#pierre makes one of his boys post the shove on his snapchat story and he's riding high off it for WEEKS
thepavementsings · 11 months
Anyone saying Lance would win that fight has never seen a group of private school hockey guys attempt to square up in a Tim Hortons parking lot. 
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bqstqnbruin · 4 years
24 and 11 from the angst promts? 🥺
11. “I loved you.” “Then why did you let (her/him/them) get in between us?
24. “Let me go.”
Send me numbers and a boy from this prompt list
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You knew when Josh got the call that something bad was about to happen. He sounded excited when he picked up, until he turned around and saw you sitting there on his couch. His voice dropped immediately and he left the room in a hurry.
Two weeks later, Josh had left, gone to Montreal while you stayed behind in Columbus where you couldn’t uproot your life. You had loved Josh, but you weren’t in a place with the relationship that you could uproot everything and follow him to another city, let alone another country. 
The last conversation you had before he left broke your heart as if it weren’t broken already.
He took your hand before he was about to leave your apartment what would be the last time in a while. “I’m sorry, Y/N. This is just part of hockey. We knew this was a possibility when we started dating.” You couldn’t find the words to say, focusing on the small hole that was forming in the toe of your sock. He tilts your head up by your chin, tears in both of your eyes obscuring your vision. “Do you want to try to make this work?” he asks you. 
“Do you?”
His answer was no, which meant you were skulking around your apartment for two weeks before finally saying fuck it and going through a much needed hoe-phase. You knew he saw every post you made on Instagram and Snapchat, every weekend with a new guy, out with different friends, wearing different outfits that made you feel the perfect mixture of slutty and powerful. 
That was until you were asked out by Pierre-Luc, Josh’s now ex-teammate, when the pictures stopped altogether, unsure of how Josh would react to his ex-girlfriend and his friend dating now that he had moved to another city. 
“You have to tell him at some point, you know,” Luc points out, prompting an eye roll from you. “He’s going to find out, it’s better that it comes from one of us.”
“Then why don’t you tell him?” you ask him. The Habs were playing the Jackets that night, and of course, you were going to be there with Dubois scrawled across your back. 
“I’m not the one who dated him.”
You were dreading the game, and it was all because of Josh. You were lucky that you were able to avoid any contact with him, knowing that he didn’t realize you would be there. You had posted on your Insta story a picture of the ice one the two teams went out for warmups, tagging your new boyfriend with a heart next to his name, figuring Josh wouldn’t see it until after the game, after he had met you all down in the locker room like they had talked about.
The game started, nothing too exciting happening, passing the puck back and forth, constant switching between zones, a few scoring chances here and there, but nothing. 
A scoreless first period turned into a scoreless second, the third period leaving everyone hoping someone scored so you wouldn’t have to sit through the agony that was extra time. 
Pierre-Luc was skating up the side with the puck, breaking away from a two-on-one and maybe getting the chance to add a goal to the board. Out of nowhere, Josh comes flying off the bench, the first time both of them were on the ice, checking him low from behind, sending Luc onto the ice, not moving when the refs blew the whistle, three of the Jackets ganging up on their old teammate for what he did. 
You watched Josh get ejected, Luc helped off the ice and back to the locker room as you made a beeline to try to go see him. You see someone you know from the team, the same worried expression plastered on their face that you had. “How is he?” you ask, hoping that they would know something, anything.
“He should be ok, but he might have fractured his wrist on the fall. Not good but not the worst.” The two of you hear a loud yell, not from one of the guys on the Blue Jackets. You knew exactly who’s yell that was.
“What the hell was that?” you scream at Josh, running up to him and doing everything in your power not to shove him even though you knew it wouldn’t do anything. You were furious that he would intentionally do that to someone who he used to consider one of his best friends.
“Well, what are you doing going out with him?” he yells back, louder and with more force than you could ever muster.
It takes a minute to realize he had seen your story. “You left me, Josh. You looked me in the eyes and told me you didn’t think us staying together was worth it if we weren’t in the same city. Pierre-Luc has been nothing but perfect to me.”
“So as soon as I leave you just fuck the first guy you see? I thought you loved me.”
“Of course I loved you!”
“Then why did you let him get in between us?”
"He didn’t get in between us,” you scream at him, hot tears falling down your cheeks. “There was no us to get between. Josh, just let me go. I’m not yours anymore. You had your chance to try, and you didn’t take it.” You turn around, leaving him there while you go and try to find your boyfriend. 
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