#or how in FT it starts saying 'the deceased' when talking to indah but continues using 'the dead human' in its internal monologue
coquelicoq · 2 years
I said, "Can I examine the dead human now?" Indah just looked tired. "Can you humor me and please refer to the victim as 'the deceased' or 'the victim' during the course of the investigation?" She turned to go, not waiting for an answer. She missed Mensah mouthing the words stop it at me. (Fugitive Telemetry, 12-13) Thiago was standing out on said observation deck, trying to reason with a potential target. (That’s "potential" per the earlier conversation where Dr. Arada said Oh SecUnit, I wish you wouldn’t call people "targets" and Thiago had given me the look that usually means It just wants an excuse to kill someone.) (Network Effect, 9)
ugh, hate it when these special snowflakes ask me not to refer to people as "the dead human" or [checks notes] "the human who i'm gonna kill here in a minute," sooo annoying 🙄
#guess who has finally started the network effect reread slash notetaking endeavor? this guy!#and this is the very first thing i noticed#(i feel i should clarify that page 9 is the first page in my copy lol. i can be observant! when i try really hard!)#i just love mb's push-and-pull between how it wants to refer to things and how the humans want it to refer to them#and how it like. snarkily corrects itself in its narration in such a way that you can just feel the eyeroll#e.g. 'Prematurely eliminating the visible targets (excuse me‚ potential targets) on deck#might just tip us out of incipient shitshow into full-on shitshow.'#or how in FT it starts saying 'the deceased' when talking to indah but continues using 'the dead human' in its internal monologue#WHICH i just think is INCHERESTING especially alongside mb's crankiness about very benign preservation naming conventions#it wants to use the words it wants to use! this is a display of independence! but hey guess what mb sometimes#other people have rights too lmao and yeah sometimes you gotta make concessions to their delicate little sensibilities#like ''not wanting to think of people as 'dead members of my species' or 'about-to-be-dead members of my species'''#murderbot#mb identifiers#mb categorization#the murderbot diaries#my posts#f#linked to#i also think it's funny that mb took arada's feedback and just added the word 'potential'. like i don't think that's arada's problem here?#AND it's interesting that later when mb is doing the dramatic rescue it decides 'at the last second'#to change from 'kill-hits' to 'wound-hits' because 'Thinking of Arada’s sad face made me too uncomfortable'#HMM. MUCH 2 THINK ABOUT
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