#one day I'm gonna say ''screw it!'' and start making essay long posts about them >:D
pinkestsorbet · 1 year
The 3am insomnia is back~
...though that implies it ever left in the first place...
I should probablg turn the silly bedtime filter back on my phone but that requires effort and I don't have enough to spare :P
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lordartsy · 2 years
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A3! 5 year anniversary countdown: ~After-talk~
This is basically an annoyingly long A/N, none of you have to read it.
January's now over...!! How'd you guys do in the event? I was completely and utterly destroyed by it! ☆
I mean, imagine me, alright? I'm just a little guy. I've got like 300 something something gems to spend, and I have two favorite characters, I'm gonna try getting them both!
So I get kazu, right? Cool! My future's looking bright! Maybe I can get tsuzu too, right? Wrong!
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I could sit here and complain about my rolls in detail, but the long and short of it is that I got a LOT of itarus and citrons (one full bloomed r itaru, one full bloomed sr itaru, an ssr christmas itaru, and SIX anniversary citrons!! Thats enough citrons to form a whole wakiwaki-gumi!!). I call them the Partners In Crime Duo (Sr +60%) because they basically robbed me blind
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Murder! I spent like 800+ on the spring scout alone, dude!
And tsuzuru's in the tease for the next event...!!? All this pain and suffering...!!
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.... Welp, setting my grudges aside.
Doing the anniversary series was a real educational experience for me. I learned a lot of things, like:
- doing something that takes as much time as this series did requires a lot of planning ahead, and its my bad for winging it
- how to draw like 23 different flowers
- being passionate about your work is cool and all but not sleeping and forgetting to eat will land you in the hospital! (twice!!)
- a weak tablet (broken screen) + pointy finger (worn out from drawing/gaming) is NOT an optimized drawing set-up (and one of these days im gonna get me a proper drawing tablet but for now, I'll have to make do)
Because of said unoptimized set-up on top of an already bumpy schedule, there were a lot of ideas i had to throw out the window in order to make room for time (even though compromising on backgrounds/shading/details/etc. was already supposed to give me more time, :ugly_crying:). Of course there are sketches and ideas thats completely different from the final product, but i also wanted to draw some minor characters as part of the countdown if i had the time to. Unfortunately, Sakoda decked out in full "Sakyo Oshi" gear is gonna have to wait.
Speaking of concepts and ideas, here are the anniversary pictures that i had planned to go together! (read: PLANNED to go together— they don't, but i hastily edited it to make it kinda look like it does??)
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Hindsight powers activating, i really should've drawn them together THEN separated them instead of drawing them separately from the start. Ahh, let this be yet another learning experience for me.
Yknow, the original idea was to have a very simple piece of the character just going about their day, followed by a <100 words essay about something i like about them. It was like that for the first few days and then I completely threw it out the window the more into it I got. Sorry for making you guys read essays about my thoughts on the characters, I literally didn't mean it.
.... No, screw it. I promised myself not to say anything mean about the game or the characters during the entire run, but im sick of being nice to these guys! I'm gonna say something mean about every single one of them!!
Sakuya's an airhead, dense main character edition! Masumi's a creep! Tsuzuru's ordinary as hell! Itaru's a goddamn gremlin! Citron's a weirdo! Chikage :/ Tenma's a pompous rich kid! Yuki's an asshole! Muku's head is stuffed with nothing but clouds! Misumi is literally some kind of alien! Kazunari's annoying! Kumon's obnoxious! Banri :/ Juza's an airhead, socially incompetent edition! Taichi has nothing going on in the brain! Omi kindly shares his brain cells with Taichi, but at what cost! Sakyo's a boomer! Azami's a brat! Tsumugi and Tasuku share a single brain cell, and they lost it during a street act! Hisoka acts like a pain in the ass! Homare's pretentious! Azuma's a slut! Guy is an airhead, language barrier edition!
..... If you've read any of my posts you would know i dont mean any of that (... some of these, at least). Coming up with some of those was very hard; insulting these guys was a lot harder than i thought it'd be.
If you somehow read through all of that, then thank you! Thank you for putting up with the things I say, and thank you for supporting the countdown series! Seeing the things people say in the tags has been a wonderful experience for me, and I'm glad to have provided some sort of entertainment for you all! Thank you again, and see you next time!
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