soloen · 18 days
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El perro peruano
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misespinas · 5 months
“Glorious Saint Rose of Lima, you who knew what it was to love Jesus with such a fine and generous heart. Teach us to imitate your greatest virtues, so that we, following your example, can enjoy your glorious protection on earth and company in Heaven. Amen.”
Prayer to St. Rosa of Lima
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“Gloriosa Santa Rosa de Lima, tú que supiste lo que es amar a Jesús con un corazón tan fino generoso. Enséñanos tus grandes virtudes para que, siguiendo tu ejemplo, podamos gozar de tu protección en la tierra y de tu compañía en el cielo. Amén.”
Oración a Sta. Rosa de Lima
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adriandelaya · 3 months
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Fotografía del dúo mixto criollo peruano 'Irma y Oswaldo' reproducida en la contraportada del LP "Lo mejor de... Irma y Oswaldo" (Sono Radio; 1965).
Pic of the Peruvian Creole mixed duo 'Irma y Oswaldo' that appears on the back cover of the LP "Lo mejor de... Irma y Oswaldo" (Sono Radio; 1965).
- Adrián Elías Vega Salinas.
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piononostalgia · 1 year
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Acuarelas de Tapadas Limeñas por Pancho Fierro
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cabo1701 · 2 years
Made in Perú💪🇵🇪
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rltxdd · 2 years
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Asi es, Bugs, Lucas y Porky versión peruanos XDD
Con esto da saber que soy de Perú p, soy más peruano que que el pollo a la brasa o el lomo saltado XDD
Well, the images are in Spanish but I'll explain for those who don't know Spanish- the first image is Bugs as a ceviche cook (a typical dish from Peru). The second image is Daffy and Porky as bus workers, also typical of Peru. and the third is how Daffy annoys ("flirts") a Bugs
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I am normally in the "haha sportsball" category for most of the years, unless la Copa America is on, or better yet, la Copa Mundial, in which cases I become a very excited fan, talking stats and all that shit. Fucking love it. Especially when European teams get dunked on by South American teams, but also when any "unlikely" team makes it further than the "expected" teams. LOVE that Germany, Portugal, Spain, and England are out, and we have an African team, a South American team, and an Eastern European team going to the semi finals, plus the winner of the last World Cup. So sick!!
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isa-styxr28 · 4 months
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Oliver Sonne
Instagram : @cesarperin
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dprincemrfantastico · 5 months
⋆♪🅳🅿🆁🅸🅽🅲🅴♛✯♫⋆༺≛ᴹᴿ⋆Ƒ᭄ https://mez.ink/dprincecubano82
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intothestacks · 1 year
Time-sensitive question for Peruvians
Tomorrow I'm going to talk to one of the Grade 3 classes at my school about Latino Christmas (they're learning about Peru).
Is there anything unique or interesting about Peruvian traditions for Christmas I should tell them?
What you call Santa
Do the reindeer have names?
Are there traditional Christmas songs?
Do the kids go to bed before Santa comes by like in Canada or after like in Brazil?
Do you have traditional Christmas food?
While we're at it, are Peruvian Easter eggs chocolate like in Brazil?
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anthonybalois · 10 months
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Una caminata por #Lima.🌃
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adriandelaya · 3 months
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Mi tío bisabuelo Adalberto Vara Llanos fue un escritor vanguardista y precursor del suprarrealismo en el Perú. Falleció prematuramente a los veintiséis años.
My great grand uncle Adalberto Vara Llanos was an avant-garde writer and pionner of Surrealism in Peru. He passed away at the early age of 26.
- Adrián Elías Vega Salinas.
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piononostalgia · 2 years
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detodosparatodos · 2 years
[Junio] Festividades en Latinoamérica
I n t i R a y m i
[Salkantay Trekking] [Trans-Americas]
La Fiesta del Sol o Inti Raymi se celebra durante el solsticio de invierno del hemisferio sur. Se trata de la fiesta ancestral más relevante de la civilización Inca dónde le pedían al dios sol que regresara.
This festivity is celebrated during the winter solstice for the south hemisphere. It's an ancestral Inca civilization relevant where the Incas were begging the Sun God to come back.
Actualmente, se mantiene como una representación teatral llena de misticismo y tradición. Es así como cada 24 de junio, la ciudad de Cusco, Perú, se llena de miles de locales y visitantes para presenciar en 3 actos la majestuosidad y los rituales más importantes del Imperio Inca.
Currently, it remains like a theatrical representation filled with misticism and tradition. Every June 24th, gatherings of thousands of locals and visitors witness 3 acts of majestic Inca empire ritual.
A pesar de que la mayor concurrencia de personas para celebrar la Fiesta del Sol sucede en Cusco, en otras localidades fuera de Perú igualmente se celebra este acontecimiento. De esta manera, Bolivia, Colombia, Chile y Ecuador también mantienen vivo el legado Inca.
Despite the vast turnout of people that joins to celebrate the Sun Festival in Cusco, other towns outside Peru also celebrate this event. Bolivia, Colombia, Chile and Ecuador also keep the Inca legacy alive.
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Información extraída del sitio [ nic.lat ] y traducido por Ana.
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themercaditogifts · 1 year
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