#people of the world
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53v3nfrn5 · 3 months
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The female goat herders of Hadhramaut, Yemen
Goat herding is traditionally done by females in Eastern Yemen. The women cover all their skin from the heat and sun, protecting themselves from dehydration and skin damage, the socks and gloves keep their hands and feet soft despite the unforgiving desert sun. The hat (made from dried palm leaves) besides being a drip by itself serves an important role, it insulates air on top of their head thus keeping it cool, besides providing the obvious shade. The layered clothing also helps with the desert changing mood, where it can shift from hot days to cold nights.
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the-fools-hat · 20 days
So I made this fucking guy
I call him the Bwomp Bird
Or Squirmling
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I love him.
Here’s a complimentary blank, so you can make the Squirmling quote whatever you want!
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What’ll the Squirmling say next? You decide!
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1624 (Celje, Slovénie)
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shyheracule · 3 months
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People of the Democratic Republic of Congo
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alifanii · 5 months
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akaghost78 · 5 months
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bowserpunk-vevo · 23 days
you know, it comforts me that life keeps moving... even when im depressed, and stressed out of my mind, or even just uncertain. scared, lonely, in pain, or even in active process of going through shit.
it comforts me, even, that life keeps going after im gone.
it's not the end of the world. literally, no matter what, it's not the end of the world. no matter what, there's people laughing somewhere, and people just going about their day. there's new lives being born, and new loves growing, and new dreams created. no matter what, there's always something happening, a lot of which are good things. and im glad that despite what im feeling, the world is still turning, and people still smiling, and humanity still growing.
the feeling of an individual getting lost in the vastness of humanity isnt scary to me, it brings me hope. that im a part of a living group, and we're all in this together. i might be sad now, but someone else can bring me back up, and vice versa. my contribution might seem small, but just how a single letter in this whole post might seem like a small contribution... i wrote it down anyways, and without it, this post wouldnt be the same. any letter... any one of us... it wouldnt be the same. we build eachother up, and as long as theres people, there will be hope.
i love knowing that someone is having a good day, because... i love that good days are still possible.
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lanzaa-033 · 4 months
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Kuna Yala woman of Panama.
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Hi there 😊 how are you doing today?
Thank you for participating on this blog 😀 🙏💯
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azeddinekhelil · 1 month
◾البحث عن أصل الأنواع: مسارات التطور وتساؤلاتها الفلسفية
تعتبر نظرية التطور واحدة من أكثر النظريات التي أثارت التساؤلات الفلسفية حول أصل الحياة وتطورها. إن استكشاف أصل الأنواع يتضمن ليس فقط البحث العلمي، بل أيضًا التفكير الفلسفي في العديد من الجوانب الأخلاقية والمعرفية والروحية لهذه القضية المعقدة.
◾البداية والمفهوم الفلسفي للتطور:
في بداية العلم الحديث، كانت فكرة التطور تتعارض مع العديد من المعتقدات الدينية والفلسفية التقليدية التي تؤمن بخلق الكون والحياة على يد كائن مُبدع خارق. لكن مع تطور العلم وظهور أدلة قوية تدعم فكرة التطور، بدأت التساؤلات الفلسفية في الظهور.
تساؤلات فلسفية حول أصل الأنواع:
◾هل التطور يعني العشوائية: يُثار السؤال حول مدى العشوائية في عمليات التطور، وهل هناك دور للتصميم أو التوجيه خلف هذه العمليات؟
◾ما دور العوامل البيئية؟: هل البيئة تلعب دوراً فعالاً في تشكيل مسارات التطور؟ وهل يمكن أن يكون هناك تأثير للعوامل البيئية على الجينات والتطور الجيني؟
◾ما هو دور الصدفة والضرورة؟: هل يمكن أن نفسر تطور الأنواع بالكامل من خلال العوامل العشوائية والضرورة البيولوجية؟ أم أن هناك عناصر أخرى قد تكون مسؤولة عن التغيرات الجينية والظواهر الوراثية؟
تظل تساؤلات فلسفية حول أصل الأنواع مفتوحة ومستمرة، فالتطور البيولوجي يمثل مجرد جزء من المعادلة. يجب أن نفكر في الأثر الأخلاقي والفلسفي لهذه النظرية، وكيف يمكن لفهمنا لها أن يؤثر على علاقتنا بالعالم وبأنفسنا وبالكائنات الحية الأخرى. إن مواصلة البحث والتفكير في هذه القضايا الفلسفية تسهم في فهمنا العميق لمعنى الحياة ومكانتنا في هذا الكون الغامض.
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iyigecelerkibrit · 2 months
Yaşam, ne değişik bir kavram değil mi? Bazı insanlar hayattan göçüp giderken diğerleri kendi dünyasında coşup eğlenebiliyor. Biz evimizde, sıcacık yatağımızda yatarken bazı insanlar hayatla mücadele ediyor. Belki şuanda kendini çok kötü hissediyorsun? Ama dünyanın diğer ucundaki bir insan hayatının en mutlu anlarını yaşıyor. Canını sıkan bir şeye çok takılıyorsun. Umursama bu kadar. Çünkü inan bana senin takıldığın şeye bunca insan kendi dertleri arasında umursamıyor bile. İşte yaşam da böyle bir şey, sen kendi âlemindesin bir başkası kendi âleminde. Şimdi soruyorum sizlere; Herkesin kendi derdinde olduğu bu evrende bir şeylere takılıp gününüzü çöp etmeye gerek var mı?
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thibautfleuretonline · 3 months
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Surf (La Torche, Bretagne)
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shyheracule · 3 months
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People of Mongolia 🇲🇳
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