#one of the kindest and warmest people I've met in this fandom
my favorite teacher mutual!!!
honestly, reading all your posts abt your journey through teaching has really helped me to feel more confident in my own journey. i'm student teaching in the fall, so you've been a massive help in getting me prepared XD
you've got some of the absolute BEST takes in the cats fandom, specifically with your analysis posts abt the 2019 movie songs, and your writing style???? is so beautiful????
you're also just one of the kindest and warmest people that I've met on this website, and i'm so so lucky to have you as a mutual!!!
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andypantsx3 · 3 years
What are your favorite things about your moots?
Okay this turned into like an ode to their entire person, instead of just one thing. So this gonna be way too long, my apologies in advance. There's also the caveat that I'm lucky enough to talk to so many different peeps on here, so I will definitely have to do a part two. But let me answer for the moots I have talked to most recently!!
I also want to add an additional side note—when Pluvi did something like this the other day, she wrote something that I think is worth echoing. For asks like these, I feel like everyone involved (or even those who are excluded) looks at the people on the list and thinks that everyone on it is much closer to each other than they are, that these moots are doing something right that you’re not. But you never actually know how much someone talks to someone else, or what else goes on behind the scenes.
If anything about this list makes you feel insecure, please try not to let it. If the way I talk about someone else makes you feel insecure, or the fact that you’re not on part one of the list makes you feel insecure, please know that I think the world of you, and this really is just a quick draft for some of the people I’ve spoken to lately. 
I love you and you mean so much to me!!!!!
So with that being said, and without further ado, here we go lol:
Though she's deactivated, I want to start with @arestorationofbalance. Rest is truly one of the warmest, most thoughtful, kindest people in fandom, and I have made so many additional friends through her. From her kindness to her writing to her home decor, she is the epitome of the kind of person I'd someday like to be. The actual queen of my heart.
@adimelymanner: Dimes is a literal agent of chaos. She is so effortlessly funny, always in your corner, and one of the realest people I've ever met. She's the friend you always look forward to talking to, the kind you can't help but be in a good mood when you think about. She's also written some unpublished fics that have traumatized me for life but I forgive her because I love her so much.
@bobawithpomegranate: Even though she doesn't even watch BNHA anymore, Shay has sowed so much discord in the BNHA fandom and I am here for it. She's the kind of open, enthusiastic personality who is literally friends with the entire fandom, and we all even forgave her for lewding Aoyama. A legend.
@cat-slippered: Cat is the human embodiment of bright, buttery sunshine. Cat is so warm, so thoughtful, so generous, and so genuine about literally everything. Cat's writing is a manifestation of their personality; so open and full of love in a way that I would give anything to write like. An angel.
@ofmermaidstories: Merms is the fandom sweetheart for a reason. She's so cute, so sweet even when she's being salty, and so kind and good like a Disney princess. Her writing is basically unparalleled, so deep and rich, like a warm mug of hot chocolate. I'm routinely jealous of her work and I am maybe also frantically working soul-switching rituals on the side so I can steal her talent for my own.
@pluviophile-imagines: Pluvi is one of the best people in this fandom, hands down. She's so friendly, so open, and so creative, I want her brain so bad it eats me up. To me, she is a legend. I read her work before I ever even started writing, and to this day I think she's one of only maybe three writers who can write Deku (and also her Hawks fic PB&PC is the standard for all other Hawks fics). She's actually one of the reasons I got into writing in the first place; truly an inspiration.
@meliapis: One of my oldest friends in the fandom. Meli is so fun, so bright, and so inherently sweet my teeth ache when I think of her lol. She's a one woman hype squad, which is intensely flattering when you read her work and realize she's the actual master of characterization. Maybe the best in the fandom. She even made me love her OC in her Bakugou fic and I don't even read OCs!! She is a gem, as a person and as a writer.
@ghost-flakes: Another of my oldest moots! Sometimes we go a significant amount of time without checking in, but when we do, I feel like I’m being pulled into a warm hug. Ghost is one of those people who is just inherently good down to their bones—so positive, so peaceful to talk to. Ghost is also an amazing writer, whose writing is so excellent I’ve read multiple Kurogiri fics (and I don’t even like Kurogiri lol).
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voidhunting · 4 years
You are, without a single doubt, one of the warmest and kindest and funniest people that I've met ever since I came back to this fandom! Seeing you on the dash always makes me happy and I really hope that we'll have the chance to interact a lot more in the future! Keep on being awesome, you're great at it (◕◡◕✿)
      // aaaa ty a lot for the kind words, you’re too sweet!!! i’m glad you like seeing my posts and know the feeling is mutual! don’t hesitate to hmu for threads uwu
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