#one day I'll also talk about his 5 other careers bc they're also absolutely insane and he also thinks nothing of them
handern · 8 months
since some of you find these endearing, have some dad update :
he made me stand by the porch of a random countryside church some 4 years ago so he could estimate the height and width of said porch and with that he came to the conclusion that the porch was a later addition
he only now managed to find proof of that through the description of the porch he found in an architecture book from the late 19th century that said that one of the windows is early gothic even though when we were there it was OBVIOUSLY gothic imitation you know
so now he managed to not only track back when that porch was destroyed (after the publication of that book) he identified who was in charge of rebuilding it through a publication in a very local savants' newspaper from the early 20th century that he managed to unearth despite the fact that the article was about another church and only mentioned the one he was interested in in passing (he knew the names of all the local church architects already as you do, and knew that other church had been repaired in the same time period he guesstimated for the one he was interested in)
he is in the process of making a whole multi layer map with the dimensions of the church through time
it can't be used in wikipedia bc it's research and wikipedia only allows solid sources, personal works are forbidden and he refuses to share his work w the local savant society bc they're not academics and "run by some holy water font frogs" so he's just doing that for fun now
he swore for 6 months he wouldn't work as hard on the inside of that church's description as he did on the outside bc the vocabulary is a lot more specific. He of course failed this and I have received multiple texts and emails that mention how much he hates architecture
also he has an architecture expert nemesis now, a guy nobody heard about who died 80 years ago
all this was caused bc I wanted to visit the bat museum near that church 4 years ago
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