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Paradoxpunk is a subculture and identity surrounding challenging the the societal norms to be "either" something "or" another when one is "both" and "neither" at the same time. It's for those who often feel rejected or disconnected from humanity/society due to being both one thing and an opposing thing, yet neither at the same time. Someone who feels as though they are "both" and "neither" at the same time when humanity/society says you have to be "either/or".
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progcinnamon · 2 years
i am both alloace and aroallo at the same time, yet neither aroace nor allo. i am both aroace and allo yet neither aroallo nor alloace. my attraction cannot be pinned. it is an enigma
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flower32-1020 · 2 years
Good evening everyone, guess who just got diagnosed!
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I have ADHD so I decided to add the flag.
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systemtermz · 1 month
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Flag is meant to be redesigned if desired
A paradoxpunk flag for systems specifically.
(This Blog was created to repost terms for the convenience and comfort of others. If you remake a reclaimed flag please tag me.)
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mogai-clouds · 2 years
This is Story again, sharing a couple things {part 2}. ~ I see a lot of people on Tumblr (at least) who have contradicting labels/identities and are proud of them. It's perfect for them! ~ Paradoxpunk is a "a subculture/identity surrounding challenging the societal norms to be 'either' something 'or' another when one is 'both' and 'neither' at the same time." It's like voidpunk, being seen as nonhuman for not being what people expect, but instead being seen as nonhuman for being "paradoxical".
Thank you for this Story!
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