#one day i’ll return to riyosoka
sirloozelite · 4 years
Very sad to hear you want to stop writing Star Wars fics. It’s sad because you’re such a talented writer, and one of the only writers keeping Kaesoka alive. I will be very sad to see you go, I hope you can change your mind
Hey anon....
I’m sorry too, believe me I am. I feel guilty about doing this but I just can’t find any real enjoyment out of Star Wars anymore, especially not if the only character (aside from the Ghost Crew) that kept me interested in the story has been offscreen killed for the sake of a two second cameo voice over where she said practically nothing of worth. I get that people think I’m being ridiculous, as I’ve already seen some comments about it, but it’s a matter of how I feel in the end of the day, and I just don’t feel like forcing myself anymore.
I am going to finish Agent of the Chancellor though, unless of course I get a bunch of people reminding me how pathetic I am and how I should go kill myself instead. In that case... well... I’ll let you fill in the void there.
Thank you for your compliments though. I personally think I’m a rubbish writer but if you enjoy them that’s all that matters to me, and I’m glad you liked my Kaesoka stuff. It is an underrated ship for Ahsoka among the sea of Rexsoka, Luxsoka, Barrissoka, Riyosoka and Anisoka, and that’s why I wanted to go for it. I might still write some stuff for them from time to time though as I enjoy writing their relationship together.
Maybe one day I will change my mind and come back full time. There was a sequel originally planned for Agent which I’ve now cancelled, though that could change you never know. Even if it doesn’t I’ll still be around on Tumblr so feel free to pop by and ask questions or requests prompts or something. (that goes for everyone mind you)
End of the day the real reason I’m leaving is to ensure the stability of my mental health. Finding out about the cameo and what it implied caused a rush of depression and anger, which in turn resulting in the near destruction of my Ahsoka novel and a severe lack of sleep. I can’t have that, and if I have to part from the franchise to heal my mind then that is a sacrifice I will need to take, regardless of how I am judged for such actions.
All in all, I am sorry. I don’t want to go, but for the meantime I have to. That said, think of this as a ‘see you later’ rather than a ‘goodbye’. Things could change you never know. :)
Though before I go, here is some Kaesoka fluffiness just for you anon:
Ahsoka: Hey?
Kaeden: Yeah?
Ahsoka: You ever think about when we met?
Kaeden: You mean when I got captured and tortured by an Inquisitor? And how you came and rescued me when you didn’t have to and defeated the Inquisitor without any weapons? How you saved us all that day without asking anything in return?
Ahsoka: ... you’re making me seem a lot more badass than I actually am.
Kaeden: Not true. Sometimes I don’t think you realize just how special you are.
Ahsoka: Um.. thanks, I think.
Kaeden: No problem. Fancy a takeout tonight?
Ahsoka: Sure. I’ll pay.
Kaeden: You spoil me sometimes.
Ahsoka: After that flattering speech you just gave me I think you deserve it.
Kaeden: XD
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