#on the other I keep thinking of that destiel meme about abo fics
apermanentsituation · 7 years
Rules: Always post the rules, answer the questions given to you, then write 10 questions of your own, and tag 10 other people.
Thank you, @helakkas, for tagging me!
1. Autumn or spring?
I like spring better, but autumn is probably closer to my character, although it does make me feel incredibly blue. I like the wind, and the apprehension it brings is inspiring.
2. What is your introductory fic to SPN fandom, or which fic drew you in?
Before destiel, I didn’t even read slash, mind you, and I didn’t have a tumblr at the time, and it’s basically all just @debatchery​‘s fault, because I was going through her blog, wondering when is she going to stop blogging about this stupid American TV show and get back to Doctor Who, and then a ficlet or two caught my eye, and...
I think the first SPN fic I remember reading was a ficlet about Dean showing Cas how to ice-skate or something. But the first fic that came to my mind when I read this question was Named, because honestly.
3. How many countries have you visited?
Not so many, to be honest, and much fewer than I’d like to, because I keep visiting different parts of the same countries. Germany, France, Monaco, Spain, Portugal, UK, Italy, Croatia, Turkey, Egypt, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Peru, Bolivia... 15, then?
4. What is your favorite book and/or writer?
No, please, don’t make me do this.
(Recently I love Italo Calvino, though.)
5. What’s the latest movie you’ve seen in theaters?
Dunkirk. To quote someone on Twitter: “I’ve never been this scared for so many twinks at the same time”.
It was very good.
6. Cinematically, what is your favorite SPN episode? Not because of the plot or the lack thereof, but because of the shots and angles?
Wow. Okay. This is one of those questions where I know immediately I’m going to come back to it in a few days and hate my answer, because it’ll turn out that I forgot about something obvious and major.
First of all, I kind of have a tag for that.
Let’s be honest here - SPN is not always all that great or exceptional when it comes to their cinematography, but it has its moments. But that’s the thing - imho, it’s more about moments/scenes than entire episodes in general? This video shows it quite nicely.
(Coincidentally, it’s also my absolute favourite SPN fanvid/the best SPN fanvid I’ve ever seen. If I didn’t watch the show and saw this, I’d pee myself out of sheer awe. I would immediately need to know what is it and where can I watch it.)
That being said, let’s go with a classic - Baby is a masterpiece. It’s fun, it looks incredibly cool, it’s very well done. Generally, I think SPN does surprisingly well with limited spaces - remember The Vessel? Or Jus in Bello? Yeah.
I’m also firmly in the SPN s1-5 darkness club. I don’t care it made all the gifs impossible to colour. I loved this shit. Looked so gritty, so incredibly badass. It sucked you in.
7. What movie/book/TV show world would you like to visit, or even live in?
Basically any of them where magic exists and mysterious things happen. The Edge from The Edge Chronicles. Night Vale. And the Discworld, even if just for a chance of speaking with Granny Weatherwax.
8. What’s the last CD you bought?
Morrison Hotel by the Doors. More recently - the vinyl of Kate Bush’s Never For Ever.
9. What are your favorite tropes in fanfic?
Oh man. oh man
There’s not enough time in the world to dive into all my ff preferences - and for me it’s more about avoiding the few very definitive squicks that I have and giving everything else a chance. God only knows, I’ll read it almost anything as long as it’s well-written.
(There’s this one ABO that I want to loathe on principle, because, duh, it’s ABO, but it’s... so... good...)
In general, I tend to gravitate towards stories about equal partnership. I genuinely love power couples (well, duh). I also have a huge soft spot for enemies/rivals-to-lovers. And slow burn. God. Give me some nice long angsty slow burn and I’m good.
10. Comments versus kudos - which do you prefer, both leaving and getting for a fic?
I love comments, obviously. And I actually even like leaving them, only I’m shitty at it, because of my very poor time-management skills and general chaotic nature. I can never just sit down, write two nice sentences and be done with it, you know? It always has to be a goddamn epic, much like the answers to this silly tagging game
My (very boring and predictable) questions:
1. Favourite SPN episode and why?
2. Favourite fictional character?
3. Any ideas you haven’t written yet because you keep procrastinating?
4. Favourite meme. Yes, I’m serious.
5. A fic that changed you forever?
6. If you could become someone else for a day, who would you choose?
7. Favourite famous real life person?
8. You can grab a coffee with one member of the entire SPN cast and production team. Who do you choose and why?
9. What is one thing about yourself you’re most proud of?
10. If you could pick one work of fiction that suits you the best, that has the most “you” vibe - what would it be?
Tagging: @debatchery, @smutverser, @bamf-castiel, and anyone else who feels so inclined.
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