#one time they're on a mission together and Dick loses his escrimas so he steals a knife from a thug
anawrites3 · 5 months
*Dick training with knifes and katanas*
Slade: I hope this doesn't awaken anything in me
It did, now the poor man have a knife kink 😔
This is so good lmao it actually made me laugh 😂💕 Thank you for sharing with me!
There was just something so different, about Dick training with actual knives. His little bird always was dangerous, even with just bare fists and no gadgets, but the cold steel in those hands made Dick look... lethal. Deadly, especially with that focused expression on his face, determined and dangerous.
And absolutely gorgeous. Slade quickly learned that he couldn't tear his eye away, no matter how hard he tried.
"Let's spar." He found himself saying one day, when just watching wasn't enough anymore.
Dick looked up at him with a raised brow that quickly turned into a smile. He beamed, as if he didn't just cut off the training dummy's arm and something warm pooled in Slade's stomach at how fast Dick could turn from a murderous weapon into the ray of sunshine.
"Sure! I'll kick your ass." Dick laughed, rolling the katana in his hand a few times, the same way he always did with his escrimas. "Let me just put this back-"
Dick, already on his way to the weapon rack, paused mid-step and glanced at Slade over his shoulder. "I'm not going to fight you with blades, Slade." He frowned. "You know I'm still getting used to the feeling of it. You're going to win way too easily and I'll be very pissed because you cut me so much-"
"I won't be using one." Slade interrupted him again, as if it was something obvious. Dick's frown deepened but he didn't say no yet so Slade continued, stepping closer. "You know training against a real opponent is way better than just smacking around some dummies, kid. I want to see how you're doing and even if you manage to nick me I'll heal up in no time."
"Nick you-" Dick repeated, indignant, but the grin on his lips betrayed him. "Oh, you're so on, old man."
Not able to stop himself anymore, Slade cupped Dick's jaw and leaned down to press their lips together. A small surprised gasp left Dick but he didn't try to move away, no, he kissed back with mirroring passion, burying his fingers into Slade's hair.
Slade hummed his approval. Dick still tasted like the curry they had for dinner and Slade licked into his mouth, chasing the taste of the spices.
"Try to win, little bird." He rumbled when they pulled away from each other. Dick's lips were slightly wet from their spit and he stroked his thumb over the lower one to wipe it off. "For every time you manage to cut me, you get a point."
"And how many points do I need to win?" Dick purred out, smiling.
Slade grinned in answer, "Try to get at least one, kid. Then we'll talk."
Time to test out a theory. There's to hope that it won't make Slade's slight obsession with Dick using knives even worse.
"Bring it on, old man." The curl of Dick's lips turned more sharp, more dangerous, as he pointed the blade at Slade's neck.
Yeah, he was fucked.
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