#oohh is this the longest answer i've ever written to you 😳
kkulmoon · 3 years
Genshin Impact is actually a relatively new game, but it's super addicting so I guess it's my favorite currently 😂 i play a lot of games just to stress relieve, it help me to turn off my brain and give me a sense of accomplishment LOL and also to like... not feel lonelt during the pandemic cuz i been locked in for like a year now LMAO
And yeh the US situation is.... haaaaa.... i hate it here, save me TT^TT
Anyway!! YES JOON IS HUGE HE'S GETTING MORE AND MORE BUFF AND I'M GOING TO LOSE MY SHIT AND JK WHEN THAT HAIR GO UP INTO A MAN BUN, YOU ARE GONNA GET A FUNERAL INVITATION FROM ME CUZ I'LL BE 💀 the amount of time they make me choke on my own spit and water.... it's dangerous ;-;
And hush you cant lose a skill that quickly lmao, i havent ride a bike for like 5 years that doesnt mean I can no longer do it. And you can always open up request for a short while to get some ideas from people 👀
And oooo "sweet home" i heard a lot of good thing about it but i havent watch/read it yet, cuz i dont handle gore very well. And since sweet home is a webtoon, if netflix decide to not give it a second season, even tho they should, you can alway read the webtoon ;)
As for rant, not really, i just been very lazy now that second semester start and i just dont wanna do ANYTHING lol especially since it's my last year
My new year resolution... I wanna be happier *cue blue and grey* a lil too personal but uhhh TW i have severe depression and anxiety and all those good shit mental illness lol and I'm actually really bad at being nice to myself, so... i want to become better, i wanna unlearn negative things, i want to become happier, just a little every day, i'm much happier now than I was before so :D dont worry, love.
What about you? What's your new year resolution? 👀
Questions of the day!! If you could ask someone (dead or alive) a question that they HAVE to answer truthfully, who and what would you ask? -Valley's Lilies @valley-lilies
rippp that’s the reason why I am purposefully staying away from games cause I get stuck on things so easily and i KNOW there are tons of games out there that would catch my interest 😭😭😭 i’ll stay gameless for a few more years until i’m more disciplined lol, but honestly if that’s how you wind down and relax, go for it!!! i feel you so much on the lonely part, like now the bad kind of loneliness is creeping up on me 😳i’ve been locked up for a year too!!! i cannot believe it, it actually blows my mind, i’ve stayed indoors pretty much a whole year, it’s actually sick 😓
honey 🥺 i’m so sorry about it ;(((, like I really never know how to talk about it anymore cause saying the same things feels redundant, but hopefully things get better soon... let me tell you!!!! before the new year came I was only prepared to deal with joon’s big boy summer (or whole year for that matter) and then jungkook comes out NOWHERE, like i was doing good, what do you want from me!!!!!!??? i lost my marbles over that turtleneck manbun live, i can’t actually imagine seeing that now with his blonde hair I’ll just 💃💃→🪦,,,,, but back to the topic of buff joon WE ARE GETTING A LIVE TOMORROW AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i’m so excited for that, i’ve missed him a lot 🤧 also hun i’ve learned it the hard way but i refrain from drinking anything while watching bts perform or like their content, something ALWAYS happens 😭
uhmmm yeah i agree, but i’ve only been making gifs for 6 months 🥴i literally remade the gifs for my recent joon comps a whole of 3 times before i was kinda of satisfied 🤡ooohh i never know about requests cause i don’t think anyone would want to ask me to do something 👀 so i’ll just gif whatever i find 🤪
sweet home was without a doubt of the best series I watched in 2020, and yeah I’ll read the webtoon if they don’t make a second season, but i want the 2nd season SOOOOO BADDDDD , i’m really attached to the characters and i think the actors did a great job too 🥺, on the topic of series? what were you favourite series of 2020?
let’s raise a glass to that “To doing nothing!” 🥂i really feel you, but i’m just pushing myself and basically using my classmates’ motivation to keep me going, and soon i should feel better 😩you should also try to hold on!! no need to do great in school or anything but you’re close to end friend, you’ve got it!
that’s such a great resolution! and you’ve already done a lot of the work by recognizing the patterns, i’m sending you all the support 💖💓💞💖💓💞💖💓💞💖💓💞💖💓💞💖💓💞💖💓💞💖💓💞💖💓💞💖💓💞💖💓💞💖💓💞 and you’re right, be kinder to yourself and happier a little bit every single day and you’ll do great and if you don’t manage on some days that’s okay too love, there’s also kindness and love in letting yourself “fail” sometimes 🥰
oooo for this year I want to finish my first year of uni having passed all of my courses, i wan to get my driver’s license before the summer, move out, learn how to do a backflip lmao, and finish the two songs i have left to complete my ep 😌hmmmm yeah i think that’s all tbh 
ahhh god that’s such a hard question T^T , hmmm i would ask a question to my mother, the question would be “Do you regret living your live for you kids?” , i won’t get into the details but she sacrificed A LOT for me and my brother and I would be curious to know how she really feels about it....  what about you? who would it be and what question?
hmmm question of the day, since you like to game, if you got to the chance to have a game made just for you, what would it be and what would you include in it?
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