vlionworld · 11 months
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blogalloh · 1 year
Alhamdulillah Alloh Maha Sayang & Maha Menerima Tobat. Aku Jadi Kesayangan Alloh Saat Tobat Dari "Cari-cari Salah Orang Lain" #Dakwah #Islam
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Tajassus di antara tafsirannya adalah mencari-cari kesalahan orang lain, terutama yang terus ingin dicari aibnya adalah orang-orang beriman. Jangan Selalu Menaruh Curiga (Prasangka Buruk) Dari Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu ‘anhu, Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda, إِيَّاكُمْ وَالظَّنَّ فَإِنَّ الظَّنَّ أَكْذَبُ الْحَدِيثِ “Waspadalah dengan buruk sangka karena buruk sangka adalah sejelek-jeleknya perkataan dusta.” (HR. Bukhari no. 5143 dan Muslim no. 2563) Prasangka yang terlarang adalah prasangka yang tidak disandarkan pada bukti. Oleh karena itu, jika prasangka itu dinyatakan pasti (bukan lintasan dalam hati), maka dinamakan kadzib atau dusta. Inilah yang disebutkan dalam Fathul Bari karya Ibnu Hajar. Menaruh Curiga pada Orang Beriman Larangan berburuk sangka dan tajassus disebutkan dalam ayat Al Qur’an, يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آَمَنُوا اجْتَنِبُوا كَثِيرًا مِنَ الظَّنِّ إِنَّ بَعْضَ الظَّنِّ إِثْمٌ وَلَا تَجَسَّسُوا “Hai orang-orang yang beriman, jauhilah kebanyakan purba-sangka (kecurigaan), karena sebagian dari purba-sangka itu dosa. Dan janganlah mencari-cari keburukan orang.” (QS. Al Hujurat: 12). Sebagaimana disebutkan dalam Tafsir Al Jalalain, menaruh curiga atau prasangka buruk yang terlarang adalah prasangka jelek pada orang beriman dan pelaku kebaikan, dan itulah yang dominan dibandingkan prasangka pada ahli maksiat. Kalau menaruh curiga pada orang yang gemar maksiat tentu tidak wajar. Adapun makna, janganlah ‘tajassus’ adalah jangan mencari-cari dan mengikuti kesalahan dan ‘aib kaum muslimin. Sebagaimana disebutkan dalam Tafsir Al Qur’an Al ‘Azhim karya Ibnu Katsir, tajassus -seperti kata Imam Al Auza’i- adalah mencari-cari sesuatu. Ada juga istilah tahassus yang maksudnya adalah menguping untuk mencari-cari kejelekan suatu kaum di mana mereka tidak suka untuk didengar, atau menguping di depan pintu-pintu mereka. Demikian diriwayatkan oleh Ibnu Abi Hatim. Akibat Buruk Tajassus Dari Ibnu ‘Abbas radhiyallahu ‘anhuma, Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda, وَمَنِ اسْتَمَعَ إِلَى حَدِيثِ قَوْمٍ وَهُمْ لَهُ كَارِهُونَ أَوْ يَفِرُّونَ مِنْهُ ، صُبَّ فِى أُذُنِهِ الآنُكُ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ “Barangsiapa menguping omongan orang lain, sedangkan mereka tidak suka (kalau didengarkan selain mereka), maka pada telinganya akan dituangkan cairan tembaga pada hari kiamat.” (HR. Bukhari no. 7042). Imam Adz Dzahabi mengatakan bahwa yang dimaksud dengan al-aanuk adalah tembaga cair. Yang namanya tembaga cair tentu saja dalam keadaan yang begitu panas. Na’udzu billah. Ibnu Batthol mengatakan bahwa ada ulama yang berpendapat, hadits yang ada menunjukkan bahwa yang mendapatkan ancaman hanyalah untuk orang yang “nguping” dan yang membicarakan tersebut tidak suka yang lain mendengarnya. Namun yang tepat jika tidak diketahui mereka suka ataukah tidak, maka baiknya tidak menguping berita tersebut kecuali dengan izin mereka. Karena ada hadits di mana Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda bahwa terlarang masuk mendengar orang yang sedang berbisik-bisik (berbicara empat mata). Seperti ini dilarang kecuali dengan izin yang berbicara. Demikian diterangkan oleh Ibnu Batthol dalam Syarh Shahih Al Bukhari. Dari Mu’awiyah, ia berkata bahwa ia pernah mendengar Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda, إِنَّكَ إِنِ اتَّبَعْتَ عَوْرَاتِ النَّاسِ أَفْسَدْتَهُمْ أَوْ كِدْتَ أَنْ تُفْسِدَهُمْ “Jika engkau mengikuti cela (kesalahan) kaum muslimin, engkau pasti merusak mereka atau engkau hampir merusak mereka.” (HR. Abu Daud no. 4888. Al Hafizh Abu Thohir menyatakan bahwa hadits ini shahih). Ini juga akibat buruk dari mencari-cari terus kesalahan orang lain. Dari sini kita dapat mengambil pelajaran bahwa tak perlulah menaruh curiga pada orang muslim yang berjenggot dan ingin kembali pada ajaran Islam yang hakiki. Tak pantas mereka terus dicurigai sebagai teroris atau bahkan dengan aliran sesat yang saat ini na
ik daun, yaitu ISIS. Kalau Curiga Ada Bukti, Itu Boleh Dari Zaid bin Wahab, ia berkata, عَنْ زَيْدِ بْنِ وَهْبٍ قَالَ أُتِىَ ابْنُ مَسْعُودٍ فَقِيلَ هَذَا فُلاَنٌ تَقْطُرُ لِحْيَتُهُ خَمْرًا فَقَالَ عَبْدُ اللَّهِ إِنَّا قَدْ نُهِينَا عَنِ التَّجَسُّسِ وَلَكِنْ إِنْ يَظْهَرْ لَنَا شَىْءٌ نَأْخُذْ بِهِ Ibnu Mas’ud radhiyallahu ‘anhu telah didatangi oleh seseorang, lalu dikatakan kepadanya, “Orang ini jenggotnya bertetesan khamr.” Ibnu Mas’du pun berkata, “Kami memang telah dilarang untuk tajassus (mencari-cari kesalahan orang lain). Tapi jika tampak sesuatu bagi kami, kami akan menindaknya.” (HR. Abu Daud no. 4890. Sanad hadits ini dhaif menurut Al Hafizh Abu Thohir, sedangkan Syaikh Al Albani mengatakan bahwa sanadnya shahih). Sebagaimana disebutkan oleh Imam Nawawi dalam Riyadhus Sholihin bahwa terlarang berburuk sangka pada kaum muslimin tanpa ada alasan yang mendesak. Mulai Belajar untuk Husnuzhon Contohnya belajar untuk husnuzhon, terhadapa makanan kaum muslimin saja kita diperintahkan untuk husnuzhon. Jangan terlalu banyak taruh curiga tanpa bukti. عَنْ عَائِشَةَ – رضى الله عنها – أَنَّ قَوْمًا قَالُوا يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ ، إِنَّ قَوْمًا يَأْتُونَنَا بِاللَّحْمِ لاَ نَدْرِى أَذَكَرُوا اسْمَ اللَّهِ عَلَيْهِ أَمْ لاَ فَقَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ – صلى الله عليه وسلم –سَمُّوا اللَّهَ عَلَيْهِ وَكُلُوهُ Dari ‘Aisyah radhiyallahu ‘anha, ada suatu kaum yang berkata, “Wahai Rasulullah, ada suatu kaum membawa daging kepada kami dan kami tidak tahu apakah daging tersebut saat disembelih dibacakan bismillah ataukah tidak.” Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam lantas menjawab, “Ucapkanlah bismillah lalu makanlah.” (HR. Bukhari no. 2057). Lebih Baik Memikirkan Aib Sendiri Dari Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu ‘anhu, ia berkata, يُبْصِرُ أَحَدُكُمْ القَذَاةَ فِي أَعْيُنِ أَخِيْهِ، وَيَنْسَى الجَذَلَ- أَوِ الجَذَعَ – فِي عَيْنِ نَفْسِهِ “Salah seorang dari kalian dapat melihat kotoran kecil di mata saudaranya tetapi dia lupa akan kayu besar yang ada di matanya.” (Diriwayatkan oleh Imam Bukhari dalam Adabul Mufrod no. 592. Syaikh Al Albani mengatakan bahwa riwayat ini shahih). Perkataan Abu Hurairah di atas sama seperti tuturan peribahasa kita, “Semut di seberang lautan nampak, gajah di pelupuk mata tak nampak.” Itulah kita, seringnya memikirkan aib orang lain. Padahal hanya sedikit aib mereka yang kita tahu. Sedangkan aib kita, kita sendiri yang lebih mengetahuinya dan itu begitu banyaknya. Wallahu waliyyut taufiq, hanya Allah yang memberi taufik dan hidayah. — Selesai disusun menjelang Jumatan, 22 Jumadal Ula 1436 H di Darush Sholihin Naskah Khutbah Jumat di Masjid Al Ikhlas Tanjung Desa Girisekar, Panggang, Gunungkidul Oleh: Muhammad Abduh Tuasikal Artikel Rumaysho.Com Sumber https://rumaysho.com/10529-tajassus-mencari-kesalahan-orang-beriman.html بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْم – قُلْ هُوَ اللّٰهُ اَحَدٌۚ – اَللّٰهُ الصَّمَدُۚ – لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُوْلَدْۙ – وَلَمْ يَكُنْ لَّهٗ كُفُوًا اَحَدٌ Allohumma solli ‘alaa muhammad, wa ‘alaa aali muhammad, kamaa sollaita ‘alaa aali ibroohim, wa baarik ‘alaa muhammad, wa ‘alaa aali muhammad, kamaa baarokta ‘alaa aali ibroohim, fil ‘aalamiina innaka hamiidummajiid. Allâhumma-ghfir liummati sayyidinâ muhammadin, allâhumma-rham ummata sayyidinâ muhammadin, allâhumma-stur ummata sayyidinâ muhammadin. Allahumma maghfiratuka awsa’u min dzunubi wa rahmatuka arja ‘indi min ‘amali.
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kanesersoor · 2 years
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_S T A M P E D E | 💋🤘🏾♠️ #artist #melanin #king #life #blackman #rockstar #eastside #kingday22 #food #family #selflove #father #prolific #paparazi #blackisbeautiful #proud (at Minding My Business) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChsKjgxg4fz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tridiindonesia · 2 years
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#SniperCapture #Paparazi #Hiks 😭 (at Braga, Bandung City) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeaV8NrvPN9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bugsbenefit · 4 months
i need to get the official production start news so bad, just getting second hand news of them filming in studio and allegedly getting the production crew to the higschool isn't enough. i need More i need to SEE
(on a real note tho, i wonder how long it'll actually take until we'll get proper leaked looks at the actors, bc that will probably be the first time we'll get a glimpse at their s5 styling. them filming at the school is actually really likely to give us something (unless no one shows up to take pictures this time) bc at least for s4, there were quite a lot of pics from that set since it's a real location people go in and out of/film outside of)
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kingrawme · 2 months
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taylor-moments · 9 months
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Taylor Swift heads out of the Ed Sullivan Theater after her appearance on The Late Show with David Letterman on Tuesday night (October 28) in New York City.
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janahanooo · 2 months
Since it has been some time, have something good
[Mission for the Cat] Season 1 ep 6
Yuu: okay, Grim I have an important mission for you
Grim: got it! Get the grocerie while you take the noisy guys!
Yuu: 👍
Yuu: sorry, I can't really answer that-
Paparazi 1: why not? You're dating all three of them! You could say something about-!
Grim: *watching Yuu from a distance* Gee human... time to finish the mission!
Vil: *Is in disguise* Grim?
Grim: MRAW?! Paparazi!
Vil: sh! You stupid cat! It's me- I mean us
Grim: oh! Don't scare me like that! Go help my hench-human!
Grim: No wait! Help me find the things on the list! *
Leona: Herbivior is really in for big trouble now *also in disguise*
Malleus: I belive they can last about one or two more minutes *also also in disguise*
Yuu: ...look here, I know I'm not the perfect one to date them, but I love them and they love me. That's enough for me
Paparazi 2: -but Yuu! Please answer our questions!
Paparazi 3: This is very important! People want to know more about you and your relationship!
Yuu: ugh... fine.
Paparazi: is it true that you're just using them for fame?
Yuu: ....
Yuu: *punches him* that should answer it, right?
Paparazi 2 & 3: ....yeah....
Leona: that's my herbivior
Vil: at least the media will leave Yuu alone for now.
Grim: I got the tuna cans!
Yuu: what about the fruits? I can't make fruitsalad without-
Leona: no worries, we got you covered
Vil: and that was an amasing punch
Malleus: I like it when you stand up for yourself
Yuu: staph...///^///
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ohwowimlonley · 4 months
muggle ceo fred falling in love w muggle runway model reader 🥹 just all drooly n shit for her
Fred usually hates these sorts of events, the ones filled with stuffy old rich men and famous ‘influencers’ crowded around a runway watching models walk up and down wearing clothes he didn’t think one could actually label as clothes.
He didn’t care what brand was hosting this event, nor who was sitting either side of him. He did, however, hope neither of them see the earbuds he slipped in to block out the persistent thumping bass all fashion show dj’s apparently have a hard on for.
Honestly, he barely looks up at the stage the entire time models are walking down, just small glances to keep the paparazi from calling him rude. He just so happens to catch a glimpse of you as you turn round the corner to the stage, face set as cold as stone, but he can tell you’re nervous. Surely it’s not your first time doing it? Maybe you just get like this every time. Fred finds himself wanting to know.
His eyes drift down your outfit. Actually, it’s one of the only sane ensembles he’s seen at one of these God awful shows so far. It’s a dress, he thinks (he called something a dress once, and was scolded within an inch of his life because actually, it was an uncinched invisible romper or something stupid like that). It’s all black, save for the oversized white stitching around the seems, accentuating your natural curves.
In actuality, he doesn’t really care about the clothes you’re wearing, he’s simply mesmerised by the way you walk down the runway, hips swaying and eyes dead ahead. You turn around at the end, right where he’s sitting, and your eyes make contact for the briefest of seconds, and your eyes crinkle around the corners.
For once, Fred can’t wait until the afterparty.
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louddydisturb · 9 months
Wicked games
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Louis é o piloto mais famoso e desejado do atual grid da formula 1, harry uma estudante universitaria que acaba esbarrando com a pessoa responsavel pela melhor foda de sua vida
Harry, 22
Louis, 24
Tw: Traição, h!inter
(Se quiserem mandar ideias podem mandar em ask ou dms)
"E pela 7° vez consecutiva louis william tomlinson é o vencendor, ficando cada vez mais proximo de ser o novo campeão mundial de formula 1!! O jovem de apenas 24 anos pode ser o piloto mais novo a ter 3 trofeus de campeao do mundo!" O locutor falava rapido com o sotaque britanico forte enquanto louis subia no pódio estourando a garrafa de champagne
"Festa de comemoração no casino de monte carlo e after no iate?" Zayn segue louis com o ipad logo que o mesmo sai da sala de entrevistas pós-corrida
"Sabe que sim" louis entra na especie de camarim que os pilotos tinham "aliás pode liberar a lista de convidados um pouquinho, temos que comemorar ja tenho uma boa vantagem em apenas 7 corridas"
"Pode deixar, às 21:00 passo no teu hotel?"
"Relaxa, eu vou dirigindo" o de olhos azuis balança as chaves da ferrari recem comprada no ar
"Harry consegui pulseiras para uma festinha privada hoje" taylor entra animada no apartamento que dividia com harry "aparentemente é uma festa de um dos pilotos dessa corrida que tava tendo, lewis tompson ou algo assim"
"E como conseguiu isso?" A cacheada bebia sua 5° xicara de café do dia
"Tenhos meu contatos" ela joga um dos ingressos no sofá "e a senhorita vai ir comigo, às 21:00 sem atraso"
"Tenho opção?"
"Obvio que não, essa oportunidade não se tem todo dia" a loira some no corredor sem dar tempo de harry protestar
Louis usava uma calça cargo preta, t-shirt preta com alguns desenhos na costa mas que eram escondidos pela jaqueta vermelha e preta da ferrari, ele calçava um air force que achou pelo seu apartamento e em seu pulso brilhava um rolex combinando com a corrente prateada em seu pescoço, seu cabelo estava em um topete arrumado 
Ele dirigia sua ferrari 488 pista preta tranquilamente enquanto sentia a brisa primaveril em seu rosto
Não demorou muito para estacionar na porta do casino, e muito menos para flashs das cameras dos paparazis serem disparados em sua direção
Ele entra rapidamente pelas portas altas do casino, a musica animada ecoando por todo local
Harry bebia alguma mistura estranha que achou no cardapio enquanto dançava no ritmo da musica, ela usava um vestido preto colado de manga longa, seus cachos estavam presos em um rabo de cavalo e por fim ela usava um salto fino tambem preto, nessa altura taylor ja tinha sumido na multidão
"Quantas bebidas pra eu conseguir teu numero?" Ela sente alguem se aproximar atras de si, o cheiro de perfume forte exalando em volta de si
"Espero que esteja disposto a esvaziar os bolsos" ela se vira encontrando uma imensidão azul a encarando "você é?" Ela toma um gole de sua bebida
"Louis tomlinson" as palavras de taylor voltam na minha mente "uma festa de um dos pilotos dessa corrida que tava tendo, lewis tompson ou algo assim" e meus olhos caem na jaqueta da ferrari que ele usava
"2 vezes campeao do mundo"
"Fez sua pesquisa" ele ri
"Sou harry"
"Combina com você" ele pede alguma bebida no bar "quer um long island?"
"Pode ser mas não ache que já vai ter meu numero" ele toma um gole da sua bebida
"Escolheu oque?"
"Energetico, to dirigindo"
Harry não tinha a minima ideia de quantas bebidas ou shots ela tinha bebido mas agora ela dançava ao som de alguma musica eletronica, ela podia sentir e ver os olhares de louis que estava do outro lado do salão sentado com outros homens enquanto conversava animado
Wicked games do the weeknd sooa nas caixas de som e harry sente o exato momento que as mãos forte vão de encontro a sua cintura e o corpo se aproxima de si
I left my girl back home
(Eu deixei minha garota em casa)
Louis sente que poderia se embriagar com o perfume viciante da garota
I don't love her no more
(eu não a amo mais)
Harry sorri sentindo sua cintura ser apertada e seu pescoço ser beijado
And she'll never fucking know that
(E ela nunca vai saber disso)
These fucking eyes that I'm staring at
(Esses malditos olhos que eu estou olhando)
"Deixa eu te levar pra casa" harry podia sentir perfeitamente a ereção pressionada em sua bunda, ela rebolou no ritmo da musica apenas como um teste
Uma bolha quente cercava os dois, era praticamente possivel notar a tensão
"Oque a alicia vai achar disso, tomlinson?" a cacheada vira olhando na mesma imensidão azul de antes
"Ela não importa" ele puxa a garota para perto de si, as respirações se misturando e as bocas perigosamente perto
Listen, ma, I'll give you all of me
(Ouça, ma, eu vou te dar tudo de mim)
Give me all of it, I need all of it to myself
(Me dê tudo isso, eu preciso de tudo isso para mim)
Harry parou de pensar quando apenas seguiu o mais velho para porta de saida
"Toma usa isso pra cobrir o rosto se quiser" ele entrega a jaqueta, louis podia fazer as merdas mas ele não iria expor a garota sabendo do que poderia acontecer
Ele a guia pro carro fechando a porta e agradecendo pela pelicula escura em todos os vidros enquanto entrava no outro lado
Foi o tempo da porta do elevador fechar para harry prensar louis contra a parede metalica do local beijando os labios macios, as mãos tatuadas vão para a cintura da garota por baixo da jaqueta e a puxam contra si, a ereção pressionando contra a bocetinha molhada da garota
A porta do elevador se abre diretamente no corredor para a porta do unico apartamento no andar, o de tomlinson
Eles entram ja começando outro beijo enquanto algumas roupas eram esquecidas pelo caminho ao quarto
"Levanta o vestido e senta no meu rosto" louis fala deitando na pequena montanha de traveseiros brancos encostados na cabeceira da cama, o mesmo ja estava sem a camisa e a calça aberta. Harry sobe na cama de joelhos e levanta o vestidinho dando a louis a visão da calcinha delicada de renda
Ela se ajoelha com uma perna de cada lado da cabeça de louis que não demora muito para afastar a calcinha tendo a visão do grelinho brilhante de tanta lubrificação liberada pela garota
Ele brinca passando o dedo indicador desde do clitoris inchadinho ate a entradinha melada da garota que gemeu baixinho se apoiando no abdomen do mais velho
"Tão sensivel" ele refaz o caminho, agora com a lingua
Harry sentia as pernas franquejarem ao que a lingua habilidosa penetrava apenas a pontinha em si e o dedão brincava com seu montinho, ela agora se apoiava no abdomen marcadinho com o antebraço, estando a centimentros do pau escondido dentro da boxer e calça
Ela levou a mão tremulas para a barra da calça empurrando para baixo como pode junto com a cueca, o pau grosso vazava agora livre de qualquer tecido, a cabecinha vermelha e brilhando a pré-porra, ela pegou o pau começando uma punheta lenta antes de lamber timidamente a cabecinha e logo botar parte a extensão na boca. Ela pode sentir perfeitamente quando louis gemeu contra si e tentou estocar o quadril para cima
"Oh isso..." ele levou uma das mãos para os cachos, agora soltos, e segurou usando de apoio para foder a garganta quente que o abrigava. A garota gemeu com a boca cheia e rebolou contra a lingua em sua buceta
Bastou somente o de olhos azuis forçar dois dedos na entradinha apertada para a garota gozar, as coxas tremendo e gemidos manhosos ecoando pelo quarto
Louis continuou chupando todo o gozo da boceta sensivel prologando o orgasmo da garota que tremia em cima de si
"Caralho louis" ela saiu de cima do mesmo sentindo as pernas tremerem novamente
"Quer agua?" Ele levanta e pega uns pacotes de camisinha e lubrificante da mala
"Não, quero algo melhor" ela termina de tirar o vestido e a calcinha apertando o peitos sensiveis
"Tão gostosinha" ele puxa a garota para outro beijo apressado enquanto tira a calça ficando por cima dela na cama macia
Ela espalha chupões pelo pescoço leitoso em cima de si e contorna com algumas mordidas e chupões a tatuagem de "it is what it is" no peito dele enquanto o mesmo abre e coloca a camisinha
"Você fica melhor assim" harry passa as unhas pelo pescoço marcado "todo marcado para a namoradinha trouxa" as iris verdes brilhantes totalmente tomadas pelo preto como um gato
"Aposto que vai amar saber que não vou poder sair sem camisa ou ter um trabalhão para cobrir, né?" Ele penetra a cabecinha na entradinha sensivel, ela geme sentindo se alargar para receber todo o pau
Ela morde o ombro alheio quando a dor lhe atinge, fazendo louis gemer sem suportar todas as sensações
"Tão apertada quanto uma virgenzinha" ele se movimenta devagar deixando beijos no pescoço exposto da garota
"Mais forte" ela diz entre gemidos não suportando a sensação torturante de ser fodida devagar, ela podia sentir cada centimentro a alargando "mostra que eu sou melhor que aquela corna da tua namorada" ela arranha as costas de louis o sentindo acelerar os movimentos
"Oh harry... me recebe tão bem, tão boa pra mim..." ele estocava contra a xotinha molhada em um ritmo frenetico fazendo a cama bater contra a parede
"Lou...tão grande" ela arqueia as costas sentindo louis acertar seu pontinho diversas vezes
As estocadas ficam cada vez mais desesperadas, o baixo ventre de louis contraia e seu pau pulsava, ele sabia que gozaria logo
Louis brinca com o clitoris inchando enquanto mordisca um dos peitos grandes que pulavam embaixo de si, harry puxava seus cabelos e gemia alto
"Goza pra mim" ele diz rouco não aguentando segurar o propio orgasmo
A garota tremeu e gemeu alto enquanto gozava em seu pau, o apertando e fazendo com que louis gozasse na camisinha gemendo e apertando a cinturinha fina
Ele saiu de dentro da garota e deitou do lado da mesma que tinha os olhos fechados e respirava pesado
Louis tentava assimilar oque tinha acabado de acontecer quando harry senta em cima de seu pau semi-ereto rebolando devagar e gemendo baixinho
Ele sorri e senta na cama colocando um dos peitos da cacheada na boca
Ele observou a garota pegar outra camisinha e colocar no seu pau ja duro antes de sentar devagar, louis poderia fazer um quadro e colocar em seu quarto para sempre ter aquela visão
Ele deitou no traveseiro observando a garota rebolar calmamente em seu pau. Ele tinha a visão perfeita da bucetinha vermelha engolindo todo o seu pau
Ele alcançou o celular na mesinha de cabeçeira abrindo a camera e começando a gravar a garota, que se molhou mais ainda ao saber que estava sendo filmada.
Era uma imagem invejavel, ela tinha as coxas abertinhas com alguns roxos igual a cinturinha que tinha a marca dos dedos de louis, a barriga lisinha tinha chupões que subiam pelo seu peito ate seu pescoço, os peitos pulavam conforme ela se movimentava e os labios estavam vermelinhos e levemente machucados pelas mordidas, as bochechas rosadas e os cachos suados e bagunçados, Os olhos fechados e a boca em formato de "O" gemendo. Louis estava insano
"Minha putinha, faz de tudo para agradar né amor?" Ele aperta a coxa da garota que geme e concorda com a cabeça
"Eu sou melhor né lou?" Ela fala em meio a uma mistura de gemidos e choramingos "melhor que ela"
"Muito melhor, nenem" ela se apoia na coxas de louis buscando o propio orgasmo
Ele filma o rosto de harry e depois seu pau entrando na bucetinha mais uma vez antes de para o video e jogar o celular na cama
Ele segura a cintura da garota e começa a estocar contra as quicadas da cacheada que começa a tremer e gritar em seu colo
"Oh lou tão bom" ela apoia a mão no propio baixo ventre enquanto arqueia as costas gemendo alto "tão fundo" ela podia sentir perfeitamente a cabecinha do pau em sua barriga, um relevo formando toda vez que o mais velho estocava, e louis quando notou isso ficou ainda mais insano do que possivel, tirando o pau da garota e tirando a camisinha antes de punhetar o pau gozando em jatos longos no propio abdomen, a garota que brincava com o propio clitoris goza molhando tambem todo o abdomen de louis
Ela se abaixa lambendo as tiras de gozo, tomando a porra antes de beijar louis mais uma vez e deitar em seu peito
"Puta que pariu" ela suspira fechando os olhos sentindo todo seu corpo relaxado
Louis acorda sozinho na cama, raios de sol passavam pela cortina do quarto, o local estava silencioso mas seu abdomen continuava preguento de porra e os lençois molhados mostrando que não foi tudo um sonho. Ele olha em volta não achando nenhum sinal de harry, apenas a calcinha branca jogada ao lado da cama. Seu celular vibrava com notificações, ele checa vendo mensagens de zayn perguntando onde ele tava na noite passada, porem as mensagem de sua namorada chamaram mais atençao
Que porra é essa louis?!
Não espere me encontrar na porra do apartamento quando voltar, filha da puta
Ele abriu a conversa confuso mas achou oque mais temia, o video de harry tinha sido enviado para sua namorada
Ele olhou na mesinha de cabeçeira achando um post-it
"Espero que tenha gostado do presente, e não, não vou dar meu numero
Boa foda alias :)
"Filha da puta" ele geme afundando na cama
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kanesersoor · 2 years
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_S T A M P E D E | 💋🤘🏾♠️ #artist #melanin #king #life #blackman #rockstar #eastside #kingday22 #food #family #selflove #father #prolific #paparazi #blackisbeautiful #proud (at Minding my Business) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChsKdukrA_-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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katthyacinth · 2 months
Vox x Singer/Celeb Reader Headcannons
im living for all the vox and like popstar or celeb reader fics so I have a few head cannons I wanna share.
When the public finds out paparazi eats that shit up like ur telling me one of the VEES is in love now that's good television
speaking of television mans totally brings you onto his show for "interviews" but it's just so he has an excuse to talk to you during his busy schedule
Since we all agree he's is possessive he loves it when you wear his cloths out/post in them bc you're showing everyone your his. Once again the netizens eat that up
Ship name that all your fans came up with if your a singer electropop <3
watches all your shows even if he can't be there in person he hacks the stadium/ theater (whatever venue or sets) cameras
Once again absolute control freak so doesn't trust any of your staff he fired them all and replaced them with his people. Assistant fired, your driver fired and he got you a new car that has voxtech in it (he needs to know where you are so your safe and totally not bc he's a stalker) your bodyguards especially if he thinks any of them get to close for comfort.
If you act and have any love interest on set u best believe (if somehow he even lets you do the film) hes keeping eyes on them 24/7 like a hawk to make sure they ain't even looking at you a second more than they contractually have to.
Helps you get jobs with velvet sometimes bc your gorgeous and deserve to be on the runway but 180 will not let val in a 30 ft radius of you. "Yes val they're a star NOT THAT KIND"
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total-drama-brainrot · 5 months
I like to imagine that Noah has little-to-no media presence outside of his tv appearances:
He refuses to give interviews or appear on talkshows, and the paparazi swear he must be a ghost because they never catch him in public. Any social media he has is set to private, and it's mostly just sporadic untagged posts with pictures of his golden labrador or his friends.
The only reason the in-universe fans even know he has an instagram/twitter/[universe alternative] is because Owen and Izzy keep tagging him in candid pictures they take of him on the rare occasion they can get away with it.
And every time this happens, it trends under #RareNoahSighting
... What I'm trying to say is he's cryptid-coded.
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banzaitaka · 2 years
Sakamaki+Mukami x gn! reader
Self-indulgent shit for the sake of my mental health
Diabolik Lovers Masterlist
Headcanon: does he like PDA?
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Let's just say: Shu doesn't mind it
It's rather amusing to him whenever you reach for his hand, hug him, try to kiss him and so on
It really is just an opening for teasing you about it
He rarely anitiates PDA himself, maybe when you're feeling down or it's a special occasion
Shu prefers laying down to cuddle, but since that's not that possible when you're out he has to wait until you're home
And in 8/10 times, you won't be able to escape your boyfriend's grasp
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Reiji isn't really a fan of PDA
He doesn't mind touching you while others can see it, he actually finds it exciting in a way, but he finds it rather inaproppriate in many cases
Hooking arms and holding hands is absolutely okay tho
But for everything else, you better wait for him to initiate it or ask him. He doesn't like being touched out of a sudden
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Ayato will get pissed if you push him away, PDA is a way of showing off who you belong to. So pushing him away is a way of saying you don't want others to know or worse- not wanting to be with him
Either way, Ayato will make sure he gets what he wants, so you better change your mind about PDA quick if you don't like it
He doesn't mind any form of affection in public. Bruh, he'd do anything with you in public, as long as he's the only one who sees you- that being your body and expression
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Kanato doesn't mind PDA, he ignores everyone around
So there is no difference in his way of showing you his love when you're in public or not
And that means he doesn't care who sees or hears you, if you fuck up in any type of way everyone will know
But really, as long as you don't make him jealous or something, you'll be fine
He really likes holding onto your arm
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Oh, boy, Laito doesn't give a shit
If anything, being out in public while getting handsy or kissing makes it even more exciting for him
He'll be blushing while looking at you with half lidded eyes before diving in for a smooch or hug
Will not care if your uncomfortable or embarrassed, would kind of love it if you don't mind people watching. But in any case, he actively seeks out a blush on your face or a stutter in your words
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Subaru is kind of okay with it
Will never initiate PDA though, only exception is when he's emotional or protective. But even in that case, he'd be a flustered mess, so don't point it out and just roll with it
Otherwise, or if anyone else says something about it, he'll get mad and let go of you or stop giving you kisses for the rest of the day
Unless you ask nicely and not in a teasing way
He'd still be grumpy though
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Ruki doesn't mind it as long as it's not getting in his way of doing things
It's unlikely he initiates it though, it's not like he doesn't want people to see it, he just doesn't think about holding your hand or anything along those lines
Would gladly do it if that's what you want though
He actually really likes it when you wrap your arms around him or give him a kiss in public
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Your hands exist for Kou to hold, your waist exists for Kou to wrap his arm around
He really doesn't want any paparazi or fangirls to stress about your relationship if they ever found out, but at the same time he doesn't want to cut off his affection for you
You don't like it? :( Awe, now he's all pouty, maybe even a bit irritated. Now he wants kisses as an apology
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Yuma is pretty casual when it comes to PDA
When he initiates it, then he initiates it
If you initiate it, then you initiate it
And that's about it
Sometimes it's chill and he just wraps an arm around you or dips down for a peck, but sometimes it's not so chill and he throws you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes while laughing at your squirming
One of the more sweet guys, if I may say so, but is still not above making out with you out in the open just to embarrass you
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Precious boy Azusa loves PDA, not because it's PDA, but because it's affection
He doesn't know when or how to initiate it, and really, he prefers you taking the lead in that regard either way
Every little touch of you is enough to make him the happiest vamp in the world, honestly
There is no preffered form of PDA because, again, he loves everything
He might get emotional at the end of the day, just overflowed with the little hints of love you showed him throughout the day, but damn, please don't stop doing it, give him one more kiss, please?
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taylor-moments · 9 months
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Taylor Swift at Studio City on 11 August 2015
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