#phansite spam
rivaltrainer · 6 months
i would be on the phansite getting ip banned for spam posting screenshots of okumura’s tv death
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smolstarthief · 2 years
So sorry for all the spamming today! I just feel like leaving notes here is a lot better than on Twitter! But here's another old concept that was collecting dust:
tw: stalking, harassment, major character injury, death threats
-Concept: What if the secretary that supposedly killed themselves had a relative/family member that basically held a grudge against Zenkichi for participating in the coverup (for the murder of his wife)? Basically blaming him for the hell their family went through.
-So they end up stalking him whenever he's in Tokyo, gathering info, just following him around. Nothing huge at first since they don't exactly know who he is. Then they learn after Konoe and Owada get arrested which made the news. -Perhaps there was a press conference that they secretly attended and Kaburagi answers some questions before crediting Zenkichi Hasegawa for his aid in the case. Bingo! That's what they needed! Zenkichi actually notices a figure with a hoodie obscuring their face among the crowd but decides not to stress about them for now, thinking that he was just seeing things. -That was when the notes and letters start. Basically threats against him and sometimes just words like, "MURDERER" on them along with, "I HOPE THE PHANTOM THIEVES STEAL YOUR HEART OR WORSE!" "I HOPE YOU DIE LIKE YOUR WIFE DID!" He was bothered, but willing to ignore them at first but the last one? Good god did that rattle him severely. He still tries to keep a level head, but the notes become more frequent and even somehow ended up at his own house! In Kyoto! -And Akane? She starts to become aware too, especially with how stressed her dad seems lately. That and she snooped a bit out of concern and finds the notes he kept as potential evidence (in his own secret hideout maybe?):
"Dad? Is someone bothering you at all?"
"What do you mean?"
*Shows him what she found*
"Akane... Where did-"
"I'm sorry, I know I should've done that but... I just, I felt like something was wrong and... I don't want things to go back to when mom died..."
"Akane... They're all just petty threats and I'm just saving them for evidence. Probably for a restraining order at best..."
"Then why does it not reassure me in the slightest?" -Turns out, Akane had every right to be concerned. They step up their game a bit. Now there's dangerous packages added to the mix, one of which gets Zen hurt by a bundle of razors at work. Thankfully it was not a serious injury and he dismissed it as a nasty prank from a co-worker. But now it catches Kaburagi's attention as she expresses concern too. He still tries to keep calm though but gives her permission to investigate and maybe some protection if needed. -He finally loses it though when Akane nearly gets hurt by a bundle of rusty nails left on his front door and then gets a message from an unknown number saying to check the PhanSite. He does (after being filled in on its purpose by the others and Akane) and pales to see a request made towards HIM. He feels sick as he reads the message attached to it saying that he needs to pay for ruining their life and taking away a loved one:
"What...?! Who in the-?!"
-He gets in touch with everyone via video chat and that's when he fully breaks down from all the stress that's been building up:
"Please... Help us! I don't want to end up nearly losing the only family I have left again!" -Futaba gets in touch with Mishima who proceeds to delete the request after she pleads that Zenkichi is genuinely a good person despite everything. This pisses the stalker off and feeling that the PTs "failed" them decides to take "justice" into their own hands. -They plan accordingly, keeping an eye on his activities and routine while he, Kaburagi, and the PTs try to figure it all out with Akane growing more worried. Especially when someone has been watching her streams and leaving disturbing comments. Especially about her dad. -One day, Zenkichi had to work late and gets a call from Akane, who immediately tells him to come straight home right after work. He notices how anxious she sounds and tries to reassure her again. She just responds that he come home and that she also wants to talk to him. -He's concerned now but agrees and they end the conversation there. It's late and dark out by the time he leaves and while walking to the train station, he hears a noise and starts to ready himself. He hears the noise get louder before turning around and pinning the assailant to the ground, knife sliding away. He questions them, having concluded that this was the person that threatened him and, by extension, his family only to be knocked off of them and a struggle starts as he tries to keep them away from the knife. -But sadly, they fought dirty and was able to free themselves. Zenkichi chases them only to feel pain as he looks down to see a knife in his gut. They twist it, causing him to cry out in pain before pulling it out, causing him to fall to the ground. They look down at him, clearly enjoying the high they got from the action and stomps on him. He cries out again and they kneel to his level, almost giggling madly as they express their desire to continue to the torture to make him "suffer like they did." -There was more beating and Zen was reminded of his interrogation back in P5S and freezes up, not fighting back. He snaps out of it when they grab him by his hair but before they could do anything worse... "FREEZE! DROP YOUR WEAPON AND PUT YOUR HANDS UP NOW!!"
-They pale and turn to see an angry Kaburagi pointing her gun at them. They panic and run off, dropping the knife in the process. Kaburagi could have chased them, but she had another priority right now.
-She tries to keep him alive as she calls for help and even tells him to stay awake for Akane's sake. He does survive the encounter but now there's a pissed off group of teens and daughter now...
-Also, PT!Akane since this could easily be her breaking point.
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ask-the-phan-site · 2 years
Welcome to the Phantom Aficionado Website.
NOTE: This actually should have been done when the Phansite was first made, so bare with us if we make this post sound like we’re doing this for the first time.
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Welcome, Phandom, to the Phantom Aficionado Website. The Phansite for short. I am the host of this site. You may call me Admin. Of course, I’m not doing this alone. Let’s thank our Other Admin for bring the Phansite to his world.
Now, you, can request the Phantom Thieves of Hearts to change the hearts of wicked people you know, be they from the world you live in or the world of fiction. (You can actually get better results when you have us target fictional characters.)
Rules for Requiting
The Request feature is for requesting changes of hearts only. Please remember this. Anything else will be answered differently and spam may be marked as -DELETED BY ADMIN-.
The request must have the real name of the target and what they did that warrants a change of heart. This is a curtesy to put their names on the calling card. However, if wish to keep the target’s name secret until the time comes to change their heart, you must either tell us in the request or wait until we respond to the request. This way, you can tell us in Tumblr’s Chat feature where the name will remain anonymous.
If you wish to ask us anything other than a request, wait until the Poll (Submission) Feature reads Q&A or otherwise.
Rules for the Poll (Submission)
The Poll will ask what you think on a subject that will be announced in an announcement. The poll will change every month. (Though it will sometimes change late.)
The Poll is not always anonymous. But if you do wish to keep your identity anonymous in the poll, please mark it with the hagtag anonymous.
Don’t forget, if you wish to join the Phantom Reserve Team, the members of the Phantom Thieves that will fill in for the members of the Main Team, see here.
Happy requesting.
Now, as they say, until we meet again.
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auncyen · 4 years
writing scraps from this year
- "Everybody's Fool" [...I'm pretty sure this had no context besides being an Evanescence song that I like and that sounds like it could fit Joker, especially in a Palace fic.]
- Ryuji worries--he messed up and killed Okumura's shadow, too aggressive, everyone is appalled at the thought, tells him no -Ren brought Futaba in on the significance of Akechi knowing about the Metaverse, upsetting Morgana [both these bullet points were for things in Shuffle Time, but I'm pretty sure I'd probably use them for independent fic if I used them now. Okumura goes down REALLY easily once you get to him himself, and I just had this stray thought that, especially since head injuries can be unpredictable in the real world--like, Ryuji in the boss fight, worked up for Haru's sake because shitty abusive dads, just winds up and absolutely slams Okumura's Shadow, surprised but satisfied that he instantly goes down--and the Shadow seems fine, if weak, in the conversation afterward, so all's well that ends well, and even after the mental shutdown Ryuji doesn't immediately think of it--but then one night he just happens to think of the way his bat connected and Okumura's head banging against the helmet when he hit the floor and concussions and sometimes they're fatal and oh god he ruined another team, it's his fault Okumura had a shutdown, he killed someone-- thankfully he goes to Ren about this before he goes to Haru or the police, but he's nearly having a panic attack and Ren is just like no. NO. This was not you, something else was going on, calm down. just hold on and we'll figure it out. I imagine this is while Ren is suspecting Akechi but right before he's sure enough to tell the team so like. HE'S EXTRA PISSED OFF BECAUSE NOT ONLY IS ONE FRIEND'S PARENT DEAD, ANOTHER FRIEND IS BLAMING THEMSELVES FOR IT the point of Ren telling Futaba about Akechi early on was just to add another little wrinkle to Morgana getting upset enough to leave the team, I think. He'd felt "special" as Ren's confidant at least, and he'd liked knowing that only he and Ren knew about Akechi even if he knew they'd tell everyone else as soon as he showed anything concerning. But Ren thought it might be prudent to know about Akechi's background, so he asked Futaba to look into it as well as why Akechi was a person of interest, and Morgana understood that it made sense to tell Futaba, it just...became another way that he was no longer needed/important.]
Ryuji & tutoring? Ren paying Kawakami to help him figure out study method for Ryuji--doesn't want her going directly to Ryuji because it might embarass him/make him stubborn - or Makoto tutored Ryuji when he was a first year--both found it frustrating, but he got acceptable grades before the Kamoshida incident happened--she wants to do better this time. (Sojiro helps them figure out what's getting in Ryuji's way, gives a mini-lecture to both of them? Tells Makoto that if she's going to be in charge of people she needs to help them achieve their best rather than forcing them to follow a method that doesn't work for them)
-Ren has a guess that there are PT-like people in hometown of Inaba, but for the completely wrong reason-- Adachi's sudden confession seems like a change of heart, as well as the oddities in the confession (which probably aren't public but Futaba would hack that shit as soon as Ren started talking about the odd midnight channel and weird murders and supernatural-seeming shit and everyone goes METAVERSE???) - Ryuji thinks it's a shame the group never went big, Ren points out that they couldn't really do much in sleepy Inaba - the overall thrust is that Ren is deeply invested in being able to continue Metaverse activities even after he goes home, and Futaba and Morgana both enable this instead of thinking more and becoming concerned about why this is so overly important to Ren
- Sae gets Metanav on her phone? [...This is...all I wrote down for this. as an aside of the whole interrogation room plot, Sae would theoretically be granted the app on her phone--at least, if Yaldabaoth thought she'd be useful to Ren. Since canon does nothing with this, I guess he didn't. BUT WHAT IF? idk]
- Mishima accidentally Metaverse with Ryuji [THIS IS ACTUALLY HOW I WROTE IT? lol the idea was he was telling Ryuji about a Phansite request while they were trying to verify its authenticity, so naturally he manages to hit all the keywords while they're in the vicinity of the Palace] - Ryuji panics, gets them back immediately, tells Mishima to NOT mess with any apps that might appear on his phone - tells the others at PT meeting -and Ren just...sighs. "now he's going to flip when he doesn't get the app" - hold up, Ren. How you know that? everyone pumps Ren for more info on Igor once he comes up, Mona is tipped off that something is wrong with Ren [this was...actually another thing that was supposed to come up in Shuffle Time! GEE, MAYBE THE ISSUE I'VE HAD WITH SHUFFLE TIME IS TRYING TO DO TOO MANY THINGS. basically this was playing with both the fact that Ren doesn't really seem nice to Mishima sometimes and that Ren knows more about the app than the others do and for some reason doesn't tell them. Ren is pretty sure Mishima's not ready to awaken to a persona, so he'd be useless in the metaverse, so he's not a candidate for the app. While he's right, at least within the timeline of the fic, the way he acts about it rubs Ryuji wrong and the fact that he knows things about the app and hasn't been saying rubs EVERYONE wrong. This was supposed to be set before the rank where Mishima is challenged to change himself and Ren acknowledges afterward that even if Mishima isn't ready for a Persona yet, he has more strength than he gave him credit for. He also apologizes to Mishima for holding a grudge about the leaked record and tries to be kinder to him afterward.]
KO Gamplay & Story integration -Ren gets knocked out in mementos, bad fight - cut to interrogation room: "...And that's when 'Ren' died." - Sae is not impressed & Ren needs to stop bsing. he smiles & tells her to be patient so he can explain...the crime she truly wanted to ask him about... - back to fic's main time: others manage to revive Ren, but he's acting strangely - his 'ego' has been wrecked & his personas are out of control. his friends can help keep him in check but only for a while, and even then he's not quite himself; whoever is with him gets responded to by a Persona of their arcana, so he flits wildly between personalities between meetings with confidants and pretty much needs to be supervised in public settings to make sure he acts...semi-appropriately (morgana being around means he's usually in Magician mode) - eventually, though, the matching arcanas is an issue with Akechi drawing out Justice personas that know 1) there is an assassin in the Metaverse and 2) Akechi has access to the Metaverse. Principality, which guards nations, waits until he is certain Akechi is the Black Mask. Then murders him in the real world. And that's why Sae is interrogating Ren in this timeline.
-Ren's POV of Stall & Crash -"warden" Arsene, punishment/handcuffed/restraint -"I know you're not real" "I am as real as your sense of self... ah, but you don't have a good grasp of that, do you". [u know how in p3 out of control Personas hurt their real selves and p4 is basically EVERYONE'S Shadow being pissed off at their real self? yeah this was basically Ren's guilt at considering selling out his team, albeit while heavily drugged, causing Arsene to manifest as an abusive warden who 'allows' Ren to still be able to use his Personas but makes it very clear he's not worthy and hurts him at times. I don't think I did this mostly because while it's proposed as Ren's POV of Stall & Crash, Ren being unstable to this degree beforehand wasn't really evidenced in that fic and I thought it might be fun to play with but also I would HOPE he wouldn't start Shido's Palace while like this. ...may work better as a completely separate fic?]
- Clean-Up the Heart - Ren calls Kawakami before realizing BAD IDEA - she gets suspicious and invents a reason for him to request her so they can talk - they have a heart-to-heart - that's it that's the fic [...lol. to add a bit more: the idea was to set this either while Ren is still playing dead, or right after he's allowed to come back to school. He really needs to talk to someone about everything that's happened but he doesn't want to place more stress on Sojiro or his teammates, so he thinks about the other confidants he knows and...Kawakami should be okay, right? He shouldn't tell her about any of the scarier stuff, but maybe he can just talk a little except he clams up as soon as she answers and hastily says it was a misdial Kawakami doesn't quite buy that as she can tell he sounds genuinely off, so she just...makes up on the spot that actually. she's a little tight for cash, and she knew she said she'd do things for him for free, but if he could hire her just one last time? and ren's just like "oh. okay. sure" she basically cleans up his room and then goes 'okay, one, I'm not actually having money problems, you don't need to pay me, and two, now I KNOW something is wrong because I lied and said I was having money problems again and you haven't been nosy about it even once. What's wrong?" and that's how she gets Ren to open up, at least a tiny bit.] holy cow this got long so I'ma do the rest in a different post I guess
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