#people like lila irl are literally the worst
Makes you wonder how Lila's even so likeable when all she does is brag about all her "achievments" and throws pity parties for herself for all the struggles she's had to overcome. Irl a person like her would be f*cking exhausting, and that's regardless of whether they would even be lying or not about their amazing life.
irl, people like that are some of the most despised people I've ever come across. I've had the immense displeasure of knowing several through my life and holy shit. the novelty wears off very, very quickly. especially when the person who makes everything about themself and their problems and their achievements and me me me all. the. time. never does anything for anyone else.
Lila never does anything beyond "wah help me or you're a bad person" and that does not ingratiate a lot of people to you. she makes everyone else carry her stuff, she doesn't hang out at group events, she doesn't invite anyone to her home, she doesn't organise outings, or take notes for anyone else, she doesn't even seem the type to wish anyone a happy birthday nevermind give them a card or present or cake! tack on the lying, which any ordinary 13/14 year old kid would be happy enough to demand proof for, and you have a classmate who is: unhelpful, selfish, self centered, annoying, and untrustworthy. like??
that's not even getting into the fact that, from the class' pov, Lila is flaunting her wealth and connections and making promises that are never delivered upon. regardless of whether or not she's lying that's pretty annoying and disappointing.
like, i get we're supposed to think Lila is some kind of genius manipulator but like?? she's no Azula, and even then, Azula was betrayed by the people closest to her so... even someone who has power and real manipulative skill and the capacity to follow through on her threats still could not remain ingratiated to her only friends forever.
and Lila? she doesn't have any power, or anyway to follow through with her threats other than with middle school bullying. her time in the spotlight is running out, and when it does she is gonna be the most hated kid in school.
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Naviiiii for the askkk, maybe all of the MLQC boys?? I wanna see your takesss ^^
Of course, twin! You know I’ll be happy to answer your thoughts, and that I love sharing thoughts!
So I’ll start from my faves to least faves (AKA Mr. Creep).
Let’s start, shall we?
(IDK why the Read More only works on the website/my laptop and not the app. Sorry about it. =( )
Kiro, our blonde angel- AKA the guy you would have a crush on from the first moment, only to find out he feels the same- AKA Adrien Agreste, MLQC version (remember us saying that?)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual MLQC love of my life
I mean, I already told you but irl I would most likely go for somone like Kiro. He’ s sweet, kind, open and super friendly! I could talk to him about anything, and he would make any day an adventure! =D
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would marry
I mean I am demi, so looks don’t really attract me. Butttt this girl’s biggest compliment for looks is cute (AKA adorableness that would make me gush), and Kiro has LOTS of that! Just look at him!
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hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
Definitely the most Hufflepuff of the bunch! (Another reason he’s my MLQC soulmate!) He’s super loyal to MC, even to the point of losing everything for her! (AKA “not Kiro”.) He also does anything he can for others, as can be seen in that date when he records a super sweet video for a sick fan of his because Kiro can’t visit them! Of course, he values fairness, which is why he super appreciates MC, who doesn’t give him any special treatment because of his fame. And of course, he treats everyone with respect! No doubt about that. =)
best quality: His sweetness! I love how adorable he is, lol. But now in all honesty, I would probably say how much he’s willing to do for MC? Lol what did you expect? I’m a Hufflepuff. xD
Though tbh I’ll probably say the same about Gavin, so something Kiro has that Gavin doesn’t- I think in a way his simplicity. Like he’s super busy, but always makes time for MC. He’s very down-to-earth in a kind way, and shares his feelings even when it can be scary. I mean he’s probably the most open about his feelings, at least in MLQC, but MC is too dense to reaize his very clear hints. Lol our favorite dumdum MC. xD
worst quality: Ughhh Kiro’s worst quality? Honestly, this is hard, but I would probably say that it’s how he never shares any of his plans with MC. Not that I doubt that he means the best, but dude- dialogue! Lol if he would actually tell MC what he’s planning it would probably save both of them lots of heartbreak. Even vague hints are better than nothing!
ship them with: MC definitely!
brotp them with: Um… idk. Honestly, I can’t really see him vibe with anyone but MC? Lol he’s too innocent for that. xD
needs to stay away from: Definitely Mr. Creep. And maybe Savin when he’s flirting with girls. Ooooh and definitely Gavin when he’s jealous. Lol xD (Btw, if you haven’t played the Trio Date already, play it! It’s hilarious to see Kiro’s dynamic with a jealous Gavin. xD
misc. thoughts: I would definitely say he’s the purest and most angelic of the bunch. There’s just something so pure and childlike about him- he’s literally a boy in a young man’s body. (Not that I’m complaining!)
Gavin, the knight in shining armor- AKA the best friend who was always in love with you but never said a word, and only years later you discover how perfect you are for one another, and that he’s not “just a friend”- AKA a childhood-friend “Beast” (from Beauty and the Beast), MLQC version
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they���re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual MLQC love of my life
I mean I would totally marry Gavin if not Kiro. I love his loyalty. But irl I would probably not marry him, because he would be too standoffish.
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would marry
Definitely attractive, but tbh I would probably like the looks of someone like Victor more. xD (Not that I care that much, if at all!)
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
Gavin is a definite mix of Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, but when it comes down to it I would probably say he’s more of a Gryffindor than a Hufflepuff. After all, he teaches MC how to fight for herself so she could be stronger. He’s a cop that works in the field, instead of working behind the scenes. He does some things that can be considered stupid for the people he cares about. 
Now obviously, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t have Hufflepuff qualities- he does lots of amazing things that show this side. For example, all the kindness he gave to others without MC knowing when they were teenagers, keeping his bad boy persona. And the way he does anything to defend others, and values others about himself. And he clearly became a cop to protect people, not to get glory.
But personally, I think that if Gavin would have to choose between bravery and physical prowess or equality and loyalty, he would choose the former- even if he appreciates the latter almost as much.
best quality: Lol like before, how much he’s willing to do for MC without her even knowing. He does everything behind the scenes, without making a big deal of it.
But what I would say truly makes him unique is how he’s super considerate of MC’s want or needs. He never forces himself on her *glares at Mr. Creep*. Even when he was forced to stay in MC’s house, he asked for MC’s permission. And he left the door open so she would know he was there. Ugh that part left me so softttt, it was truly poetic cinema.
worst quality: I said this before, but probably his physical force when he sees something as important. I mean when Gavin sees something as important, or gets jealous, he can resort way too quickly to violence. He’s the only MLQC boy who actually scared MC in his dates (from what I know), and that is seriously wrong. Not that I don’t love him, but if he doesn’t keep it under control it can truly end bad.
ship them with: Is it even a question? Lol MC. ^-^ 
brotp them with: Minorrrrr! Lol the both of them would be hilarious together! (I totally see Minor bugging Gavin, Gavin hating it but at some point it grows on him and he grumpily accepts him as a romantic partner. Lol xD)
needs to stay away from: Lucien, probably. Cause he would kill him before Mr. Creep could even say “MC”. And Victor, too, because Gavin would also kill him before he could say “dummy”.
Now that I think about it, probably any guy who’s more than friends with MC. Or maybe any guy MC is friends with. xD
Disclaimer: This in no way is meant to support super-possessiveness of a person. I’m not serious. Gavin may get jealous easily, but he doesn’t let it cloud his judgement. He just crosses his arms and acts all grumpy about it.
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misc. thoughts: Honestly, Gavin is the perfect example of a “macho” man who’s also the perfect gentlemen. As in the complete opposite of toxic masculinity.
Victor, the cold and calculating but secretly soft CEO- AKA the annoying bully who says stupid things but for some reason never stops, and then after too long you discover it’s because he likes teasing you, cause he has feelings for you. And what a coincidence, apparently you have feelings for him too!- AKA an MLQC version of a slightly-less-desperate Severus Snape from Harry Potter (if you were Lily Potter)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual MLQC love of my life 
I mean I just don’t really see the appeal too much. I love his relationship with MC, but for me he’s too cold.
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hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would marry
He is not a Hufflepuff. Need I say more?
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
He is cold, calculating and powerful. From the little I know of him, he had to work hard to reach where he was. Victor is the type of person who would do it all for the power and influence he would have in the future. Slytherins are like that: they work hard to make themselves the best they can be (materialistaclly, which isn’t necessarily bad, of course- as long as they don’t overdo it.)
He is also a bit Ravenclaw, but only a bit tbh.
best quality: His teasing! Lol honestly I love it! It’s hilarious, and so enjoyable. xD
worst quality: He’s too condescending imho. Teasing is fine, but he insults MC too much for it to be balanced. Honestly, irl this would be really toxic- even abusive.
ship them with: I mean, he and MC are hilarious together. XD
brotp them with: Okay, not really Brotp, but it always interested me what kind of dynamic he and Lucien would have as a team.
needs to stay away from: Lol Gavin and Kiro. Gavin because he would kill Victor for the way he treats MC (mostly), and Kiro because his charming smiles would unsettle him. (He can barely manage MC- and Kiro is more sunshine than she is. There is no way he would like Kiro.)
misc. thoughts: I love his relationship with MC- maybe even my second favorite after Kiro and MC, but I wouldn’t date him in real life. Nor would I recommend it, but tbh I would say that he isn’t SO bad. As long as he balances his insults, he’ll be great. He just needs to make sure not to overdo it, because his insults themselves are annoying, but not really hurtful.
Lucien, the creepiest enemy-turned-lover cliche- AKA a guy who constantly flirts with you and smiles when you blush from uncomfort, but somehow grows on you. He’s the one who leads the relationship, at the end of the day- AKA a mix of Lila Rossi and a slightly less extreme MLQC version of Edward from Twilight (”I like watching you sleep” in my own apartment because why not when you live right next door?)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual MLQC love of my life 
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would marry
I guess he can be considered attractive but I can’t see it casue he’s too much of a creep.
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
I used to think he’s Slytherin because he’s cold and calculating, but he’s not really as cold as Victor in a way. I mean, Victor hardly shows any emotion. Lucien does, it’s just a half-mask-ish.
And the games does show that his mask is a lot of the truth. He is a proffesor, and basically all he talks about is knowledgable stuff. He’s the type of person who would spend his time sitting and learning, not advancing himself, helping others or fighting evil.
I mean he’s a mix of both, like Victor, but probably more Ravenclaw.
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best quality: Uh… he helps MC a lot in her show, maybe even more than the other guys, without requiring anything in return? Lol idk. xD
worst quality: HE LITERALLY THREATENED TO STAB MC. I don’t care what excuse it is, NOTHING can excuse that.
ship them with: No one.
brotp them with: As I said in Victor’s thing, I don’t really ship them as a couple, but I think it would be interesting to see them as a team.
needs to stay away from: Gavin and Victor cause both of them would kill him for hurting MC so deeply. And Kiro, so he won’t taint that angel with his creepiness.
misc. thoughts: Yeah… hope I got it right. Honestly I don’t really remember the knife part, but I trust what you once said. And honestly, he is SO creepy.
Thanks for the asks, twin! Took me a few hours to answer this, but I know you love reading my analyses! So… hope you enjoy this! I even added more to the parts that were supposed to be short and to the point. xD
Thank you, you are the best!
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holden-norgorov · 6 years
The Kalagang irl meeting.
Let’s talk about this mess of a scene, because it fails on so many levels that I really find it barely watchable, and I’m vividly sure I will never watch it again. Probably the worst scene in all the show, and the only one I can’t forgive at all.
For starters, it’s completely decontextualized from the narrative coherence of the previous events. We were left with Rajan and Wolfgang physically together and Kala with Lito, Hernando and Dani leaving the club. Why is Kala arriving at the shelter in a car with Bug? It’s not necessarily a continuity error, because this moment happens likely the day (or even days) after the exchange. Still, though, this doesn’t explain why this scene is shown to us in this way: are we supposed to buy the idea of Kala never meeting with the two of them for a couple of days or, if she did, never properly talking to them until now? What really happened between these two scenes? It really isn’t clear at all. So, the writing is little too obvious and orchestrated for it to be believable, but really this may be the least problematic aspect.
Then we are shown Wolfgang rightfully thanking Rajan for saving him and showing him some deserved gratitude, since Rajan actually prevented Lila from killing him. So, this is a totally acceptable and understandable behavior for him. The problem steams from the fact that the writers clearly intended for this moment to hint at something bigger and different between the two and expected us to accept it even though it came from nowhere at all. And this is mostly disappointing knowing how carefully and worthily Lana represented and explained the complex realm of human sexualities for the past two seasons. For each character there has always been a detailed attention in the exploration of their identities, especially regarding their approach to sex and their sexual preferences. Knowing this, it’s quite a downer witnessing such a great work lose its power and value in this scene, where some bubbling from Rajan is supposed to suggest us something never mentioned or addressed before. It’s a totally superficial and cheap choice that weakens the depth and the heaviness of the importance that the show itself has always given to sexual orientation and self-awareness. For twenty-three episodes we have never been given the slightest hint of Rajan being anything but a hetero-sexual man, and if he wasn’t from the very start, Lana would surely have found a way to let us understand quite instantly (since thankfully she cares a lot about these themes and would never fail to portray them properly ― at least I believed it, until now). For this very reason I find it inappropriate and very inadequate for the writers to imply superficially (and without providing a needed foundation) the existence of an instant, unmotivated attraction between two characters who have never been shown to struggle with their sexual orientations. Sense8 has always treated its characters way better than this misleading and trivial stare-action between Wolfgang and Rajan suggests. It really looks like a joke.
Kala arrives in the car and shows again second thoughts. Objectively, this is not an incomprehensible thing. I think it’s true to her character showing hesitance right now, knowing that Rajan helped them and saved Wolfgang personally. What many people fail to understand, though, is that these second thoughts don’t correspond to a sudden newborn love indecision. Kala is once again showing uncertainty regarding “which rules to follow”, not “which man to choose” (she has clear ideas about her feelings, she is just afraid and hesitant of turning her back from her duties ― which now are more oppressive than ever, because her husband has proved to be a good and worthy man). Since Kala is conscious that Rajan has proved to be fundamental in Wolfgang’s salvation and providing a shelter, I don’t feel like blaming her for a newfound indecisiveness. She was ready to be with Wolfgang and tell Rajan the truth because during all S2 he acted quite badly towards her, instead now the writers presented him (in a totally cheap way, but still) as redeemable, therefore she develops a new sense of guilt and discomfort to hurt him. So, overall, I can consider this moment acceptable. But this hesitance doesn’t translate in a romantic awakening from her towards her husband. She simply finds herself not ready to hurt him anymore, so she goes back to “talk in circles”.
What I actually really consider outrageous here is Bug’s suggestion that a choice shouldn’t be made and, worst, Kala’s immediate acceptance of this. This moment not only destroys Kala’s character evolution in the past seasons, but it also sends a horrible message. First of all, I don’t clearly see why there shouldn’t be ethical rules if she was able to be in two different places at the same time. I know the visiting element is complex, but, in my opinion, it still doesn’t allow a person to cheat on another, and staying with two people at the same time is cheating (especially if a “sapiens” is involved, because he is unfairly cut out from part of it because of natural limitations). On a strictly conceptual point of view, I could see the appeal of this idea: by being naturally able to “multiply” yourself, you could be able to naturally “multiply” your feelings too. But being able to be in two places at the same time doesn’t mean that you become two different people. And the fact is always that: Kala is not suffering from a love indecision. She isn’t romantically conflicted, she is torn between obligation and herself. By stating “there are no rules” the show basically implies that it’s okay for Kala to keep avoiding her right and duty to choose for herself and keep maintaining her uncertainties unresolved. And if this is really the case, then the question is: what was the point of Kala’s character at all? Why showing us two seasons of internal struggle only for it to end up being completely ignored? It doesn’t make sense. If the purpose of the show had really been for her to not come to a choice at all, I think at least all S2 would have been written very differently than it actually was. By rejecting the very fundament of Kala’s character, her constant worries now seem to have always been pointless, because what Bug suggests is actually a stupid way out that she already knew and that definitely couldn’t be anything but a temporary solution. She was already conscious that she could be in two places at the same time, and she actually used this at her advantage by visiting Wolfgang for the entire second season and being with the only man she loved and was comfortable with. But this “visiting” skill accessible only to Sensoriums shouldn’t erase the moral laws and conventions that are applied equally to both species. Kala shouldn’t be excused by anyone, especially Rajan, for taking advantage of this “privilege” in order to reject her responsibilities. Choosing by herself and for herself was her ultimate responsibility as a character and an Indian woman, and here the writers just decided to nullify all of it. In my opinion, it’s okay for Kala to show a newfound unease towards the difficult and life-defining choice that she has to make, but it’s not okay for her to decide to avoid it at all and expect Wolfgang and Rajan to accept it. The moment where Kala acts all mind-blown in front of Bug’s completely wrong advice, I could feel her character slowly disintegrating. Why would she even consider this as a solution? If this had really been a solution for her, if she really felt like she could “have both”, she wouldn’t have had any problem at all since the beginning of the show. But she had, because truth is that there are rules, and a choice was supposed to be made to give a meaning to her self-worth discovery. We as human beings are defined firstly by our choices: to have Kala degenerate as a character and suddenly avoid any responsibility that she had to deal with for two seasons is just an insulting and unacceptable message (apart from being incoherent with how her character was built and totally nonsensical).
Then we see Kala exiting the car and approaching Rajan, playing the wife role. Regardless of anything, this moment is just out of character. During the end of S2, we have been made promises and raised expectations regarding Wolfgang and Kala’s real meeting both by a conversation between Kala and Riley in S02E10 and a heart-felt monologue by Kala herself in S02E11. In that same episode, Kala was literally unable to keep her breath steady just thinking about the emotions of this moment. We have been fed for two seasons of the unprecedented intensity and depth of their connection. Also, Wolfgang has been captured, tortured multiple times, nearly killed and finally rescued. There is just no way that Kala, once she finally has the opportunity of touching him in real life for the first time, consciously goes first to her husband and kisses him in front of the love of her life. It’s laughable even thinking about it, no matter how badly she may feel about hurting him. But I sincerely hope think that almost every human with a brain agrees that this choice was OOC and very questionable. Also, about the line “Rajan, you are much more than the man I thought I married”, I feel that it’s totally understandable for Kala to have this new opinion of him. I personally just think that the writers made her say it in a completely out-of-place situation. It just feels wrong in this particular moment, when you are ignoring the man you were willing to die for who is standing right there behind you husband.
What’s the point of showing us all the touching and the kissing in the sun and everything between Wolfgang and a visiting Kala? Bad editing, maybe for time constraints, but according to how they realized the scene, it seems to me that physical Kala is the one who hugs Wolfgang at the end, once all of that is already finished, and I can tell this because Rajan is actually observing the hug with a worried, even hurt expression (which he has every right to have, since his wife has just decided to play him and has previously failed to tell him about her connection with Wolfgang). Such an unfair mess we have here, in every aspect.
I have also problems with the direction of the kiss. It’s just realized weirdly and from a not-so-optimal position. It was kind of odd to watch, and it wasn’t even in person.
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Get to know the blogger
I go primarily by Chibi but I can also be called Sticks or twiggy.
I tend to be a bit literal minded when it comes to innuendos so they tend to fly over my head if I don’t quite get the comparison, or if something seems impractical to me.
Hm...well I guess kind eyes, long hair and facial hair is super attractive to me..
Beef or shrimp. That shit is delicious….but as specific dishes...hm...broccoli beef, beef chow fun, shrimp har gao, and katsusando.
uuugh...peanut butter and bell peppers, I can’t eat most nut stuff as I found out it causes me indigestion… There isn’t much food I will legit refuse to eat as most things I will if I have to, Whether it be out of hunger or wanting to be polite.
I love going all riff trax whenever I watch something terrible mostly because sometimes a bad movie is better than a boring one. (And for some movies it’s literally the only way I can even get through them.)
eeeeh really it depends on how cold it is, *laughs* but I prefer sleep shirts or flannel pajamas.
8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS: Flings to me are just tacky, I don’t see the point in dating someone you aren’t serious about and it’s no different than using someone like a toy.
If I had known how supportive my parents would have been during middle school when I was going through constant bullying and sexual harassment...I would’ve told them and let them take me out of there.
Depends on if I like you. Then yes. But usually through jokes, and sometimes hugs if you need it.
Hmm...The dark crystal, and a couple disney movies. I have a lot of those that I do that.
to me a good story is one you can read at any age and enjoy. So for me one of my favorites (excluding Manga.) would be anything by Neil Gaiman or Rick Riordan.
I also really like the Prydain Chronicles.
All of them?
I’ll be honest I’m not really much of a shipper as I tend to prefer close friendships as it feels more meaningful to me most of the time….but I guess my favorite ships would be ShinjiFemc, AkiFemc, Junpei Fuuka, YukaMitsu, and alright Adrienette.
15. PIE OR CAKE: Cake.
Sweet or Floral scents. For sweet the smell of vanilla cupcakes. For floral the scent of roses.
Um….I don’t really have one.
Well I could be boring and say my real world locations which are Japan, Germany, Italy, France, England, Nicaragua, Israel, Hawaii, and Greece.
But if I am honest I just want to go to the pokemon regions. XD
I would like to think not, but my hypervigilance makes me look for danger. Horror stories don’t scare me if its purely fantastical, but stuff that could happen IRL scares me way more.
. for example welcome to the game which is a horror game based around the deep web, that game freaking terrifies me
I use an Iphone, but there are things I prefer android for.
Mainly Pokemon, Persona, and Kirby.
WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS: I’d probably just make sure my family would be taken care of. Set aside a sum that I could use to start my indie gaming projects, and the rest I would give away.
24. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE: OOOOOOH boy...I absolutely loathe Chie, Yukiko, and Anne from persona…and Lila Rossi from Miraculous.
The first three because it grates on me to no end how much abuse they put a character they say is their friend through. It also annoys me how much people are willing to excuse what they do because of their sex and that genuinely infuriates me. Abuse is abuse regardless of a persons gender or sex. If it’s not okay for guys to do something like that to someone it should not be okay for girls to do the same.
And Lila because she is an utterly irredeemable toxic liar. Good Lord I can’t wait till this little brat gets what she deserves. Seriously a person who lies about having a disability so she can schmooze a boy is the absolute worst kind of human being in my book.
Hetalia, Black Butler and RWBY.
The latter being so bad in my opinion but I’ve straight up blacklisted it. All these are due to particular incidents that made me super disgusted with the fans and no longer even wanting to be associated with it. Not exaggerating when I say this is one of the few times where a bad fandom honestly destroyed my enjoyment of a series.
Tagged by: @siamxshade
Tagging: @vexingvixens @goddessofpathos @plethora-of-souls @tacitusauxilium @armalunae @musekaiplex @spottedbugaboo @bloodsplatteredmoon @chadrienagreste @arcanasoffantasy
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