#only thing i'm seeing that can do shit is the millenium calendar and that definitely isn't supposed to be an answer
whatsthatmagiccard · 7 months
I've made you a puzzle! I think I narrowed it down to exactly one card
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Transcript just in case Tumblr compresses it:
As it turns out, your friend's cube constructed deck is much harder to beat than expected. They've used Waste Land and Crucible of Worlds to decimate your mana base. Your creatures have been obliterated by fireball after fireball, and you're staring down 14 Rukh tokens. Your modern food combo deck looks like chump change at this point. Luckily, you've found a way out with a card that you stole off your opponent a while back in the game. The board state is thus: Your opponent has an empty graveyard, after abusing You're In Command and mutate shenanigans to put pretty much everything into their command zone just to flex on your sorry ass, aside from a Gitaxian Probe on top of their library. They still control an island, 14 tapped Rukh tokens, an Ali from Cairo, a Laboratory Maniac, and 3 life. They resolved a blossoming calm last turn. Your hand is empty and your library is just basic lands at this point, and you've already made your land drop this turn. You have in play 4 food tokens, one Rat token (WOE), 3 wastes, and a mv 1 artifact that'll win you the game this turn. What is it?
(This some kind of trick question or what?)
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