#photoshop wiz
wizardsisananimal · 3 months
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fruit stand
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heliotrope-journey · 1 month
A Light in the Dark Times Ahead
Good evening, vampire hunters.
Just in time for Women's History Month, Episode 2 of Heliotrope Journey: Son of a Hustler is out now! As Michaela ventures deeper in Lionhead Mansion's paranormal-infested corridors, she encounters not a single boss enemy but two more in an attempt to locate Einsam, a child estranged from his father but for reasons she cannot put her finger on. Zahhak says he is a troublemaker skipping school, but Michaela's instincts argue different. Showing these bosses that she is no combatant to mess with will be the best step toward finding out which she should trust. Will you have the courage to see this ride? Photo by Caleb Maxwell on Unsplash. https://darkinfern0crystal1.itch.io/heliotrope-journey-son-of-a-hustler-book-1-acceptance-of-agony
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The hub world in The Heliotrope Chronicles Book 1 Volume I will be given an update in the spring along with a new set of gems by Siegfried Croes to collect to encourage exploration. The game's hub will reflect the outcome of Episode 4 by featuring Frederick's teammates as NPCs as well as a garden in the castle ruins to immerse yourself with, celebrate the memory of the most powerful thing in the universe, and play ballads of emotional grievances that block the healing process. If you haven't played Chapter 4 already, be sure to catch up before this update goes live because these changes will spoil the ending of that episode. These sneaky-peekies of the hub world probably shouldn't. ;)
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Thank you for supporting the Heliotrope Journey series as always and have a great week.
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digitalwitchmayura · 6 months
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■How to color in Photoshop■ (2002, by n-rail)
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susartwork · 7 months
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Hey look, a new crackship!
Resident!Sans belongs to @parniathedevil UW!Sans belongs to me Original meme -> here
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wizardo-yo · 1 year
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Late afternoon classes with Professor Falmea
Where are you sitting?
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stormy-sierra · 10 months
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new ref of the Blog Namesake...Sierra my girl I MISSED YOU!!!
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nerdalmighty · 1 year
Can you make a launchpad icon
While I would LOVE to make icons, I actually don't know how! I'm not skilled at Photoshop (too many options! can't remember which tool does what!) and I instead use Adobe Premiere Pro to make my gifsets. My current icon is by the lovely TurquoiseSpace35, who gave me permission to use an image they created of an aged up Mabel Pines from Gravity Falls.
But there are tons of great icon artists here on Tumblr! After some quick searching, here are a few who could likely hook you up with an excellent Launchpad icon:
Good luck in your quest for the pilot!
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trashgremlendoesart · 3 months
So my dad is somewhat of a computer wiz and I asked him about some of the tech stuff in the magnus protocol
my dads says..
"I was involved in a rollout of about 1,000 NT4 workstations over four campuses back in the day (mid to late 90s)
Our machines started at Pentium 120 with 32Meg of RAM and 1.2G hard drive in a mini tower case. Apart from the drive bays in the case front for 3 1/2 floppy disk drives and CD ROM drives they don't look all that different to a small gaming pc today.
The mice still have balls though, the keyboard have big 5 pin DIN plugs but otherwise are just as dishwasher safe as modern ones.
If connected to a network you are very likely to find its Novel Netware 4.1. The networking will look like a thin black cable strung from machine to machine with a little silver T shaped connector on the back of each one, apart from the first and the last they have 'terminators'.
You probably won't be connected to the internet yet, there is probably no TCP/IP on your LAN at all, only Novel IPX. The ZenWorks NT4 workstation management tools from Novel are sublime, it take Microsoft quite a while to copy them.
If you are in our publishing class we will be teaching you Photoshop, Illustrator and Quark Express. If you are in our business course we will be teaching you Office 97 with that bloody paperclip. We will also be teaching you Groupwise, Microsoft haven't copied that off Novel yet so there isn't any Exchange.
If you have email its probably Pegasus, maybe early Eudora. Its unlikely you can email out of the organisation you are in. Internet connected mail is still to come, mind you so is any interoperability between mail systems. You expect attachments to work?
We still taught some things on Windows 3.1 so our machines all boot from the Lan initially to fetch the boot menu. You can choose Windows 3.1, NT4, in some classrooms Win98, or you can re-image you machine if its broken. Thats all done in assembler in the boot sector on the network boot disk image, theres no PXE yet.
Internet arrives one day in the form of a product called "Instant internet", it will share its single built in 36Kb dial up modem with a whole classroom of only IPX connected NT4 workstations if you install the Winsock32.dll file that it comes with.
You are probably looking for Mosaic or early Netscape if you want a web browser, Altavista is likely your search engine.
Better things are coming though soon we have a whole 128K ISDN service to share with about 10 classrooms, we have TCP/IP on the LAN now. Your classroom is still going to have to book when it wants internet access though, as that's still woefully inadequate.
I think the Macs are System 8 or 9 they have not made the jump to the unix kernel of OS X yet, they keep my colleague busy, she seems to be reinstalling the System folders on them on a daily basis.
One day you find I have changed the default home page for all the machines to Google Beta.
My job is done, the world as we know it has been ushered in."
Dad worked In TAFE (only Australians will get that lol) for a few years as well as other tertiary education providers.
This is probably not going to be very relevant for anyone but I figured having some sort of info available could be helpful for other people's writing, fanfic or whatever.
Feel free to send asks for any clarification or further info
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djservo · 11 months
💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other sim-blogs to do the same 💕
I answered this a few days ago but it was before I posted my most recent bro edit which I am indeed very proud of & it's probably my favorite thing I've done so far 🙈 I'm super happy with how it all came together + proud of how smooth (+ fun!) the process went like I've never made a gif in photoshop before but I just watched a tutorial on youtube & it was so simple — though that's probably more of a testament to being good at following directions rather than being an innate photoshop wiz or something LOL I'm just really pleased with how it turned out & feel like I nailed the vision I had in mind which isn't always easy to do with sims (especially since i don't render) 🤹‍♀️
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meursaulty · 1 year
real wiz struggle moment is photoshopping stitches onto your character to see if they're even worth going for
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wizardsisananimal · 2 months
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there is a WIZARD in the perfume department
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thewizardhut · 2 years
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[id: An Oubliette with King Graham from King’s Quest and a large gray rat photoshopped on. There is an icon of an hourglass near the left wall of the dungeon. Pretend Graham’s a plumber, though. /end id]
“Yeah, I’ve been having issues with the chute that leads to the oubliette after the Wiz-morial Day Fiasco, the door won’t open from the top so I thought you could give me a hand down here, Boss says I have to get a licensed professional to pass off on it... Wait, you hear that?
(a rumble, followed by a thump and a splash.)
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[id: the same oubliette, but with the Peter Griffin Death Pose badly painted to look like a wizard. /end id]
“Yeah, I thought that was the case. Big Guy must’ve been stuck up there all  weekend.”
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cody-scene · 8 days
Sending all my mutuals the exact same image in their ask boxes just so they can see how much of a dang wiz I am with the photoshop
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tecnowiz · 1 month
Come rimuovere la filigrana da foto e immagini
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Hai mai trovato una foto perfetta per il tuo progetto, solo per scoprire che è rovinata da una brutta filigrana? Non temere! Esistono diversi modi per rimuovere la filigrana da foto e immagini, sia online che offline. In questo articolo, ti mostreremo alcuni dei metodi più efficaci, con istruzioni passo-passo e consigli utili.
Scopri come rimuovere facilmente la filigrana da foto e immagini con questi semplici passaggi.
Le filigrane sono utilizzate per proteggere i diritti d’autore o per aggiungere un marchio distintivo, ma ci sono momenti in cui potresti aver bisogno di eliminare filigrana per vari motivi. Forse hai ottenuto il permesso dell’autore di utilizzare l’immagine senza filigrana, o forse la filigrana è stata applicata per errore. Qualunque sia il motivo, la rimozione deve essere fatta con cura per mantenere l’integrità dell’immagine originale.
Perché rimuovere la filigrana?
Le filigrane possono essere utilizzate per diversi scopi, come proteggere il copyright di un'immagine o promuovere un sito web. Tuttavia, possono anche essere fastidiose e distrarre l'attenzione dal soggetto principale dell'immagine.
Come rimuovere la filigrana dalla foto
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Esistono diverse opzioni per eliminare la filigrana dalle immagini o dalle foto, Puoi eliminare la filigrana usando sia degli strumenti online sia dei software come Adobe Photoshop il software di editing foto più famoso, con una vasta gamma di strumenti per la rimozione di filigrane oppure anche con GIMP: un'alternativa gratuita a Photoshop con funzionalità simili. Ma in questo articolo useremo un strumento online semplice da usare che fa tutto lui con pochi passaggi., questo per semplificare le operazioni anche per i lettori meno esperti in materia. Bene detto questo possiamo iniziare. Web Inpaint Lo strumento online che usiamo si chiama Web Inpaint un editor online gratuito che serve per il nostro scopo. Come primo passaggio dopo che ti sei connesso alla pagina principale clicca sull'icona collocata in alto a destra Register. Nella pagina successiva devi registrarti. Come vedi farlo è molto semplice, tutto ciò che devi fare è inserire la tua email e impostare una password, in alternativa puoi usare cliccando sui pulsanti un tuo account Google o Facebook. Dopo esserti registrato clicca sulla voce a menu in alto Upload per trovarti nella schermata di lavoro. A questo punto clicca sul pulsante Upload Image e carica dal PC l'immagine che vuoi modificare e da da cui desideri rimuovere la filigrana.
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Quindi, nell'editor che si pare, seleziona lo strumento marker tool e delinea attentamente la filigrana. È possibile selezionare diverse dimensioni dello strumento pennarello per essere precisi.
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Dopo aver contrassegnato la filigrana, basta premere il pulsante Play button (Erase) in colore verde in alto e l'elaborazione avrà inizio. Come puoi vedere al termine del lavoro la filigrana è sparita dalla foto.
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Rimuovere una filigrana può sembrare una sfida, ma con gli strumenti e le tecniche giuste, è possibile ottenere immagini senza filigrana di alta qualità. Ricorda sempre di rispettare i diritti d’autore e di utilizzare le immagini in modo etico.
Questo articolo è stato creato per fornire una guida su come rimuovere filigrana da foto e immagini. Se hai trovato utile questo contenuto, considera di condividerlo e di seguire il nostro blog per altri consigli e trucchi utili.
Note finali
E siamo arrivati alle note finali di questa guida. Come rimuovere la filigrana da foto e immagini. Ma prima di salutare volevo informarti che mi trovi anche sui Social Network, Per entrarci clicca sulle icone appropriate che trovi nella Home di questo blog, inoltre se la guida ti è piaciuta condividila pure attraverso i pulsanti social di Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr e Instagram per far conoscere il blog anche ai tuoi amici, ecco con questo è tutto Wiz ti saluta. Read the full article
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codeexpertss · 1 year
Introducing a Revolutionary New Business Model by creative cloud admin
Cloud programming, frequently alluded to as Programming as a Help (SaaS), is a generally new programming circulation model that has become very famous inside the most recent few years. In a cloud programming model, sellers or specialist co-ops have their applications on the web and permit individuals to utilize the product through a month to month membership, as opposed to addressing full sticker cost to claim a duplicate of the product.Codeexperts.us provides professional and affordable instruction to get the most out of your creative cloud admin. With our easy-to-follow tutorials, you'll be an expert in no time. You'll learn how to deploy Creative Cloud products and services.
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This model accompanies a few inborn benefits, the greatest of which is adaptability. At the point when you own a duplicate of a program, that application is then bound to the PC you introduced it on. Notwithstanding, when you become an endorser of a cloud programming administration, you can get to the product from anyplace with a web association. This expands versatility and availability, which is particularly significant for bigger organizations or organizations whose representatives routinely work from a distance.
Salesforce. With new requests for SAAS funding and Salesforce has been the innovator in which has been supported. The items that have been presented for funding licenses has opened the entryways for little to medium size organizations to scale there organizations productivity with deals and administrative center. Codeexperts.us offers a comprehensive course that will teach you everything you need to know. This course covers cloud computing basics, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and more.
Office365. There are such countless organizations that consistently use Microsoft Office projects like Word, Succeed, PowerPoint, Standpoint and the sky is the limit from there. Presently, Microsoft bundles those administrations into Office365, a membership based cloud programming model permitting individuals to get various degrees of online admittance to these items.
Adobe Cloud. Adobe has placed a significant number of its most well known highlights into a cloud-based model. The Adobe Imaginative Cloud, for instance, contains such projects as PhotoShop, LightRoom, Debut Master, Delayed consequences, Artist and that's only the tip of the iceberg. Adobe's foundation of a cloud-based programming model has been quite possibly of the greatest impact in it turning out to be a particularly well known strategy for programming dissemination.
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qupritsuvwix · 1 year
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