#once ​saw someone giving that ''use minecraft to make ur scenes to help with perspective'' thing to . loish.
shopcat · 10 months
i actually have so many digital art specific opinions obv that i just keep to myself bc i find it soo obnoxious to just be like Um actually this is how u do this just for myself bc i don't even post my work so it just feels hollow or something 😭 or like even people who do it in a normal way but are beginners themselves i would just rather die than do that. no one ever listen to me what the hell do i know.
but i think if u can't create what ur creating on a basic program like sai or something and rely too heavily on all the cool tools especially ones in procreate or even csp you can be limiting urself and ur growth. esp as a beginner to digital art or just in general .. or maybe in even kinder wording if ur art isn't working out the way u want to u need to stop muddling ur workspace with all these different brushes and overlays and textures and Hacks and stuff bc like YES they do definitely help and there is no problem with anyone using them (like as IF traditional artists use just One Brush in a painting !!! they don't) and things like i don't know that mirroring tool thing or having ur stabiliser up super high can help sometimes especially if ur going for a particular style like that but if ur feeling LOST about it i think u need to just do the digital art equivalent of using a black ball point and scribbling in a lined workbook. use some default brushes adjust them to ur liking make lots of what ur doing instead of chipping away at one Big thing and getting frustrated. is one thing.
another is it's crazy to see professional artists post on tiktok or something and the comments are like insane for the context 😭 like i don't think they need ur advice man that's wild
and third and this will get me shot at with arrows twitter and tiktok and insta all have different art communities and they are in my humble opinion so much more unbelievably better than tumblrs that it's crazy and just surrounding urself with inspiration can obviously help u as an artist so i think even just occasionally going on any of these is good for ur soul.. and also just watching tutorials and speedpaints alone still "counts" as furthering ur own art. imagine trying to sit down and do like a maths problem without having the prior explaination on how to even do it and trying to work it out like that'd be near impossible if u have little to no foundation AND if u did have that knowledge but not the equation to fill out u would still be ABLE to do it or at least try to so in that way literally Just watching tutorials can make you evolve further. y'know. watching and learning from others is GOOD and important before i even got my tablet i just spent HOURS and hours watching other artists on youtube and even tiktok Yes and i do genuinely believe it helped me a tonne and formed a good foundation and i felt less like afraid to do things. and still does help like i said.
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