j'ai peut-être obtenu le rôle dans Dragon Tattoo grâce à Little Britain", dit James. "David Fincher est venu vers moi et m'a dit : 'C'est toi, n'est-ce pas ?' Il adore ça."Elle admet qu’il s’agissait d’un travail « imprévisible », mais n’a pas hésité à le faire."Il arrive que des jeunes de 12 ans arrivent à la télévision et disent 'Bitty', ce qui est un peu déconcertant - et aussi des hommes d'un certain âge."Beaucoup de gens sont consternés. La réceptionniste de mon acupuncteur peut à peine me regarder parce que j'ai fait Little Britain. Elle rougit et demande à quelqu'un d'autre d'écrire mon reçu."Mais c'est génial pour l'ancien CV. Quand je vais au paradis, je peux dire : "Cochez, j'ai fait Shakespeare, Tchekhov, quelques films et Little Britain"."Que peut demander de plus une actrice ?"Seagull est au Arcola Theatre, Londres E8, jusqu'au samedi 16 juillet.Autour de la BBC
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0606-hyuck · 3 years
♡ before the relationship
♡ becoming comfortable/humour
♡ relationships with other members
♡ jealousy/pda/flirting
♡ disagreements
♡ dates/texting/social media
♡ languages/"i love you"
wc: 2.4k (i may have gone a bit overboard with this, you can tell yangyang is my bias lol)
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♡ before the relationship ♡
imagine a best friends to lovers concept with yangyang 🥺
you'd been close friends with him since high school
and you spent the majority of your time with him
tbh you were bound to fall for each other
you'd watched yangyang grow from a cringey little thirteen year old into the yangyang we all know and love today
likewise, yangyang had a crush on you for yearssss
but he was always too scared to tell you how he felt because he didn't want to ruin the friendship
it would take lots and lots of convincing from the wayv members to actually tell you how he feels
he's so nervous before he tells you that he chickens out
and when ten and kun find out he didn't tell you they literally scream at yangyang
finally, FINALLY yangyang just spits it out and tells you he likes you
you don't even hear what he says at first because he's speaking way too fast and mumbling at the same time
and he refuses to say it again
but when you finally realise what he said you laugh
because you've had a crush on him for ages too!
and yangyang is really shocked
and annoyed that he spent so much time worrying about your response when you actually felt the same way
lowkey annoyed that you didn't tell him first but it's okay, he gets over it quickly when you decide to become a couple
♡ becoming comfortable/humour♡
i think the way yangyang acts around you would change after you start dating
because he's never had a serious relationship before and the kid doesn't really know how to act
so he's really nervous and lowkey awkward at first
like "since we're dating we hold hands now?"
"i want to but what if my hands are sweaty or y/n doesn't want to"
and you're like "just hold my hand, dummy"
eventually he gets used to being affectionate towards you
and when he does, he's so adorable!
lots and lots of cuddles
yangyang is kind of clingy with you
imagine him pestering you to give him attention while you're trying to work lol
laying his head on your shoulder and tickling you to distract you
once he fully reprises his role as your boyfriend, he turns into the loud, teasing yangyang we all know and love
you know he's totally comfortable with you when he walks into your house singing at the top of his lungs, not caring who is home with you
i love yangyang but he totally gives off dumb bitch energy
like it's so endearing but he can be so so stupid sometimes
even he's said that he doesn't think before speaking most of the time
so half the conversations you guys have are very weird and/or questionable
but very entertaining and make you love him even more
an example would be when he likes to talk about the future he's imagined with you
like he's talking about the type of wedding he wants with you and what he wants to name your kids (eleven because they're gonna be better than ten lol)
and you've never really thought that far ahead in the future
but it's really cute that he's imagined a future with you
and it just makes you love him even more
yangyang has pretty good banter with you
he likes to joke around with you and tease!! the!! shit!! out!! of!! you!!
"i found a picture of you when you were ten years old! you look like you're wearing a potato sack!"
"i can't believe i'm dating someone with no style"
"yangyang i was ten"
"clearly nothing has changed"
"no don't hit me i'm kidding!"
but it's all in good fun
i really like yangyang's humour and find it super funny when he teases the older members of wayv
and just because you're dating him, don't expect him to go easy on you lol
i feel like yangyang needs a lot of love
so you better be having lots and lots of cuddle sessions with him
ones where he's the big spoon are always nice because he feels like he is protecting you
but occasionally he will let you be the big spoon
not very often though because he gets babied enough as it is by ten and kun
imagine watching a movie with yangyang while you're curled up under a blanket in his arms
and he's making quiet comments about the movie
and you have to tell him to stop commenting on every single thing but it's secretly making you really sleepy
and you can feel his heart racing through his sweater omg
♡ relationship with other members ♡
wayv were so happy when you and yangyang finally got together
they always had a feeling you'd end up dating
because you'd been close friends for so long and they could always see it happening, you know?
they are kind of devastated because it means their son is growing up :'(
and ten likes to remind yangyang that even though he's in a relationship he will always be ten's baby
wayv are scared of you and yangyang when you're together though
because you feed off of each others humour really well
so wayv know they're in for massive roasting sessions every time you come over to the dorm
because you ignite this spark in yangyang that makes him want to tease his geges mercilessly, even more than usual
but it's okay because in a rare show of solidarity they can all band together to tease you
so it's literally you and yangyang versus kun, ten, winwin, lucas, xiaojun, and hendery
but in the end wayv really like you and love how well you treat yangyang
they're not worried about him because they know you'll be a positive and supportive part of his life
♡ jealousy/pda/flirting ♡
i think, simply because yangyang is young and hasn't had relationships before, he would get jealous quite easily
he's not possessive per se, but he would prefer that you pay attention to him rather than someone else
even when you're paying too much attention to one of the other members of wayv he starts to feel jealous
and he feels really guilty because he knows you're just being friendly
but he can't help feeling left out
so while you're talking to the other member he'll come over and wrap you in a silent hug or something
just to remind you that he's your boyfriend and he deserves your attention too
if a random person was flirting with you, i think he would just watch on silently
like he would be getting more annoyed as seconds passed, but he also wouldn't do anything to put a stop to it
he'd want to see how you dealt with it yourself
and if you were acting as what he perceives to be a little too friendly he'd probably give you the silent treatment for awhile
but it wouldn't last long because he struggles to not pay you attention
because he really likes you hehe ;)
yangyang's not very keen on pda
he prefers to steal sneaky kisses when nobody's looking
like if you're watching a movie at wayv's dorm he'll kiss you when he thinks the others are distracted
for him it's the excitement of knowing someone could see you being all cute together
and knowing the others could tease him about it if they saw
but seeing how far he can take it before they realise you're basically making out on the couch lol
i also think yangyang is part of the wayv shameless flirter line along with hendery, ten, and lucas
but he's more lowkey about it
he says some really cheesy line and has a shit eating grin on his face
and then a second later he's like "ew why did i say that, that's so cringey omg"
he's not super romantic sorry guys
so in that sense he doesn't flirt often
but when he does it's really bad lol
but your favourite thing to do is flirt with yangyang
because he gets all shy and doesn't know what to say
and he tries to respond but ends up burying his quickly reddening face in his hands
it's even funnier when you do it in front of the rest of wayv
can you imagine a blushing, embarrassed yangyang trying not to show the rest of his members how affected by your flirting he is?
they would eat that shit up
since yangyang is usually so cocky and the one teasing them, they love to tease him when he's all shy and blushing
wayv literally cheer you when you flirt with yangyang in front of them LOL
♡ disagreements? ♡
i think you and yangyang would have small disagreements fairly often
just because he's kind of stubborn?
it would never lead to an argument or anything serious
just irks you a bit
the only think you've really had an argument about is one time when you felt he was being too immature
you'd said something like "i feel like i'm dating a child, can you act serious for a single second?"
and it's lowkey a pet peeve of yangyang's to be compared to a child because it's a little emasculating for him
so you really hurt his feelings by saying you felt like you were dating a child
because that's just his personality, he's not trying to act immature, but he's so used to being the maknae of wayv that that's just him
and so you didn't talk for a few days
but eventually you realised you'd been insensitive and apologised
yangyang accepted your apology and you've made sure to love him for how he is rather than point out things you don't like
and let's be honest, there's nothing more fun that spending an afternoon fooling around with yangyang, forgetting all your responsibilities and stresses
♡ dates/texting/social media ♡
sorry everyone but i think yangyang is kind of lazy when it comes to dates
like i said before he's definitely not the most romantic member (not when kun and xiaojun are in the same group lol)
so he prefers to spend time with you around the dorm
like having movie dates or he might take you to do something fun like go to a fair
or even takes you down to a court to play basketball lol
but you're just happy you get to spend time with your boyfriend
he used to put in a lot of effort
but one time he tried to cook you dinner despite not knowing how to cook and i'm not kidding when i say he nearly burned down the dorm
and since then kun banned him from cooking so yangyang sticks to more relaxed, low effort dates lol
because yangyang's a clingy boyfriend he misses you heaps when he goes away
so expect heaps of texts from him asking you how you're going
but also lots of random ones about things he's doing
literally a minute by minute rundown of his day, as it's happening
"omg ten accidentally put shampoo in his hair instead of gel"
"i switched the shampoo and gel around, don't tell him"
"okay somehow ten found out"
"he's attacking me now"
"this is child abuse, call cps"
"okay i survived"
also he doesn't really like calling, he prefers texting you
and he doesn't mind not hearing your voice because he's gonna see you in twenty minutes anyway
he doesn't send good morning/good night texts
instead he sends selfies
like, selfies every few hours
selfies of him, selfies with other members
also selfies with his pets bella, louis, and leon
you don't know why he sends them but you're not complaining at all because your boyfriend is very attractive and he knows it
around 40% of his instagram posts are you/selfies with you
don't get me wrong, yangyang loves you and thinks you're instagram-worthy
but manz is feeling himself over on his insta and would just naturally post more pictures of himself than you
when you go through his feed there's actually heaps of pictures with you
but they're surrounded by lots of himself so it makes it look like he doesn't post you
solely comments emojis like "🧍‍♂️🚗💨" "👩🤏🧑‍🦲" and "🕳👨‍🦽" on your selfies because that's his humour
he doesn't want to be that boyfriend that's like "😍😍" on every post
but will hype you up in private text messages like "WHO ALLOWED YOU TO LOOK THAT GOOD" "OMG"
♡ languages/"i love you" ♡
yangyang prefers to speak to you in english or chinese (mandarin)
he also wouldn't mind german
his german isn't perfect but he knows he needs to keep speaking it to retain the language
if you spoke another language, he'd put in effort to learn it but i don't think he'd get very far
so he'd just end up speaking to you in a mixed mess of english and chinese
yangyang likes to teach you things though
like basketball, video games etc
it boosts his ego and makes him feel all mushy that he's teaching his partner stuff
so i think he would rather help you learn english/mandarin/german rather than learn a language himself
(partly because he's lazy and partly because he speaks so many already)
i think yangyang would be the first one to say "i love you"
he's been wanting to say it for ages but he's too nervous
he knows you like him back but he worries that saying "i love you" might scare you off
even though he literally talks about your future kids #yangyanglogic
you were laying with him on his bed in the wayv dorm
and he was like "do you wanna know a secret"
thinking, "what sort of bullshit is yangyang gonna say now lol" you said sure
and he was like "i think i love you"
"you THINK?"
and yangyang panics and is like "no i do love you, i just didn't want to make the mood weird"
you just laugh at the absurdity of his statement and cuddle closer to him
"you're funny yangyang, i love you too"
AHHHHHHHH i'm gonna go cry myself to sleep because this is so cute
lol just kidding but seriously i love yangyang so much
can you imagine him being your boyfriend?
he's so inexperienced and feels like he's making heaps of mistakes but he's really cute
🥺 anyways
stan wayv please hoes
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other members: kun | ten | winwin | lucas | xiaojun | hendery
© 0606-hyuck 2021. All Rights Reserved.
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ben-solo98 · 3 years
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I can’t believe anyone at Warner Bros thought it was a good idea to release the theatrical version of JUSTICE LEAGUE when this version exists. I’m glad Zack was allowed to come back and show us his true vision. It could just be the 4 hour runtime, but it feels like an epic from the classic days of Hollywood. I really like Zack Snyder, I think he's a visionary director. I also think he's overpraised and overhated at the same time. He has a very vocal and passionate fanbase who think he's a god of cinema and then there's an equally vocal group of people who think he's one of the worst things to ever happen to movies. I like him a reasonable amount. Even if I don't always love his movies in their entirety, he's puts some of the most beautiful visuals on screen that I've ever seen, especially in the comic book movie genre. He also made me appreciate Superman, I've loved superheroes my entire life, but I was mostly into Marvel when I was a kid and when I did venture over to DC it was primarily for Batman, couldn't care less about Superman. Boring. Until I sat in a packed theater in June of 2013 to watch MAN OF STEEL in IMAX 3D and Zack Snyder (and everyone else involved) blew my mind and finally made me understand/appreciate the character of Superman. I'll even defend that Kevin Costner death scene, I don't care. Supes is only a small part of this film, but all of the scenes featuring him and/or the supporting characters from his solo ouing were some of my favorites, because of what Zack and the cast (especially Henry Cavill) had set up in the previous two films, but also because it was usually underlined by Hans Zimmer's amazing Superman theme.
On paper, the story is very similar to the theatrical version, but it feels like a completely different film. I didn't hate the theatrical cut when it first came out, but it definitely felt like it was nowhere near what it could have been and the more time that has passed and more we've learned about the controversies behind the scenes of those reshoots, the more problems I've found myself having with it. There's a different tone to this cut and while it's still not a perfect film, it's executed 1,000 times better. There's only about 4 or 5 scenes that I think are exactly the same and obviously since this movie is twice as long it's mostly new footage. My two favorite scenes from the theatrical version were Wonder Woman's entrance and the History of the Mother Boxes. Both scenes were still present here, but they were extended, more brutal and all around more awesome. Which just proves you gotta let Zack complete his vision, he knows what he's doing. It also proves that most of what was likable about the last one was because of Zack. Ray Fisher as Cyborg was a big highlight for me the last time around. Another character I didn't really care about until I saw his portrayal of him, which really says something about how great of an actor he is because he's been very vocal about how he was mistreated making that version of the movie, plus his role wasn't nearly as significant, but he still came out as one of the only really great things about that film. He's even better here, we get some much needed backstory on his character and next to Superman, he's kind of the heart and soul of the movie, it all falls apart without him. And it's refreshing to see a black character like this portrayed in such a positive way, I'm certainly not an expert on the subject, but I couldn't help but think that we don't really get to see black men cry much on screen. I really hope this isn't the last time we see him take on this role.
Ezra Miller as the Flash is a big step up as well, I didn't hate their interpretation in the last film, but the Flash was definitely my least favorite character. Wasn't ever excited about the character's upcoming solo film until now, my mind has been changed. Ezra Miller is a very solid Barry Allen and brings some much needed humor to the table. His powers are also fully utilized here, that's the thing about this cut of the movie, every character gets their moment to shine. I still think this film was lacking in the Aquaman department, there's some continuity issues between this movie and his stand alone feature. Mainly that we're introduced to two supporting players from his film and they feel like completely different characters. All of my Aquaman problems happen in the first half, I still thought Jason Momoa did a great job. I'm one of the few people (maybe the only person) who's been a Batfleck fan since the day they announced Ben was cast in the role, it's a shame we'll never get to see him in any Batman solo movies, I was really looking forward to that. J.K. Simmons is only in two scenes as Commissioner Gordon, but I want like 5 Batman films with him reprising his role. There's actually a few big actors who were in the first one and I didn't know why they agreed to do it and they don't get much more screen time here, but they actually feel crucial to the story. Also Jeremy Irons is an underrated Alfred, I think Jeremy Irons is just underrated period.
Steppenwolf is definitely a worthy villain this time around. I don't know why Joss Whedon decided to change his design or his motives/backstory, or why you'd completely cut out Darkseid, but that sucked, this was good. Occasionally he'd say something that made him sound like a bad guy from an 80s cartoon or old video game, but overall it was good.
Tom Holkenborg's score is phenomenal. Danny Elfman did it for the other one, I usually like him, but Tom's works a lot better. And some of Danny's comments make it seem like he has a really big ego and Tom's have made me feel the opposite. Almost everytime Wonder Woman came on screen this female warrior cry/siren song (I don't know how else to describe it) would play, at first I thought it was cool, but after 4 hours it got old. That's my only criticism about the score. There were a few "strange" music choices, Zack is known for those, sometimes I think he just does it because he likes to troll the haters, I respect it regardless. But, the last film had two covers recorded for it I really liked: "Everybody Knows" by Sigrid and "Come Together" by Gary Clarke Jr. (Which I've been on record saying it's "better than the Beatles' version"). I missed those songs a little, but also, not a big deal, ultimately.
I thought the 4 hour runtime would be way too long, but honestly, it worked. Nothing felt unnecessary, the story flowed at a reasonable pace. Sure, you could have probably cut out the last twenty minutes because it gives the film 3 or 4 different endings that just set up future films that will probably never happen now (I hope I'm proven wrong), but as a fan, I loved those scenes. I'm looking forward to see what happens and if anything good in the realm of DC films comes of releasing this. 8.6/10.
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